Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Is there a song or songs that “take you back” to a special/fun/memorable time or event?
Black Water by The Doobie Brothers was the first song that came to mind. It reminds me of my senior year of high school driving along singing to the radio.

I remember Pop Daddy/Low Key but never connected he was one and the same. I sort of stopped coming to the DIS about the time he switched over.

DH prefers eating chili over spaghetti. He ate it that way at Steak N Shake a couple of years ago and hasn't gone back. What all does Cincinnati chili call for?

I pray that you have a light case.

I saw it earlier today. Was nice of her to let us know what happened.

I've had a decent day today. Felt some fatigue about mid day so lay down for awhile. I was able to work some in the office. Had tax stuff to do and get out in the mail. DH mailed it all for me.

Lil Joe somehow found the panic button on Carol's phone and I got an emergency alert from her then a "we're okay" text after school was out. She had to call the county police to let them know it was a false alarm. Talk about excitement.

Dinner tonight was spaghetti, steamed broccoli and Italian Salad by Taylor Farms. I've been real pleased with the Taylor Farms prepared salads that Kroger has been offering. The lettuce has been real fresh even at/or past the expiration date. The broccoli tonight was a five pound freezer bag with five one pound individual bags inside that I got at Costco. The broccoli was so good. I'll definitely be getting that again.

I bought a Taylor Farms chopped salad at Costco and found the same thing. Inadvertently let it expire but it was quite fresh when opened, and I enjoyed it.
s there a song or songs that “take you back” to a special/fun/memorable time or event?
My song is We've Only Just Begun by the Carpenters. Chris and I danced to it at our wedding. I really liked the Carpenters music and this was one of my favorites.

We have some snow on the ground and it is 28. We are expecting a bigger storm on Saturday with 8-12 inches predicted. Of course it is the day I have the junk people coming to pick up the last bunch of stuff. I am going to reschedule. Younger DS says he will be there on a weekday to have it done so I shouldn't stress about it. I guess mu snow plowing budget will take a hit.

Off to get ready to work. Have a nice day.
My song is We've Only Just Begun by the Carpenters. Chris and I danced to it at our wedding. I really liked the Carpenters music and this was one of my favorites.

We have some snow on the ground and it is 28. We are expecting a bigger storm on Saturday with 8-12 inches predicted. Of course it is the day I have the junk people coming to pick up the last bunch of stuff. I am going to reschedule. Younger DS says he will be there on a weekday to have it done so I shouldn't stress about it. I guess mu snow plowing budget will take a hit.

Off to get ready to work. Have a nice day.

My college roommate is (or at least was back then) a Carpenters fan too. I like that song a lot. :hug:

I think you are right to reschedule the pick-up, and it's good that your DS can do it on a weekday for you.
Good morning all
@chickapin parterre--nice to see you popping in again..do it more often if you can!
@Kirby and @AuntieMe3--glad you are both feeling better
I also loved the Carpenters music

Going to take a run to the discount grocery store over the PA line, stop at CVS and pick up 3 scripts, stop at Sheetz and put 1/4 tank of gas in the car..it's only down that much, but I want to add more dry gas since we are supposed to get some more really cold overnite temps next week, and we may stop at the health dept and get some of the free N95 masks they are giving away (just in case). Stepdaughter says she's almost feeling back to normal today :)

Have a nice morning all

OIP (1).jpg
Good Tuesday morning everyone. :dog:

I literally stayed in my pajamas the entire day yesterday, I felt like a slug, went to bed at 8:30 so good thing I recorded NCIS.

My chili was okay last night, nothing spectacular. I made corn bread muffins and brownies. Ds2's girlfriend stopped by after work to grab his W2's so I gave her a container of chili and all the extras for their dinner, and then I'll run some up to my aunt today after work.
DH prefers eating chili over spaghetti. He ate it that way at Steak N Shake a couple of years ago and hasn't gone back. What all does Cincinnati chili call for?
I buy a Cincinnati chili packet at the grocery store so I just mix that with the ground beef, water and tomato paste. Needs to cook for 90 minutes.

I grabbed two big boxes from work over the weekend that will make for nice feral cat houses. Ds1 says that there are a few of them around his work so I'll drop the boxes off to him. Hopefully he can get some hay to put in there. I meant to grab some old sheets to put in there but I forgot and I'm headed to his place after work so won't be stopping at home. :cat:

Back in the office today, the dogs were not happy about that this morning :dog:. Not much else going on so I guess I'll try to find something to do here at work. Hope everyone has a great day! :wave2:
Glad yall are enjoying your stay!
We were in 1612 in a 1 bedroom under a grand villa.
It was cold, but we enjoyed our stay.
DHHIR has the best cast members!
@hhisc16 I thought I would ask if you recognize my avatar? Since you have the resort sign in your avatar? It is one of the things you would see as you approach the gate. On the right after the bridge jutting out into the water. I always walk over near it to watch for dolphins. One of these days I will be quick enough to get a picture of them jumping up! Been trying for years. All the sea and seashore birds land on it and around the bank sometimes otters are playing. The birds will land there, swoop down, grab a fish and fly off to eat or feed it to their little ones. The fish are almost always jumping out of the water.
@hhisc16 I thought I would ask if you recognize my avatar? Since you have the resort sign in your avatar? It is one of the things you would see as you approach the gate. On the right after the bridge jutting out into the water. I always walk over near it to watch for dolphins. One of these days I will be quick enough to get a picture of them jumping up! Been trying for years. All the sea and seashore birds land on it and around the bank sometimes otters are playing. The birds will land there, swoop down, grab a fish and fly off to eat or feed it to their little ones. The fish are almost always jumping out of the water.
Yes, I recognize your avatar!
It is the wall thingy as you cross over the bridge going into DHHIR.
(Not exactly what it is used for though haha)
Good Morning.

Been a busy couple of days as always. My grandson had a basketball game last night and I am so proud of how much he has improved. His leg is doing great and he played 3 quarters before he got rested. The team is undefeated and last night was a nail biter for the first quarter and then his team pulled away. They won by over 20 points and are still undefeated. I would love to see him get a championship. The 8th graders were celebrated last night with posters of them all over the court and then they were each given a bag attached to balloons. I need to find out what was in the bag. When my daughter said she was putting the boys in Catholic school last year I was really bothered by it. Old wounds that go back to my childhood where I was not considered good enough because I was "Public". This school has been a wonder. The priest and the principal were both there last night for the boys. They know all of the kids in the school and even know what kids I belong to. My daughter made a very wise decision.

Dinner tonight is whatever I choose on the menu. A friend and I are meeting for dinner. My husband is getting the leftover soup my daughter gave us. She made a huge pot of soup but the leftovers weren't enough to feed her family, so she sent it my way. We had some last night and there is enough for my husband to have dinner tonight.

I had to think about the song question. I have an eclectic taste in music and many songs evoke different memories. The Wedding Song because my brother sang it at my wedding. He has a beautiful voice, and I loved the song. It was better than his choice - Men of Harlech. I didn't think a military song was appropriate.
The song that really brings back memories is Leader of the Band by Dan Fogelberg. When I was expecting my son, he was extremely active. So much so that people would watch in amazement as he gyrated. It was not comfortable, and I wasn't surprised when he was diagnosed as ADHD when he was about 5. He was so active that when I was expecting my second and she barely moved I thought she was dead a few times. Anyway, I was at the grocery store one afternoon and Leader of the Band came on the overhead music. He actually calmed down. When the song was over, I went back to being his punching bag. I tried playing it at home and he instantly calmed down again. We played the song so much I wore the tape out. He will be 40 in June and the song still has the same effect on him.

Have a good day.
I hope you guys are ready!

Regretfully it will probably miss us...I do love a good storm! Domenica used to be "our" weather person on the local news we watch!

Hitting the road in about a hour, back down to slower/lower Delaware to a jobsite. Got a few new short audio books I downloaded for the drive to Florida this weekend but I might dip into one of them this afternoon.
Good Morning everyone,

God has absolutely graced my birthday surprise for my dear dad. All 50 states are now accounted for. I have not received puzzles yet from each state but they're coming. LOL, I do admit this has become a huge job and if we weren't in the midst still of a plague, I'd definitely have asked some local friends to assist me. that's okay, doing this for my dad has been a blessing indeed. I thank all of you again for kind encouragement and puzzles, too!

Thank you so very much, PollyannaMom, I just emailed you. I hope you and your kitties are able to enjoy a cozy at home day!

Hug, Easyas. Truly knowing those we love and care for are safe and healthy is indeed so extra precious right now. I’m so glad your son is. Prayers for him and always you. Please be careful on the roads!

Glad you had a good dinner, Kirby. Please continue to take care and feel better! Did you try the Kroger cocoa? :)

Waving hi Chickapin Parterre, good to see you!

Hug, AuntieMe3, what matters my friend, is that you’re taking care and feeling better! Please continue to do so!

I’m glad you had a tasty salad, too, Judique. Prayers you are feeling better this morning and will have a good vacation!

I also like We’ve Only Just Begun,” Snowysmom :) Please don’t stress about it, my friend. It will work out. You just please stay warm and be good to yourself!

Please be safe Lynn and get home quickly! So glad your stepdaughter is almost all well now!

Hug, Footballmouse, sometimes pajama days are exactly what we need! That you have a friendly doggie crew with you would make that even cozier. I am truly glad you had a day off yesterday.

Taz, I truly hope you had a good dinner with your friend. You know you’re always in my prayers.

Wishing all of you a good Tuesday!
7 degrees right now. There is a wind chill advisory for overnight with wind chills expected to be 20 -30 degrees below 0. The older I get, I ponder why we never moved to someplace warmer.

I just ordered one of those peddler exercise machines for under a desk. I won't use it under a desk but I'm hoping it will help with my knee rehab. I saw my surgeon yesterday, and she said things look on target, but I'm getting a bit frustrated, I guess I need to be more patient.

Like so many here, I have been so sad about the passing of lowkey. Wish I had known him better, I know he would have been a good "real life" friend. Sometimes he seemed a little sad to me, I hope he knew how valued he was. I hope you all know how much you are valued. Sometimes it is hard to keep that in mind.

I have been so bored lately, I need to get busy with something. I'm really getting tired of the Game Sow Network which is what DH has on the majority of the day. :rolleyes1

Best wishes for all of you who are dealing with Covid, It has been such a long haul. I think if it wasn't for DH's diagnosis I would be going out and about more, but I feel we need to be extra careful.
Good afternoon.

I had a shift at church today. It‘s how I remember it’s Tuesday. I got a lot of knitting done.

This week is Restaurant Week in Newark so we are getting carry out from Deer Park Tavern for dinner.

I have been saving quotes so I remember what to respond to.

I'm going to make chili tonight
I made chili last night too, and enough to freeze 3 more meals. I use black beans in mine and accidentally bought spicy black beans for half the cans but it was still ok. I cut back on the chili powder.

Tomorrow will be fresh Rockfish
Where do you get that? I need your “fish gal.” DH has been wanting a whole fresh fish for a while.

I remember Pop Daddy/Low Key but never connected he was one and the same
I didn’t either. And I may have been around when he was Jason Lyons.

Lil Joe somehow found the panic button on Carol's phone
oh my! We had a similar occurrence at my mother’s retirement community. DS was about 10 and went into her bathroom. There was a string hanging next to the toilet, so he pulled it. Next thing we know, security is at the door. They said it happens a lot. Even sometimes cats activated it.

@AuntieMe3, sorry you were sick but glad to see you posting here.

I really liked the Carpenters music
Me too. I even put one of their albums on my iPhone.
:thanks: again dear PollyannaMom, I did email you back :)

:grouphug:Dazed. If you lived closer I would have given you a wheel peddler we got years ago from a neighbor that just sits around doing nothing. I hope the one you get helps you. I'm sorry it's so cold out there and you are feeling perhaps at loose ends. Do you enjoy doing puzzles as lot of Quackers, including myself, seem to? Maybe get yourself a new puzzle or try the Hallmark Channel for a new show. Just please take care and truly know we all do care. Remember if you'd like some mail from CA, PM me.

Waving hi to you Carol and hope you're back home now. Thank you as always for volunteering at church.
I rescheduled the junk pickup to Friday morning. I am meeting DS at the house. I decided he should not have to do it alone. I am working early in the morning, going to the house, then working in the afternoon. DS is kind to offer to do it himself as he knows I am stressed about the house. I am still hoping the snow storm goes more out over the ocean than inland. I saw there are 3 paths it can take and I like the over the ocean one.

@dazedx3 My DH always had the game show network on. He loved the old game shows like Concentration and Card Sharks. I am not really a fan so had to find something else to do or change the channel if he had enough of watching the shows. You do need to be patient with your knee. It will get there and all will be well.

I attached a picture of some of the dogs made from Chris' shirts. My dog is the blue one.Stuffed Dogs.jpg
Love the dogs, @Snowysmom. What a wonderful way for the kids to remember their grandpa.

Sort of lazy day today. Put some Yankee candles up on Craigslist for free (the scents didn't agree with me; they were all just barely burned), as well as all the old Nerf guns and the old cat tower. All were picked up today, and out of my hair.

Just having leftover beef stew, and fried cornbread stuffing patties tonight.
Yes, I recognize your avatar!
It is the wall thingy as you cross over the bridge going into DHHIR.
(Not exactly what it is used for though haha)
I think it's a breakwater. It would slow down any waves from the small boats that come through or if the water is rough, slow it up a bit to reduce erosion. But it's secondary purpose is as a bird landing or roost!
Good evening to all!

We had a full day visiting the beach and enjoying the beach house. There was no wind and it was quite pleasant but very few people. Mostly people walking dogs, a few seagulls and some plovers, plus some weird washed ashore jelly's.

Left the sand after an hour and a half and went up to check out the snacks. Got some drinks and a pretzel and went into the lounge area to sit and eat.
The girls went back outside and played with the cornhole/bean bag toss while I chatted with another guest.

Later we went to Michael Anthony's Cafe to see what they had in their freezers. Picked up some gnocchi and sauce. The girls got some wafer biscuits and I added in a loaf of bread. I would have liked a chicken entree but all I saw was meatballs.

Back to the room and had lunch. After lunch we went to see Pluto. Before he came, the girls played toss with a small ball with the lifeguards. All managed to keep from falling into the pool but the ball landed in a few times. Two young boys were swimming and they would get the ball and throw it back to the ball players. Soon they noticed Pluto and ran around to see him. Everybody took their turns and they were last but waited patiently. They played a little and I took a little video for the parents and then, back to the room. We were supposed to go back after 5 for a singalong/smores thing, but older DGD was 'tired'. Younger DGD was now unhappy but she got over it. She's go go go. I'm always tired but know enough to get up and keep moving, within reason of course.

Looking at the weather forecasts along the I 95 corridor, I am inclined to drive back Thursday instead of starting out Friday. I think I want to be home by Friday night when snow is projected to start falling, and continuing into Saturday, rather than driving in snow on Saturday.

I say this because there was a surprising to me amount of snow on the ground in Southern Virginia and North Carolina, all the way down to Lumberton. I've traveled in January and February for years and have seen little snow there. But the black ice was real and I prefer clear roads, especially with the munchkins in tow. And the projections are for more starting Friday evening.

If I didn't have the kids, I'd just get rooms for a few days and wait for spring!


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