Rob and Scott's Big Fat Gay Disney Wedding-TR Pg 92; Photo Update pg 133

Wow, the gall of those "people" to just crash like that, and not even to be with you!! I'm so sorry for you, and your invited guests, to have to put up with them! ugh! Have you seen them since the wedding?? i don't know if I could be a gracious person if I ever saw them again!
Oh Mary Kaye and Randy just love yall Rob and Scott and I had to come over here and read every word!

What a great writer you are!

Thank you for sharing your wonderful story.
I like others, feel as though I was at your wedding!! What an amazing celebration of love. The details of your wedding were so creative and elegant...I may steal the cake idea!! You have renewed my thoughts on a committment ceremony. As a divorced woman, HAPPILY partnered with my soulmate for 2 1/2 years now, I am very open to the idea. Best wishes to you both!!

Chris, of Chris & Christy:flower3:
Oh Mary Kaye and Randy just love yall Rob and Scott and I had to come over here and read every word!

What a great writer you are!

Thank you for sharing your wonderful story.

We thought they were pretty awesome, too! :thumbsup2

Glad you're enjoying it!

The details of your wedding were so creative and elegant...

Elegant? :rotfl: I didn't think it was very elegant. There was much silliness. On purpose. The next installment definitely ups the silliness quotient! :rotfl2:
That was a great question left unanswered. Did the Crashers bring a gift and what was it's approximate monetary value?

I would never dream of judging my guests by those standards, but for crashers all bets are off.
Day Four - Sunday September 28th-THE BIG DAY!- Part Three

After we'd mingled for a while, it got to be 4:00pm, which is when we'd planned to start. So Scott and moved toward the stage in the Main Salon, turned on the lights, and pulled out the microphone. (One of the actresses asked us if we knew how to turn on the lights. :rotfl2: I'd been sitting under the light switch for years, no instruction needed.)

I started, "Hi, welcome to the Adventurers Club an thank you all for joining us for our Big Fat Gay Disney Wedding. As you know, Scott an I met here at Pleasure Island. Over at 8-Trax during Gay Days 2003 to be exact. And our first date, the next night started right up there in that archway", as I pointed to the archway on the second level.

"We'll be moving into the Library for the ceremony shortly, but before you can enter the Library here at the Adventurers Club, we'll need to make you all honorary members of the club."


This is all the set up for the "New Member Induction Ceremony" (aka the NMI)that was done three times a night at the Adventurers Club. When we first decided to have our ceremony at the club, we decided that we wanted to do the induction ceremony as well. When they announced that the club would be closing, we talked about skipping it, because we were afraid it would seem maudlin, and I was afraid that people would start to cry. But as we spoke to our friends and some of the performers, they told us that we should go ahead with our plan. Finally we came to the conclusion that this would be our one and only shot at doing it. We were goinng to do it right.

Typically the ceremony starts with Graves, the club's English Butler announcing that the ceremony would make everyone members. We could have had an actor portray Graves, but it would have cost us a lot of money for a two-minute bit (four minutes if you count that he would also play the Colonel for the club song) and we really didn't want to have any of our performer friends have to "work". So not having an English butler, we turned to the next best option: an Englishman. Our friend Glen, having travelled from the U.K. for the wedding was pressed into service along with his lovely wife, Pippa, to make the announcement for the NMI. They were thrilled to do it, and played it up beautifully.

Once Glen and Pippa made the announcement, I turned the microphone over to Scott to teach the Club Salute. (Literally, I turned it over as I handed it to him, and he went to speak into the wrong end. It's a bit frequently used at the club.) Scott forces a laugh, smiles a broad smile and says "You, turned it over! Man, that was NEVER funny!" And the crowd applauded. One of the performers actually stood up and said "Thank you! I always hated that bit!" :rotfl:

From there Scott taught everyone the club salute. Fishy wave, pretend to take a drink, throw your hand up and yell "Kungaloosh!". Then he went through all the "greatest hits" of what Kungaloosh can mean: "Hello"; "Good-bye"; "Kiss me quick, before the lava reaches the village"; "Didn't I see you at the nude beach"; "Don't touch that it's dead"; "Please touch that, I'm hoping it's still alive"; and (say it with me if you know it) "What are your pants doing around your ankles and why are you waving that stinky piece of cheese at me?" (And over half the crowd joined him in saying that last one. Then another performer added "that was NEVER funny!"):rotfl2:

He then explained that if you were ever in doubt as to whether another person is a fellow adventurer, you should simply give them the salute. "If they salute you back, you can sit down and regale each other with stories of daring adventures. If they do NOT return your salute, turn and run the other way, before they call the cops. It's happened to us twice. Today.":lmao:


After that, I asked everyone to please repeat after me for the recitation of the Club Creed. Then proceeded to have them repeat after me while I tried to get them to stop because I wasn't to the creed yet. (I swear it's funnier in person. :rotfl: ) Then I led as we all recited the club creed:

"We climb the highest mountains,
Just to get a better view.
We plumb the deepest oceans,
Because we're daring through and through.
We cross the scorching deserts,
Martinis in our hands.
We ski the polar ice caps,
In tuxedos looking grand.
We are reckless, brave and loyal,
And valiant to the end.
If you come in here a stranger,
You will exit as a friend.

That last part "If you come in here a stranger, you will exit as a friend" had been getting to me. For the last month the club was open, I got all choked up at that line. It's where I feared the waterworks would start. But that day, we were having too much fun. I sailed right through it without a problem.


The third step of the NMI is to have the Colonel teach the all-purpose club theme song. Since we didn't have anyone to work the colonel (he's a puppet) we asked our friends Sharon & Joe to teach the song, explaining that "Colonel Critchlow Suchbench is our head of security here at the club, and club gleemeister, however, he's on extra alert wedding security duty at the moment because some of you look shady. Instead of having the Colonel teach you the song, we'll ask Sharon & Joe to teach it to you instead." And then what Sharon and Joe did was a complete surprise to us (we hadn't rehearsed ANY of this). Sharon is much shorter than her husband. Sharon is pretty much shorter than everyone. She's "four and a half feet of fury". So it was completely funny, when Joe proceeds to say that he's perfecting his ventriloquism act and introduces us to his puppet. :lmao: This works in several bits done by the colonel and has the crowd roaring. Another thing with the colonel is he's asked for "the song" and he starts singing a bawdy tune a couple times before realizing he should be teaching the club theme song. So rather than bawdy songs, Joe & Sharon start trying to teach the crowd "It's Raining Men", "YMCA" and "I Will Survive" :rotfl: When I gave them the standard line of "No, no we need the song that's appropriate for this occasion!" I got the response: "What's more appropriate for a gay wedding than It's Raining Men?" :rotfl2: Then they finally sang the Club's All Purpose Theme Song (we'll sing it through twice, for the benefit of anyone visiting from the state of Texas):

"Marching Along We're Adventurers
Singing the Song of Adventurers!
Up or Down,
North, South, East, or West
An Adventurers Life is best!"

And the crowd sang along happily. Twice through and repeating the last line at the end.

And then I was back on the microphone again "And now that you're all honorary members of the club, the library doors are open, please head in for our commitment ceremony. Please don't worry about whether to sit on the bride's side or the grooms side, because OOPS! we forgot to find a bride! So sit wherever you'd like!"

With that folks moved into the library, and I asked for a glass of water because my mouth was DRY!

Next up: This is it! The ceremony itself!
That was a great question left unanswered. Did the Crashers bring a gift and what was it's approximate monetary value?

I would never dream of judging my guests by those standards, but for crashers all bets are off.

They did bring a gift.

And I feel that it is not appropriate for me to discuss the amount of any gift we've received from anyone. We thought that every single gift was far too generous. We were doing this to celebrate with our loved ones, not to receive gifts. To discuss the generosity of any of our guests, would be extremely rude of ME, and I shall not do so.

I do agree with your second statement, however.
Yup, silliness for sure..they say your wedding should reflect who you really are, so you pulled it off!!
Several people here on the Gay & Lesbian Forum have expressed an interest in what it's like to have a Disney Fairy Tale Wedding . . . er . . . Commitment Ceremony.

Well, we had our planning session and menu tasting with Disney yesterday, and thought I'd let you all know how it went.

For those of you who don't know how the process with DFTW works: You book your venues either a year or eight months in advance (depends on which locations you want), you put down a deposit and sign the contract. At that point, you're assigned a wedding planner. At the six-month mark, you set up a planning session with your wedding planner and sit down with the Disney folks and plan out all the details (Or as many as possible). The planning session can be done in person or over the phone. If you are able to do the planning session, it takes place in Franck's Wedding Studio and you get to do a cake tasting and a menu tasting.

That's what we did yesterday. The planning session and tastings.

Things went VERY well with our planning session yesterday. I'll go into detail and include pictures (food porn) in the next post.

Hi Rob! I linked over from lurkyloo's trip report . . and I got to say- I am loving your report! Thanks so much for sharing! I can't wait to hear about the ceremony itself and the cake is just stunning!
I was just looking at this picture again.

Can I just say that I'm VERY impressed with how well Disney floral matched the boutonnieres to our ties?
And then I was back on the microphone again "An now that you're all honorary members of the club, the library doors are open, please head in for our commitment ceremony. Please don't worry about whether to sit on the bride's side or the grooms side, because OOPS! we forgot to find a bride! So sit wherever you'd like!"

Okay, funny side story about this announcement. Just as everyone was making their way into the Library, Molly took me aside to thank me for explaining the "no bride" thing. Molly is the mother of my best friend from high school (Mandy, who still lives in Colorado) and she lives in Cedar Key, Flordida. Since Mandy & her family were coming for the wedding, Molly joined them. She told me that Mandy's daughter Marley (she's 8) was apparently very confused about this wedding. She understood that Rob & Scott were getting married, but she couldn't figure out who the girl we were marrying was. In her mind it was perfectly fine that Rob & Scott were getting married, but shouldn't there be a bride? Preferably in a big white dress? :rotfl2: So my ad-libbed "Oops, we forgot to find a bride!" was enough of an explanation for her! :rotfl:

So, I tell this story later in the evening and my mom chimes in to say that there was a similar conversation with Daya (my cousin's daughter, the one whose picture I posted a few pages back). Daya was also confused. She knew Uncle Rob & Uncle Scott were getting married, but she had asked why it wasn't "a boy and a girl". Her mom told her that as long as two people love each other, that's all that matters and sometimes that's a boy and a girl, and sometimes it's two boys, and sometimes it's two girls. At which point Daya's face lights up and she asks. "I could marry a girl!?!?" My cousin explains that she should marry the person that she loves, and if she is in love with a girl, she could indeed marry a girl. To which Daya responds, "I'm going to marry a girl and then we could BOTH wear dresses!" :lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl: I guess Uncle Rob & Uncle Scott were a terrible disappointment to her because there was no big white dress for her to ooh and aah at. :laughing: I'm also sure that in her mind, it was a perfect solution. Someday she'd be able to pick out TWO dresses, and that other girl would have to wear what she picked out. :worship:

My mom says she can't wait to hear the stories about what Daya went back and told her pre-school class. :lmao:
Day Four - Sunday September 28th-THE BIG DAY!- Part Four

Okay, so remember the photo I posted showing what the Library looked like at the rehearsal, all decorated for Halloween & Christmas? Here's what it looked like for our wedding. Back to "normal"! :woohoo:

People got seated very quickly, and before we knew it, the sound person switched from our "seating music" to the song that we'd selected as our processional. The music began and people started to chuckle. Sharon had found the music for us, and we were walking down the aisle to an instrumental version of "The Happy Wanderer" For those who don't know, the final show of every night at the Adventurers Club was the "Bon Voage Hoopla", and every night that show began with "The Happy Wanderer".

Here are Renee, Dennis, & Sofia waiting for us on stage.

And Tyler & David as well.

Rather than try to explain everytyhing, I'm just going to post the beautiful ceremony that Renee wrote and include some pictures and comments:

Good afternoon, and welcome to the ceremony that will unite Rob and Scott in the eyes of family and friends. We gather here today to celebrate their union, and to honor their commitment to not just gazing at one another, but to looking outward together in the same direction. Today Rob and Scott proclaim their love to the world, and we rejoice with and for them.


In any union, whether our ceremony consists of jumping over a broom, a tying of the hands, or having a fire ritual, we give ourselves freely and generously into the hands of the one we love, and in doing so, each of us receives the love and trust of the other as our most precious gift. But even as that gift is shared by two people who are in love, it also touches the friends and family members who in various ways support and contribute to the relationship. All of you are Rob and Scott’s community, and each of you has played some part in bringing them to this moment. This is why gathering as a community is such an important part of a ceremony. Because Rob and Scott are now taking a new form as a committed couple, and in this form, they become part of their community in a new way.

Rob and Scott, we are here to remember and rejoice with you and to recount with one another that it is in this spirit that you have come here today to exchange these vows.

Our first reading will be presented by Rob’s sister, Sofia.

(She did a great job, and no one knew that she was reading a "substitute" reading until I told them later.)

The Prophet (On Love) byKahlil Gibran
Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.
But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires:
To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.
To know the pain of too much tenderness.
To be wounded by your own understanding of love;
And to bleed willingly and joyfully.
To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;
To rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy;
To return home at eventide with gratitude;
And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song
of praise upon your lips.

The second reading is given to us by Scott’s friend, David.

To My Friend by Roy Croft

I love you,
Not only for what you are,
But for what I am
When I am with you.

I love you,
Not only for what
You have made of yourself,
But for what
You are making of me.

I love you
For the part of me
That you bring out;
I love you
For putting your hand
Into my heaped-up heart
And passing over
All the foolish, weak things
That you can't help
Dimly seeing there,
And for drawing out
Into the light
All the beautiful belongings
That no one else had looked
Quite far enough to find.

I love you because you
Are helping me to make
Of the lumber of my life
Not a tavern
But a temple;
Out of the works
Of my every day
Not a reproach
But a song.

I love you
Because you have done
More than any creed
Could have done
To make me good,
And more than any fate
To make me happy.

You have done it
Without a touch,
Without a word,
Without a sign.
You have done it
By being yourself.

Rob, you have chosen Scott to be your life partner. Will you love and respect him? Will you be honest with him always? Will you stand by him through whatever may come? (Rob says “I will”)

Scott, you have chosen Rob to be your life partner. Will you love and respect him? Will you be honest with him always? Will you stand by him through whatever may come?
(Scott says “I will”)

And do you both promise to make the necessary adjustments in your personal live in order that you may live in a harmonious relationship together? (ANSWER: “We do”)

Rob, repeat after me:

Scott, I give to you my promise that from this day forward, you shall not walk alone,
May we walk together through all things.
I promise to love you, to build with you a new home that is a place of love, joy, sharing, and growing,
To be with you in all of your triumphs and adversities, happiness and sorrow
To laugh with you in joy,
To give you my best counsel,
To do my best - I shall always try
And above all, I promise to love you for who you are.
I feel so blessed and honored to call you my partner.


Scott, repeat after me:

Rob, I give to you my promise that from this day forward, you shall not walk alone,
May we walk together through all things.
I promise to love you, to build with you a new home that is a place of love, joy, sharing, and growing,
To be with you in all of your triumphs and adversities, happiness and sorrow
To laugh with you in joy,
To give you my best counsel,
To do my best - I shall always try
And above all, I promise to love you for who you are.
I feel so blessed and honored to call you my partner.


(At this point, Scott turns to David to get my ring, and I turn to get Scott's ring from Dennis. Dennis fumbles around in his pocket and holds out his flask, the one I'd given him the night before, with a look on his face like, "you need a drink?". :rotfl2: The side of the audience that could see him, laughed, and then he handed me the ring.:rotfl: )

We are gathered today in a circle of love and support around Rob and Scott. We hope these rings, circles of precious metal, gold and platinum bound in titanium, may serve to remind you both of what is more precious still: the depth of love and understanding you have for each other, and of how that grows with respect during your circle of life together.

Wedding rings are made precious by our wearing of them. Your rings say that even in your uniqueness you have chosen to be bound together. Let these rings also be a sign that love has substance as well as soul, a present as well as a past, and that despite its occasional sorrows, love is a circle of happiness, wonder, and delight.

Rob, take Scott’s ring and put it on his finger, and repeat after me:

Just as this circle is without end, my love for you is limitless.
Just as it is made of indestructible substance
My commitment to you will never fail.
With this ring I take you to be my best friend, lover, and partner for life.

Scott, take Rob’s ring and put it on his finger and repeat after me:

Just as this circle is without end, my love for you is limitless.
Just as it is made of indestructible substance
My commitment to you will never fail.
With this ring I take you to be my best friend, lover, and partner for life.


Rob and Scott, although I’m officiating here today, it is not truly in my power to sanctify, legitimize, or bless your relationship in any way, because the two of you have already done that in your hearts. So, by joining hands now and looking into each other’s eyes, let it be know that you are joined, body and soul, in this lifetime, and that this bond is sacred and eternal. And now that you have exchanged these rings and these vows, it gives me great pleasure to pronounce that you are, and will continue to be partners in life, for life.

(as Renee said the last line, our recessional began: An instrumental version of "Go the Distance" from Hercules. And we kissed.)


And people clapped, and we kept kissing.


And then we held hands, and walked out of the Library together.

And we didnt' cry! We had both gotten all teary and cried every other time we read through the ceremony (I'm getting choked up about it now!) but that day, we were SO happy and having so much fun, that there were no tears during the ceremony. Just big goofy grins and looking at each other happily. We were totally in the moment, and enjoyed it as it happened. It was magical.

Coming up: We take more pictures, and then head over to the Boardwalk. And details of the one thing all day that tested my "I'm not going to stress, I'm just going to enjoy myself" mantra to the limit.:scared:
I absolutely love your vows...beautifully written. Now your living your "Happily Ever After".......
I just found this today and already read everything!! I'm so happy for both of you. Everything was beautiful it seems! And that cake is amazing! :goodvibes
Ixnay on the gay agenda-ay Rob, you're going to let the cat out of the bag.

There was no agenda whatsoever.

Miss Daya just wanted to be able to pick out two dresses, I assure you. She may be four, but she loves her some clothes!
What a beautiful ceremony! Oh my, I have chills and tears too! Your love for one another was expressed so deeply through your vows! So wonderful! Did you write those yourself?


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