Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Wow..that is cheaper than the $.60 I pay for cans in Walmart, and the ones I got on Chewy this morning ( the 40 can Farm Favorites comes out to $.70 a can). Our niece and her husband live in Gaithersburg too!


About 52 cents a can plus tax, I guess. I have to pay more than $1 for the 3 ounce Urinary tract cans. And that's less than half what I was paying when I was buying at the Vet.

Pets are expensive! I watch all kinds of workarounds to try to make the money stretch further. Target - occasionally cheaper for the kinds the Persian will eat and if I get a 10% off coupon, that's where it goes, that or a Disney gift card!

So, right now I have a male that will eat anything. A male who will eat most food, and a male who can only eat UT food. And a picky princess who wants what she wants.
The Special Kitty brand is the cheapest one that Walmart sells, lol!

Oh well, that sounds okay...I'll let my cats talk to your cats now :lmao:

Family situation possibly set to be resolved Thursday or Friday-we are at least getting some progress there. Sadder situation has yet to be resolved but is imminent over the next few days if not sooner. My husband has said he will be taking care of the situation so I don't have to. Last night was rough for us both but this morning we woke with a bit of a sense of resignation and acceptance of the situation that eased the heartbreak momentarily. I worry over our other dog, being with his companion is all he has ever known and I'm afraid he'll be a bit lonely without his wrestling and playing companion.

Dinner tonight will be french dips. I've got a nail appt. after work and figured this would be a easy to toss together meal once I get home. Tomorrow I'm on the road all afternoon so I'm planning on putting a beef stew in the crockpot in the morning before I head out for the day.
I know it was cold today, but dang it looks to be very cold tomorrow! Ironically the meeting I'm conducting is a safety meeting on the topic of cold weather stress and cold weather protection! So, I'm accidently very timely. I've also got to disburse travel docs for the kids we are sending to a conference in Vegas next week.

I think I'll make some lemon zinger...
Well all I can say about cats & cat food is that I hope none of your cats talk to my barn cats! All I give them is the el cheapo dry stuff!

I remember when I was growing up and I would visit my uncle's farm or my grandfather's farm. The barn cats got raw milk when the cows were being milked and that's all I remember them getting. The pigs got all the house scraps and I guess they survived on birds and mice. They also were not allowed to enter the house.

Growing up at home when we got a cat it was expected to live outside or in the shed or small barn we had, but I used to feed it. People food. No such thing as getting pet food. My mother did not want any animals in the house. Then when I was older she fell in love with a dog, a cocker spaniel, and that dog got to come inside.

So, your barn cats live well!
Good afternoon, friends :)

Thank you Easyas for the smile. As you (and all of you know) I'm not a cat person but I definitely hope your kitties get their food, you know I do and that the cost isn't too high for you. I do have a local friend with a cat who has shared that during this pandemic, cat food prices have gone up. Probably that applies to dog food, too. Dad said human food and supply prices sure are going up :(

I'm getting some mail ready and waiting for the mail to be delivered. Dad and I will watch more of Hope at Christmas this a little later. I just got excellent customer service from CVS. I had ordered a couple pictures which dad picked this morning. One was a 5X7 of me. A birthday surprise for him. I had instructed him to not open the envelope. when I looked at the photo, I saw the top of my head was cut off :P In the preview before ordering all looked fine. I explained to CVS photo customer service that due to the pandemic, I am homebound. I would have to give the photo to my dad or someone else to return to the store for a refund. The rep kindly credited my photo account for 3 5x7's! so nice. Now I can try again for free and order other pictures, too. Truly appreciated her kindness!

:grouphug: to all.
Glad CVS made it up to you Mona. After waiting since Friday for Chewy's delivery, I just had to call them and complain. Fed Ex must have dropped one of the boxes on it's end. I had 4 opened cans of cat food, cat food soaked through the tray, and 6 other cans dented/crushed. They are sending me another 24 cans,,and I will donate the good cans to the local animal shelter like I did the last time this happened. At least my cat food supply has gotten a little larger, lol..We have snow flurries flying around and its really cold. Stepdaughter just messaged that she finally made it home from dropping her husband off to catch his van to work in GA. The normally 1 1/2 hour drive took her almost 2 1/2 each way, she said the weather was horrible out that way (near Morgantown WV), and that she's glad to be home

Have a nice evening all
Good evening.

Still on the iPad and I made some quotes but I always hit “post” by accident too soon. I do have my laptop back though.

Finished the first coat on the front room of the office. Not sure we will being doing a second. It feels good to have done something like that but I’m tired now.

I was talking to DH about the crossword puzzles and he seems to think that papers have the same crossword puzzles in different papers.
I wondered about that as well.

Have you tried using a keyboard for your iPad?
Thanks for the suggestion but as long as I have a laptop I’ll use it. The fact that the screen is bigger is also easier for me on the laptop.

Spaghetti and salad for dinner.
That is a good point! Actually, our friend and fellow Quacker, Apirateslifeforme, told me that a puzzle in one of the various papers in her area is the same puzzle printed in the Times that dad gets daily. She found some others instead which was so nice. I never thought about that before she brought it up! Thank all of you who have replied so far.

Have a good and warm evening all!
Happy Tuesday! :D

Kind of boring in my little world. Didn't do anything after work yesterday. Made a chicken recipe in the crockpot yesterday and it wasn't any good. The dogs will be eating good tonight. Had to come in to the office today and I was not looking forward to going out in the cold. I think when I left the house it was 14 degrees.:cold: Too cold for me. Pea-n-Me, -15 is way too cold!

Back to work. Everyone have a good day and stay warm. :flower1:
Good morning...16 degrees outside, will be a high of 26,,then warming to mid 40's tomorrow. There is no wind, so it doesn't feel as cold out as it did yesterday morning when it was 20 something.

Fed the cats,,one of them let me pick him up and sat in my arms for about 10 minutes purring. He is the only one who ever even lets me touch him. I guess he was thanking me for feeding them? lol!

Guys are coming to look at the chair before noon, and I have to text the floor guy yet again. His last text said he and his wife had been under the weather, but that he would come out soon to finish those few things on the kitchen floor. It has now been more than 5 weeks since he put it in, you would think he could take an hour to come and finish it, if it even takes him that long? I will never give him a good reference or send anyone else to him to have something done, that's for sure~

Off to make my grocery list for tomorrow, gather trash for tomorrow..and I want to wash the floors after the chair guys leave

Stay warm everyone!

Good morning.

I'm not sure of the temp outside, so lets just go with colder than a witches - left -you - know -what!
Apologies, I've got a salty vocabulary at times!

I'm in the office this morning, and then off to a meeting this afternoon. Put some beef stew in the crock pot this AM to do it's thing. I'm going to pop home on my way out to the jobsite to dump the vegetables in there for the rest of the cooking time. That way we have a easy meal all ready to go as husband will be out hunting most likely and I won't be home until dinnertime myself.

We were supposed to get some snow this weekend, but they've lowered the likelihood to just 30% now. Boo-Hoo. Maybe we'll get a bit. I can't believe it's only Tuesday. Feels like it should be Thursday.
Good morning!

Other than I'm staying in and cleaning up a little, nothing much going on here. DD has gone off to work and I took a trip to the basement to see what I could find to discard on trash day.

Also thought I'd share a pic of outdoor cat from when it was warm. This morning he wanted rubs and I did a little and he wanted to come inside. Maybe I'll cage him in tonight because it's so cold. 21 out there right now.

This pic is taken through my window as he was pretty wild when it was taken.

Good morning!

Other than I'm staying in and cleaning up a little, nothing much going on here. DD has gone off to work and I took a trip to the basement to see what I could find to discard on trash day.

Also thought I'd share a pic of outdoor cat from when it was warm. This morning he wanted rubs and I did a little and he wanted to come inside. Maybe I'll cage him in tonight because it's so cold. 21 out there right now.

This pic is taken through my window as he was pretty wild when it was taken.

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What a gorgeous cat!! I hope he takes you up on your nice offer.


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