PPB's Super-Forever TR! DisDivas Trip TR Coming SOON!


So after our delicious lunch, we went to the bathrooms that are right there in the downstairs eating area and headed back down the little hill and into NOS. We stopped at HMH and the standby wait was something like 13 minutes so we got in line. They had the whole queue open, so we got to see the pet cemetary.




A squirrel? Skunk?


This was that crazy wood thing that Jasmine so beautifully took a picture of last year.



Stitch waiting in line.


I do like the HMH overlay. I like the original better, but I do enjoy the overlay. We wandered around NOS and made our way to Frontierland. As we were passing the ROA, Tiana's Showboat Jubilee was playing. The costumes, music, everything was fantastic. We should have stopped to watch it, but we didn't. I didn't even get pictures of it.

We made it to BTMRR and the line was again, 10 minutes.



With not very many people in line, I got to stop and take pictures of everything!




I always have so much laughing and laughing on this ride. Ahh, so fun!

We walked over toward Big Thunder Ranch or whatever it is called and saw reindeer Pluto!


And Santa's reindeer, And I learned this yesterday, male reindeer shed their antlers before winter, so all of Santa's reindeer are girls! Interesting, huh?


Reindeer are really smelly. Like smelly livestock. Blech.



This one was drinking by herself.


We walked through and came out in Fantasyland.


I just love Fantasyland!


Wheelchair and stroller parking in front of Monstro!


We didn't ride anything in Fantasyland and just went to Tomorrowland.



We went inside the store that's the exit of Star Tours (what's the name of this store?). And they have the coolest stuff in here. Like this awesome shirt (they have a pin with the same thing).


And this super cool piggy bank.


I love that the bird was so comfortable around people to just be hanging out by the turnstiles! I guess it is used to all those thousands of people piling into DLR every day.

Oh no! The Christmas tree mission was hard? I figured most of the 'good' trees (the overlooked ones) were in shops or restaurants, but was it hard to get near them? That si kind of what I thought - that maybe if people are crowded around the trees, it would be hard to snap photos.

As for the AP, where is the AP processing center now? By the Plaza Pavilion? Is that the new Bank? And how much did you pay up front to get the monthly payment so low? It must have been more than the $72 they require, right? Also, on what date every month do they deduct the payment? Do they select a day of their own or do they just choose the same date you came in to get the AP every month?

Anyway, I am tuned in, so can't wait for the rest of the fun and merriment!!!:santa::cool1:

Another CM said that the hawk was there to regulate Mickey's family members. :eek: :rotfl:

Most of the trees were in the stores and some stores didn't have trees (like the Star Tours store, well I didn't see one, and Jesus and I were on the look out). There were a lot of trees near the ornament displays in the stores. Pooh's Corner had a very cute themed tree that I took a picture of.

My payments are going to be taken out every month on the 2nd (the day I got my AP). The CM didn't tell me this, but they took out my first months payment that day. I'm sure it said it in the contract though. I put the price of a 1 day PH down, so $97. And I got the Deluxe, so it came out to $16/month. And yeah, the new bank is the Plaza Pavilion. It's set up just like the old bank was.

More is coming!

Sorry that you have been sick.

I loved the coffee maker at the HOJO. DH had to go buy me one for Christmas after our stay there. You two figured out the short cut after only two walks to DL? I don't think I figured it out until our last day...and that was because DH showed me.

Having an AP sounds like such a great deal. Makes me want to move closer so I could go more often and have a need for an AP. :laughing:

Great start. Cannot wait to read more.

Hiya! :goodvibes

Thank you! I feel okay now, just super congested.

Yeah, I loved that coffee maker too! It was soo neat! The short cut through the pool area? That's where we went, but it didn't work when the pool was closed, the gates automatically lock themselves. But we went through the pool area and made a right into that parking lot and went that way. It was a lot quicker then going around and through the front!

I love having an AP, I have no excuses why we can't go! :yay: You should move closer, just to be close to Disneyland, that's soo worth it! :rotfl:

We then went on Buzz Lightyear and I lost, again. This ride is hard to me, I guess it's my hand eye coordination? I tried to take a picture of our scores, but I couldn't get it.



After Buzz, it was around quarter to 4, so we decided to head over to DCA.


C is for Courtney!


We went into the Greetings from California store and I found a Christmas tree!


And another one!


And one more!


They were all near the ornament displays.

I have no idea why we went to DCA just to look in the store. I think because we were looking for a birthday present for Jesus' Mom? Her birthday is the same day as his (the 5th) and he was planning on using his Fun Card to get his Mom something (aww). So the whole trip we were looking for something she would enjoy. I think that's why we went there. Because then we left! It was starting to get cold, so we wanted to change and then come back (the park closed at 9pm that day).


We walked by to our lovely hotel, the Hojo!


So our plan was to go to Garden Walk and get some dinner from California Pizza Kitchen, eat, and then head back to the parks for fireworks and closing. We also wanted to take some clothes to the dryer down the hall and freshen them up. So we change, get our clothes together and head to the laundry room. The dryer only takes quarters and all we have is 50 cents and dollar bills, (it was a dollar for 45 minutes of drying). There were no change machines in the area, so Jesus said "put it in the soda machine and then press the button to get you money back." So I do that, and the machine won't give me my dollar back. Then I put my 50 cents in just to buy a soda (they cost $1.50) and it wouldn't read my 50 cents! So it was saying it had a dollar in there and it wouldn't come out! The machine took my $1.50!!! We go back to the room and I call the front desk to tell them their machine stole my money, the front desk girl tells me to go down there and she'll refund my $1.50, sweet. I also needed to get change to use the dryer, so I'll do that while I'm over there too. Well before I decided to head over there, I wanted to unpack my clothes so they wouldn't wrinkle, and my shampoo bottle exploded in my bag! The only thing that got covered in shampoo was my DCA sweatshirt. Boo! So Jesus my hero takes it and washes it in the bath tub while I go get my $1.50 and some change. When I come back he's still trying to get the soap suds out! I suggested we just wash it, but it would have taken too long especially with our plans for dinner, and he said he could get all the suds out just fine. After a couple minutes he does and we had fun wringing the thing out so it wasn't soaking wet and after that we were ready to take my sweatshirt and our other clothes to the dryers. We go back to the laundry room and all the dryers are full! ARGH! The one with the least amount of time was 35 minutes. Ohhhh boy. It was already like 6 something and we were hungry. So we just decided to call it a night from going to the parks and just go get dinner, bring it back and watch TV.

We waited another 40 minutes and went back to put our stuff in the dryer. By the time our clothes was dry (and my sweater was clean with no shampoo spots!) it was close to 8. I called California Pizza Kitchen to place our order and we headed to Garden Walk. If you have an AP, you get a 20% discount, so this made our bill less than $40. And we ordered an appetizer, 2 entrees and a dessert. And the guy was supposed to give me $3 and some change and he just gave me $4. By the time I realized it we were walking to the car, I was so confused.

Our dinner was delicious. I had a salad and it was sooo good, I couldn't even finish it. And we had red velvet cake for dessert. Yummy. After dinner we headed to bed. And that concludes day 1!!!
Oh Courtney, I love your trip report. Of course, it comes as no surprise. The room looks really good sized too. I have been thinking that I want to stay at Hojo's nest time and it looks like I am right.

Keep up the great report!!
Fun pictures of the christmas trees.
Where are the pictures of you and Jesus? You two always look so cute and happy at Disney.
Oh, Courtney! Yay, trees!!:cool1::cool1:

First of all, I must say that everything you tell us about Jesus impresses me more and more all the time. Last year in December he was so sweet to you when you got sick at DLR and he took care of you and made sure you got to see the fireworks from the room. And this time, he was dutifully washing your shampoo-soaked sweatshirt in the tub!! Not many guys would be bothered with doing that. He is a really good guy, isn't he? A lot of guys don't realize that doing little things like that makes women love them even more, and they should do more of it!!:lmao:

Next, thank you for the info on the AP renewal/activation. And it is a good thing you told me about the fact that they deduct the first month's payment right then and there - even after you pay the required $72 or whatever (of course, you paid more because of the Hopper price) - because I would not have been expecting that if you had not said it. I am sure it is in the contact somewhere, but it would be a good idea for the CM at the Bank to reiterate that bit of info because some folks may not realize that and it is good to know.

Thank you SO much for even attempting to get tree photos. I really appreciate it. I can't wait to see what else you came up with! I am dying to see the adorable tree in Pooh's Corner! I must say I am a bit underwhelmed by the trees in Greetings From California. They look a bit scrawny and wimpy, don't you think? I like the full, thick trees, even if they are short, small ones. (In fact, I had a dream about a short but thick tree last night!:lmao: Visions of Christmas trees are dancing in my head!!!:rotfl:) And since each tree is supposed to be kind of fitting with the theme of each store or restaurant, I am wondering what a skinny, frail tree has to do with the Greetings From California theme!!:laughing: I mean, it is pretty as all Christmas trees are pretty, but it looks so....Charlie Brown Christmas-esque!!!:rotfl2::rotfl2: In that HGTV special, "Behind the Magic: Disney Holiday" there was an amazing tree with cupcake ornaments that was displayed at the bakery in one of the parks. DLR needs something like that!!!

I hope you are feeling better today, Courtney!
Oh, and I forgot to add - I have bad hand-eye coordination too, Courtney. I always have (I was even tested on my horrible visual motor skills as a toddler!). That is why I am awful at sports and things like playing any kinds of instruments, air hockey & similar arcade games, and even typing to a large degree! I cannot get my stupid score up on Buzz Lightyear. In fact, this last trip in October, my score was even lower than on the previous trips. I guess it must be the hand-eye problem, except for the fact that I can improve my scores on each ride on TSMM. I thought for sure that I would be terrible on TSMM, and while I am not beating anyone and not scoring the highest numbers of the day, I can improve on whatever I did the time before. So I would think the hand-eye issue would also be a problem on TSMM, but not as bad as it is on BLAB, that is for sure!!!
I'm enjoying your pictures! You got so many shots that I wish I had taken but didn't. :)

Thank you so much! I'm glad I got them for you! ;)

Oh Courtney, I love your trip report. Of course, it comes as no surprise. The room looks really good sized too. I have been thinking that I want to stay at Hojo's nest time and it looks like I am right.

Keep up the great report!!

Thank you, Michele! We really enjoyed the Hojos and we're glad we stayed there instead of the Menage. The staff is super nice and everything is very clean and we did feel at home. Plus you can't beat the short walk to the gates.

Fun pictures of the christmas trees.
Where are the pictures of you and Jesus? You two always look so cute and happy at Disney.

Thank you! :lovestruc I know! They're coming. I realized this last 2 trips I didn't take very many pictures of us, and I have no idea why! :confused3
Oh, Courtney! Yay, trees!!:cool1::cool1:

First of all, I must say that everything you tell us about Jesus impresses me more and more all the time. Last year in December he was so sweet to you when you got sick at DLR and he took care of you and made sure you got to see the fireworks from the room. And this time, he was dutifully washing your shampoo-soaked sweatshirt in the tub!! Not many guys would be bothered with doing that. He is a really good guy, isn't he? A lot of guys don't realize that doing little things like that makes women love them even more, and they should do more of it!!:lmao:

Next, thank you for the info on the AP renewal/activation. And it is a good thing you told me about the fact that they deduct the first month's payment right then and there - even after you pay the required $72 or whatever (of course, you paid more because of the Hopper price) - because I would not have been expecting that if you had not said it. I am sure it is in the contact somewhere, but it would be a good idea for the CM at the Bank to reiterate that bit of info because some folks may not realize that and it is good to know.

Thank you SO much for even attempting to get tree photos. I really appreciate it. I can't wait to see what else you came up with! I am dying to see the adorable tree in Pooh's Corner! I must say I am a bit underwhelmed by the trees in Greetings From California. They look a bit scrawny and wimpy, don't you think? I like the full, thick trees, even if they are short, small ones. (In fact, I had a dream about a short but thick tree last night!:lmao: Visions of Christmas trees are dancing in my head!!!:rotfl:) And since each tree is supposed to be kind of fitting with the theme of each store or restaurant, I am wondering what a skinny, frail tree has to do with the Greetings From California theme!!:laughing: I mean, it is pretty as all Christmas trees are pretty, but it looks so....Charlie Brown Christmas-esque!!!:rotfl2::rotfl2: In that HGTV special, "Behind the Magic: Disney Holiday" there was an amazing tree with cupcake ornaments that was displayed at the bakery in one of the parks. DLR needs something like that!!!

I hope you are feeling better today, Courtney!

Aww, thank you, Sherry. :lovestruc He's an impressive guy, he really surprises me sometimes! I showed him what you wrote and he smiled and started blushing. It was really cute. :rotfl:

Yeah, the CM didn't explain much. I don't know if she was too lazy too or assumed I knew already. I haven't even read the contract, but I'm almost positive everything she did not explain to me was in there.

You're welcome about the tree pictures! It was fun! Jesus kept saying, "look a tree!" I think all of the themed ones were in the themed stores, but we didn't go in many of the smaller themed stored. Like we didn't go in any stores in Adventure or Frontierland. Tomorrowland stores I didn't see any trees. And yeah! I don't know what the deal was with the trees in Greetings from California. They're weird. And skinny-Charlie-Brown-looking-trees. :confused3

Oh, and I forgot to add - I have bad hand-eye coordination too, Courtney. I always have (I was even tested on my horrible visual motor skills as a toddler!). That is why I am awful at sports and things like playing any kinds of instruments, air hockey & similar arcade games, and even typing to a large degree! I cannot get my stupid score up on Buzz Lightyear. In fact, this last trip in October, my score was even lower than on the previous trips. I guess it must be the hand-eye problem, except for the fact that I can improve my scores on each ride on TSMM. I thought for sure that I would be terrible on TSMM, and while I am not beating anyone and not scoring the highest numbers of the day, I can improve on whatever I did the time before. So I would think the hand-eye issue would also be a problem on TSMM, but not as bad as it is on BLAB, that is for sure!!!

:rotfl: I think BLAB is HARD, harder than TSMM! The target holes are sooo small and I think I'm hitting them, but I'm not!!
Thursday, December 3rd - DLR Day 2

So according to my pictures, we got to the park at exactly 11am. We didn't have any definite plans or PS's for this day except for Naples at 8:30pm, I think.

Oh, and I wanted to say I loved the coffee machine at the Hojo! I made myself a cup of coffee to go. They have desposable cups and lids, so it was so easy to make a cup of coffee and drink it while we walked to the parks. I loved it!

The walk to the parks in the morning is such a breeze. Now that we didn't get parking on our APs, we are really going to make sure we get a hotel nearby (or just stay at the Hojo everytime!).

Train station.


We went through all the stores on the right hand side of Main Street when we got there. Still trying to find Jesus' Mom a birthday present. And I found a Christmas tree!


And one more.


We were hungry for breakfast and we wanted to see if Tomorrowland Terrace was still serving breakfast, so we made our way to Tomorrowland.



We made it to Tomorrowland Terrace, but they were serving lunch. We didn't feel like lunch so we left and went to see what the standby time was for Space. I really wanted french toast sticks! We got to Space and saw the wait was only 15 minutes, so we got in line.


During the ride I was yelling to Jesus "Go mimis! Go mimis!!" (mimis is like a Mexican slang type word for sleep). Meaning, when we get to where they take our picture, pretend to go to sleep. Well do you think he heard me?



After that we still were trying to find somewhere to eat, so we wanted to take the Monorail to DTD and see if we could find anything there. If not we were going to go get something to eat at DCA.

Autopia from the Monorail ramp.


Only red and blue were running today.


Autopia again.


I love taking pictures from the Monorail station of the lagoon and the Matterhorn. It's so pretty.







Sub coming back in from a trip around Nemo-land.


I think we got Monorail blue. Us ready to leave the station.


Christmas Stitch wanted in on the picture too.


Jesus isn't good at getting the memos. He didn't get the silly face memo.


We walked through DTD and didn't find anything we felt like eating. So we just made a huge circle and ended up at DCA. Jesus felt like cheese sticks and I thought a chicken wrap sounded good so we made our way to the Farmer's Market place over near a Bug's Land. On the way we found Stitch in Sunshine Plaza. This was the first time we saw him at DCA and Jesus was super excited.

He was playing around with this little girl.



I like this one!


For some reason I took a picture of his backside?


Stitch needed to leave, so we continued our walk to go get some food. Christmas Stitch enjoyed the walk.


Did you ever get your french toast sticks? Or did you settle for something else. We have never seen Stitch in the parks so that is why you took the picture of the back of him.
Yay! More tree pictures!!:cool1: At least these trees look a little...healthier...than the trees in Greetings from California. I like some of the ornaments I see, but I am not yet detecting any themed trees that fit in with the theme of the shops, like the ones I have heard about. Hopefully there are some of those around DLR. Otherwise, it seems like WDW may have them beat in that area with their cupcake trees in the bakery!

Your photos are so clear - it looks like it was a really beautiful day!

Oh, and by the way - nothing wrong with taking photos of character booty every now and then!:lmao::lmao: It's there, you have a camera, why not?:lmao:
What a great picture of you two with your Santa Stitch. Love it.
How funny that Jesus kept missing the memos on the silly poses. It makes for a fun picture and story.

The Christmas tree with all the Mickey head ornaments is adorable. I love those ornaments.
Waiting for more :woohoo:
My TR is falling down the page!!

It's coming! I've been swamped with Christmas shopping, wrapping, baking, everything!

I haven't forgotten about my faithful TR readers.. I swear!
I should be baking and wrapping too...what am I doing? Dreaming of my DL trip and surfing the DIS boards :-)
I shall endeavor to understand. Sniff, sniff. :rolleyes:

But, I seriously I so understand and I am elbows deep in stuff I have to get done.
Did you ever get your french toast sticks? Or did you settle for something else. We have never seen Stitch in the parks so that is why you took the picture of the back of him.

No french toast sticks! I will get them one day!

That is a good reason why! I never see that furry booty in the parks! :lmao:

Yay! More tree pictures!!:cool1: At least these trees look a little...healthier...than the trees in Greetings from California. I like some of the ornaments I see, but I am not yet detecting any themed trees that fit in with the theme of the shops, like the ones I have heard about. Hopefully there are some of those around DLR. Otherwise, it seems like WDW may have them beat in that area with their cupcake trees in the bakery!

Your photos are so clear - it looks like it was a really beautiful day!

Oh, and by the way - nothing wrong with taking photos of character booty every now and then!:lmao::lmao: It's there, you have a camera, why not?:lmao:

:rotfl: Did you get any character booty pictures Saturday!?

Very cute trip report. I love the Santa Stitch! He looks like he's enjoying the trip too :goodvibes

Thank you!! :goodvibes He was having allll kinds of fun! :dance3:

What a great picture of you two with your Santa Stitch. Love it.
How funny that Jesus kept missing the memos on the silly poses. It makes for a fun picture and story.

The Christmas tree with all the Mickey head ornaments is adorable. I love those ornaments.
Waiting for more :woohoo:

More is a'coming! :yay:

I should be baking and wrapping too...what am I doing? Dreaming of my DL trip and surfing the DIS boards :-)

I know, I can't get away from the Dis either, it's insanity! :confused3

When is your trip!?

I shall endeavor to understand. Sniff, sniff. :rolleyes:

But, I seriously I so understand and I am elbows deep in stuff I have to get done.

Well since I LOVE YOU ALL so much, I had more than half done in word. So I'm just going to reach my 25 image limit on this post and probably finish day 2 later this week!! :woohoo:

The line wasn't very long and Jesus ordered the mozzarella sticks and I got the California wrap. When the CM gave us our food, she accidently gave us an order of the chicken nuggets instead of mozzarella. Neither of us noticed until we sat down to eat. So Jesus took it back and she exchanged it for mozzarella no problem. This is when we got a coupon for 20% with our receipt for any merchandise purchase. We were excited about this.

Jesus' mozzarella sticks and fries.


My California wrap and I got it with apples.


This was the inside of it. It was sooo good!


Then this little guy (lady?) came to visit us. He was quiet and is obviously around a lot of DL guests. The lady and her DD that was sitting near us kept feeding him chicken and he was happy eating away.


After we finished our delicious lunch we wandered around DCA and went to go see how the construction was doing.

They put this lighthouse thingy up.


They were having a super secret World of Color meeting.


The water was completely filled up.


Mickey's Fun Wheel.


We wanted some ice cream from Catch a Flave, so we walked past Ariel's Grotto and came across DCA's giant Christmas tree!! Since the normal place they put it is covered by construction walls, they moved it over here. Santa is also here for a meet and greet.


Catch a Flave was closed and there was a CM behind the counter and when she saw us approach the counter, she looked right at me and moved in between the windows so we couldn't see her. It was really weird and they should just put a sign up that says closed instead of having the CMs hide from the guests! I really wanted bubble gum flavored ice cream. Oh well. We just walked down the boardwalk to go see what the stand by time was for Screamin'. It was only 10 minutes! Okay!


Us waiting (well not really waiting) in line.


I tried to take a picture of our picture, but the glare was all crazy and there was a kid in front of me trying to take a picture of his picture and he wouldn't move. Jesus was making a "serious, I'm so not having any fun" face and I was making the opposite "Oh my gosh this is the best ride of my life and I'm soo scared!" I don't know what that crazy girl sitting in front of me is doing.


After that we walked past TSMM and the line was like 45 minutes or something? We passed it and walked to the scary Fun Wheel of death. Jesus really wanted to ride the swinging gondolas, but I was to scared so we opted for the stationary ones. Nice and still and safe!


I don't like how I did my eyebrows this day, they're too dark.


Christmas Stitch.


Do you see her? I spotted Belle over at Ariel's Grotto!


Stitch was having fun. I was still freaking out, the stationary ones still swing slightly, it was too much for me.


Jesus was having fun too.


We switched sides (don't ask why, it was scary and probably against the rules!!) and Jesus was taking video on his phone.


This is me very scared.


After that scaryness, we went to the Maliboomer and the wait was like 1 minute. I like the off your seat feeling of this. We then walked down the other side of Paradise Pier and stopped to get frozen (magic!!) apple! It was super thick and delicious!


Silly Symphony Swing walls.


Our beloved Corn Dog Castle!! Boo, behind refurb walls.


Walls everywhere!!


I like these Little Mermaid walls in the San Francisco street area. I think they're new?




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