Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Happy Wednesday! :sunny: Last day of sunshine for me, expecting rain tomorrow through the weekend.

Finished up work yesterday and then went and dropped dinner off to my aunt. Had a nice visit, showed her some of the wedding pictures that people sent me (my phone battery died before the ceremony :headache:). Came home and threw dinner in the oven (baked bbq chicken) and then went and cleaned up the back yard :dog2::dog2:. Tonight I'm going to attempt stuffed peppers.

Tonight is the big Survivor finale. I'm always sad to see a season end but I'm excited to see who wins this season. I'm such a dork, I go back and watch past seasons of my favorites. Next month starts The Amazing Race so I'll be happy about that.

Had to come in to the office today and tomorrow, we're having a small office Xmas party tomorrow.

I really don't have much else going on so I'll just wish everyone have a good day. :wave:
@dazedx3 I will keep you and your DH in my prayers. I remember reading that you had just retired. I hope you can get some of your plans back on track in the near future. Your posts show your love and caring for your DH. I hope you are taking care of yourself and your knee is getting better.

I m hoping that once I can get settled in a place I can call my home, and welcome Chris is spirit and I have asked him to help me decide on place to live, I can find a bit of peace. I need to get past cleaning out the house where we lived and transition into a new place, new routine, and try to settle in. There is one place in my town that I would love to be able to find a condo in my price range. Unfortunately one bedroom one bath condos rarely go up for sale there. I will talk with the real estate agent I get to sell my house to get some insight into that place. If not there then a couple of towns over there are fairly new condos in my price range. Chris and I lived in that town the second year we were married. I would only be 20 minutes from my younger DS. Older DS would be about an hour away. He really wants me to settle in his town or nearby but I have to go back to my area to live. Getting around his area involves driving on major roads like route 20, route 9, the Mass Pike, route 290, and route 495. I do not like using highways to get everywhere. I like my local roads. They soothe my soul.

I took off today as I have a dentist appt. That will be emotional as they all knew Chris. And I need to use up PTO so I can begin to accrue hours again. I will be at the house for a bit and do some dusting and put out the trash. Then there is a virtual Christmas party at work this evening. I may just stop in and say hi. I don't think I can stay but I will see at the time. I haven't "seen" anyone since September.

Have a nice Wednesday.
I'm a hundred posts behind and not going to get it done today.

Had my grands for 2 nights and that takes all the time!

But they are back home and I'm cleaning up this morning. So my friend who keeps chickens sent me a pic of 14 eggs, all from a chicken & rooster group who live next door to her. It's a rural residential area so some space between the properties.

Anyway, one egg still warm so she put it in her coop. We will both be watching for results! The rest of the eggs are maybe getting eaten, depending on what they look like when cracked. She won't do it but her hubby isn't squeamish about such things. Neither am I.

I'd be happy if some chickens wandered by and laid me a dozen eggs, lol!
Happy Wednesday!

I hope this day finds each of you well and doing something that will bring you an extra smile!

I am so grateful to God extra to be sitting here wearing my new Christmas red robe I was concerned about the heaviness of it when I unpacked it in terms of its shoulder weight but it seems okay and is doing a wonderful job of keeping me warm all-over including my PJ-ed legs. It will be washed on Friday but should be a keeper. I'm thinking if we could raise the keyboard up a little that would be of big help to me. I'm not sure if right now my TMJ is acting up a bit due to looking down to type or the weight of the robe on my thin shoulders or both.

I'm also sitting in the new chair. My back is absolutely supported, praise God, by its back which as you all know was something I could not say about my big old chair (my back did not even touch it's back). We shall see, so far, so hopeful, lol.

Congratulations to your DGD Lynn!

:hug:🙏🐥❤ all extra Dazed and Snowysmom!

Hugs to all. Christmas is coming closer! :)
Stopped at CVS and picked up one script (left the expensive one there until we see what the Dr can do with the drug company. Stopped at Aldi's..got what I needed..they were busy but not crowded and considering the sale started today,,and it was 9:30, I expected it to be busier.

Walmart was also busy but not crowded. Still almost empty cat food shelves..lots of 'missing' or no longer being carried items in other depts. What store stops carrying Country Time Lemonade and Kook Aid in the cannister,,and carries giant cannisters of Great Value lemonade? How do I know if I like it enough to buy such a huge thing of it? :( Also , prices are up yet again. Last time I got Mr L the Walmart equivalent of Flonase, it was about $8..now it's $12 something? Thats nuts!
Stopped at Sheetz on the way home, expecting to see a line at the car wash. There was no
one there. We pulled in, and a truck pulled in behind us and we were the only ones there. Car looks nice and clean and shiny again!

@Bianca and Bernard..what exactly are bbq pineapple flatbreads..never heard of them? I too am excited about Survivor Finale tonite..I am rooting for Xander to win. We just watched the Voice finale from last nite. I was amazed that I hadn't heard who won before we watched it..lol

@flyingdumbo1270--Mona, glad that your robe and your chair are working out well!

Dinner is going to be leftover corned beef, mashed potatoes, baby carrots and coleslaw

Have a nice evening all
Good afternoon.

This morning the landscaper came and planted another maple tree for us. We have planted a tree over the cremains of all of our dogs but had not gotten to the goldens yet. So seeing as we adopted them as a pair, we placed them under the tree as a pair. Had our own memorial with the landscaper, who has labs, and our neighbor and her lab puppy were out in their yard too.

Then I went to church for another shift at the Welcome Center.

I made some Christmas "crack" this morning. Recipe Will make some peanut butter blossoms this evening while watching Survivor.

I got my last Amazon gift today also. But, I impulse bought this while surfing the internet this morning. DS and DDIL like to cook and I thought it was cute.

One next to oldest granddaughter was accepted at all 4 colleges she applied to.
Good for her! Where? Does she have a favorite?

Tonight is the big Survivor finale.
I will be watching.

Next month starts The Amazing Race
I don't usually watch this but Kim and Penn Holderness are on it and I like their webcasts.

@FlyingDumbo, I am glad your robe and chair are working out for you.

Salmon, French fries and a vegetable for dinner.
Mona Glad your robe is comfy and that your chair is supportive. I will have to look at that one.

Lynn Drug prices are ridiculous. I hope your doctor is able to have the drug company help you out. Something does need to be done so people can afford to take care of themselves. Of course prices in general are getting out of hand.

Dentist appt was OK. When the hygienist asked how I was doing I burst into tears and she just said I know it must be hard for you, cry it out. After that I was calmer and the cleaning went well. I had a choice of having bite wing x-rays or the every 5 year panoramic one. I choose the stay in your seat, less energy expended, bite wing x-rays. I am taking the path of least resistance now.

I was at the house. I talked with my neighbor who is in his 40s and very kind. He understood how hard it has been. He offered to take out my trash barrels when I can't and he said he will bring in the trash barrels if he sees them still out. He also offered to clear my driveway of snow but I already contracted with my landscaper. He was kind to offer but I know he works all hours, he is firefighter, he is taking care of his elderly mom and dad who live 45 minutes away, and they are expecting a baby. I am not going to add to his list. He also said they are keeping an eye on the house. I will miss kind neighbors like him and the one across the street who also takes out the trash barrels and brings them in when I can't. I will miss the lovely neighborhood too. It will be tough to move but I know it is the right thing to do. Every time I drive down the street I get sad about leaving it. I just can't stay in the house. It is definitely a conundrum.

@Bianca and Bernard..what exactly are bbq pineapple flatbreads..never heard of them?

I had a Hello Fresh coupon, so I got a box, and this was one of the recipes. It was really good (actually, all of the ones I got were; and all vegetarian. Shawarma Spiced Halloumi with pistacho rice, garlicky white sauce, and Israeli salad; Shawrma chickpea couscous bowls with roasted veggies, pickled onion and harissa yogurt sauce; and magnifico mozz melts, with balsamic red pepper jam, herb aioli and crispy potato wedges).

For 4

2 red onions
2 tubs (8 oz) of pineapple tidbits
10 tsp red wine vinegar
2 poblano peppers (1 was more than enough for us)
16 oz fresh mozzarella
1/2 oz (or more) fresh cilantro
1/2 c. Monterey Jack cheese
8 TBLS bbq sauce (we felt we wanted more)
4 flatbreads
salt and pepper
olive oil

1. Place foil lined sheets on top and middle rack of oven; preheat oven to 450. Wash and dry all produce. Halve, peel and thinly slice red onions. Drain pineapple tidbits into a bowl. Mix 1/2 onion with the pineapple juice; add 5 tsp red wine vinegar and a pinch of salt, and set aside.

2. Heat a drizzle of oil in a pan over medium heat. Cook remaining onion until softened 6-8 minutes, add splashes of water if needed to prevent sticking. While onion is cooking, halve/core/very thinly slice poblano peppers. Toss pepperes with a little bit of olive oil, salt and pepper. Dice mozzarella into pieces. Finely chop cilanto.

3. Once onions are soft, increase heat to med-high. Add pineapple and drizzle a bit of oil. Cook and stir until pineapple is lightly browned, 2-3 minutes. Add remaining 5 tsp vinegar. Cook and stir to carmelize and make 'jammy', 1-2 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

4. Brush or rub each flatbread with olive oil (I did both sides). Place flatbreads on the hot baking sheets. (2 per sheet) Top with BBQ sauce, then caramelized onion and pineapple, poblanos, mozz, and Monterey Jack.

5. Return pans to oven to cook 10-12 minutes (swap pans midway). Top with cilantro and the pineapple juice pickled onions before serving.
Good afternoon.

This morning the landscaper came and planted another maple tree for us. We have planted a tree over the cremains of all of our dogs but had not gotten to the goldens yet. So seeing as we adopted them as a pair, we placed them under the tree as a pair. Had our own memorial with the landscaper, who has labs, and our neighbor and her lab puppy were out in their yard too.

Then I went to church for another shift at the Welcome Center.

I made some Christmas "crack" this morning. Recipe Will make some peanut butter blossoms this evening while watching Survivor.

We call it Saltine Toffee, but basically the same thing..and it is soooo addictive. Hard to walk by it without taking a piece. Now I want to make some, lol!

I got my last Amazon gift today also. But, I impulse bought this while surfing the internet this morning. DS and DDIL like to cook and I thought it was cute.

Good for her! Where? Does she have a favorite?

Salisbury University, Towson University, Western Carolina University, or University of Oregon
Her first choice is Western Carolina. Her parents want her to stay in Salisbury and go to school there for at least a year or 2, but they will let her choose which one she really wants.

I will be watching.

I don't usually watch this but Kim and Penn Holderness are on it and I like their webcasts.

@FlyingDumbo, I am glad your robe and chair are working out for you.

Salmon, French fries and a vegetable for dinner.
Good afternoon, friends,

Thank you all for the chair and robe good wishes. The chair, is a little firmer than I had hoped but what matters to me is the back is against my own back which is just a huge improvement. The robe is warm just strange because like I said earlier it's weighty It's light warmer cottony/a little plush on the outside and then just unlined inside. Yet sort of feels like...a sandbag lol? Not sure how to describe it. It is keeping me warmer.

:grouphug:Dear, Snowysmom. All you are going through is working through all you have been through! Remember, please, we are here and love you!

Lynn, I'm sorry the prices were up :( I just looked at what dad and I have in various storage at the moment to take stock. Hooray though for a clean 🚗 and big :banana:to your grand daughter!

:grouphug: to you as well, dear Carol on your dogs. I do love the idea of the new trees--a peaceful tribute here on earth to loyal pups now in Heaven.

So glad you enjoyed Hello Fresh B and B! :)

I'm waiting to see whether my friend Barbara will be stopping by or now. She was supposed to after her dentist appointment which is near me. We were going to wave hi and dad was going to give her a card from me.

It's not yet 3:30 here but due to the cold and darker weather, feels much later. I hope all of you are having a good early evening.
Lou Lou and I went grocery shopping this morning. It is always an experience with her. She pushed a cart her size and I pushed one of the smaller ones since part of my groceries would end up in her cart. Prices are steadily going up. They had three containers of Nestle's Coffeemate for $10. I fully expect the price for these to be up next week. I've found that items go on sale and are higher then the original price when the sale ends.

It was a warm day, in the 70's, had to turn the A/C on. Was gloomy part of the day but the sun finally came out. We're expecting warmer temps for the rest of the week and back in the 50's on Saturday.

One next to oldest granddaughter was accepted at all 4 colleges she applied to.

I'd be happy if some chickens wandered by and laid me a dozen eggs, lol!
Our neighbors on both sides of us have chickens. One of the chickens on our east side likes to come scratch around in our yard and eat the bird seed that falls on the ground. She also likes to explore our garage and leave us an egg occasionally. Then she goes next door and visits the chickens on the other side of our house. Sometimes the neighbors share their eggs which is really nice.

I am so grateful to God extra to be sitting here wearing my new Christmas red robe, I'm also sitting in the new chair.
I'm so glad you found a robe and a chair that you like!

I forgot that Survivor was on tonight. I'm taping it so I guess I'll be up late watching it. Don't want to see who the winner is before I get to see the final tribal.

I received a Christmas card from a friend that I had lost contact with. I used to work with her back in the 80's and we kept up with each other for years. I'm so glad that she contacted me, I'm looking forward to seeing her.

Dinner was beef tips and mushrooms over egg noodles with peas and carrots as a side.
@lynxstch, I know I don't have a vote but I say Salisbury or Towson. Our middle school principal said to go in-state. That is a lot less expensive. Of course the out of state probably give more money. Both of my kids went to University of Maryland in College Park. DS got a lot of $$ to go to Salisbury but they had no marching band so he chose UMD.
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Happy Anniversary, @dazedx3! 🍾

@lynxstch Aldi’s brand of Flonase is still around $8, I saw it last week. I can’t believe how much prices have risen!

@flyingdumbo127 So glad your robe is comfy and the chair is working out. Maybe it will loosen up as you use it more.

@Bianca and Bernard You have some really adventurous meals at your house! We made a chicken soup tonight with a rotisserie chicken. My cards are going to be printed late this year but I wrote out labels while I wait.

@Breezy_Carol We thought the same way with colleges and school loans. 👍🏻

@Kirby Glad your friend contacted you and you’re going to meet up. An old friend texted me today, too, and it was nice.

@Snowysmom What a kind neighbor you have! He seems like a real gem. I can imagine it’s bittersweet to think about moving on from your neighborhood. But also nice to think about you being peaceful in your new future home. :goodvibes

@Judique I think I would freak out if I cracked an egg and a live something came out! I still haven’t forgotten the bloody egg I got once! :faint:

@footballmouse You must be tired this week after the wedding last weekend.

@AuntieM3 I hope you are doing ok. :hug:

All Quackers wishing you a nice Thursday during this Christmas season. 🐣
Happy Thursday morning! :crazy: No sunshine today, expecting a lot of rain today through Saturday. I'm praying my roof does okay through all this. The roofer hasn't made his way out to fix it yet. He was trying to get here this week so hopefully he shows up this morning before the rain starts.

Well my Survivor season ended last night. I kind of expected that the person who won was going to, unfortunately it wasn't the person that I wanted to win. Oh well, maybe season 42 in the spring will have a more likable group of people.

Made some eggs, goetta and biscuts last night for dinner. I'm not very good at omelets so I just scrambled some eggs and added peppers, onions, cheese and mushrooms so it was pretty close to being an omelet. Ds3 liked it so it must have been good. I premade dinner for tonight while I was making dinner last night. We're going to try a stuffed pepper casserole. Instead of the mixture being stuffed in the peppers, the peppers are chopped up and added to the mixture. Ds3 will put it in the oven when he gets home since it takes an hour to bake. I'll let you know if it's a keeper or not.

Well my boss just walked in so I guess I should look busy doing work stuff. Have a great day! pixiedust:
Good morning again. I know for sure I typed a message earlier, attached my daily picture, but now it's gone? Don't tell me the DIS is acting up that badly. Going to be near 70 degrees today. It will be a little warm for what I had planned for today-- baking dark chocolate cherry biscotti, so will wait for tomorrow.
We decided to have burgers on the grill, so I am making a small batch of potato salad to go with it.
I was going to clean in the cellar too..but it's going to be too nice,,plan on opening a couple of windows and enjoying the weather

@dazedx3 Happy belated anniversary..pic below is for you

@Pea-n-Me..our Aldi's has a very limited amount of 'medicines', but will check for the Flonase next time I am in there,,thanks for the heads up.

@footballmouse--you said " I kind of expected that the person who won was going to, unfortunately it wasn't the person that I wanted to win. " My sentiments exactly. I was hoping for a different outcome. I hope next season is a short season with more challenges,,but can we go someplace else other than Fiji? I am so tired of the same location time after time. Would love to see them go back to Africa, or Australia..anywhere different!

Have a nice morning everyone!

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Got a knock on the bathroom door this morning while I was in the shower. DH stuck his head in and said DD was bringing Lil Joe home, he threw up in her car on the way to school. Apparently there is a 24 hour virus going around the school. Great! I'm usually the one who gets sick after the kids.

Today was our anniversary! We've been married 37 years. I am very blessed, not to say it's always been easy, but it's always been worth it!
We didn't do anything special, but that's ok, we don't need that anymore.
Happy Anniversary! We don't normally do anything either except go out to eat somewhere nice.

We're going to try a stuffed pepper casserole. Instead of the mixture being stuffed in the peppers, the peppers are chopped up and added to the mixture. Ds3 will put it in the oven when he gets home since it takes an hour to bake. I'll let you know if it's a keeper or not.
Please do! I like to eat green bell peppers.

Count me in as another dissatisfied Survivor fan. I understand the reasoning why the person that won, won but I thought that maybe that the one with no votes would have gotten at least one vote. I'd say more but I don't know if everyone has seen last night's episode. Oh well, looking forward to the next season.
our Aldi's has a very limited amount of 'medicines', but will check for the Flonase next time I am in there,,thanks for the heads up
Ik, ours does too. (I think they’re pretty much all the same, aren’t they?) But it should be in there if you look closely, it looks like this. We have a couple of bottles on hand already but I always keep my eye on it when I’m there, especially the price. I saw it recently, still at $8 (and was a little surprised it was still so low - how sad is that). At CVS it’s almost $20 now! (I don’t even bother with CVS anymore.)

PS Check out that pineapple habernero cream cheese dip if you see it at Aldi’s (and like a little heat) it was good; or to take somewhere w wheat thins or something like that.


I get to see my brother today, am happy about that. Haven’t seen him in a while between Covid and distance. 🥰

I like the sound of that reverse stuffed pepper meal, can you share how you make them @footballmouse? We sometimes do meatless stuffed peppers with quinoa and mozzarella. Running out of ideas lately. 😵‍💫
Since Lil Joe is home today and I can't go anywhere (he is acting fine but just in case), I decided to make some Sugar/Spice Pecans. While I'm working on them my mind was wandering and so I have a question. What do you store your leftover soup in if you want to freeze it for another meal sometime? I've never done this, always eaten it later in the week as leftovers for lunch. I'm getting tired of leftovers and don't want to just throw it away.


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