Revival of the angry thread!

Go, Jen! GO!!!

Why are you going to get in the Fort Manager's face? Inquiring minds want to know??
We have unfinished business, plus the pricing of next year. We are going to discuss me staying or not staying 15 nights next summer.
I am mad as heck and I'm not gonna take it anymore !
Do you hear me ,,NO MORE !!

Umm,,okay, all better now. Happy thoughts,,Happy thoughts.
Also, he's not going to come on and tell the world disney is hurting. He'll use words like revenues are falling short of expectations.

You got that right - it's all about perception - these guys always put the right spin on things.
I have Bobby reading these posts right now and he's in tears. In TEARS I say. Why do you think Disney spends all this money on surveys? They are just giving us what we want. Like the government, they are just taking care of us. Why can't you guys see this? Can't you leave poor Bobby and company alone? I mean, you got your quality dog park. What do you expect - a new pool? good food at the restaurant? Is there no satisfying you ingrates?
I have Bobby reading these posts right now and he's in tears. In TEARS I say. Why do you think Disney spends all this money on surveys? They are just giving us what we want. Like the government, they are just taking care of us. Why can't you guys see this? Can't you leave poor Bobby and company alone? I mean, you got your quality dog park. What do you expect - a new pool? good food at the restaurant? Is there no satisfying you ingrates?

That's right, I forgot you keep him tied up in the room with the padded walls!:lmao:
Guess this means there will just be more availability

All righty there mister..I've had quite enough of your optimism. This is the :mad:
ANGRY thread. If you can't tow the line and be just as negative and sarcastic as the rest of need to post elsewhere.

(NOW...before you go and have this removed...I AM JOKING....:laughing:
I hesitate to say so..being that is the ANGRY thread.

So go ahead...say something negative and mean about Disney pirate: ..I KNOW you have it in ya...Come CAN DO IT!
All righty there mister..I've had quite enough of your optimism. This is the :mad:
ANGRY thread. If you can't tow the line and be just as negative and sarcastic as the rest of need to post elsewhere.

(NOW...before you go and have this removed...I AM JOKING....:laughing:
I hesitate to say so..being that is the ANGRY thread.

So go ahead...say something negative and mean about Disney pirate: ..I KNOW you have it in ya...Come CAN DO IT!

Nah Auntie, you are cool in my book, you said nothing bad, just my opinion like yours :) Y'all know I am the optimist on the board, I won't apologize for that ;)

You know I have said plenty of things negative about the Fort, I'm not all positive. I just try to keep all the negativity in check, because we don't want to all come here and read nothing but negativity.

If you want something negative, here ya

1) I hated the Fort clearing of trees at first.

2) I hate that they keep on changing Trails End.

3) I hate that the stupid boats are never arriving when I get to the marina

4) I hate that Ms Sundee is no longer a regular

5) I hate that it no longer costs $8 to stay in the Fort like it used to

6) I hate that I can no longer drive a golf cart all the way to the Wilderness Lodge (or what used to be just a view of the Contemporary)

I could go on, but it's almost 1 AM and I just got back from the Ale House and I'm all about spreading optimism ;)
I have Bobby reading these posts right now and he's in tears. In TEARS I say. Why do you think Disney spends all this money on surveys? They are just giving us what we want.

For a while there I was getting an email survey after almost every trip and I spent 15-30 minutes telling them the good and the bad. Lately it was more slanted toward the bad. Then the surveys stopped coming :confused3

Bama ED

PS-but email is so impersonal and too easy to ignore. Now, on the other hand, if I adopted AuburnJen92's more in-person approach... :rolleyes1
Well, Bobby went home a broken man last night. Hope you're all happy.
What the hell was that? I can't decide if that was being sarcastic, or that thing is just a freak?
For a while there I was getting an email survey after almost every trip and I spent 15-30 minutes telling them the good and the bad. Lately it was more slanted toward the bad. Then the surveys stopped coming :confused3

Bama ED

PS-but email is so impersonal and too easy to ignore. Now, on the other hand, if I adopted AuburnJen92's more in-person approach... :rolleyes1

Well, I can't take all the credit, Gatordad initiated it. He talked to the guy and he asked for it by saying "How did your Grand Gathering Go?"

It was on from then...

She is 14 and sullen and grumpy a lot of the time. We've had trouble with her lately and her chores. She doesn't have many....picking up her room, emptying the dishwasher every other morning, taking care of her cat. We don't even expect her room to be spotless...just her floor cleared and her laundry put away correctly. When we ask her if she did something, she'll say yes and then it turns out she didn't she'll say "she forgot". She is a slob and we are always on her to clean up after herself. I don't know how many times I've had to explain how much easier her life would be if she just picked up after herself :confused3

This weekend she was supposed to go camping with my mom and stepdad. She was told to make sure she set her alarm so she would have enough time to properly do her chores. We are having a party this weekend and there will be people coming over that haven't been to the new house yet and I wanted everything to be clean. I told her all of this last night before she went to bed. My dh got up early to make sure she was up and ready. She SAID she did all of her chores and her room was nice and clean.

I got up and went into the kitchen and the dishwasher had NOT been emptied. She had already left to meet up with my mom so I called her. She said she "didn't know what day it was" so she didn't empty the dishwasher @@. I specifically asked her if she put away her clean laundry and she said YES she had. I told her she was going to be in big trouble if she was lying and she said she did it.

So I go up to her room and her clean laundry is still piled in her laundry baskets and her dirty clothes are shoved under her bed. !! I was so mad :mad: I called her again and my dh decided to bring her butt back home. So she comes in crying and stomped up to her room. My mom called mad at ME because her weekend was messed up now too.

My DH set the punishment and I have to stand behind it. I think it's appropriate. I feel bad that is also messed up my mom's plans, but my DD has to learn that we aren't going to put up with being lied to. If I had caved in and grounded her or something once she got back home, what kind of message would that have sent ??

I tried talking to her and she can't tell me WHY she lied. She isn't one who likes to talk in this situation. Instead she will walk around pouting and blast her music in her room for attention.

The scary part of this is that she is my oldest child...I have two more behind her that I have to get through :headache:
She's might want to bookmark this thread. Your gonna be posting here alot. :hug:
Let me tell you what really happened.

She actually did her chores, but you wouldn't listen. The last time you were at the Fort, some otters hitched a ride home to see their cousins in MI. Then you had the bat problem, well everyone know's an otters best friend is a bat. SO the bats let the otters in the house, who then in turn invited the local peacock population over. When they got to the fridge, there was no beer, so they decided to tell you who was really boss, by messing up the hours upon hours of work your daughter did. See, if you had been a good host and had plenty of white castles and beer, the otters and peacocks would have made peace with you. Next time you may not get off with such a light warning. One time, I had no beer, and the otters left a horses head in our bed.

I hope you can now fully understand the error of your ways, which led to this whole fiasco.
She's might want to bookmark this thread. Your gonna be posting here alot. :hug:

Gee thanks :scared:

Do you think I was wrong ?? I am sitting her feeling bad about her weekend being messed up.


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