Restaurant Review Contest?


<font color=hotpink>Surrounded by true friends<br>
Jul 19, 2002
I'm sure this has been posted, but for some reason I can't find it!!

My DH wrote a restaurant review from a restaurant that we went to on their opening day recently. I wanted to submit it, but I can't seem to figure out where I'm sending it to! :confused3

Also, is there someplace where the details of the prize package are? Pete had mentioned on a previous podcast, or maybe I dreamed it, that he was going to sweeten the pot and throw in a hotel stay...again, I can't

Can you point me in the right direction? Pretty please? :flower3:
Hi Brandi,

I'm not sure the rules are posted anywhere.

Send in your review. Out of all the entries, I will pick the three I like the most and then give them to Pete. He will pick the winner.

The prize is 3days / 2 nights at the Swan / Dolpin and we get to go to dinner and review the restaurant.

we havent set an end date for this contest.

Hi folks...

The finalists have been chosen. I have picked four entries and sent them on to Pete who will pick the winner.

The winner should be announced soon.

Good luck to everyone!

Guess I shouldn't have put off entering while I waited for the end date to be announced :)

Hey Brenda! :wave2:
You are a shoe in to win!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
you can email them at or I think you can email Kevin directly at . Goodluck!!!!!!!:thumbsup2

Appreciate the sentiment but apparently the contest is over. I had emailed for some extra information and that's how I found out (before coming back here for some follow-up).

I'll have to come back and check out the winners. :thumbsup2
Hi folks...

The finalists have been chosen. I have picked four entries and sent them on to Pete who will pick the winner.

The winner should be announced soon.

Good luck to everyone!


Great news Kevin! Can't wait to hear the winning reviews. :goodvibes
It would be great to get to read the 4 finalists reviews!!!! is there a thread somewhere we can read it?
Hi folks...

The finalists have been chosen. I have picked four entries and sent them on to Pete who will pick the winner.

The winner should be announced soon.

Good luck to everyone!

Thanks for the announcement Kevin. It will be exciting to hear who won. I'm also curious to hear what people reviewed, and how creative people were.
I could have sworn the contest closed at the end of this month. I was just going to finish mine and send it off today.

Best to the finalists!
Guess I shouldn't have put off entering while I waited for the end date to be announced :)


I'm with you on that! I had my review on DBf's laptop which he lent to his mother. Argh to him!

Good luck to everyone who entered! And yes, I hope we can read the final four reviews once they are announced~! :)
I also thought we had until 2-29 to get the reviews in? That may be the phot contest. I think Kevin said it all when he said I'm not sure the rules are posted anywhere. Oh, well, I'm sure there will be more contests. That's what is so neat about this site. There is always something going on!
Dang it! I thought this was supposed to be going on through the end of the month as well. I had a review ready! :(

Pete, is there anyway a contest section could be added to the podcast page? This will make meeting deadlines easier!
I feel sooo bad. I've been reading a DISer's dining review and recommended she enter the contest. She was all excited...only to find out minutes later that the contest ended early :(

I'm telling you, she coulda' been a contenda'. I've never read any Trip Report so entertaining and informative at the same time.

Here is a link to her blog:
I know it's true for me and would dare say others would agree, that it was not about the hotel prize. It would have certainly been neat to dine with Kevin, but for me, I just wanted the kick out of contributing to the energies that The Dis Podcast stirs up, to the cyber community of folks who enjoy what the podcast offers, and to all of the aspects that The DIs forums generate.

I'm just disappointed that I didn't get what I offered read.

On the other hand I am also sure that Pete and Kevin NEVER meant to offend or disappoint. What probably happened was that so many of us sent a review in (in a more timely manner than I did!) that they just felt the need to move on.


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