Pregnant No No


DIS Veteran (NJ)
Aug 2, 2007
Picture has been taken down.
Thought she looked really pregnant but to keep things nice and no arguments I willing took the picture down.
Never assume...this one looks like an older mom and dad with teenage son. Hope for your sake she doesn't DIS. :sad2:
I wouldn't be so sure she is prego, I have seen many woman that look like that who are not pregnant.;) IMHO she looks like she may be a little too old as well.

I have to add how funny it is that you look so relaxed! Your like sitting back, smiling for the camera, its hysterical!!!!!
Um, I don't think she's pregnant. I'm not saying anything other than she looks like she is enjoying the ride.
OMG! Forget the possibly pregnant one for a minute, and look at the poor little girl in the back. She looks terrified! CHILD ABUSE!:lmao:
Well if she isn't pregnant she is commiting a fashion don't.
I'm not thin myself but I also don't dress to look pregnant.
I dont think she is pregnant either. I would feel pretty bad if I was her and saw this post. ;)
This is nothing I have seen some really mean things posted about some people on this board.
But I still took the picture down to keep things nice with no arguments.


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