Roll Call. Oct.19,02

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Decisions decisions! I agree with the family gift and the amount. I am now getting excited.

Barb-Christmas decorations already!!!! You put me to shame!!! Would you like to come for a visit in NJ to help me out?
The picture under your name is called an Avitar. Look on you profile page and you can see add avitar. If you got the counter the avitar is easier.

Laurie! So glad to see you back again today! Maybe by 2004 we can do the cruise again.

Well Sandy-I couldn't see the table after the second bushwaker! Maybe I was under it! I know I couldn't walk well. It took a lot of concentration.

Hi Mom!

Krista! Come out, come out whereever you are!!!!!!
One gift or ornament per family is fine with me, too. The dollar limit is OK, too. I can't wait!! Julie: you are doing a great job keeping this moving along. Lori: Great idea in the first place.

Somebody come decorate my house for Christmas. I always seem to wait until the last minute and then don't have time to do much. The tree makes it up but not much more.

Too bad we all live so far apart. We could have monthly get togethers. I'd bring dessert of, of course, wine! Since we can't, I'll just whine!!! (That wasn't funny at all, was it?)

Where is Darren???? Haven't heard from him in a while.
FYI... I just emailed Darren and told him to check in.

Should one of us fly to England to check up on him? I volunteer! Of course I may not make it to his neck of the woods but I will try.
Hi all! I just wanted to let everyone know that I spoke to Denine this evening and Kaleigh has been given a clean bill of health! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! She had a mucus plug that caused her "scare" last weekend. So I'm sure Denine will be on later this week so everyone will be able to message her. I'm so glad everything is now getting to normal for them! I know all three are exhausted!
Denine, Happy to hear all is well with Kaleigh. No more scares allowed here!

Good Morning Sue. We seem to be on the same posting timeframes morning and evening. Good luck Hunter in all your hockey games!

Has anyone been in a Disney Store lately? I stopped in my old store to order my AP pass and it wsa very depressing. Half the store was plush, no collectibles, no howsewares, very little clothing even for kids. They have really gone downhill. I used to love there adult clothes which were fazed out while I was still there.

Took my mom out to dinner Wednesday night at the local diner that J LO and Ben Afflack filmed their upcoming movie at. The food was great and very inexpensive. My mom enjoyed it-I think she liked the idea that they filmed there the most. She kept asking "Do you think they sat here" etc...

Have a good day all. Nor'easter blowing in here tonight so I will probably stay in all weekend and clean, maybe drag Christmas decorations down from the attic. YUK!
Kaleigh - no more scares for Mom and Dad, OK

Bonnie - since you are staying in all weekend you should be online quite a bit, right?

Running late so this is short this morning. You should all know me by now. I guess I'll be late for my funeral, too!!

Good morning

It is only 4:45 here. I hope it snows as I am having trouble getting in the mood to decorate this year. Everything is under the house in the crawl space and not fun to get. Last year my granddaughter was here and she did it. I may have to get Barb's girls to help but they are usually too busy with cheerleading, etc.

I went back to Curves yesterday...still have 3 lbs to get off from the cruise and then I will be back to where I was before I left...then I can start down again (I hope) before my next cruise in December.

Dick is doing better but still can't lean over or he is like a tippy toy...over he goes. I think he finally gets it...ear infection affects your balance.

Have a great day everyone....glad people are getting well again.
Good Morning!!

I think there is something wrong when someone gets up
at 4:45 in the morning and doesn't have too! I am a early riser
but not at 4:45!!

Jaymee informed me last night that her wedding plans have changed from 2004 to 2005!! Woooo Hoooooo my cruise
for 2004 is back on!!

Just checking in!
I like the ornament exchange a lot! Of course the family gift is a great idea too! I'm game for whatever. Price sounds good.

Way to go Kaleigh!

Have a good day!
Our list is looking very good! This is who I have:

Garry & Julie (Makenzie and the Big Guy) (Boardwalk &wildernessgirl)
Ted & Sandy (Jiminy)
Ben& Lori (Cody and Katie) (Dreams...)
Bonnie (Dudette #1)
Jeanne (Dudette #2)
Jerry & Denine (Kaleigh)(Denine)
Paul & Susan (Turner) (Schrolls)
Ken & Patty (Mickey02's sister)
Dick & Sally (Mickey02's mom)
Bob & Barb (Jaymee, Tiffany, Missy, Jason,Amanda) (Mickey02)
John & Laurie (Kristen)Olando
Greg & Diana (Ian, Alina, Lianna, Annika)disney6

OK! Just wanted to let everyone know where we are at with the list! I have 12 families on the list and 11 families willing to do the gift exchange, correct? If there is anybody who still wants to be on the list, but you don't want to do the exchange please send me an e-mail and let me know. I have the list already to be sent out, but I'm still waiting for those people who haven't checked in yet (Krista, Darren, Sue etc....). I figure that I will send the list out Monday if that's ok with everyone. I will e -mail the list to you, please check to make sure everything is correct and then I will also mail a "hard" copy out by regular mail to everyone just in case the e mail gets erased or anything of that nature. When the list get finalized, then I will contact everyone willing to do the gift exchange and let the pick their number for their family along with how we are going to do the exchange exactly. How's that sound? I'll be home all weekend so I will be checking in fequently so let me know of any changes or add on!

See you all later. Everyone have a geat afternoon!
It snowing here and I love it! Nothing is sticking but the
flakes are big and beautiful.

People are really crabby today. I am in customer service and
boy are they underpleased today for some reason.

I am really ready for the weekend. I plan on going to craft shows tomorrow and to take my Mom and Dad to dinner then play cards.
I am ready to leave the mean people that have been yelling at
me all day behind!!!

It snowing here and I love it! Nothing is sticking but the
flakes are big and beautiful.

People are really crabby today. I am in customer service and
boy are they underpleased today for some reason.

I am really ready for the weekend. I plan on going to craft shows tomorrow and to take my Mom and Dad to dinner then play cards.
I am ready to leave the mean people that have been yelling at
me all day behind!!!

Hello to all. Had a nice visit with my mom today. Took her to lunch with my DD's. Diabetes seems to be taking her eyesight. Hate that!

I will put up decorations on or after Dec. 1. Hoping not to put decorations outside this year. Last year we didn't do too much because of our WDW/cruise right after Christmas. It was very relaxing not worrying about decorating before and not worrying about getting it down. Looking for another relaxing season. Will I get it????

For Thanksgiving we are going to a mtn. cabin. Can't wait to get away again. I am so tired and I think this is what I am looking for. Peace and tranquility.

Working on centerpieces for the wedding tomorrow. 14 to go. Thanks to everyone for the ideas!

Thanks Julie for organizing this gift exchange. It was a wonderful idea, Lori. I am looking forward to it. Depending who I get, I am coming up with a few ideas.

Talk to you all tomorrow. Sandy
As you have heard, Kaleigh got a clean bill of health yesterday. We are so happy and grateful!!!!!
They couldn't say it was a mucus plug until they had ruled out more serious problems in someone so young. It was a very difficult week for all 3 of us. Kaleigh went through so many tests. That was diffiuclt on her and parents, especially the EEG and the pH probe. They glued 22 leads to her head for the EEG and then used acetone to take them off. She had so many wires coming off of her during the pH probe. plus the tube down her nose into her esophagus. I couldn't watch them do that one even though I have performed the same procedure on other people.
I want to thank all of you for your paryers and well wishes. Julie for keeping all of you updated for me and the moderators for not locking the thread while all of this was going on.
We hope to start being a normal family getting ready to enjoy the holidays.
Denine- So glad to hear the good news on Kaleigh. We are
so relieved.

I hope no stops this thread I would be lost without it!

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