Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Good morning--@Snowysmom--like you , we are cold out. But we are warmer than you--its 3 degrees here, going to mid 30's. At least the storm is supposed to miss us and only give us a dusting, and I am hoping that is the case. I too will be glad when you can be done with your financial planning, getting rid of the rest of your junk, and finding a new 'home'. Hoping that it will give you a little more peace and make you feel settled once again. I think of you every day and send prayers your way, hoping that you know all of us care for you and what you have been going through.. :grouphug:

@Judique..sorry about your missing jeans. It always stinks when you lose a favorite (or 2) piece of clothing, especially jeans that make you look cute. I know what you mean about those, lol!

The muscle pull I got yesterday moved to my lower back on the right side, and hurt like heck trying to sleep last nite. I put Icy Hot on it and took 2 Tylenol Arthritis, and it eased it enough for me to get a few hours sleep. I have an echocardiogram this morning, and then a stop at the heart clinic, and another at the cardiologist office to have them fax those papers to Bristol Squibb Meyers

Have a nice morning all..stay warm!

Good Thursday morning everyone 🐱 .

lynxstch - Ouch on that pulled back muscle. I know that hurts. Hope you feel better quick. You never realize how much you need those back muscles until you hurt one. I can't believe the price of that medicine! :crazy2: I pray I never have to take something that cost so much, I wouldn't be able to afford it.

Kirby - I had good luck with ordering a dress through Azazie.com. You can get up to 3 dresses at a time to be sent to your house to try on. Send them back and then order the one you liked or try a few more, it was $10 per dress. Prices are very reasonable to buy.

I had a horrible night sleeping last night :(. Went to bed at 10:00 and back up at 2:30 to let the dogs outside. But then I couldn't fall back to sleep until around 4:00. Wouldn't have been that bad if I didn't have to be back up at 5:30 to get ready for work. I really thought about just calling in sick but I decided to suck it up and get ready. Why waste a vacation day.

The electrician came yesterday around 5:00 and he was able to fix the kitchen light pretty quick and then figured out what was wrong with the exhaust fan in the bathroom and the hallway light. The company is going to call me about replacing the light fixture and the wall switch for the fan. At least that is almost taken care of.

Ds3 and I just ordered a pizza last night and I watched The Amazing Race and he had to go run over to his girlfriend's house. Breezey_Carol, what did you think of the Race? Not too happy about the ending. I don't like that early on in the race.

Took the last decent piece of bread this morning for breakfast so I threw the rest of the bread out in the yard for the birds. I figured since the dogs won't be outside all day, they have enough time to eat it. I also have to remember to call the vet and make an appointment for Boomer :dog:. He needs his yearly check-up and shots but I want the vet to look at his ears. I think he must have an allergy that bothers his ears. I know he doesn't have an ear infection but his ears bother him.

That's it for me, going to eat my toast and hard boiled egg before people start rolling in. Have a good day and stay warm! :cold:
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Good morning.

A balmy 12 here. Going up to 36. Our snow prediction is 3-5 inches Friday overnight but highly dependent on the storm’s path.

Need to go to the library today but all other plans are chores in the house.

Weren't you the one that found a dress for a wedding not too long ago? Where did you find it?
It was me. Both my daughter and I had to find dresses for the shower, rehearsal dinner, and wedding. We both ordered multiple dresses online then retuned most. I got the shower dress at Penney’s, the rehearsal dinner dress at Boscov’s, and the dress for the wedding at Macy’s. DD shopped online at Macy’s, Nordstrom, and Lily Pulitzer. At times we each had over $1000 on credit cards of dresses.

@Judique, losing jeans is traumatic. I hate jeans shopping. When we went to the Grand Canyon as a family right after DS graduated college, he lost a pair of new Under Armour sneakers. He had them at the airport then not a few days later. It is
still a long standing family joke.

Went to bed at 10:00 and back up at 2:30 to let the dogs outside. But then I couldn't fall back to sleep until around 4:00.
I hate when that happens.

Breezey_Carol, what did you think of the Race? Not too happy about the ending.
I enjoyed it. The bartenders race had me worried because it was quite a while before they even showed Kim and Penn starting. I like all the couples so really don’t want the see anyone leave. The married educators are my least favorite because of their bickering. Lala and Lulu have grown on me. Did you think there should have been an elimination? I have only watched a few episodes before this season so really don’t have anything to compare too. I like the ones who came in last but they really are having a hard time. I am rooting for Kim and Penn.
I enjoyed it. The bartenders race had me worried because it was quite a while before they even showed Kim and Penn starting. I like all the couples so really don’t want the see anyone leave. The married educators are my least favorite because of their bickering. Lala and Lulu have grown on me. Did you think there should have been an elimination? I have only watched a few episodes before this season so really don’t have anything to compare too. I like the ones who came in last but they really are having a hard time. I am rooting for Kim and Penn.
I couldn't believe the married educators were able to complete that bartenders race. Those steps would have been horrible to go up so many times! I wanted to like that team at first but I just can't with all the crappy talk he does towards his wife. I'm pulling for Penn and Kim or the boys. I really wish some of the other teams would have been able to come back, I liked the football coach and his wife and the hero team.
It is so nice to be off from work when there is a big snowstorm coming. Unfortunately, DD and I both have to work this weekend in the midst of this big Nor’easter we’re getting. We decided to book a hotel room near the hospital so we don‘t have to battle a snowbound/plow-ridden, likely 2 hrs of traffic home and 2 hrs back when we only have 11 or so hours off in between shifts. I don’t sleep well in hotel rooms but at least we’ll be comfy and warm. I have never missed work for a snow day so I’ve driven in a lot of craziness. Not up for it this week, though (it’s been rough here). I just pray everyone else shows up - we’re already down.

Good luck at the doctor’s today, Lynn.

Loved the stuffed dogs, Snowysmom.

Have a nice and safe trip, Easyas.

Interesting way to shop for dresses! I suppose more and more shopping is done online now. I like to feel and hold things and try them on, but it is getting harder and harder to find things I like locally. I hate doing returns. (And I have some piling up that I have to do myself here, too. 😬 )

Sorry about losing favorite jeans, that’s the worst. I lost a favorite jacket recently. I knew I had it on our last trip in Sept, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. I just found it last week, it was tucked in the bottom of my carry on and I couldn’t see it when I unpacked. I must’ve taken it for the plane in case it got chilly and not worn it, then forgot about it. Nice to have it back, though I missed it for fall, which it’s really best for (and spring).

Got caught up for a couple of days doing the low-key playlist for those of us who loved his music threads. It was kind of therapeutic. I always hate losing a friend. PollyannaMom and another volunteer were a big help. I might start putting my own together today from those songs. I do have to do some grocery shopping though, and figure out what to bring to eat that we can heat up in the room. So relatively crap eating for a few days, probably. 👎🏻

DS and I took a ride down to the cemetery yesterday. He is taking a lot of steps to move on in his life and he wanted to go. (He was very close with my mother since she lived with us from before he was born.) We said some prayers, and had a couple of chuckles (we decided not to leave fresh flowers out in the bitter cold as it would be a waste, so we left a Dunkin’ Munchkin on each headstone so at least the birds or squirrels would have a treat; once we left a baseball as that was all we had in the car during an impromptu visit, lol, I don’t think it really matters). As we were leaving we had a great God Wink that was pretty mind-boggling, so that was nice. (Something we had literally just prayed about showed up right in front of us!) I was thinking of PollyannaMom while there, I know you said you put flags out there during Veteran’s Day. Someone had actually put a wreath out on my father’s grave. I think it might’ve been the family of someone newly interred there, as there were others, too. But it was very sweet to see. 🇺🇸 Oh, and then we went for lunch at a favorite place nearby. DS still doesn’t have much of an appetite but I had no trouble inhaling a delicious breakfast plate, was famished.

That’s about all I’ve got. Stay safe if you are in bad weather, and enjoy hunkering down if you get that blessing! Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers! 🐥 Enjoy the weekend.
Good Morning,

I guess it is HOT here even though I sure am feeling chilled this morning. YIKES to 1 degree. I'd be completely frozen. BRR. Please, please stay warm and well all of you in snow country!

:grouphug:Lynn and prayers all goes well with your echocardiogram. Thinking of you, my friend and always you're in my prayers.

I do hope any lost clothes turn up! Clothing is so expensive and it is indeed hard to sometimes find an item you really do like.

Dad is headed out shortly to the Dollar Tree along with a couple other errands. I'll spend some time this morning on his birthday surprise. One more week to go until his birthday.

Have a good Thursday friends!
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I couldn't believe the married educators were able to complete that bartenders race. Those steps would have been horrible to go up so many times! I wanted to like that team at first but I just can't with all the crappy talk he does towards his wife. I'm pulling for Penn and Kim or the boys. I really wish some of the other teams would have been able to come back, I liked the football coach and his wife and the hero team.

Same here,,I really like the boys team
They had told me to allow 1 1/2 hours for the echo? When I had a full one when in the hospital, it only took 25 min. The one this morning took a whole 15, lol . They had given me an 11:30 appt at the heart clinic, but had told me to just come up when I finished with the echo. I stopped at the cardiologist office first and she faxed all the papers to Bristol Myers Squibb. Then I went up to the heart clinic, and even though there were 5 people in the waiting room,,she took me right in. The patient assistance for the drugs heard how much I had to pay for Eliquis yesterday, and came in to make sure that I had filled out the papers for assistance. She said she will follow up on it even though it was the cardiologist office who applied for me for it. They all thought the price was disgraceful and way way way out of line. Dr also told me that in a pinch, she can request samples from the drug rep , as long as the patient comes in and picks them up right away. They can't just hold them. Appt went well, BP, weight, heart rate, etc were all great..I only gained 1 lb over the holidays,,which she was amazed at, lol! She called in refills for the scripts that I needed and chatted with me for about 15 min.

Still not real snow predicted here..it's 32 outside, but feels colder than that. Mr L is sleeping in his chair, and I am going to feed the cats and then go lay down in the bedroom since I didn't get much sleep. Dr told me to try an ice pack first on my back, and then heat if the ice didn't make it feel better..we had a discussion as to which worked better--Ben Gay, Icy Hot, or Bio Freeze. Icy Hot wins everytime in my book, lol

Dinner is going to be Italian marinated chicken thighs, mashed potatotes, and Harvard Beets

@Pea-n-Me Please be careful in the storm, and very smart idea to book a hotel room close to the hospital, just in case you need it! Stay safe and thank you for all you do for your patients!

Have a nice afternoon all
Thanks, Carol for the thread save!

:grouphug:Lynn and praise God! I am so thankful your appointment went well my friend. Hooray for getting assistance with medication cost, too!

I'm on Target.com right now. Through the end of this week, Target Circle has 10% off one in store or online purchase! Add it to your account to save.
Lynn Great news on the checkup and that they will be helping you get relief from the high drug cost.

Pea N Me smart idea to get a hotel room near the hospital. DS has to work this weekend but he is only about 20 minutes from the hospital.

My meeting with Fidelity was short and to the point. Next meeting next week will be longer and more number intensive. Thankfully younger DS will be on the meeting too. The numbers just swirl around in my head and make no sense and I work with numbers all day. However, I do accounting, not financial stuff. Younger DS will be talking to me tomorrow about his analysis of the numbers. I really don't like having to do this and it is exhausting me so much. I want it done. It is not easy to deal with the administrative stuff. I know Chris wanted to be sure I was taken care of and I felt the same way about him. It is just so daunting and so sad. On the plus side tomorrow the rest of the junk should be picked up and we can get ready for the cleaners coming next weekend. I have an email into the carper cleaner and hopefully he will get back to me soon.

I took my walk today and it was a chilly one. It does make me pick up the pace a bit to stay warm. I look at it as burning more calories to keep warm. Not looking forward to the storm. I am anxious about it for some reason. I think because I am not at the house and am concerned about it and it is the first big storm without Chris. I know that sounds crazy but we always had our storm routine but if he were here this year he would not be doing the snow blowing. We would have hired the landscaping guy like I did. Sunday I have to go to the house and clean off the van. Plus Saturday it will be 4 months since Chris passed. It seems like forever.

It is DDIL's birthday today and she is ordering Lebanese food for supper. I ordered Chicken Kebabs.

Have a nice evening.
Continue to take care, Dead. So glad things have improved health wise for you!

Hugs, Snowysmom. I'm grateful that is one less meeting for you to need to attend. Very thankful your DS will accompany you next week and that tomorrow will be (I hope) the last or one of the last anyway, bigger tasks at the house. That doesn't sound crazy at all! The routine may not have mattered as much as the comfort of Chris being present with you. He still is with you as is always and forever God, and will literally help you weather the storm--pun intended to I hope to bring you a smile.


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