Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

And Dooney! I have several of those, including one my son bought me and a few Disney ones. I had the original large Disney tote and carried it for quite some time. It got so many comments! Later I got a smaller bag with Minnie and Mickey at a romantic cafe (can't remember the name of the purse). It was white with red and black, and also got a lot of attention. Now, all in the closet and I'm carrying a cheap Land's End tote, which I don't have to care much for. Enjoy yours! I know I did and will again if I see any that appeal to me.
They are fun, aren’t they? And they do get a lot of attention! I have a Haunted Mansion Dooney (which was a Mother’s Day gift) and a Disney Dogs one (that was a Christmas gift) but I don’t use either and will probably end up selling them. The HM one I love because it’s so awesome (adore the purple lining), but it’s uncomfortable to carry. And the Dogs one is smaller than the totes used to be, I guess they cheaped out a bit or something! So it, too, doesn’t work for me. Honestly the one I use most I really like, it’s not a Dooney, I forget what it’s called (it has a New England theme), but it’s one my mother bought for me for helping her through a surgery. I get a lot of compliments on it, too, but it’s summery. This new one is more wintery, and hopefully the old style tote (ie bigger) and will match a lot of what I wear. I bought it used, but it is brand new with tags, so the price was very good for a Dooney. I don’t buy myself much, so I’m excited! I bought DD one for her 18th bday and she still wears it, it’s held up great. And I bought DS’s girlfriend a crossbody one for her bday last year. It was a little small for my liking but she likes them small, and she wears it to WDW. Otherwise I would never buy a woman a purse! Lol.

Which makes me think of a QOTD: Purses! What type do you like? Any Disney Dooney s? Big or small? Switch out for seasons? Special ones for Disney trips? Do tell!
Which makes me think of a QOTD: Purses! What type do you like? Any Disney Dooney s? Big or small? Switch out for seasons? Special ones for Disney trips? Do tell!

I love purses and bags and switch out my favorites frequently! No real expensive ones, but I'm a sucker for adding to my casual collection when I find a good deal. I generally carry something medium-sized, but that does change according to season and need.
Thanks for your vote, Kirby :) Oh no! How awful, especially for Lil Joe to have to witness that between his parents. So very many prayers for the custody battle to have a kind and peaceful resolution asap! Hugs, so glad you had the unexpected blessing of hearing from your long-ago friend! I hope you two have fun rekindling your friendship :)

Thank you as well, Carol for voting and prayers you and your family all stay safe and warm! I’m glad your DS was able to spend an extra night at the hotel.

Thank you so very much, Pea, for trying to get me crosswords! I truly appreciate that so much. Hug to dear you and so glad your DH’s surgery went well and that you got yourself a gift, too! Please remember to take care of YOURSELF, my friend! Your dog truly will come, my friend in God’s perfect time and way.

Thanks, PollyannaMom and Snowysmom, prayers and hugs always to both of you that is for sure! Please also both of you kind friends, stay safe and warm! Yikes it sounds cold out there!

Thank you all for the care and love you give to stray animals! They are God’s beloved creatures, too after all! I love reading shares of kindness period and each of you certainly sure extend kind love in so many ways!

:grouphug: to each of you dear Quackers and waving Good Morning to other dear posters: Lynn, B&B, Judique, Footballmouse, and Easyas!

It's a quiet morning here so far. Dad should be home, I pray within half an hour from laundry and shopping. Always such a relief and blessing when he's safely home especially on a Friday because it usually means (and will this weekend) that he is home for the weekend. We watched a little more of the Christmas Connection last night. Have any of you seen that? Some of the characters certainly are eager to enfold newcomers into their mix, which is sweet of course, just lol I'd probably be taken very aback by that type of enthusiasm! :D Will watch more of this movie later.

Thank you all also for voting! :)

I'll check back later. Wishing all of you a warm and good day!
Just finished clearing the driveway and widened the path to the sheds..sun came out and started melting it, but since it's going down to 10 tonite, it will all just refreeze

QOTD I do NOT like purses, I hate having to carry one. I don't own any Disney ones, except a large 'carpet bag' with Disney characters on it that I have had for at least 22 years, lol!
QOTD I also do not like purses. I keep everything in my pants pockets. I started doing that when I had to hold hands with both kids when they were little. I had no place for a purse. I do carry a bag to work with my food items and other work necessities. I have one Disney one that I carry my laptop in which has a picture of the castle and says, My Happy Place. I had one with Winnie the Pooh. I now carry one with a big Westie on it. But I don't go into the office much so these bags get little use.

We got between 6-8 inches of snow. My plow guy says he will be sure my driveway and walkway is clear by the time I get to the house at 8 am tomorrow. I am fine with that. I called to be sure they got my contract and I was on the list. Older DS will snowblow his driveway and clean off my car when he gets home this afternoon. I told him I would clean off the car but he said he would. I am at a loss as to what to do today as I usually take 2 walks in the afternoon but that is not happening today. I guess I will window shop real estate. Not much on the market right now except the new condos I am looking at in 2 weeks. DS wants me to look at 2 bedrooms in addition to the one bedroom I am interested in. I will look but they are at the top, if not a bit over, my budget. Plus do I really want to clean 2 bathrooms and 2 bedrooms. I will see what they look like as it doesn't hurt to look. I am finding it hard to look at these places knowing it is to be by myself without Chris.

Tomorrow the temp is supposed to be in the 20s. Next week we are getting into the single digits overnight. Brrrr! I have to make sure the heat in my house is at a good level. Older DSs house is always chilly. I will have to add a fleece or a heavy bathrobe.
QOTD: Purses! What type do you like? Any Disney Dooney s? Big or small? Switch out for seasons? Special ones for Disney trips? Do tell!

I am not, in general a purse gal, although I do have one. It lives under the seat of my car! I got in the habit of keeping just what I need in a cell phone case wallet type thing and I just toss that in my pocket and go do my thing. I do have a few light, small, cross shoulder type bags for travel, as well as a travel briefcase I use often when I fly. I've looked and and contemplated a few pricy bags over the years, I'm waiting till I see one I actually LIKE that doesn't have a brand logo all over it and seems like it will hold up for 20 years (hello plain high quality brown leather bags, I'm watching for you!). I don't mind spending the $$$ but I don't want something that isn't a classic and can't hold up for a long time. Something worth handing down.
I must admit I am a tote bag fiend though, I have way to many, and most don't get used. I find it hard to walk away from a tote bag that appeals to me! One thing I don't have is any Disney branded bags. Or clothing for that matter, outside of a ratty old sweatshirt!
I guess I will window shop real estate. Not much on the market right now except the new condos I am looking at in 2 weeks. DS wants me to look at 2 bedrooms in addition to the one bedroom I am interested in. I will look but they are at the top, if not a bit over, my budget. Plus do I really want to clean 2 bathrooms and 2 bedrooms. I will see what they look like as it doesn't hurt to look.

Sounds like the grandkids have been asking if they'll be able to sleep over someday! (Though there's nothing wrong with good old-fashioned sleeping bags on the living room floor!)
Good afternoon!

I forgot to answer earlier that I'm also not a purse person. I do have one but prefer not to use it. Pockets or as needed waist pack. Dad now uses a waist pack whenever he goes out. Much easier and safer to have everything, especially money, in one more secure place.

:) to your carpet bag, Lynn, I should watch Mary Poppins sometime!

:grouphug:Snowysmom. One step at a time. I do hope you find a condo you like. I never much thought about multiple bathrooms in the past. I always lived in apartments with only 1. God-willing should dad and I get to move down the road, we both agree 1 1/2 would be very welcome! Also, just from a practical standpoint, should one bathroom have a plumbing or other issue, you'd have a backup. I've also realized that it would be preferable to have guests use a secondary bathroom as well. Enough of that, just much extra love to you and please stay warm!

Easyas, favorite old sweatshirts can be so comforting. What character(s) are on your Disney shirt? ::MickeyMo

PollyannaMom, kiddos do love sleeping bags and pretending to camp out! I had a strawberry shortcake sleeping bag as a young kid. Wow that was years ago!

Dad is thankfully home and all is quiet and well. I wish each of you a peaceful and warm rest of the day!
Still trying to keep up on the iPad instead of tablet. It is harder for me. And I get on and it tells me I have to accept cookies but doesn’t give me a place to do that. I have to exit and come back.

DD took DGS to the pediatrician because he still wasn’t improving. Test for flu was negative but he does have an ear infection. First one in either kid. Hopefully a day of Amoxicillin will have him feeling better.

We have a hawk hanging around here again. Today he came and sat right on the railing by our sliding glass door in the family room.

Got a lot of the Christmas decorations down but not put away. We will take the tree down Sunday. Candles and winter decorations will stay up a while.

Which makes me think of a QOTD: Purses! What type do you like? Any Disney Dooney s? Big or small? Switch out for seasons? Special ones for Disney trips? Do tell!
I have two Coach purses I mostly use when I carry a purse. I have 4 Vera Bradley purses I use sometimes. Actually, since the pandemic, it mostly gets stuck in the car but not used. I have a couple of different size backpacks I use often. The only Disney item like this I have is a Vera Bradley ID case. I use it and one other most of all. I can stick my license, credit card, and a little cash in it which is usually all I need.

Shrimp, salad, and baked potato for dinner.
QOTD-- I do use a cross-body med. sized purse. Nothing designer, I'm too cheap for that! I also have a couple of totes that I use for overnights.

It is 3 degrees below zero here. Glad we could stay in.

Lynn-- So nice of you to care for all those kitties!!
Pea n me-- I think you are very wise to wait for the right dog. Our current dog was from the Humane Society. He had the description of Wall Flower. He is quite the lazy mutt, fits us perfectly! Unfortunately he has some neck and back issues which cause quite a bit of pain from time to time.

Flyingdumbo-- Just to give a dissenting viewpoint, I think I like number 2 best.
We have had the grandkids sleep over at the house previously. The one bedroom condo I am looking at is the largest of the ones they offer. It has a flex room in which I could put a sleeper sofa. I know Chris would want me to be in a 2 bedroom for the room so maybe I will seriously look at the 2 smaller ones they offer. DS asked older DGS if he wanted to sleepover when Nana gets a new home. He said no because it would be too long. He did say he would visit me though. My older DGD would love to sleepover with Nana so sleepovers are definitely part of the plan.

I love the picture of the hawk. Last weekend I looked out the bathroom window at DS's house and a hawk was sitting on his neighbor's roof. The hawk would look at me now and then as I watched him. He was gone after I took my shower and I have not seen the hawk again.

Pea n me I hope the right dog comes along soon. Maybe the cosmos is just waiting for that special dog to come your way. Hope your DH is doing well.
I’m glad she got it! A friend of mine was just telling me she was in one of the two pharmacies in Chestertown yesterday evening and they were out of amoxicillin the truck they were expecting didn’t arrive I guess there was a parent in there trying to fill a prescription.
We have a hawk hanging around here again
He/she is beautiful. We see them sometimes sitting on the electric lines going down the road towards the office.

MAJOR news on the flip flop front! Fourth pair finally arrived today and oh my gosh they are so comfortable! I don’t know how I’m going to decide which ones to send back I -can’t lie there’s a part of me that might keep all three ha ha!

Our dinner tonight will be leftover Cala zone from lunch.
Temp already down to 22 here, heading for 10 overnite..brrr...
Dinner tonite was fish and chips..first time I tried cooking them in the air fryer , and they came out perfectly. Even Mr L, who doesn't normally like fish, said they were good. I had made coleslaw this morning, so we had that with it. Have apple turnovers for dessert tonite

Stay warm everyone..and the picture of that hawk is awesome!
Just popping in for a quick "hi". Hope everyone is staying safe and warm. We have had sub below windchills here the last few mornings. Thankfully we have kept our power and our roads have been clear for the most part.

Kirby-so many prayers out to you and your daughter and of course the kids. What a terrible situation for all of you. Your daughter and grandkids are very blessed to have your support.

Snowysmom-much luck in your hunt for your own place. I'm sure when you find the right place you will just "know".

Easyas-glad you are having such luck with your flip-flops!

Pea- It sounds like you have a positive attitude about finding a dog. I always say when it's meant to happen the right one will come along. It does sometimes amaze me how many "hoops" people have to go through to adopt a pet. I am ALL for making sure the animal will be well cared for, but sometimes I think places go a bit too far. I had a friend who tried to adopt a dog who had been at the shelter for 4 years (it's a no kill shelter) 4 years and they would not let her adopt him because she had a dog run outside that she was going to keep him in. A large dog run with a warm bed and shelter from elements and they would have let him out when they were home to run free even more and be with the family, but nope, they thought that was cruel...but having him live in a very small indoor kennel with an hour of play time a day was not cruel. 4 years and they told her no. :sad2: Sorry off my soapbox now.

As always, prayers and good thoughts to all Quackers.
I am ALL for making sure the animal will be well cared for, but sometimes I think places go a bit too far.

I agree with you about some of the rules being a little too strict. My son's friend can't adopt a cat because he hasn't turned 21 yet. He holds a full time job, pays rent (in a place that allows cats) and was the primary caregiver for his family's cat when he was younger. He would be able to provide a way better home than a cage in a shelter.
think places go a bit too far. I had a friend who tried to adopt a dog who had been at the shelter for 4 years (it's a no kill shelter) 4 years and they would not let her adopt him because she had a dog run outside that she was going to keep him in. A large dog run with a warm bed and shelter from elements and they would have let him out when they were home to run free even more and be with the family, but nope, they thought that was cruel...but having him live in a very small indoor kennel with an hour of play time a day was not
Oh man, you are 500% SPOT ON!
Which makes me think of a QOTD: Purses! What type do you like? Any Disney Dooney s? Big or small? Switch out for seasons? Special ones for Disney trips? Do tell!
I've never had a designer purse. I carry them until they wear out. My purses have gotten smaller over the years. My current one is a 9" X 6" crossbody. I began carrying crossbodies when I started taking care of my mom. It was just easier taking her to the store and having both arms free. I did pick up a bag on my last trip to WDW that I dearly love.

We received a notice from Lou Lou's preschool. One of the three year olds tested positive for Covid. Of course, they won't tell us which class they are in so we just have to keep an eye on Lou Lou.

Thank you for all the good wishes for DD. She can't get a break. And today, she was called into the principals office. The school district has an anonymous tip line and the principal received a tip about DD. It said that she had an outstanding CPS case against her. It also said that a mom had posted a picture of her mug shot on social media. It's just another instance of her ex finding ways to harass her. He's threatened in the past to take her job away and now he is actually trying. The CPS case was closed, he knows that and yet the message was sent. As far as a mug shot, someone had to do some digging into DD's past. When DD was 19, she went to a frat party which was raided. The police wanted to make an example and she was one of the kids that were hauled off to jail for an overnight stay. They booked each one, had them wear the orange jumpsuits and stay all night in a cell. That doesn't ever show up on a background check. It's a shame that her ex can't spend all his time doing something productive and focus on his current wife.
Late night (for me) stop in.

Prayers for your DGS, Carol to feel better! Great picture! That reminds me to say, loved your earlier bird picture, too, PollyannaMom! I like that you do also have some winter decorations.

Thank you for giving a dog a home, Dazed! Thanks also for your vote! I’m honestly not sure about either 1 or 2 given their prices. I had something cheaper in mind. These days even disposable tablecloths can be quite costly (99 Cent Only does have some as does Dollar Tree for which I’m grateful). Dad and I had been talking about tablecloths and actually he mentioned it might be an idea to look for a long- lasting vinyl or flannel backed (as opposed to Dollar Tree or 99 Cent Only thin, 1 time use disposable) birthday tablecloth. I thought I’d scout around Amazon as a possible additional birthday surprise for him. Yikes, on Amazon, even the throw-away cloths are a fortune! I’ll keep looking and let you all know what I/we decide. Thanks everyone for your votes. I hope that was fun to do :)

Hug, Snowysmom, that sounds like a good future grand kid visit/sleepover plan.

Hooray for comfortable flip flops, Easy, wear them in all good health!

I’m sure you made a lovely meal, Lynn. Glad both you and Mr. L enjoyed it. Please do stay warm!

Good to see you, Frog! I agree with both you and PollyannaMom that a safe, loving, and warm home is what matters to (humans, too, of course) a dog! Your friends were so kind to try and offer that to one. I’m sorry it didn’t work out.

Oh dear Kirby. No words just a ton of prayer and love!

Stay warm everyone please and safe, too! Sweet Dreams!
Which makes me think of a QOTD: Purses! What type do you like? Any Disney Dooney s? Big or small? Switch out for seasons? Special ones for Disney trips? Do tell!

Why, yes, I do have D&Bs. I have the Broncos crossbody (from a Reddit Secret santa exchange, RIP) and the Minnie in Paris (I think is what its called) tote. I also have the F&W Minnie wristlet. I also have a Loungefly backpack (the blue Winnie the Pooh) with matching wallet. I have a nice black handbag for when we go out, not name brand or anything, that I picked up at Target 20+ years ago; it still looks brand new, and fits all the makeup and stuff you need for a night out in it.

I use the tote or Loungefly when I'm going out for a longer period, and need to bring the Kindle and snacks. I use the crossbody to go shopping; it fits my phone, a mask, some hand sanitizer, and my small Loungefly wallet.

Going out to look at houses and townhomes today. Getting breakfast at First Watch before starting (Lemon Ricotta pancakes, here I come.....:cool1::cheer2::love: Today is a backpack day, so it's easy to carry around, and I can bring snacks! Have to get done on that side of town by 3:30, so I can be back home by 4pm, so I can watch my beloved Broncos lose heavily to the Chiefs. It has definitely been a few rough seasons for us; maybe if we can get an offensive line and a head coach that knows how to coach everyone (not just the defense)....

Last night, we did not have the chicken parm tenders; I did cook them, and we'll have them tonight for dinner, along with veggies and dips. I picked up some empanadas (beef and chicken) and some reheat-and-eat carnitas tacos kits from The Fresh Market yesterday, and we had those for dinner. They were really good; I bought some 'gourmet' tortillas to use, instead of the basic flour ones in the kit. Tomorrow is sloppy joes, and then Monday will be smoked turkey from Honeybaked Ham. I had bought ham and turkey to have with DD, but we just didn't get around to it, so now we'll have them this month. Ah well, more for me!!!

DSis is struggling. They picked up DBiL's ashes yesterday, and are putting them up until it's time to go to Colorado; and his obit was in the paper, just short, with name, age and the mortuary name. She got the flowers, and loved them, and we had a 2 hour long talk yesterday, that she really needed. My girls each sent a card to the family, which I'm sure they will appreciate.

Tomorrow, I'm popping up to Home Depot to return something for DD#2, and then we'll either get the boxes we need from there or run up to Lowes.

Gotta get moving, have a good day y'all.


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