Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Well, I have lots of favorites, just don't have them so I am not tempted.
I do endulge in dark chocolate every day. It is my go too.
I also like peanut butter.....and could eat it out of the jar with a spoon. I can't start, or I will overdo.
Also popcorn.....but that is a rare treat.....although now there is no movie day for us, we will have it once in awhile while we watch a movie at home.

Dinner tonight is taco salad
I didn't post yesterday about my favorite memory. Too cliche that my favorite memories all include my child. Also, I was/am absolutely devastated to learn of a 6-week-old baby that died of the virus in my state. I cried so much yesterday. I went through the wringer to have my son...several years of IVF, getting pregnant with quadruplets, and losing 3 of them. Anything bad having to do with babies/children sets off my PTSD. I can't even watch movies where something bad happens to a child, even though I know it's fake. Ever since Josh was born, I feel like I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop, and the coronavirus is it. Now that a baby has died, I'm terrified.

I do want to post this today, though...yesterday on one of our neighborhood walks, I saw a lone daffodil in someone's yard. I had to take a photo of it (and yes, this IS my photo). I call it HOPE, which is one of my favorite words:
IMG_20200401_124747791 (2).jpg

Question of the day 4/2: What's a favorite snack?

I mentioned having lemon oreos today. I don't snack a lot just because I'm always trying to keep even weight and it's easier to go on than come off. However, I do keep a bag of doritos in the pantry. They are awful for you but oh so good.

Matt's favorite snack by far is anything and everything peanut butter. He is fine eating it out jar with a spoon...bleh no..

Last year on our drive back from Florida, we stopped in Kingsland, Georgia, and visited the Kahler Pecan House. They have the most delicious glazed pecans that I've ever had! They're like candy! This year, we stopped and I bought a big bag of them. Unfortunately, they're all gone now, I don't know if we can go next year, and they don't have a website :sad1:

I love Sahale nut snacks, too! The pomegranate vanilla cashews are my favorite.
Apples with peanut butter.
Turkey Hill ice cream - my favorite flavor is Double Dunker.
And the good old standbys...brownies, Toll House chocolate chip cookies, cupcakes, cannolis... ;)
Question of the day 4/2: What's a favorite snack?
If I had to pick one, it would be cheese and crackers, specifically Triscuits and colby/cheddar. Or Cheeze Its.
My favorite indulgent sweet snack:....... (internet photo, not mine)
View attachment 485109

But my go-to everyday snacks tend to be salty - cheese and crackers or mixed nuts.
I am like you. I used to LOVE Snowballs but haven't had them since WW two years ago.
Turkey Hill ice cream - my favorite flavor is Double Dunker.
Double Dunker is a special treat. We like Turkey Hill Stuff'd Denali Moose Tracks. Lower in WW point.

Gratitudes: (Thank you for prompting me to do this.)
Sunny day, even though windy.
State and Federal refund checks in bank account. Helps the financial situation.
Talking to church family on the phone.
It's been a busy few days here, but we are doing ok. I am trying to take this one day at a time. My dh is doing well, he's had a recent med change that is really helping with walking.

Things I'm thankful for:
1. The garden crew at our apartment. They are prepping the beds, spreading mulch. Looking forward to spring flowers. 🌷🌷
2. The joy of video chatting with the grandkids!

Favorite snack- popcorn.
Favorite treat- it's seasonal, Cadbury mini eggs. I have a small supply and I am enjoying them.
Question of the day 4/2: What's a favorite snack?

My husband is the same with peanut butter. He's obsessed. LOL

I'm a snacker. I'd rather have snacks than a full meal....chips and salsa, chips and dip, tex mex trail mix, pistachios, cheese and crackers... I get those salami, cheese and cracker packs....my daughter calls them adult lunchables. :laughing:

And all I've been doing the last week or two is snacking....:sad2: I said today someone needs to isolate me from my kitchen. :laughing:
Today, I am thankful for the ability to find matzo meal. Got the last bashed in the side but not opened can, LOL.
This is the first year since the man and I got together that I'm actually cooking a Passover meal (normally we opt for takeout noshing) but I think strange times call for unusual to me cooking.

DGD is visiting her other grandmother so it's just the adults in the house and we are having a big ol' bowl of tomato soup for dinner. I mistakenly purchased crushed tomatoes instead of whole ones and that informed the soup making, LOL.

Favorite snack? Hummus with veggies; nuts and dried fruit when I'm being good; Swedish fish, when bad. There are currently no candy fish in the house and darn you for reminding me ;).
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In our household we eat way to many chips -
onion dip, spinach dip, blt dip, fresh salsa, queso....we are bad with dips, too!

It's so bad that chips are the dogs favorite as well - we actually use a bag of chips to call one of the dogs in when he's busy goofing off in the woods and we want him to come back up to the house. Shake the bag, yell out "doggy treats" and shake the bag again and that boy comes running!

I'm glad it's Friday - not at lot going on for us this weekend. Time to start weeding the flower beds and weed-wacking I guess. Monday I think we are going to take a drive and/or try to find an abandoned quite local park, new cemetery or walking trail to go to if any are open, maybe pack a picnic lunch.
I rarely indulge because I love popcorn a little too much and can't seem to stop. It's really hard to go to the movies and smell it without getting any. I usually convince myself it's not very good at the theater anyway -- but then it seems like about two days later I make a batch at home because I can't get that smell out of my mind!

The "wheel of movies" is going well. We add movies to a randomizer and whatever it picked is what we watch, no arguing. Yesterday we watched both "Dead Again" (wife's pick) and "Shaun of the Dead" (my pick).

My son attempted to add "Midsommer" to the list, and i asked him "Are you sure you want all of us to watch that together?" That was kinda breaking our don't complain rule, but I don't think the 20 and 23 year old would appreciate watching that weirdo sex seen with their parents. He stopped for a second and "ohhhhhh.... No, never mind."

Yesterday's question: Favorite snack?

Anything salty, spicy, or cheesy. Goldfish, cheezits, chips and salsa, pretzels, nuts, etc. Oh, and dark chocolate.
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OMG.... where to begin

I love sweet, my daughter in law bought the Publix brand mint chocolate chip moose tracks ice cream, its sooooooo good!
The strawberries have been so sweet and juicy lately, I bought a non dairy coconut whip cream called SO, its delicious with the strawberries.
Cheezits, always yummy
Lays Limon chips are good too
I don't know if I consider it a snack (as opposed to a treat), but I love ice cream, especially peppermint stick, ginger, and anything with caramel/butterscotch. Peanut butter ice cream is also a favorite, along with fresh peach if I can find it. Chocolate? Not so much... I'll eat it, but it's never a top choice.

I guess my favorite snack is dip. I try to eat dip on veggies, prefer it on chips, but honestly I should just save the calories and eat it with a spoon. Homemade clam dip (with a cream cheese base) is my favorite, followed closely by Lipton onion dip. Needless to say, I don't make or buy it hardly ever, because I'd eat it!


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