Reposting clipart primer


Good to see all the successes here. It can be a bit tough at first, but once you get it, well, you just get it. :) Let's see if I can help with a few of the last ones here......

DizzieDizney, should look like this, unless you are going to try and make it an avatar.


LittleBlackRaincloud, yours should be


lisak1, yours is


And travel with kids, send me a pm or email me and we will get it working for you.

Nice work everyone. :wave:
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us… Ralph Waldo Emerson

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are
tiny matters compared to what lies within us…"

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Clark Griswold: "Why aren't we flying?
Because getting there is half the fun!"


<Script language='Javascript'>var rndNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000);eval("var CDTDate" + rndNum + " = 'April 18, 2004 5:00:00 PM EDT';");document.writeln("<form name='CDTform" + rndNum + "' action='Javascript:void(0);'>");document.writeln('<font size=2 color=blue>Days till our \"Wonder\"ful Cruise. :jester: :earsgirl: :smooth: :Pinkbounc</font><br>');document.writeln("<input type=text value='' size=40 name='WrittenByJamesMVenglarikII'>");document.writeln("</form>");if (theFunction) theFunction += "var d = new Date();";else var theFunction = "var d = new Date();";theFunction += "var c = new Date('" + eval("CDTDate" + rndNum) + "');";theFunction += "var diff = (c - d)/1000;";theFunction += "var days = Math.floor(diff / 86400);";theFunction += "var rem = diff - (days * 86400);";theFunction += "var hours = Math.floor(rem / 3600);";theFunction += "rem = rem - (hours * 3600);";theFunction += "var minutes = Math.floor(rem / 60);";theFunction += "rem = rem - (minutes * 60);";theFunction += "var seconds = Math.floor(rem);";theFunction += "if ((days < 0) | (hours < 0) | (minutes < 0) | (seconds < 0)) ";theFunction += "var out = 'We Made it.... I hope....';";theFunction += "else ";theFunction += "var out = ' ' + days + ' days ' + hours + ' hrs. ' + minutes + ' mins. ' + seconds + ' secs.';";theFunction += "document.forms.CDTform" + rndNum + ".elements.WrittenByJamesMVenglarikII.value = out;";setInterval(theFunction, 1000);</Script>


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