Restricted rehire experiences?


Disney Pup
Sep 30, 2008
I did the DCP, and it didn't end well. Due to my not managing my disabilities properly (and having been misdiagnosed and treating the wrong thing) I missed a lot of work due to sickness. My service dog also went through a period where she was sick a lot (turned out to be allergies).

Well, I got close to being termed and called and said that I would need to leave the program due to my chronic health problems. They were going to term me that day, but I hope it got written down as I had to quit because of my medical problems.

The fact that I dropped out of the DCP still nags on me. A few days ago I ran into the DCP people on campus, and tonight I went to the presentation and I want to try again. I know what went wrong, and I know now that I can hold a job. From August '09 until August '10 I had a steady job, no switching, just one job. My boss will write me a recommendation, and my doctors can write that I'm managing my condition much better now.

I really want to try again, and I am going to apply. I'm wondering if anyone else has been on restricted rehire and whether you got back in. What are my chances? I'm sure they're pretty dismal, but I've done quite a bit in the time since the program (including learning to talk in front of people, learning to work in an office, being a tour guide etc.), I'm going to put all that in.
I'd really like to know if rehire ever happens, and what my chances might be.
It's definitely done on a case by case basis. On a positive note, many people have recently been rehired after proving they've held a consistent job since leaving their program. There is a special rehire process and they will let you plead your case.

On the negative side, there are hundreds more students applying for the program this year than ever before. Because of that, it's become extremely competitive and they are much more picky than ever before. They also keep prospectives "pending" for weeks, sometimes months, which they never used to do. A lot of restrictive rehires have been stuck in that pending pool, with about 50/50 chance of getting in.

Anyways, you have to talk to recruiting, but you do have somewhat of a chance. If it's meant to be, it'll work out. I would suggest being very flexible on your role checklist though.
I picked everything I can do on the checklist. Only things not checked were entertainment, the ones requiring a driver's license and anything involving food. I totally wouldn't mind doing a food job, but Disney won't let me because of my service dog.

I'm glad to hear that I at least have a chance. I don't mind if it's pending for a while, I'll just fill everything out and see what happens. Like you said, if I'm meant to go back I will. :)
I did the application and the web interview. It says I've been "indentified as a strong candidate".
Does is say that for everyone?
Should I mention in the phone interview about my status and how much things have improved since then? Or do I leave that for the re-hire paperwork?
Hey! When you call for your phone interview, they will let you know your Rehire Status and whether it is No or Restricted. They'll ask about why you left, and tell you they will send the paperwork for you to fill out. It asks for your job history, basic info, and has a space for you to write in why you think Disney should rehire you.

I left my program 2 weeks early for family troubles and reapplied and sent in my paperwork probably 3 weeks ago. I got put in the "Pending" boat about a week ago, but that was for the College Program specifically, not my rehire status... so at least that means I'm a yes if I can get my status lifted.

Like they said, from everything I've looked at online, it's about a 50/50 chance, and the main reason most people get denied is because of not holding a steady job for at least 6 months. You should be good on that point. No idea what else they're looking for exactly.

Good luck! Let me know how your process goes, and I'll keep you filled in on mine as well!
Does no rehire mean no chance at all?

Does it matter that from April 09 (when I left) to August 09 I didn't have a job? Would they want verification that I was in and out of the hospital? Because I don't know whether I could get that, the hospital is so horribly disorganized and hard to work with.

InPerfectClouds - I really hope your status gets lifted and you can go back! Definitely keep me updated, I'm curious to see how it goes for you. Best of luck :)
I did the application and the web interview. It says I've been "indentified as a strong candidate".
Does is say that for everyone?

Yes. Something about the way it's phrased makes people feel optimistic and special so they use it for everyone who passes the web interview. It's nice to make your applicants feel good about themselves and motivate them.
I scheduled my phone interview for Monday. Does it look bad that they asked about Saturday and Sunday and I said I couldn't do those days? I'm going to be at a family function, and I don't know if I get signal there. :/

They made no mention of my re-hire status. Is that normal?
Good luck Nala, you definitely deserve another shot ! I'm sure if you have a chance to explain your situation, you will be considered for re-hire.

I understand what you were/are going through, about 2 years ago I became very ill alongside having an appendectomy so after healing for 3 weeks and basically not being sure I was going to make it, let alone be healthy enough for school made me withdraw from school and I felt like my dreams were crushed, that I would never get to go back to college. But when I got better I started again, and I'm going to graduate in may 2011. So don't let a physical ailment stop you from your goals. Disney should be begging to have someone with strength like you to work for them.

ps. I always want to pet the helper dogs but I know you're not supposed to ..but I would be very tempted if a co-worker had one! and happy that I had a doggie nearby.

I am a current cp. I was a restricted re-hire when I applied for FA 10. I self termed during my first program in 2009. When I called to set up my interview for this fall they didn't mention anything about being restricted rehire status, but they will tell you during your interview. i wouldn't worry about when you could do your interview, they ask when is the best time for you because they want to make sure that you will be able to answer the phone.

Good luck! I hope you get back in!

I am a current cp. I was a restricted re-hire when I applied for FA 10. I self termed during my first program in 2009. When I called to set up my interview for this fall they didn't mention anything about being restricted rehire status, but they will tell you during your interview. i wouldn't worry about when you could do your interview, they ask when is the best time for you because they want to make sure that you will be able to answer the phone.

Good luck! I hope you get back in!
I scheduled my phone interview for Monday. Does it look bad that they asked about Saturday and Sunday and I said I couldn't do those days? I'm going to be at a family function, and I don't know if I get signal there. :/

They most likely asked about Saturday and Sunday because a good number of spots were available for those days or because they wanted to fill those spots ASAP. They understand if people aren't available every second of every day and they're not so nit-picky and mean that you'd look bad for having a life outside of interviwing.

Just relax, and you'll be fine! ;)
It does seem to be a requirement about the steady job for 6 months. This too would help show them you're capable of it and healthy enough. I wish you the best of luck, though! I just worry for you that they will be nervous you might encounter a similar situation again... They will definitely want to know for sure that you can handle it before they put too much on you, you know? If you have some sort of proof from the hospital that it would be good for you to have a job, that might be a good thing to send in.

Definitely fine that you weren't able to do interviews those days, that has nothing to do with anything, and they won't have any sort of documentation that you couldn't do them, just that you scheduled it for the day you did.

Like Disneymagic said, they don't mention anything when you schedule it, but they will mention it during your phone interview. They asked me why, so I gave them a really brief description without sounding like a sob story... You'll get paperwork where you can go into more detail, but I wouldn't recommend telling too much over the phone.
I just got off the phone with the interviewer. I think the interview went well. She said that I may not have to do rehire paperwork because it's been over a year, but isn't sure. Someone will email me. All I said in regards to that was that I left the program early for medical reasons that are now being dealt with appropriately.

Is it true my old supervisor needs to sign off on the rehire? I don't think she liked me at all due to my absences. :(

I think the interview went well. They asked none of the same questions as before, but I think I did okay. Hopefully I'll hear back soon.
I got an email saying that I'll hear back about whether or not I'm in in 3-4 weeks.
No mention of rehire paperwork.
Should I ask about it? Or is it possible I don't need it?
I really hope I get in. I can't afford school next semester, going to WDW and making money would be a lifesaver.
I got an email saying that I'll hear back about whether or not I'm in in 3-4 weeks.
No mention of rehire paperwork.
Should I ask about it? Or is it possible I don't need it?
I really hope I get in. I can't afford school next semester, going to WDW and making money would be a lifesaver.

Hmm - Did the email say you were Pending? If they haven't said anything about it, I think you're probably free of the Rehire status problem. And if the email didn't say Pending, then you're just back in the boat with the regulars, waiting!
I got an email saying that I'll hear back about whether or not I'm in in 3-4 weeks.
No mention of rehire paperwork.

That sounds like the "Thank you" email that just talks about when you will get notification. If that is it, it doesn't say that you will know if you were accepted or declined. Just that you will get an update. Now that may be that you were accepted or declined, but it could also be that you are pending. It is kinda the same info that is on the site:

Any rehire paperwork would come later since that would be sent to you directly.
This is what the email says:

"Thank you for taking the time to interview for the Disney College Program at the Walt Disney World® Resort.

You should hear from us again in about 3 - 4 weeks. If you haven't received any mail from us after the 4th week, please send an e-mail to Please type "Interview Notification" in the subject line of your message. Also be sure to include your full name, when you interviewed, and your current postal mailing address in the body of the e-mail."

Does the rehire stuff come via email or snail mail?
If I was pending, would it say "pending" in the email?
I'm sorry I'm so confused. :confused3
In my case I had thought I was a restricted rehire. But I asked at the end of my interview if I would have to fill out paperwork. She said no and that if I would have had to it would have been brought up during the interview. I'm currently pending,but I applied for hard to get roles...Concierge and Vacation Planning and Photopass, sooo I'm taking that as why I'm pending.
This is what the email says:

"Thank you for taking the time to interview for the Disney College Program at the Walt Disney World® Resort.

You should hear from us again in about 3 - 4 weeks. If you haven't received any mail from us after the 4th week, please send an e-mail to Please type "Interview Notification" in the subject line of your message. Also be sure to include your full name, when you interviewed, and your current postal mailing address in the body of the e-mail."

Does the rehire stuff come via email or snail mail?
If I was pending, would it say "pending" in the email?
I'm sorry I'm so confused. :confused3

Yes, that's definitely just the basic thank you email ((which I didn't even get)). Your rehire stuff would have been mentioned and you would have gotten it in your email. You're definitely safe there.

I got a snail mail letter that I was pending, so if you end up on that list, that may be how they contact you.


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