"Reach for the sky!" We're finally getting there in JAN 2012!!!TR LINK PG 69!

Park Day 2! Monday, January 30th-EPCOT!

This morning we will grab breakfast in the room, I'm bringing poptarts and cereal (we can use the drinks from our lunch the previous day to get milk) and we plan on hitting RD! Now, if you read my last TR, you know that RD was a big issue for me. Our first day was a cinch b/c everyone wanted to get to breakfast, but after that it all went downhilll and we really ended up arriving about 15 minutes after RD. It was FINE and I will continue to remind myself of that b/c I think Rey will be resistant to being rushed and pushed on vacation. :rolleyes:

Anyway! We have cute matching shirts for Epcot, just like last time. :lovestruc I think I'll like this years better, they are white instead of black.

We (ok, I) plan on doing the front of Epcot this morning and then having a CS lunch at Sunshine Seasons!

In the afternoon we are going to enjoy WS, and hopefully the girls will do a bunch of Kim Possible missions. It is MY MISSION to get Savannah to enjoy Epcot, she says she doesn't like it. :eek:

We have a dinner ADR at Via Napoli! This is THE ONLY picture (seriously, just one snap) I have of anything from Italy. Looks like I need to remember to not forget my camera once I've had a drink or two in WS! :laughing:


We probably will not stay for Illuminations as we have another later day Epcot planned as well our 2nd to last night!
Your Epcot day looks awesome! Would you believe I haven't started a ptr for this trip yet? I wasn't sure I was going to write one this time around. I know I will definitely do a tr, but probably not the ptr.
Your Epcot day looks awesome! Would you believe I haven't started a ptr for this trip yet? I wasn't sure I was going to write one this time around. I know I will definitely do a tr, but probably not the ptr.

I was wondering...

I was gone from the DIS for so long that I thought maybe I missed it. :rolleyes:

Good to know I'm up to speed- and I'll be looking for that TR! :thumbsup2
Tuesday, January 31st! Park Day 3! Animal Kingdom

Ah, yes, Animal Kingdom. The park that I enjoy yet baffles me and causes me to launch into long rants...oh yes, you will get to hear! ;)

Savannah, however, LOVES AK. Don't get me wrong, I love EE, it's my favorite ride in all of WDW, aside from HM, but Savannah REALLY loves it. I'm guessing b/c of the animals.

Rey, well, Rey can't stand AK??!? :confused3 He didn't care for it, really, liked Tusker House, but joked about not even going this time! He must know me better than that! So here is a shot, at first glance, you think..."Awwwww, Daddy/daughter moment" and it was sweet to see them walking around hand in hand, but I believe Rey was more DRAGGING her around, trying to find something he actually thought was interesting in AK! :laughing:


Me, I'm somewhere in between those two. I love the trees and green (DUH) and really liked Lion King the two times I've seen it, but out of all the parks, this is the hardest park for me to EAT in. Yes, eat. You would think they would be chalkfull of veggies and vegetarian items, but I guess they've given all of that to the actual animals and all that's left is MEAT for the people! :eek: This time I am going to stop by Restaurantsaurus and get the veggie sub they have before we head to Flame Tree for everyone else. I think we can get something for Savannah there as well...we'll see! I'm trying not to worry too much about it. I love this pic of Savannah & I, it was our reflection while waiting for Primeval Whirl.


Uh, so I guess you noticed that I didn't really say what/how we were doing this park? AK is a hard park to navigate, I feel like no matter what direction you go in, you end up backtracking at some point? :confused3 The general idea on Tuesday is to do something like this:
breakfast in room/Rope Drop (well, or what used to be RD, we will just arrive around opening...)
Head to the Safari and ride it. I was going to get FPs for EE, but I just don't think we will need to do that? Maybe if it looks really crowded.
After Safari go get FP for EE and also ride it, then head to Dinoland gar lunch at some point, see Flights of Wonder, and then do Camp Minnie/Mickey before leaving.

I don't know! I think we are just going to have to wing it at AK, I can't figure out a proper way to tour it. :confused3

THEN, for dinner we have an ADR at Kouzinna!

Originally this was not the plan, but a few days before Christmas, I got a call from House of Blues. They said that my ADR on Tuesday needed to be rescheduled b/c they had some yearly closedown thing they needed to do. Well, this threw me into a bind, Kouzinna was scheduled for the next evening, right after DHS, but it was the only thing I could find to switch. So, I switched HOB and Kouzinna nights, which makes Wednesday not as fun b/c we can't take the boat after DHS to dinnner at Kouzinna, but it's not the end of the world! Besides, HOB said that since we had to reschedule, we would get a 30% discount! :goodvibes
So, I was going to add this into my AK day but really it's a different subject and worthy of noting in my PTR:

I'm FREAKING OUT and have the jitters!! :scared1: We are two weeks out today! YAY! (I think) and I'm totally stressing out. I had to dip into the Disney money and everything is really tight moneywise. I know our food is already paid for, but I have to have tip money and gas money and extra stuff. It's the extra that I'm worried about.

I'm freaking out about bills for when we get back as well and just generally worried about money. I know part of this is normal, but I'm not going to have fun if I'm worried the whole time! :sad2:

I am considering not renting a lens, but I'm worried I will be disappointed with the pictures I get if I don't. The lenses I have are for specific situations and I will have to carry them around and change lenses all the time if I don't rent one. I just don't know what to do?!?!?

Breathe...breathe...two weeks! Where's the meditation smiley?!?!? ;)
So sorry you are stressing out, but think about all the fun and memories you will create! I don't know much about renting the lens and all since I am a terrible novice at photography, but whatever you can do to cut costs...you just have to figure out the priorities with the spending and where you can cut. You guys will be back to Disney another time, so it isn't like you can't get those photos another trip in the future, right? And while pics are important (believe me, i am a pic nut, horrible at taking them, but love taking a lot and displaying a lot), the time, memories and enjoying your vacation wtih your family is more important probably? I know it is a hard choice.

Wow on all the gift cards! and yeah for 30% at HOB, what a great surprise.

I agree on AK, it is hard to navigate and we always end up criss crossing and retracing our steps.
Is there a lens that is more versatile than what you have but not as expensive? I know it won't be the same but it might help a bit. Also remember that this trip is for family pics and the next one is for photography. Which lens will be best for family shots? That being said I agree that pics are the best souvenir and YOU shouldn't have to be the one to automatically give up the "extra". If it's extra money (not gas and tip money) then you shouldn't be the only one giving something up. I only say that because I'm always tempted to just do without to make sure everyone else gets what they want. It's a tough call though.

It's just a testament to the absolutely HORRIBLE layout of AK if people who plan like we do can't figure out a good way to navigate. :rolleyes:
So sorry you are stressing out, but think about all the fun and memories you will create! I don't know much about renting the lens and all since I am a terrible novice at photography, but whatever you can do to cut costs...you just have to figure out the priorities with the spending and where you can cut. You guys will be back to Disney another time, so it isn't like you can't get those photos another trip in the future, right? And while pics are important (believe me, i am a pic nut, horrible at taking them, but love taking a lot and displaying a lot), the time, memories and enjoying your vacation wtih your family is more important probably? I know it is a hard choice.

Wow on all the gift cards! and yeah for 30% at HOB, what a great surprise.

I agree on AK, it is hard to navigate and we always end up criss crossing and retracing our steps.

My problem is that one of the reasons I take photographs is that I have a horrible memory! I take photos and journal the whole time because if I didn't, I wouldn't remember! My father had Alzheimer's and I keep telling everyone this is a precursor to it, but no one believes me. When everyone does eventually believe...I probably won't remember! :laughing:

Is there a lens that is more versatile than what you have but not as expensive? I know it won't be the same but it might help a bit. Also remember that this trip is for family pics and the next one is for photography. Which lens will be best for family shots? That being said I agree that pics are the best souvenir and YOU shouldn't have to be the one to automatically give up the "extra". If it's extra money (not gas and tip money) then you shouldn't be the only one giving something up. I only say that because I'm always tempted to just do without to make sure everyone else gets what they want. It's a tough call though.

It's just a testament to the absolutely HORRIBLE layout of AK if people who plan like we do can't figure out a good way to navigate. :rolleyes:

Meh...I looked at other lenses and to be honest, I would only save about 20$ and at that point I would rather just not spend any money on a lens. I will probably just cancel, I'm just too stressed about money and NOW the Durango is being weird again. I have only driven it 3 times since the last time I took it in the shop!!!!!! It seems to be the same issue as before, so maybe they will fix it and not charge me more. If they do, the whole trip may be threatened and I just refuse to believe that. I'm going to be on pins and needles about it until Monday. :sad2:
I just hope everything works out. I HATE worrying about money!!! Hopefully the Durango is a simple fix. I don't know what to say and there really isn't anything I can say, just I know how you feel!!! For example, my child support is late --- by a week. I currently have to use my credit card for my medicine I have to pick up today. I guess it's good to have my card to fall back on, but geez!!!:confused3. There's another bill I have to pay!!

Hang in there, my buddy. It will be ok. :love:
I just hope everything works out. I HATE worrying about money!!! Hopefully the Durango is a simple fix. I don't know what to say and there really isn't anything I can say, just I know how you feel!!! For example, my child support is late --- by a week. I currently have to use my credit card for my medicine I have to pick up today. I guess it's good to have my card to fall back on, but geez!!!:confused3. There's another bill I have to pay!!

Hang in there, my buddy. It will be ok. :love:

Thanks Ann! :hug: I'm hoping it's the spark plugs. When I took it in for the dying it was doing, they said it needed this whole-cleaning-thing AND probably spark plugs b/c they were old. Well, I put off the spark plugs b/c it was just too much all at once, so I'm REALLY hoping that it's just that. It's still going to cost $90, but I'm going to cancel my lens rental, so that will cover it.

I'm starting to think that things have to get crazy just so I can feel like I deserve a vacation. :rolleyes: The trip has been paid off for so long, I can't believe that it's all going to fall apart now just b/c we cannot GET there! :confused3
Now on to happier thoughts!...

Wednesday, February 1st! Park Day 4-DHS!

We'll do breakfast in the room again this morning and hit non-rope-drop since it looks like there isn't a rope drop at DHS now! I'm actually excited about this, I couldn't stand the TSM stampede, stressed me out! So, we plan on getting there around 8:45-9 and heading to TSM, naturally! Probably just grab FPs, but I guess we could ride too!


Then I have us heading towards streets of America and going Star Tours (which we have never done!) and Muppets! :lovestruc

We'll make our way over to Sunset Blvd and grab FPs for this baby:

I'm hoping since I know what the take off feels like this time, I won't feel like I'm going to DIE! :laughing: I LOVED the ride, but the take off was intense, I really felt like I was free-falling?!?! Savannah & I were in the front and if you need your morning laugh, here it is...notice how we both look like we are going to die and Rey & Dallas are SMILING behind us?!?! :rotfl2: I love this picture.


After grabbing FPs, I thought I might try ToT before eating...if I do it after eating, I might just lose my lunch! :eek: I'm terrified of falling, so I'm not sure if I can muster the courage, but I REALLY want to!

We'll be having lunch on Sunset Blvd and then in the afternoon using FP's, doing Magic of Animation, enjoying the parade, etc. I'm trying not to get too stuck on touring plans other than FP collection, I think this will work better with Rey's "leisurely" idea of touring as well!

This was the evening we were going to take the boat to Boardwalk for Kouzinna, but instead we will head to DTD for dinner at HOB. I chose HOB b/c I thought Dallas would really like it (as a guitar player) and b/c we have a 50% off restaurant.com coupon AND they said we could have 30% off for changing our ADR? No idea how that will go over, but sounds good to me! :thumbsup2
Good grief- I can't believe the Durango is already acting up again! I'm sending you pixiedust: that it's just the spark plugs!

Your DHS day looks great! I like that you've managed to find a compromise to get everything done and still be leisurely. :thumbsup2: Hopefully Rey will be on board with it, lol.
I'm starting to think that things have to get crazy just so I can feel like I deserve a vacation. :rolleyes: The trip has been paid off for so long, I can't believe that it's all going to fall apart now just b/c we cannot GET there! :confused3

Sometimes I feel like that about my trip too, Karen. You definitely deserve this trip, though! I'm joining in on sending pixie dust so that it will only be spark plugs and nothing major. On to more pleasant things, your daily plans are looking great and the Pop day that you and Hope did looked like so much fun!
Sometimes I feel like that about my trip too, Karen. You definitely deserve this trip, though! I'm joining in on sending pixie dust so that it will only be spark plugs and nothing major. On to more pleasant things, your daily plans are looking great and the Pop day that you and Hope did looked like so much fun!

Thanks Erin! :) I'm feeling ok today, I'm just trying to make sure that your idea about PTR's cursing actual trips doesn't come true! :laughing:
Ok, so we're at 12 Days?!?!? I'm just in complete denial at this point! :laughing: I did pull out the suitcases I have (and borrowed) and I'm slowly starting to pack stuff I can. Tried on my shorts and none of them fit (they didn't fit over the summer either) so jeans and a couple skirts for me. :rolleyes: Good thing I'm training for a half marathon this year, maybe my shorts will fit by summer! :p

So, onto the plans!
Thursday, Feb. 2nd - Park Day 5- Back to Epcot!
I can't believe this will be our 2nd to last day!
So, I have us sleeping in a bit this day, no need for RD. We'll eat in the room and when we get to the park we will do anything in FW that we missed on our first day or would like to repeat. This will be Rey's kind of day, no rushing...just leisurely! :rolleyes:

He loved the night we spent just walking around WS alone with no rides to do and no plans.

For lunch we are going to eat around the world! We each will have a CS meal and I'm sure tons of snacks, although Rey says he's going to use cash so he can save his snacks for the last day. Don't ask, it doesn't make sense to me either. :laughing:

I want to explore some of the countries that I never have!

The afternoon/evening plan is to really just enjoy WS, take lots of photos, which I didn't take last time and see the countries that I have missed all 3 times I've been there! I want to get some nighttime shots of Epcot, I don't have many of those.

We have a dinner ADR at Chef's! It's for 7pm, so late, but good timing for Illuminations, I think. I didn't get many good pics of Illuminations last time, partially b/c of where I was standing and partially b/c of Grey Goose slushies! I'll try to control myself this time! :lmao:


So, taking the Durango in early tomorrow morning, send CHEAP-SIMPLE-FIX-VIBES to me! :goodvibes
Here I am sending CHEAP-SIMPLE-FIX-VIBES to you....:hippie: :hippie: :hippie:

Your Epcot day sounds great. I love to just walk around the countries. I think this year we will stay for Illuminations. I'm so excited for your trip. It is soooooooo close! You WILL get there and you WILL have a wonderfu time! I just can't wait for pictures and updates as I really think I want to stay at POP in 2013. That is if we go if I have a job. Don't worry ---- lots of crap going on and I may lose my job, but with good thoughts, everything will be fine. At least that's what I hoping for and praying for. :cloud9: Lord knows I can't be without health insurance with my medical history. Boy, there's a lot I want to tell you guys, but I don't have a ptr so I don't have a forum to share..... whaaaaaaaaa......ok, enough of that....this is KAREN'S PTR!!! Peter's job is secure, but he's looking for other work now as he's getting tired of driving 2 hours per day to and from work. He's also tired of the complaints/issues that come with retail. Of course this time of year is brutal for anyone in the heating business. :confused3

Anyways, I'll stop hijacking your ptr now.......Warm thoughts!!! :love:
Here I am sending CHEAP-SIMPLE-FIX-VIBES to you....:hippie: :hippie: :hippie:

Your Epcot day sounds great. I love to just walk around the countries. I think this year we will stay for Illuminations. I'm so excited for your trip. It is soooooooo close! You WILL get there and you WILL have a wonderfu time! I just can't wait for pictures and updates as I really think I want to stay at POP in 2013. That is if we go if I have a job. Don't worry ---- lots of crap going on and I may lose my job, but with good thoughts, everything will be fine. At least that's what I hoping for and praying for. :cloud9: Lord knows I can't be without health insurance with my medical history. Boy, there's a lot I want to tell you guys, but I don't have a ptr so I don't have a forum to share..... whaaaaaaaaa......ok, enough of that....this is KAREN'S PTR!!! Peter's job is secure, but he's looking for other work now as he's getting tired of driving 2 hours per day to and from work. He's also tired of the complaints/issues that come with retail. Of course this time of year is brutal for anyone in the heating business. :confused3

Anyways, I'll stop hijacking your ptr now.......Warm thoughts!!! :love:

No, no, no! Don't apologize! This PTR needs some action anyway! :lmao:

I'm sorry your job is in jeopardy! OMG! I know things will work out, hang in there! :hug:
So.....here's a "lift up my spirits" photo...


Yep, my pin collection!!! I just received the pins I've ordered off of ebay for traders for this trip. I will have a total of 75 to trade! Yeah!!! Would you believe I actually ran out of trader pins last year? I really have fun pin trading. It's such an adventure! Yesterday I also finished the tip envelopes for both Ts meals and mousekeeping! That was fun. I think I'll work on the Disney scrapbook today, too. :lovestruc
WOW Ann! I'm impressed! LOVE your pin collection! My eye went right to the Vinylmation pins, those are so cool. We got some trading pins as well this trip, off Ebay, b/c Savannah didn't have enough to give Leslee some to trade, so we just ordered some. Ooooh, you are on the ball with the tip envelopes! I have mine all printed AND filled with the tips already! I wish all the money I need were so easy to organize!
Thanks Karen. My pin collection makes me happy, although I definitely don't have enough!!! Victoria's goal last trip was to get as many vinylmation pins as she could so those are hers! I'm off to scrapbook now!!! Have a great Sunday!!!


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