Puppy Survives Trip Lodged Under Car's Hood


Really,Really Cute!
May 17, 2001
Local Shelter Now Has Animal

POSTED: 12:17 p.m. EST January 22, 2003

MOBILE, Ala. -- There was more than horsepower under the hood of one Buick, there was some pup power, too.

Beverly Sellers was driving to work in Mobile, Ala., when she heard a muffled bark or two. She pulled over, but dismissed the sounds as some barking dogs in the distance or maybe something on the radio.

Finally, after driving about 5 miles, Beverly got out of her car and opened the hood. She found a 10-week-old collie wedged between radiator and the engine.

The pup apparently crawled under the hood looking for a warm place to sleep. Police had to jack up the car and remove a wheel to free the dog. The animal was scared but OK. The pup is now in a local shelter.
Bless it's little heart. I'm glad it wasn't injured. Collie pups are so cute.
My brother once drove home from work with a cat under his hood in the same way.....
When he stopped and it came out, he recognized it as a stray from his workplace parking lot :p
Awwwwwwww, I saw the video tape of the police officer releasing the dirty, scared puppy from the place it was hiding in the engine. It is just too cute! It will be adopted immediately.

The same thing happened to me once. A teeny, tiny ferel kitten crawled up under my engine. I was half way around the block when I head the noise. I drove home thinking my engine was going to break any second. I found the little kittie sitting on one of the shock absorbers. How he/she survived, I don't know! I pulled him/her out (he/she was about 8 weeks old), he/she bit and scratched the heck out of me and flew out of my hands and ran away. He/she was fine! :eek: :p Yay!
Where did you see the video? Was it on the internet? I would love to see something with a happy ending! I'm so glad he was o.k.

A coworker once drove to work with her cat underneath the hood. She didn't even know he was under there until she left for work and there he was waiting outside for her. Other than a little burn on the pads of his feet he was o.k
Awww I am so glad he is alright. I wanna Puppy...:(

OMG don't let DH read that....He'll never let me live it down...I keep saying no to a puppy til we own our own house...


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