Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

I always DVR it, but usually watch it in the bedroom before I go to sleep. Mr L cannot stand that show :(

My DH actually watches, but is generally several episodes behind me. We have three categories of shows:
- some we watch together
- a few we watch at different times and talk about
- our own shows the other isn't interested in
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Happy Wednesday everyone! :wave2:

No snow yet, expecting that later tomorrow. I think either tonight or tomorrow night it's supposed to get down to 10 degrees. :cold:

Couldn't sleep last night so I'm really dragging this morning at work. I need to look into something that will help me fall asleep. Excited for tonight's TV watching, The Amazing Race starts back up. The roof guy came to the house yesterday and fixed my roof. Now my boys just have to fix the ceiling in ds3's bedroom, he said it's getting a little cold in there.

Guess I'll try to find something to do at work so I can stay awake. Have a good day and stay warm! :flower1:
Anyone else watching Amy Schneider on Jeopardy, and hoping she keeps her streak going? She's almost to a million dollars!

That's amazing! We both watch, but are behind a few episodes. (We were all keeping pretty far apart when DS had Covid, so we were watching our own stuff. We started catching up on together shows yesterday.)

I need to look into something that will help me fall asleep.

I ordered DH and DS Dodows for Christmas, but the delivery was delayed, so I don't have their personal reviews yet. I'll let you know if they recommend them.

Good morning. More willing to try posting from the iPad now.

30 outside but I have nowhere I need to go.

Did my shift at church yesterday then picked up a huge grocery order. Made turkey burgers last night and froze 3 more meals worth. Today making a big pot of spaghetti sauce to have tonight and freeze multiple days worth. I meal plan a week at a time then shop accordingly.

Finished my first jigsaw puzzle of 2022 and starting on #2. Reading another book for my reading group at church. It is like a book club, not a Bible study. We are reading The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell. I am really enjoying it.

My mom is terrified of getting COVID
I am fairly concerned about that too. More worried for grandkids and DDIL.

I split the rest of the ham in half, freezing part of it.
I also froze some Christmas ham.

Up early this morning and just finished watching "This Is Us" - I'd forgotten how much I missed that show! (If anyone else watches, we have a discussion thread full of spoilers and predictions here.)
I also watched it but don’t want spoiler. I have gone to that thread when I have questions.

The Amazing Race starts back up.
I watch that on and off but am excited to watch Kim and Penn Holderness.

Have a good day everyone.
My chewy order is taking a little longer too~~ have you noticed that even they are out of a LOT of wet food? I am hoping our Walmart has some on the shelf this morning to carry me over. I have a lot of them to feed!

I'm either doing Petco or Target this morning. None of them have the Pro Plan Urinary tract Chicken entree which I need for the one male cat. I have the UT dry food and he eats it but doesn't drink enough water. I made a mistake counting cans and buying what I needed before delivery and accidentally calculated 24 packs but bought 12 packs because that was what they had. Got surprised yesterday when I realized I was almost out of canned.

Feeding 3 indoor and 1 outdoor cat. Outdoor cat seems to be doing well. I bought him the Igloo doghouse and have it sheltered on my deck next to the house. So the snow has been kept off the igloo and the feeding spot. He still pokes his head out and looks to see if the food is there before jumping out. Not sure where he's taking care of business with the deeper snow. He was very good at going down into the field about 200 feet away - still my yard. Hopefully it's not on my deck......
I'm either doing Petco or Target this morning. None of them have the Pro Plan Urinary tract Chicken entree which I need for the one male cat. I have the UT dry food and he eats it but doesn't drink enough water. I made a mistake counting cans and buying what I needed before delivery and accidentally calculated 24 packs but bought 12 packs because that was what they had. Got surprised yesterday when I realized I was almost out of canned.

Feeding 3 indoor and 1 outdoor cat. Outdoor cat seems to be doing well. I bought him the Igloo doghouse and have it sheltered on my deck next to the house. So the snow has been kept off the igloo and the feeding spot. He still pokes his head out and looks to see if the food is there before jumping out. Not sure where he's taking care of business with the deeper snow. He was very good at going down into the field about 200 feet away - still my yard. Hopefully it's not on my deck......

We don't have a Target or a Petco. We have very few stores--Walmart Super Center, Giant (Martins), a Petsmart (which is way too expensive and they hardly have any either), a Weis, and a Save a Lot. We have 5 indoor furbabies and there are 6 outside ones. They seem to just find me,,knowing I won't leave an animal to starve outside. We have a wood shed, and I cover the doors in plastic for the winter. Just leaving a bottom corner open so they can come and go. I have 3 big boxes set up inside there that I insulated with silver bubble insulation, lots of newspapers, and big blankets in each one. I cut a hole in the front for a door. Also have 2 of them set up under our front porch..which is where half of them sleep, the other 3 come from the woodshed every morning and sit on the arms of the chair staring through the kitchen blinds, or sitting on the back step blocking the door till I come out. Fortunately we didn't get any snow, and its only been really cold the last few mornings, so they are all doing okay. I fill their water bowls with warm water 3x a day and keep a double sided bowl of dry food out there so they should be okay.
We don't have a Target or a Petco. We have very few stores--Walmart Super Center, Giant (Martins), a Petsmart (which is way too expensive and they hardly have any either), a Weis, and a Save a Lot. We have 5 indoor furbabies and there are 6 outside ones. They seem to just find me,,knowing I won't leave an animal to starve outside. We have a wood shed, and I cover the doors in plastic for the winter. Just leaving a bottom corner open so they can come and go. I have 3 big boxes set up inside there that I insulated with silver bubble insulation, lots of newspapers, and big blankets in each one. I cut a hole in the front for a door. Also have 2 of them set up under our front porch..which is where half of them sleep, the other 3 come from the woodshed every morning and sit on the arms of the chair staring through the kitchen blinds, or sitting on the back step blocking the door till I come out. Fortunately we didn't get any snow, and its only been really cold the last few mornings, so they are all doing okay. I fill their water bowls with warm water 3x a day and keep a double sided bowl of dry food out there so they should be okay.

So good of you! Fortunately for my budget the other wandering cats in the neighborhood actually have homes and owners. So I feed twice a day and do warm water in this freezing weather. He usually leaves a snack portion of dry food for later lunch.

I also discourage the 2 neighbors cats that will try to come eat the food occasionally. They are about twice his size and can be mean, so if they see me or if I knock on the window they take off. Problem is that makes this kitty scared of me also, but he still sticks around for his dinner.

Also have a wren that likes cat food!
41 and goes from sun to clouds. All errands and grocery shopping done. There were exactly 30 cans of Friskies wet food on the shelves. And 3 variety packs. Everything else was bare including the fancy feast and sheba. Used a U Scan and was out of there in under 45 minutes. Aldi's wasn't busy either,,very weird.

Off to finish putting stuff away, throw a load of laundry in and relax for awhile. And I got 2 extra packs of Eliquis from my PCP, they found more, they are 5 mg and I only take 2.5 so will be cutting them in half and end up with 2 months worth for free!
Good Morning at last! :)

Been a bit of a busier day but I'm here and sending all of you Wednesday good cheer! Please stay warm out there, yikes it sure sounds freezing for most of you!

TV shows and movies do appeal to different people that's for sure. For me, sometimes, like a book, a show reasonates more or gets my attention better depending on when (sometimes a season or frame of mind or even time) I watch/read it. DVR is a wonderful invention indeed! Going to check out Christmas Connection later with dad.

🙏:sunny: to all!
Cold , snowy, and very windy here. Glad I don't have to leave the house. Putting a pot roast in the oven for dinner tonight and tomorrow.

The reason I asked about road trips is we had a planned trip to the southwest in May. With all the health issues plus covid still going strong we are not sure what to do. We had planned to drive 3 8hr days in a row to get there. Not sure we can handle that. We had planned on going to Arches NP, Moab, Monument Valley, Grand Canyon, Sedona, and then a week in Tucson with family. Almost 3 weeks total. I am so torn on how to proceed, we will talk to DH doctor, but he usually doesn't offer much of an opinion. We have never been to the area. Other option is to just fly to Tucson for the week with family. :confused3
Footballmouse I have trouble sleeping. A friend gave me celestrial seasonings extra sleepytime tea. The box says sleepytime extra. I drink a cup about an hour before going to bed. I find it helps. I start to feel sleepy after about a half hour of drinking it. I get to sleep faster and even if I wake up to go to the bathroom because I drank the tea, I get back to sleep a bit easier. My doctor gave me trazadone but that does not work for me. Keeps me up. I had trouble sleeping even before Chris passed away and wish I had the tea then too but it really does help me now.

I went to the house today to put out the trash and check things out. We are supposed to get snow on Friday. I saw 1-3 inches possible. My plow guy comes if the snow is 2 inches or more. I am hoping for one inch or less. It is what it is so I will just wait and see. At least Saturday will be a sunny, if cold, day. I have alot to do that day.

@dazedx3 Your road trip sounds really nice. I hope you can go. I really wanted to see those areas. Chris and I did see the Grand Canyon and Sedona. Both places were beautiful and the Grand Canyon is amazing. Maybe you could take it a bit slower and take more time to drive less each day and rest more.

Have a nice evening.
I hope you can go as well, Dazed, at least for some of the trip. Perhaps make it shorter than 3 weeks so you can still enjoy just not be gone as long. God-willing by May, the sun will be out more and just maybe Covid will be a bit gone more, too. It does sound like a great trip especially that you would get to also see some of your family.

🙏Always and hugs too, Snowysmom. Thinking of you :)
The roof guy came to the house yesterday and fixed my roof.

Oh good, I recall you mentioning the issues you were having with it earlier - glad you were able to get it fixed.

Made turkey burgers

We love making turkey burgers, sometimes I add in jalapenos, mushrooms, carrots and whatever else I might have in with them.

Feeding 3 indoor and 1 outdoor cat.

We have a handful of barn cats here - I keep old dog beds for them up in the hay loft (no longer keeping hay up there), and we have a large tub we keep filled with dry cat food to supplement what ever scavenging of birds, squirrels, rabbits, and chipmunks they manage to grab. They want zero to do with us so we don't get close to them and they usually make them selves scarce when we are working in the barn. We do enjoy watching them wander all around the farm.

We had planned to drive 3 8hr days in a row to get there. Not sure we can handle that. We had planned on going to Arches NP, Moab, Monument Valley, Grand Canyon, Sedona, and then a week in Tucson with family. Almost 3 weeks total. I am so torn on how to proceed, we will talk to DH doctor, but he usually doesn't offer much of an opinion. We have never been to the area. Other option is to just fly to Tucson for the week with family. :confused3

How about flying out and renting a RV for your travels once you are out there? Or flying out and renting a car for your drive, then flying home. That way you can skip the 3 days out and 3 days home of 8 hour days and just enjoy the scenery and whatnot once you get out there.

Well, not much going on in our neck of the woods. It's damn cold, we are watching the first episode of the new Around the World in 80 days on PBS w/ David Tennant, I think it's a new Masterpiece show. So far it's okay. The dogs have a robust fire going. Dinner was assorted leftovers, accompanied by a glass of wine for me, and a whisky for him. Up next is a bio on Bruce Dickenson, who had had a bit of a interesting life and evidently was introduced to singing by his Vicar. No great plans this weekend, and that's no problem for me. I've been existing getting by with basic cleaning since mid-December and it's time for some heavy duty cleaning, so I suppose I'll do a bit of that. I'm on the road both tomorrow & Friday afternoon to jobsites. Same meeting, two different groups of guys.

Have a good evening everyone!
This go around I ordered from Merrell, Clarks & Olukai, and another pair from Columbia to see how the new model feels.
I really like the look of the Olukai...I may need to order myself a pair to try them out.

The reason I asked about road trips is we had a planned trip to the southwest in May. With all the health issues plus covid still going strong we are not sure what to do. We had planned to drive 3 8hr days in a row to get there. Not sure we can handle that.
It really is a lot of driving, not just driving there and back but also the time included to get from place to place. Whatever you decide to do, I hope you're able to make this trip to see such wonderful places. Like Mona said, maybe Covid will have calmed down some by May and it would be easier go fly to one place, rent a car and then fly home after your last destination.

ETA....forgot the rest of my post....lol
I've been sooo tired lately, I'm also having trouble sleeping at night and have taken naps almost every day this week....which is probably a reason why I haven't been able to sleep at night...geesh.

I had a nail appointment today and stopped at Dollar Tree after to pick up a few Valentine's decorations for next month. I have so many decorations for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas but I've been trying to pick up a few things here and there for the other holidays/seasons to brighten up the house a little throughout the year. Last year I got some cute St Patrick's Day and Easter/Spring stuff but missed out on Valentine's. I used to have my house decorated in Americana so I already have 4th of July things. Anyway, I always forget how much I like Dollar Tree($1.25 Tree now I guess...:laughing:) They had some really good stuff and I was pleasantly surprised it wasn't busy at all like it usually is.

Hope you all have a great rest of your evening. I'm still feeling really tired so I hope I can get to bed early and stay asleep tonight.
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My sleep has been off, too. DH is having surgery today so maybe I can catch a nap in the waiting room. 😴 I’ll be caring for him tonight, and tomorrow the surgeon is having me remove some of the hardware rather than going back in. That should be fun. :rolleyes1 Meanwhile work has been asking me to come in to work daily. No pressure! Will be driving in during snowstorm this weekend. Hopefully we have help, but not optimistic. Tough days again. So sad.

Well the home visit went well. I just answered their questions and didn’t expound much. Just found out we’ve been approved after reference checks. Hopefully the dog I had in mind is still available, but we’ll see. 🤞 Had another application in and found out this week that was a no go. A little sad about that as the dog I think would’ve been perfect for us, but still holding on to the belief that when it’s right, it will happen. Mom’s anniversary is this week, so thinking of her a lot. Gonna get shut down here as 4am, will update later. 🐣


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