Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Hi to All.
I hope everyone who is in the path of the winter ick is safe and warm. We had a bit of snow come through later Friday into early Sat. AM. I think we are getting a few days of semi nice weather(low 20s/high teens) before we get another round of super cold wind chills.

Happy birthday Judique! My son shares a birthday with you…along with Betty White. So sad she is gone. Did any of you participate in the. Betty White Challenge? The local shelter we support was not open today, so I plan to go in sometime this week and make a donation. I could do it online, but I like to stop in and see the furry friends when I can.

Completely out of left field, but wanted to share that I have finally started using my Ninja Foodie…and I really like it. It holds a 9x13 pan and I have hardly had to turn my oven in since I’ve started using it. I admit I bake a lot in it and have only used the air fry feature a few times, but so far it’s been great. It takes less than a minute to heat up and def. cooks some things a bit faster (a learning curve for sure, but nothing too bad) than I am used to, but overall, I give it two thumbs up. It came with a recipe book that I have yet to open, but hope to try a few things out in the semi near future.

Kids had school off today for MLK Day, so my son was happy to have his birthday off.

Sweatpeama, does your 4-H have a county teen council? My daughter seems to think she wants to join ours. It’s been “defunct” for a few years, but they are trying to get it back going again. I think she will enjoy it if they are able to find enough kids who want to

Take care and stay warm Quackers.
Happy Birthday to Judique and frog's son! My DD also shares a birthday with you. Today was a sad day for her though. It was a year ago today that my mom passed away. DD had a special bond with her and she misses her grandma very much.

AuntieMe, I sent you a PM.

Weather was beautiful here today. Got up into the 60's. I filled the bird feeder back up and Lil Joe helped me put water in the bird bath.

DD took the kids for their Covid test. Lou Lou handled having her nose swabbed like a trooper but Lil Joe pitched a fit until the worker mentioned that he might have to hold him down. DH and I went a couple of hours later. It was the easiest Covid test I have taken so far. There was no line, I just drove up to the table to check in. We each received a vial of liquid and then I drove to the next table. The attendant stuck the Q-tip up inside each nostril about 1" and swirled it around five times each and we were done. No sticking the Q-tip way up inside my nose until my eyes watered nor swabbing the back of my throat till I gagged. Now to wait for the results. DH ran a low grade fever today but it was 100.3 at 8 pm. I'll end up getting up and taking it a time or two during the night.

I did less office work today than yesterday. Did a load of laundry, cleaned the kitchen a couple of times. Took a short nap.

Dinner tonight was sandwiches. I just didn't feel like cooking. We've postponed DD's birthday dinner until DH is well. She wants him to cook Taquitos for her.
Good morning. I did not exactly participate in the Betty White challenge. I give to the Animal Rescue League every January so I just added a bit extra. Jasper came from there.

I did not sleep well last night so today will be interesting. I could not get my mind to slow down even trying deep breathing techniques.

It is 27 degrees here now so not too bad. It is going to be windy today and black ice on the roads this morning from yesterday's storm. Off to make coffee so I can wake up and work.
Happy Tuesday everyone! pooh:

I actually had a rare day off yesterday. I cleaned the bathroom real good. An electrician was supposed to come out later today to fix the bathroom exhaust fan but they had to reschedule for next week. Oh well, at least the bathroom is cleaned for the week.

Was planning to bake chicken last night but Ds1 and dil called and asked if I wanted to meet for dinner. They are looking into building a modular house and I work with some nurses that did this so I had a bunch of information for them. They broke the news to me that they are moving in with my ex-husband for a year to save money for the house and start paying on a piece of land. I told them that was fine but don't expect me to visit them or the cats. They understood.

Think I'm going to head to Old Navy today, I'm looking for a pair of black jeans. I need to stop somewhere to get some type of medicine to rub on my knees, this arthritis is so painful with this cold weather. We ended up getting some snow Sunday night but it didn't amount to much in my area, maybe an inch. It was enough for the dogs to have fun playing outside.

That's about it for me. Stay warm everyone and have a good day! :tigger:
Good morning all. Its a balmy 00 degrees outside, and our high for the day will be 32. Was hoping for the sun to come out and melt the snow, but its very gray and icky looking out there. My MIA outside cat is no longer missing. She was standing at the back door this morning waiting for brreakfast. No idea where she was,,possibly got closed in someone's garage, or just didn't walk through the snow to get back here. She even let me pick her up and pet her, which is unusual..guess she missed me, lol!

@frog3101--Like you, I have been using our Ninja Foodie Smart Grill a lot more often. I made fish and chips in it last week, made pork tenderloin, have cooked steaks, baked potatoes in it the other night for dinner, cooked a whole chicken etc. Haven't really tried baking anything in it yet though. Usually use the air fry feature , except for the steak which I used the grill feature on. Mine fits the 9 x 13 pan also.

@flyingdumbo127 will be glad today is Winnie the Pooh Day!

I have all the blankets we use to cover up with when we are chilled or watching tv in the dryer, and just put the bedspread for the spare room into the washer. The cats have been sleeping on it and I want the cat hair gone off it so it looks new again.

Made coleslaw to go with Sloppy Joe's for dinner tonite, did the dishes, and am going to make my grocery list for tomorrow..also have to get the snow off the car cover as it's apparently not going to melt off today.

Have a nice day all,,stay warm!

Good morning.

Did any of you participate in the. Betty White Challenge?
Me too!

My DD also shares a birthday with you. Today was a sad day for her though. It was a year ago today that my mom passed away.
So sad that her grandmom passed on her birthday.

I never heard of Raccoon Rumpus, Carol! Just Googled, it looks cute. I hope all of you had fun.
Well, I won the first round and Tessa did not react favorably. Also the last round.

Working a little on the file cabinet then 2 hours at church.
Happy to report that DD is getting ready for her local trip! I’m glad she’s feeling well enough to go! 🙏🏻😅

Just puttering around the house today, been running around the past few days. Going to do some work in my room.

Enjoy the day, everyone! 🐣
Morning all. It's nice out today, in the mid 50s. We actually had the heat on overnight a few times in the last few weeks! Dh likes it when it's colder out, because I'll snuggle up to him to stay warm; the rest of the time, I want my own space, away from his oven temperatures! :rotfl2:

Everything went smoothly at Mayo yesterday (well, as smoothly as hospital visits go, anyways); and he's back up there today, for a bone density scan and the annual followup with the transplant team. Doesn't need me for those, so I just stayed home. I'm washing our bedding; then I'm washing all the random blankets we use when on the couch, and I'm packing those blankets. I have 3 loads of clothes/towels, and I need to clean our bathroom (I have the tub sprayed, and the stuff in the toilet bowl, just need to go scrub); scoop the cat litter, and take out the trash. I need to go to the post office and ship off stuff for DD#2 (some stuff they left here, + some gifts she asked me to ship to her in-laws), but those are going to wait until the 29th, I think. I can't ship her stuff until then anyways, so why make two trips?

I've got the kitchen about 1/3 the way packed; the living room about 80%; our bedroom about 25%. Woohoo. DH is going to pick me up more packing tape (I've gone through 3 rolls already) and some more packing paper (100 sheets + 1 roll of bubble wrap was not enough). The cats are loving the rows ofboxes to climb on.

I have a bean soup mix going in the crockpot with a ham bone. Hopefully they are done by 3 or 4, so I can add all the other stuff (veggies, seasonings, tomatoes). I guess I'll make some beer bread to go with it, since I forgot to start a dough last night. LOL

That's all she wrote. Y'all ahve a good day!
I’m so happy your cat came home, lynxstch.:cat:

After watching ”The Lost Valentine “ last night, I had trouble falling asleep, and I noticed Tom did too. I asked him what was going on and he felt too emotional. That was it.

Our contribution to the Animal Rescue will get there by mail, I hope they are overwhelmed with extra contributions!
Morning all. It's nice out today, in the mid 50s. We actually had the heat on overnight a few times in the last few weeks! Dh likes it when it's colder out, because I'll snuggle up to him to stay warm; the rest of the time, I want my own space, away from his oven temperatures! :rotfl2:

Everything went smoothly at Mayo yesterday (well, as smoothly as hospital visits go, anyways); and he's back up there today, for a bone density scan and the annual followup with the transplant team. Doesn't need me for those, so I just stayed home. I'm washing our bedding; then I'm washing all the random blankets we use when on the couch, and I'm packing those blankets. I have 3 loads of clothes/towels, and I need to clean our bathroom (I have the tub sprayed, and the stuff in the toilet bowl, just need to go scrub); scoop the cat litter, and take out the trash. I need to go to the post office and ship off stuff for DD#2 (some stuff they left here, + some gifts she asked me to ship to her in-laws), but those are going to wait until the 29th, I think. I can't ship her stuff until then anyways, so why make two trips?

I've got the kitchen about 1/3 the way packed; the living room about 80%; our bedroom about 25%. Woohoo. DH is going to pick me up more packing tape (I've gone through 3 rolls already) and some more packing paper (100 sheets + 1 roll of bubble wrap was not enough). The cats are loving the rows ofboxes to climb on.

I have a bean soup mix going in the crockpot with a ham bone. Hopefully they are done by 3 or 4, so I can add all the other stuff (veggies, seasonings, tomatoes). I guess I'll make some beer bread to go with it, since I forgot to start a dough last night. LOL

That's all she wrote. Y'all ahve a good day!
I am tired just reading all that! :lmao: You’re doing great, girl!
Good Morning and Happy Tuesday! pooh:

Happy Belated birthday to your son, Frog! How sweet of you to make a donation to a shelter.

Hug, Kirby, I’m pray for negative results for all of you!

Thank you all who have donated to an animal shelter or who daily make a difference to one of God’s creatures by giving a loving and warm home to a pet.

I “liked your post” for the animal rescue and Jasper parts, Snowysmom:grouphug: not, of course, the no sleep :(

I love that, PollyannaMom! Thanks for sharing with us. We will absolutely have to go on the Pooh ride at least once, usually there is not much of a line so easy to go twice, God-willing, as a Quacker Family one extra blessed and fun day when we can finally have our DL meet.

Enjoy your day off, Footballmouse! I’m so glad you have one! I hope you find a good jean deal at Old Navy and prayers for your knee.

Hug, Lynn, I am indeed glad. Christopher Robin used to be my favorite Pooh character because his heart gave life to all of our 100 Acre Wood Friends. I still have a place for him for sure. It is dear Pooh who in his own simple way tries to be a friend to all. Gotta love that type of bear! Oh and I am also so thankful about the cat!

I’m glad you did have fun, Carol. Stay safe out there! I've said this before but really love when during the opening Hymn, someone walks up to the altar with a cross and then stays upfront holding it. Places Christ extra in hearts as people quietly center more on Him in grateful praise.

Praise God, Pea, that your DD is able to take her trip. Continued health prayers to her and of course always to you!

Prayers to you and your DH, B&B! No hospital visit is any fun indeed!

Always good to see you, Bobbiwoz, thank you also for donating on behalf of an animal.

Wishing all of you a good and warm day!
We have bright sunshine and its 36 degrees out. I got the car cover off , folded and put away,,got the plastic off the chairs that was sheltering the cats food,,they are all laying on the steps of the shed taking sun baths. I gathered trash for tomorrow, widened the path down the front yard to the street..and got really ticked when I walked across the road to get our mail out of the cluster box. Its a long rectangular bldg,,that has 4 separate apartments in it. A van pulled up in the big parking lot for it yesterday (our mailbox is along the street at the front of the parking lot. At least a dozen people got out with shovels and cleared the snow around 3 of the 4 cars and about 3/4 of the parking lot. They left piles of snow at the ends of both the in and out driveways. They snowblowed the other car in, so the guy couldn't get out to go to work last nite. I had to step through a pile of snow almost a foot high to get to the mailbox, as did the carrier. I came back and got my shovel..and cleared 2 shovel widths to the box so she can get to it and so can I. At least 10 different houses get their mail there, yet noone could bother clearing the snow? I opened my box to find no mail..and since I was expecting 3 pieces of mail, plus my Bath and Body Works order. I came back across the street, and found my mail, and the box, under a chair on the front porch. I have our carrier trained very well..lol..I just can't believe the ingorance and lack of common sense out of everyone who gets mail out of that box..or of all those people who were clearing the snow. Next time I will be telling them to make sure they clear it. They are getting paid to do the entire lot, and aren't doing it. The guy who owns the bldg lives on the next street,,but has been diagnosed with ALS so he doesn't go over there very often :(


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