Post your best organizational, space saving and trip making secrets here!!

Kid sized eating utencils! First Years (I think) makes a semi-disposable kit with interlocking plastic plates and utencils - they work great and the kids are much happier and neater at meal times. Love all the ideas!
plastic cable ties - I always throw a few in my carryon - and I usually end up using them for the craziest things! wont' break - just snip with nailclippers when you are done!

also - small bungees cords from $1store helped get all our bags/carseat through the airport and especially once we had our checked luggage, out to the rental car on the luggage cart.
One thing that we used a lot during our last trip was our Tupperware FlatOut container. This is what it looks like:

I think I've seen that Rubbermaid makes something like this, too.

Every day, I would toss a flattened container in my backpack and whenever we had leftovers that I thought we'd eat later (fruit, cookies ,etc), I expanded the container and put the food in. It worked out great because when my DD5 was hungry later in the day, I could offer her the leftovers for snack.....and it didn't take up much room in my backpack when empty. And the food wouldn't get crushed as it might have in a ziploc.

One thing that we used a lot during our last trip was our Tupperware FlatOut container. This is what it looks like:

I think I've seen that Rubbermaid makes something like this, too.

Every day, I would toss a flattened container in my backpack and whenever we had leftovers that I thought we'd eat later (fruit, cookies ,etc), I expanded the container and put the food in. It worked out great because when my DD5 was hungry later in the day, I could offer her the leftovers for snack.....and it didn't take up much room in my backpack when empty. And the food wouldn't get crushed as it might have in a ziploc.

GREAT TIP! Escpeially to take home desserts if you are on the DDP, many places had brownies and we ended up giving away 2 or our 4 at almost every meal becauseI knew they would never survive in the backpack..
I don't know if this has been said (since I haven't read previous pages) but I just thought of this. We leaving in 25 days and are staying at a value. Since storage space is limited we are bringing our son's closet organizer with us. You know the vertical kind that has a compartment for each day. That way we can hang his clothes on the closet rack provided in the room and save the drawer space for me and DH. :wizard:
And the great ideas just keep coming!! GREAT ideas about the bungee cords and Tupperware containers.

I have a new tip to add. Last year @ the Disney Outlet store @ WDW I happened upon a plastic folder (you know the ones you tie the string between 2 circles?) that is semi-transparent but waterproof & indestructable??

Anyway, I keep this folder on top of the fridge and put EVERYTHING in it for our upcoming trip in Sept. This includes all the kids disney dollars, necklace ID holders, coupons (for rental car), Publix card, coupons, travel itineraries, you name it!! Keeps everything in one place, and is AWESOME to go through every once in awhile to keep me excited.

One more tip, if you plan on grocery shopping offsite in WDW, like publix, kroger, etc. Sign up for their discount shopping card before your trip and have it mailed to you. This way, you can get the lowest prices on your shopping without having to fill out their forms and/or wait for the card.
I posted this on another thread also...

Toddlers who throw shoes:

If you have toddler who is "shoe throwing" write your cell phone number on the bottom inside his/her shoes. I haven't tried it a Disney yet but it has worked here in the "real world" for me!
I have a new tip to add. Last year @ the Disney Outlet store @ WDW I happened upon a plastic folder (you know the ones you tie the string between 2 circles?) that is semi-transparent but waterproof & indestructable??

Anyway, I keep this folder on top of the fridge and put EVERYTHING in it for our upcoming trip in Sept. This includes all the kids disney dollars, necklace ID holders, coupons (for rental car), Publix card, coupons, travel itineraries, you name it!! Keeps everything in one place, and is AWESOME to go through every once in awhile to keep me excited.

I do the same thing!!! It's just a great, easy way to have everything in one place. Did you have any idea how popular your thread would become?! :thumbsup2
Another medicine taking tip I use, not just for Disney but for the giant first aid kit I keep in the back of my car --

Use a days of the week pill reminder case to take a few pills of 7 different kinds of medicine, that way you don't have to take all the bottles. I use it for prescription meds especially. I just put a label in it identifying each med and it's dose. For example, the one I just refilled has Sun: Percocet 1 q4-6hrs, Mon: Ambien, Tues: Relpax 1 at headache onset, may repeat X1, Wed: Compazine q6-8 for nausea etc. I'm lucky that I can purchase just a few pills of each med from my hospital pharmacy (and even luckier that as a doc I can write for them myself!) as I don't need a full prescription of everything, but never know what we may need a dose or 2 of. It has been a lifesaver more than once on trips or at meets or tournaments. Most other parents know about my "goody bag" so come to me for their emergency needs. Sure beats a late night trip to the 24 hour pharmacy or even worse the emergency dept!

On long (>5days) trips, I also take a course of antibiotics with me (actually 2 -- bactrim and zithromax). This would only be worth it if you / your family gets frequent infections and you KNOW when you have it. (If you only THINK you have a bladder infection / ear infection / etc, it is critical to get checked out by a doc,) Let's be honest, if you get them all the time, you know when you need these meds and you don't want to waste vacation time at the ER or miserably sick.:rolleyes1
take one that does not have a million pockets.... as Disney security will require that every pocket be opened for inspection, a backpack that has only a couple of pockets and /or zippers will get you into the park much more quickly.

Also, a waterproof backpack is extra helpful - for those wet rides and any downpours....:cheer2:
This is a GREAT Thread! I'm kinda new to posting though. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has found any cheap cooling towels? I don't know what they are called, but I found some last summer at a sports supply store, but they were $10 each, and I think we lost it! They are kind of a thick foam towel that is stiff until it's wet, but it absorbs a lot of water, and stays cool to the touch. Great for hot days at the park. Hoping someone has seen some that are cheaper! thanks!!!

I get something similar to that at Wal-Mart. It is usually in the sporting goods section. They are very small and flat until you get them wet. I think they have some kind of silicone or something in them. They stay cool for a long time.
I am making my first trip back to WDW since moving away from Orlando 20 years ago! It has changed so much since then--when planning a Disney trip consisted of deciding what time to get there in the morning.

I plan to make neck coolers sized for both kids (dd turning 5 on the trip & dd who will be 8 months old). I'll also make them for each adult, since my California born-&-raised dh will no doubt complain endlessly about the humidity.
You sound incredibly ready. but what's a neck cooler?
Can you share how you make a neck cooler? I will be 28 weeks pregnant and I am sure very hot! This may help me stay in the park with my 2 little ones a bit longer.

Thanks for sharing
Sorry - I didn't take time to read through the whole list. So, I hope this isn't a repeat.

Since I didn't do the shoe organizer trick, I made do by setting up the ironing board and spreading out extra toiletries and my own little pharmacy on the ironing board.

DH was impressed with my ingenuity (which is saying a lot since he's pretty creative). It was very handy. I also kept my ziplocs of receipts and memorabilia on the ironing board - they were handy when I was emptying my pockets in the evening.

Hey Leah!

Thanks for the ziploc tip! I know, I know--it's SO obvious, but I've never done it! DUH!

I'm always throwing receipts in my suitcase or purse, then scrambling for them later when I get home! :confused3

DUH! Ziploc--easy solution!

One other tip--not new, but different--just found at W/M one of those Sterlite, blue-topped plastic container. It's PERFECT (i.e., just the right height) for medicine BOTTLES (i.e., kids' cough syrup, etc.). We just took a trip to FL, and I could put just about EVERYTHING from my medicine cabinet at home in thermometer, bottles of meds, boxes of med/bandages, etc. And, it has the handle on top to cart it around. Perfect! Then, I just store it a corner section of the wire rack in the bathroom when I get to Disney--out of the way but still there if we need it!

What a great thread!:thumbsup2 Here are some of my favorite things:

A small beach pail- I take one of my DS pails and put shampoo, conditioner, and body wash in it. Then when I get to the room, I unclip one side of the bucket and loop it over the shower rod! It keeps everything up and away from DS reach and he plays with the bucket in the tub. I also use it to rinse him at the end of the bath with fresh water from the spout.

A blister kit- I use the ever handy ziploc bag and fill it with pre-cut rounds of moleskin, first aid cream with pain reliever, and a matchbook that has needles taped under the matches. That way if I need to pop one, I just take out a needle, heat it up and it's sanitized. By pre-cutting the rounds, you don't have to worry about not having scissors in the parks.

A clear jumbo trash liner- I bring one a day into the park and leave it under the stroller. If it remotely looks like rain when we park the stroller, I bag it and it's all dry when we get back to it. Ponchos can blow away and now I don't have to worry. I have also seen people use a plastic drop cloth and clothespins.

Old clothes for DS- He'll be almost 3 for our next trip and I've done this twice before. I pack an old sweatshirt, tee shirt and shorts/pants that have seen better days. I put them in the bottom of the stroller and leave them. If they "walk off" there's no worry and I don't have to tote an extra pair of clothes in the backpack when we park the stroller.

The Pop Up Hamper- No one can sing the praises of this invention enough!:thumbsup2 :thanks:

The stop-over bag: When we drive, we usually spend one night each way, so I pack one bag with everyone's stuff for that night in it. Even if I bring in all the suitcases, we don't have to open them up and dig around in them.

Keep those tips coming!::yes::


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