Relationship Deal Breakers


DIS Veteran
Sep 25, 2012
For those that are married or in long-term committed relationships...

What are your relationship deal breakers (other than being unfaithful)?
For those that are married or in long-term committed relationships...

What are your relationship deal breakers (other than being unfaithful)?
That’s a really hard call. Come January we’ll have been together 30 years. It would have to be something despicable that I wouldn’t forgive anyone for. I want to say abuse or irrevocably hurting one of our kids but neither is in his character and if either were to happen we’d be setting up appointments for MRIs, brain scans etc. ASAP.

Haha! & I'm thinking of Meatloaf: I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That).
What about your S/O refusing to be around one of your immediate family members?
Maybe way back in the beginning that *might* have been a dealbreaker but now? I figure he must have a damn good reason. He’s his own person and has the right to pick and choose his relationships. We do not speak to his father. If that relationship were to be suddenly repaired I don’t think I could find it in myself to be all buddy buddy with him. He hurt my kid and he hurt my DH, those get you blacklisted in my book. My DH would not expect me to reconcile because he did.
Really, the only 2 I can think of that would have me walking out the door immediately are abuse and addiction.

I glad my husband didn't leave when I had an extreme weight loss. I lost almost 40lb in about 2 months. I was ill but doctors couldn't figure it out.
Really, the only 2 I can think of that would have me walking out the door immediately are abuse and addiction.

I glad my husband didn't leave when I had an extreme weight loss. I lost almost 40lb in about 2 months. I was ill but doctors couldn't figure it out.
I'm glad too & hope they got to the reason.
Weight loss/gain can be for many reasons & I think it would be a sad for things to end over weight.
It would have to be abuse of me or my children OR proof/admitting that he had committed a serious violent crime...neither or which is in his character.

Other things listed would be cause for marital counseling and maybe eventually become dealbreakers if they could not be dealt with or led to one of the dealbreaker scenarios
Cheating. Drug use. Alcohol abuse. Physical violence towards me or my kids.
In our younger days cheating would have definitely been a dealbreaker but three decades in I can’t say that would happen. I’d be more likely to walk over an emotional affair than a physical one. At the same time I can hold a grudge like nobody’s business so it would take a whole hell of a lot for me to forgive. *Knock wood* let’s hope I’m never put into the position to find out.

lol Not placing the dishes in the dish washer correctly. That **** drives me bananas!
I’d have to kick my kids to the curb too, lol.

I would also add religious conversion from what we currently are.
Maybe because we aren’t religious this one is hard for me to wrap my head around. I might question a sudden change but as long as he wasn’t trying to convert me or insist on my practicing what he does he’s his own man and free to do as he chooses.

Well I definitely wouldn't want to be married to a murderer so that would be first on my list.
Depends on his reasons. Is this a one time thing or is he a serial killer? Kidding...

Good topic OP. I’ve always wondered what that one thing was that sent a long term relationship over the edge.
Depends on his reasons. Is this a one time thing or is he a serial killer? Kidding...

Good topic OP. I’ve always wondered what that one thing was that sent a long term relationship over the edge.

He could be a serial killer of spiders, that would be forgivable.

On a serious note, we've been married for over 22 years. I'd like to think we could work out almost anything that doesn't involve physical violence or mental abuse.
any abuse to animals- although I can safely say that one is absolutely impossible, given that we're both diehard animal lovers. But anyone - friend, relative, acquaintance who would even think of taking out their anger or frustration on an animal or child is no one I'd ever want to associate with ever. (We even catch and release any occasional spiders, lizards, beetles that find their way into our house. Zero mercy to mosquitoes or flies though!)


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