Relentless Forward Motion (a.k.a. Running towards 40)

So, how did the National Anthem go? I know the tourney rocked, so I'm just looking for some of the celebrity-aura of your DD to rub off on me.

And I hope to hear more about your training, your classes, and your upcoming conference. It's always good to know someone is experiencing some relentless forward motion. (And if it ain't gonna me be, it might as well be you.)
Hey guys...yes I have not fallen off the face of the earth but I am the beach this week :sunny:.

I have managed to keep up with my training this week...just a quick recap...

Sunday: 7 Mile run (10 mpm pace); 75 minute vinyasa yoga
Monday: 75 minute advanced vinyasa yoga
Tuesday: 10 mile bike ride; 15 minutes Pilates
Wednesday: 4 mile run; 75 minutes Pilates

Having neck issues :(. Otherwise I'm doing well and enjoying the sun and sand.

Next week is my world fitness conference in Las I'll be taking 3-5 workshops each day and doing LOTS of working out.

My running plan has been to do 3 runs per week at whatever pace is comfy for me that day..working my way up to 20 miles/week. It has been working out great. I'm not fast anymore...but I feel I have nothing to prove after running my last 5K with an 8:13 pace. I wasn't built for speed and enjoying the runs around 10 mpm is MUCH better and more feasable than trying to run 8:30s each time I'm out there. I'm teaching 2 spin classes currently..but will be adding 1 or 2 in the fall :). I also try to get out on the road bike once per week. The other good news is that I've been successful adding yoga into my weekly schedule. Normally it's only once per week, but I found a lovely yoga studio here at the beach so I'm taking the opportunity to take some yoga and pilates classes.

Hope everyone is doing well..will try to catch up with you all in the days to come. ((HUGS))
Hi Amy,
Thanks for your continued support!

Sounds like you are still pretty busy and your workouts are still impressive.
A fitness conference in Vegas sounds pretty neat-working while you workout!

I can't wait to get to the beach.Where do you guys go,probably the Jersey shore but what would you say the best area is there?My husband used to go to Wildwood every year but I can imagine it is not the same.

Have a great day,
Hey girl. Wish I would've known you were coming closer and we could've met up. :headache: I hope you're having a great time. Weather's been pretty nice lately. Sounds like you're doing great with the workouts and have a wonderful outlook on your running distance/speed. I'm so proud of you for focusing on the enjoyment of running again and not that competitive voice I know that's inside of you pushing you to go faster.

Happy 4th! :hug:
I know I haven't seen you on the boards recently--we keep missing each other with our wonky posting schedules--but I wanted to wish you a great time on your trip! I just know it'll be a blast and you'll come back with plenty of stories (and good advice) to share with us! :goodvibes
Hi, Amy. Glad to hear your runs are enjoyable for you again - you do so much physical activity that I think it makes sense to stay at a pace that's comfortable for you and weave running into all the other exercise you do instead of trying to go faster and injuring yourself, thereby keeping you from accomplishing all the other goals you have for yourself in the various physical disciplines you pursue. You SO ROCK and I am proud of you for finding the balance you needed for yourself.

Hope you had a great time at the beach last week. ENJOY your trip to Vegas - we want to hear ALL ABOUT IT when you get back!:cool2:

Let me just say... It makes me feel :banana: that you can enjoy your runs now. I'm so glad you get out there and just run and enjoy and not be so consumed with the pace. I know we all want to continuously improve, but it's not worth it if we don't enjoy it or put ourselves at risk of injury. I'm glad to see you've finally become happy with your runs! I'm not built for speed either. Apparently, I'm a slow-twitcher! lol! Endurnace is my game. Though I don't think my body would agree right now. I would love to get to a 10/11 happy pace. Not sure if that will happen with walk breaks and all, but I totally admire you for where are in your training/workouts and hope you can continue to find happiness in them!

Vegas... ;)

:goodvibes Thanks for caring Deb :).

I KNOW...goodness I've been totally MIA. With the kids out of school and running to camp and to the lake and having friends over my computer time has been SERIOUSLY curtailed. How dare they ;) LOL! But seriously, the summer proves to be a challenge in terms of keeping up with my online friends...and in some ways it's challenging to keep up with my training!! Yikes! So I had decided earlier today (and via PM to my friend Linda here) to resurrect my journal from the depths and start showing accountability in my training.

Here's the update from my world:

Vegas Conference: The trip was amazing! I LOVE Vegas...much more so than I imagined I would have. I always thought of it as some cheesy place, but in retrospect I realize it has a class, a vibe and a certain Disney-esque quality that is hard to describe. I cannot wait to go back there :). I learned a lot, worked out a LOT, and didn't get to see and do as much as I'd like to. But there's always December :).

Upcoming Races: Tomorrow I will be registering for the Applefest Half Marathon (New Hampshire) which is held in October. We cannot wait to visit...I think it will be a great weekend getaway and a challenging race that will force me to get serious about training so the hills don't swallow me up ;).

We are also registering for the Las Vegas Half Marathon. Yes...the city has captivated me and I want to go back. The race is the perfect excuse!!!

Disney...well...for MANY reasons we will be deferring our Goofy entry this year. I was a really tough decision. But there are good reasons behind our decision. We will miss the many many friends we've made here on the Dis and definitely will watch everyones' training and progress to the big day with much anticipation and excitement. We will be running another event in the spring, right now the front-runner is the Country Music Half Marathon. We loved that event and would be more than happy to visit Nashville again.

Training: Because of the conference I missed an entire week of training. Because I was so exhausted from my trip, and the weather was so brutal here, I missed an additional week of training following the conference. So last week I implemented my new and improved Half Marathon training plan. Here it is in a nutshell:

Three Runs per week: A short/easy run; A Long Run (up to 9 miles); A mid-distance SPEED run either tempo or speed drills.

Two Road bike rides as weather allows.

Two Spin Sessions

One Yoga Class, One or Two Pilates Classes in addition to the classes I teach.

So that's it...sounds more intense than it really is. I love only having to run 3 days per week. Some days are a double run/spin or run/bike but that's actually a good thing for me as the biking helps with my hip pain :).

I managed to do my Tempo Run on Sunday, total run was 5 miles with a mle warm-up and then 3 miles at about an 8:45 pace, followed by a cool-down mile. Tomorrow is my 6 mile long run...but the pace will be nice and slow :). Hopefully it will be a good run for me, although the humidity has really increased so it might be tough. I'll just take it easy and attempt to enjoy my time out there to think and get my head together and maybe plan my class I'll be teaching in the morning ;).

So that's it from me. I'll try to visit some journals this week and see how everyone is doing! :hug:
Yay! I'm so glad to see you back to your journal! I missed you! Sounds like you have solid plan!

I look forward to following your training! You're always such an inspiration.

Glad to hear all went well in Vegas! We are thinking of going there next year for a week's vacation. I'll have get some suggestions from you when it comes time!

Amy -- I am so glad to see you posting again, sweetie! I have really missed you! :sad1: And January will just not be the same without your sweet smile and bubbly presence. It's great to see that you have a solid training plan in place and lots of races to anticipate. Looking forward to hearing all about your training! :hug:
THANKS Cam and Stacie! :hug: I appreciate your support. my week now begins on Friday LOL...just the way I wanted to set-up my long run. are my stats from LAST WEEK ;).

Friday: 2 Mile Run at easy pace. 16 Mile Hilly Bike Ride at 16 MPH.
Saturday: Yoga 1.15 hrs
Sunday: Tempo Run 5 Miles. 1 mile w/u, 3 miles at 8:45 pace, 1 mile c/d
Monday: Taught 2 Pilates classes, 1 spin class (didn't get a bike)
Tuesday: Taught 2 Pilates classes, 30 minutes Spin
Wednesday: 6 Mile Long Run at easy pace. Taught Pilates class.
Thursday: Taught/Took Spin Class and Pilates.

I'm pretty happy with the week :thumbsup2 . Really enjoying the longer bike ride as I've found somebody to ride with yay! Hoping to add an additional long ride at some point, but for now I'm just getting used to my new running schedule. I *LOVE* the half marathon training plan I got from Runner's World!

Thanks for stopping by!
I'm glad you've found a running schedule that seems to work out well! Super job of combining a mix of all sorts of activities into your weekly are certainly in the best shape ever!

Great job with everything Amy...I'm proud of you.
Welcome Back, Amy!!!:banana: We missed you around here.:hug:

Great job on your training last week!:cheer2:

Hope you have a great day today!:hug:
Hi, Amy. Glad your Vegas trip went so well and you had a good time. I am sure you have good reasons for not doing the Disney marathon, but it's a definite that you will be missed - I'm sure Stacie will miss you terribly! Still, you gotta do what you gotta do. Glad to hear your biking is going well - sounds like you're really enjoying your schedule. I can "hear" the contentment in your posts - very cool!

Hope you have a good week!

Just an update from my world o' training.

oh...and thanks Scotty and Susan for stopping by! :wave:

Susan...yeah...good reasons for not doing disney...and cost is just one of many. We can do Vegas sooo much cheaper. I'm also completely not up for Goofy OR full marathon training along with my work schedule, it feels like I'd burn out. So we'll defer entry until 2010 :).'s the update:

Friday: 2 Mile run @ easy pace; 16 Mile bike ride
Saturday: Yoga 1.25 hours
Sunday: Speed Work on track 5 Miles. W/U mile; 1600 @ 8:05; 800 recovery jog; 1600 @ 8:35; 800 recovery jog; C/D mile
Monday: 2 Spin Classes taught (ugh!); 2 Pilates Classes taught. Legs were like bricks after teaching intervals!!!
Tuesday: 2 Pilates Classes Taught.

Rest of the week looks like....A 6 Mile easy pace run tomorrow along w/ some Pilates (maybe take a pilates class too!) and Thurs will be another spin/pilates day!!!!!


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