Renee's WISH journal- I'm going to find "ME" again!


DIS Veteran
Jul 31, 2008
Hi All! :flower3:
My name is Renee and I've finally made up my mind to "find me again." I have been fighting my weight for 4 years now and can't seem to beat it.

Background: I am a Navy wife and SAHM with 4 kids total; 2 are with us for the full year and the other 2 are with us during the Summer. I lost 15 pounds back in 2004, 157lbs, and kept it off until I got pregnant with our youngest in 2007. I gain way too much weight during my pregnancy and kept on gaining it after I had him. I was at my heaviest, 184lbs, when we moved to MD in 2009. I lost 20lbs in Winter of 2010 but gained 10 back since then... So now I'm fluctuating between 172-175lbs, this I'm not happy about. :headache: I look at pictures and think "who is that person?" :confused:

My first weight loss goal is 15lbs
My first training goal is a 5k in Sept.

To start my training I am going to start Couch to 5k tomorrow. First goal is to run a 5k in Sept. My final goal is to run the Princess half with the other DisMoms!

I'll do my official weigh in with measurements tomorrow (Sunday) and continue to do them each Sunday after that... But for now I am 175 (as of yesterday) and a size 12-14. :scared1:
Sunday didn't happen. Life took over and things happen. I did do W1D1 of couch to 5k today! :cool1: I averaged 15 mph, so I do need to get the speed up, but I wasn't out of breath and didn't start to get tired until the last 2 mins. I didn't eat well yesterday at all, but am do well so far today. I will be weighing in on Mondays, instead of Sundays.

Weigh in: 173.5lbs- down .5lbs since Saturday


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