Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

God Bless Dave and crew, Lynn:hug:Enjoy your dinner.

Great reminders in worship service this morning that there is a sanctuary within each of us where God is present. We are privileged to reflect His truth and light to others. Also, that sometimes people don't go to church because no one ever invited them! It's not easy to find a church home. God willing one day, I will be looking into possible new ones while going back at least once to the church I was so active in pre pandemic. Pray about it, Google, and ask around. Listen online, and always be still and recognize His call. ❤️to all.
Sweet Dreams slipping thread save!

I made a list earlier of 4 Mobile Podiatrists who I will call tomorrow. I will let all of dear you know what happens with that. I had a strange dream of sorts early this morning that gave me an idea to Google. It was for a very foamy/protective shoe (not the Velcro boot) that might be a next shoe for me before wearing a real shoe once more. This made sound sense to me, so I Googled and found online at Walmart this protective shoe.

I will of course ask any podiatrist I consult with their thoughts on it. I know I will need to wear something on both feet of course (my poor right foot in jammed into an uncomfortable slipper but it's the only one I have, at least it has a sock on it unlike my left foot in the boot, of course). I do have God willing for one day brand new Easy Spirit shoes that I look forward to wearing :) I will ask the podiatrist about slippers too.

💕and good night to all. As a P.S. CVS Photo is offering through next Saturday one free 8X10 1FREE810 is the Code.
@flyingdumbo127 Good luck with the calls to the podiatrist. I hope one works out for you. I remember as a kid that doctor's still made house calls. Interesting that some still do.

It is 38 right now with temps going into the upper 40s today. I have salt therapy this afternoon which is when I try to clear my mind and just be for a bit. Last evening I talked with my wonderful friend who is in Florida for the month. We can chat the time away so easily. I got bed later than usual so am tired now. Jeff and the kids came over yesterday. Luke is still sick and tested positive for flu. He did get the flu shot. He stayed home with mom. We played and they ran around and had lunch and cookies.

Off to work. Have a good day.
Good Monday Morning.:wave2:

Worked nightshift all weekend. Friday was pretty steady but the dayshift crew on Saturday had a bunch of discharges so Saturday night was pretty easy :thumbsup2. My friends and I booked a place to stay for our Florida trip. We decided to go towards the end of summer and instead of Treasure Island, this year we're headed to Kissimmee and we rented a townhouse. It was a lot more economical.:beach:

Took Mia to see the East Bunny yesterday afternoon 🐰. She did great, wasn't scared of the bunny at all. This was a good sign for when I take her to Disney in the future 😏. After the bunny she went to Meijer with me to get dog and cat food. We met Evan at Cracker Barrel for dinner and that was our Sunday Funday adventure.

Yesterday you could tell it was getting cold again, the wind was pretty bad. This morning, OMG it's cold 🥶. The high is only going to be in the 30's. I guess winter wanted one last appearance before Spring comes tomorrow.

Have a great day!:wave:


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:lovestrucMia dear Footballmouse. God Bless her. :hug:of course always to you.

:hug::thanks:dear Snowysmom, I pray to update latet. Until this happened to me, I never considered doctors might do house calls still either. Now I recognize how important and kindly needed that is. I do pray God willing to be used in His perfect way to make even a tiny healthcare difference to someone through this.

Love and Happy Monday to all.
Good morning. Weather switch again. Still sunny, but temps are only going to be in the low 40's. At least the winds are gone. After dinner I went in the bathroom for something, and happened to glance in the mirror. I have a sun/windburn on my face from sitting outside most of the day.

They won't be here till this afternoon, so I can get my chores done before they do. I enjoyed my corned beef dinner last night, and have enough left for a sandwich and some homemade hash. Watched Idol, then chatted with my friend until almost 1. I was tired, and fell asleep almost immediately, slept until 8, late for me.

@PollyannaMom Mia is so cute, and getting so big already, they grown up way too fast!

Have a great day everyone

It's been cold and windy all day. Dave got here at 12:30, it was too windy for them to work on the roof. I helped him until his son got here around 3. All 4 walls are up, and all of the roof joists or whatever they're called are up. It actually started snowing here the minute they left and I came in the house. It was about 4:30. I had my winter coat and gloves on outside, my hands were freezing.

Dave will be back tomorrow to put the roof up, order the metal that goes on top of the plywood, frame the door and make the door. Then install the cat door. Then we'll go get new gutters, boards for the shelves, and the paint. It should be totally done by Wednesday at the latest, depending on if he can get the metal tomorrow. He has to drive to PA for it.

Came in and took a hot shower, turned the heat up, and am having leftovers from last night

Have a nice evening

Hi! We began our trip with breakfast at Kona.

Today was a day set aside to remember a friend who passed in 2005. First stop was Blue Springs SP, one place we associated with Shirley. The St John’s River is warm enough, so there were no manatees there today. It was the first time Garry was there, and we love to bring friends there. Here is a picture from another year. You can see a manatee with her pup.

Our next stop was Shirley’s grave. My DSis had offered a kidney to Shirley, but Shirley wasn’t deemed a good candidate, she was in her early 50’s when she passed.

Finally we went to Pickles, a deli that Shirley loved. If you ever are in Ormond Beach, it’s on Nova Road, try it!


That was our day! A good one. We took the rental car back, and enjoyed the resort, the pool, the savanna! We’re at Kidani, and tomorrow is an AK day!

Goodnight 💤
Good evening, sweet dreams wave with love to all. I am waiting for two calls back from mobile podiatrist offices tomorrow. God-willing, I will post an update by tomorrow afternoon. ❤️to all and good night dear friends. P.S. Bobbi, you must have hit post as I did. What beautiful and happy pictures. I am so thankful, my friend. ENJOY your trip!:hug:
Bobbiwoz Lovely pictures. How nice to remember your friend Shirley.

Lynn I hope the weather cooperates and your shed gets done.

Yesterday was a sunny but windy day. Today it is going to be cooler, around 44. The rest of the week the temps go down with snow showers expected Friday night. The weekend and early next week show snow showers, rain, and some icy mix which I do not like. Jeff and I are planning on going to see Chris' cousin Pat who is in a nursing home. Her brother Joe passed in 2022. Before that we have a meeting with the funeral home the family uses so we can preplan and prepay her future funeral expenses. We need to spend down some of her money while we can. She is fairly healthy physically but has some cognitive issues. I send her crossword puzzle books each month as her brother did so she does keep busy with those. I am hoping the weather does not prevent us from going. Kenny will be away in the Caribbean at an all inclusive resort. Definitely not something I would want to do but he is happy with it. I like northern places to visit. Not a fan of the heat.

Off to work. Have a good day.
Hugs dear Snowysmom, I remember how you kindly send Pat crossword puzzle books. Thank you for doing that :)

Good Morning everyone. Grace of God, I did get have a better night. Up now. Looking forward to warm.pancakes and cocoa soon. God willing I will have a positive mobile podiatrist appointment update later. Love to all and Happy Tuesday.
Good Morning.:wave2:

Happy Spring :daisy:! Low 40's today for the high. We actually had snow flurries yesterday 🥶. Crazy!

Evan had a haircut appointment last night so I met him there after work to sit with Mia. She liked looking at herself in the mirrors. We had a fun little time 💞. Then I headed to WalMart to get some new wiper blades for my car 🚗. Came home and had a bowl of cereal for dinner. Watched The Voice and then headed to bed.😴

Boobiwoz - have fun in AK today!!!!🐯🐘🦍

Snowysmom - I'm with your son, I'd much rather be in the Caribbean right now than here!🌴

Have a great day! :wave:

Good morning and welcome to Spring--NOT. It's 33 degrees, windy and snow flurries are flying around. I don't know if he's going to be able to get the roof on if the winds keep up.
Supposed to go into the 50's the rest of the week, with rain this weekend, so it has to be done before then. I've got my fingers crossed.

My face is windburned again from the winds yesterday, I'm starting to look like a lobster, lol
Only tv I watched was The Ladies Tell All on the Bachelor. Next week is the finale.

Off to get the trash collected and outside, clean out the fridge, change out the litter boxes and make my grocery list.

Have a good day

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Hi! We began our trip with breakfast at Kona.

Today was a day set aside to remember a friend who passed in 2005. First stop was Blue Springs SP, one place we associated with Shirley. The St John’s River is warm enough, so there were no manatees there today. It was the first time Garry was there, and we love to bring friends there. Here is a picture from another year. You can see a manatee with her pup.
View attachment 843035

Our next stop was Shirley’s grave. My DSis had offered a kidney to Shirley, but Shirley wasn’t deemed a good candidate, she was in her early 50’s when she passed.

Finally we went to Pickles, a deli that Shirley loved. If you ever are in Ormond Beach, it’s on Nova Road, try it!

View attachment 843044

That was our day! A good one. We took the rental car back, and enjoyed the resort, the pool, the savanna! We’re at Kidani, and tomorrow is an AK day!

Goodnight 💤

Bobbi - I got lost one time and found Blue Springs! I was on my way to Disney on I 4 and decided to detour for whatever reason and noticed BS on a map. Headed there and spent hours, looking around by myself. There had been a cold snap and the river was full of manatees. I've always meant to go back. It was also full of people since there were so many manatees.

I've been to a number of offsite attractions and love the Florida state parks I've been to. One of my favorites in winter is Honeymoon Island State Park near Dunedin. Birdwatching is what I do there. They have a hike which is roughly two miles, but you can do what you choose and turn around. I also like to sit by the Gulf beach for a bit and watch the sunset in the evening.
@Judique, so glad that you experienced and enjoyed Blue Springs SP! I always told our boys that there was more to FL than WDW! I think our favorite state park is Bahia Honda, down by Key West.

I tried to get birds in flight today…this is my almost!🙃



It’s pretty chilly here today.

Happy St Joseph’s day!

MK tonight.
:grouphug:Bobbi, you just I pray keep enjoying a healthy and fun trip! Thank you for the reminder of St. Joseph Day, too.

I did hear back from Alisha the receptionist from one of the two mobile podiatrists. I'm waiting for a follow up email from her on how to proceed online with forms. I still pray to make an appointment for next week. Meanwhile. I hope to also hear back from Dr. F's office as promised today. Should I not hear within an hour or so I will call them.

Prayers all of you are enjoying the day :)
The roof is on, the door is made, just has to be trimmed. The metal is ordered for tomorrow. So by Thursday it should be finished except for painting. The barn boards have light gray primer on it, and it says I can paint them anytime up to a year. Dave is going to paint them, it's on his to do list. The shed will be white to match the house, with a blue roof and blue trim, if I can get him to paint the trim blue, lol. The tree is his next job, hopefully within the next couple of weeks,, then taking down the old garden fence and putting up new posts, and new fencing and making the garden smaller. Then sharpening the tractor blades, changing the oil (which I can do, but as long as he's here , he can do it). I think that's the extent of his list for now. I'm glad we added a window to the shed, it would be too dark in there without it. The older shed that's still standing has 4 windows on the side and a double one in the front. That will be next Springs project, to tear that one down and rebuild from the ground up, so I have matching sheds.

Sister in law and niece had to go to Morgantown again today for an appointment. They went to some place called Huey Magoo's for dinner and are bringing me home a chicken dinner so I don't have to cook. I've spent an average of 5 hours a day standing outside fot the last 3 days helping. At least the sun came out and the winds died down so it was much more comfortable working out there today.

She also stopped at Kroger and they had the new Coke Spice, so she picked me up some of that.

Have a nice evening


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