Question about becoming a character performer


Earning My Ears
Apr 6, 2008
Along with the height requirements are there any weight requirements too? Do they have only certain costume sizes and if there are, does anybody know what they are? haha I know this is a little random but any help would be awesome!:cool1:
The costumes are generally all the same sizes, though the ones that wear pants have different pant lengths so they don't drag on the ground. Some characters are skinnier than others, and if a person doesn't fit into the costume right or would look significantly different from the other people in it, they could get disapproved in the character (which means you can't put that costume on anymore). Other characters though have these big plastic rings in the costume to make them larger (like Donald and Daisy have 4 rings to make sure they stay duck-shaped) so the weight of the performer isn't as important. Hope this helps! :)
Along with the height requirements are there any weight requirements too? Do they have only certain costume sizes and if there are, does anybody know what they are? haha I know this is a little random but any help would be awesome!:cool1:

For the most part, weight doesn't matter. There are a few where it does, but there are more that it doesn't.
btw: Entertainment's one of the most exciting roles around, hands down, all 4 fingers...or paw ;)

best of luck!
I was wondering the same thing but for like the princesses?
And not to get off topic but I was thinking being a princess would be out of the question for me because I have a "snaggle tooth" on one side that I have chosen not to fix (because it reminds me of my father who has passed away) I was thinking it would not be very princess like to have a not so normal smile.
Do you guys know if this matters?
Smiles do matter but not every girl has a "perfect" smile. I would say go to an performer audition and if they feel as if u are a wonderful fit they may overlook it, you never really know...
It's very hard to be a character performer, but also very rewarding.

Getting casted as a "face" character is extremely hard. It's often easier if you're a guy looking to do it, than a girl, as there's less guys that meet the requirements. There's also height and weight restrictions, and it also matters who they need for a particular role. I've seen them turn down some girl that I thought were *very* pretty because their jaw line wasn't perfect, etc.

I've also seen them offer to cast someone in a role because they didn't have all the people they needed. (They had a drought of character performers about 2-3 years ago at WDW, and were actually trying to draft employees from other departments into Entertainment.) So you never know, but often it's need based.
So fur character costumes just have a lot of open air and the frame keeps the figure right? Do they rest on your shoulders? How exactly do the costumes work?
Depends on the character.

Mickey/Minnie is an outfit with a head, gloves, and large shoes. Chip/Dale is a large full body suit with a head. Queen of Hearts is a long dres with a huge skirt and a head. Winnie the Pooh/Piglet/Eeyore/Briar Fox are all build like Donald for the top portion, but have pants on the bottom.

The ones with tubing will rest on your shoulders some. The others are just going to be all over your body.
I've also seen them offer to cast someone in a role because they didn't have all the people they needed. (They had a drought of character performers about 2-3 years ago at WDW, and were actually trying to draft employees from other departments into Entertainment.) So you never know, but often it's need based.

I actually was with a girl who had an entertainment cast member approach her and suggest she audition for Pocahontas( sp?) BTW The girl is in costuming. Apparently all the preformers are told if they see someone who would fit a role they are to suggest they audition. Not that it gives anyone a better chance of getting a role, but it is still kinda cool to be told something like that,lol.
I was wondering the same thing but for like the princesses?
And not to get off topic but I was thinking being a princess would be out of the question for me because I have a "snaggle tooth" on one side that I have chosen not to fix (because it reminds me of my father who has passed away) I was thinking it would not be very princess like to have a not so normal smile.
Do you guys know if this matters?

Being completely honest:

Yes you must be pretty thin to be friends with a princess.

Yes your less-than-perfect smile might prevent you from being chosen for a role.
It sounds harsh but it is honesty.

I even had a friend whose tooth was chipped AT WORK and they told her she could not interact with guests until it was fixed. This is only an attractions CM. She fought it and won but can you imagine if they said this to an attractions CM what they would say to a character preformer?

To answer other questions of weight, for fur you basically just have to fit in the costume. For a face character obviously they generally look for thinner people. There are a ton of choices for them so they will p;pick whoever looks the most perfect:confused3 Harsh but completely true.

*EDIT to respond to another's post*
I have heard from random people, people who know me, people who work at Disney, who don't, etc etc a million times that I look perfect to be friends with Alice. Like out of the blue sometimes. On top of that I was very thin and fit and exactly the right height.

I was still cast as fur and not face. Go figure.

So sometimes you don't know why but you are not placed in a certain role. You have to match up with the others who are cast in that role at the same time as looking right for it. Perhaps my nose is too round :confused3 then again, maybe I would have gotten it had i auditioned further.

You never know about these things til you get in and try I guess. I unfortunatly had to leave Florida to come live back at home in NY for some reasons while I was still on the waiting list after i passed my audition :( that was my dream. I am hoping to go back someday and get back on that list (an audition is only good for 6 months) and pass the face audition this time as well!
Being completely honest:....

I am hoping to go back someday and get back on that list (an audition is only good for 6 months) and pass the face audition this time as well!

I'm sorry to hear about you not making Alice. I thought the same thing when I saw your avatar. I was like "Awww... she's Alice. How neat!" I guess it really goes come down to what they need and what they don't at any given time.

Is there a face audition? I thought they just pulled your from the character pool if they thought you were right for a face character, but there wasn't a separate audition?

Also, if they don't pull you for face at your original audition when youre applying for the program, is there anyway you can re-audition or somehow further your chances of getting a second chance at face?

I've heard at some auditions around the country, they don't pull face at all and that seems a little unfair...
I'm sorry to hear about you not making Alice. I thought the same thing when I saw your avatar. I was like "Awww... she's Alice. How neat!" I guess it really goes come down to what they need and what they don't at any given time.

Is there a face audition? I thought they just pulled your from the character pool if they thought you were right for a face character, but there wasn't a separate audition?

Also, if they don't pull you for face at your original audition when youre applying for the program, is there anyway you can re-audition or somehow further your chances of getting a second chance at face?

I've heard at some auditions around the country, they don't pull face at all and that seems a little unfair...

Sometimes there are specific auditions for characters (such as princesses) held at WDW.

Then there are generic ones such as the one I did

There are also internal ones (as in internal for entertainment) for people to move up in the ranks- moving up to face from fur, moving up to parade from meet n greet, etc
Being completely honest:

Yes you must be pretty thin to be friends with a princess.

Yes your less-than-perfect smile might prevent you from being chosen for a role.
It sounds harsh but it is honesty.

no that is not to harsh
i have always wondered about that issuse but i think being fur would also be cool.
Does anyone know an official source for how tall you have to be to be a princess? I'm 5'1-5'2 and I've heard its at least 5'4 and i've heard its 5'2 and i've heard they add inches because you'll be wearing heels.... I'm not looking for word of mouth, but something credible if you guys know of any website, etc.



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