Roseanne back

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I thought that they were pushing the laughter a little too much, but other than that it was ok. DH and I certainly laughed more than a few times. from the pill sharing and Rosanne getting all of her anti-depressants because if he ain't in a good mood no one else will be either, to the little touches and personality traits that were present. I do think that they needed to age Harris. The media releases mentioned that she would be around 14 yo, the actress is certainly older than that and would be around 20 now. But she did pull off the character of Darlene's daughter really well. Perhaps her time on Shameless helped shape that.

It is nice to see a comedy that hits home with many American families. Those who's homes are not shiny and new, who might struggle financially (from time to time), who are multi-generational families. While we might not agree with political views of Rosanne, the show itself was refreshing and familiar. Hopefully it continues to bring back the fun that the original series run provided us with.
I thought that they were pushing the laughter a little too much, but other than that it was ok. DH and I certainly laughed more than a few times. from the pill sharing and Rosanne getting all of her anti-depressants because if he ain't in a good mood no one else will be either, to the little touches and personality traits that were present. I do think that they needed to age Harris. The media releases mentioned that she would be around 14 yo, the actress is certainly older than that and would be around 20 now. But she did pull off the character of Darlene's daughter really well. Perhaps her time on Shameless helped shape that.

It is nice to see a comedy that hits home with many American families. Those who's homes are not shiny and new, who might struggle financially (from time to time), who are multi-generational families. While we might not agree with political views of Rosanne, the show itself was refreshing and familiar. Hopefully it continues to bring back the fun that the original series run provided us with.
I’ve always thought these types of shows are a brilliant concept. For those who feel like it represents their families, they like it & laugh b/c they’ve “been there”. For those that can’t relate to it b/c they feel
Like that’s not them, they see it a satire or mocking “those ppl” & laugh AT it. You really can’t lose.
I liked it. I thought there were a few moments that felt awkward and contrived ( the money scene with Harris, Darlene and Roseann) but most were funny and a bit nostalgic. Hoping that they are able to sustain it through the rest of the season. I am interested to hear more of the backstory as episodes continue.
Agree with previous posters that they were a little stiff, and the laugh track was way too much, inserting it after every few words at some points. Also some overuse of widening your eyes by Dan and Jackie at times. Hopefully they will get their groove back and it will seem less forced.
The reviews I read were negative so I was pleasantly surprised by the show. I wonder if they're going to mention Jackie's son or just pretend that he was never born.
I never watched the original but I was intrigued by the premise of the reboot so I gave it a try and I enjoyed it. The political jabs were more balanced and less heavy handed than what's going on at Will & Grace. I loved Roseanne's crack about how their fat pictures which Becky removed were the only ones where they "looked happy".

Apparently, the ratings were "massive" according to the Hollywood Reporter, so obviously there's an audience out there.
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Anyone know which talk show she was on this morning? DH was at a local car dealership and she was on a talk show that was playing in the waiting room. An elderly lady freaked over some of the things Roseanne said and got management to change the channel. She hollered out to people in the waiting room that they were disgraceful for sitting there listening to the interview! I don't watch morning TV and have no idea what show this could have been. I'd like to see how "disgraceful" this really was. :)
Anyone know which talk show she was on this morning? DH was at a local car dealership and she was on a talk show that was playing in the waiting room. An elderly lady freaked over some of the things Roseanne said and got management to change the channel. She hollered out to people in the waiting room that they were disgraceful for sitting there listening to the interview! I don't watch morning TV and have no idea what show this could have been. I'd like to see how "disgraceful" this really was. :)

I haven't seen that, but one of the retro tv stations showed the Johnny Carson Tonight Show episode when Roseann Barr made her first standup appearance. Johnny said it was her first national tv appearance.
We loved it and had many LOL moments!

We watched when it first came on for a number of years but stopped wathing somewhere along the way.

We'll keep watching.
I 100% agree that it was Debra Messing that seemed a beat off. Glad to hear it’s back to being I’ll check out the rest of the episodes I had avoided.

I think Grace is back on track because two of the later ones I am talking about were her at a baby shower ( with Will trying to get with the times with social media, hysterical ) and the other is Grace's past coming back to haunt her with a new dating scenerio.

I love that the kids call Roseanne, Granny Rose! We use Granny in my family, but you don't hear that a lot these days.

Granny, smile inducing. Us too.


Besides the laugh track I thought they did a great job all around. They will all get back in the groove over time.


There is something brilliant about the character of Roseanne. I love how she is tough as nails and then can be quietly sensitive and compassionate.

And in the days of renovation, and more more more in houses - their house always makes me smile.

I was distracted a bit whenever Jackie was on screen. Because I just found out that Laurie Metcalf is the mother of the actress that played that evil character on Scandal last season and is now playing the mother on Young Sheldon. I stared at her all season on Scandal thinking I knew her and instead of simply googling I drove myself crazy. And it wasn't even her that I knew, it was that she has so many of her mother's mannerisms.
Anyone know which talk show she was on this morning? DH was at a local car dealership and she was on a talk show that was playing in the waiting room. An elderly lady freaked over some of the things Roseanne said and got management to change the channel. She hollered out to people in the waiting room that they were disgraceful for sitting there listening to the interview! I don't watch morning TV and have no idea what show this could have been. I'd like to see how "disgraceful" this really was. :)
Wow, that lady was crazy. Others were watching it and yet she insisted they change the channel. She could have walked away and not made a scene. Would love to know what it was about.
I’ve always thought these types of shows are a brilliant concept. For those who feel like it represents their families, they like it & laugh b/c they’ve “been there”. For those that can’t relate to it b/c they feel
Like that’s not them, they see it a satire or mocking “those ppl” & laugh AT it. You really can’t lose.

I think one of the issues I had with the original version was the complete lack of frustration Roseanne seemed to have with her struggles as a parent. It was if she couldn’t care less, whch seemed very out of character given her situation. The family seemed so “real” in many ways, but the way they reacted to their problem kids never seemed at all realistic to me.
I think one of the issues I had with the original version was the complete lack of frustration Roseanne seemed to have with her struggles as a parent. It was if she couldn’t care less, whch seemed very out of character given her situation. The family seemed so “real” in many ways, but the way they reacted to their problem kids never seemed at all realistic to me.
See I bought it as she was just a lazy parent at times. So, that was kinda my point. Most ppl probably don’t identify with being a lazy parent (even if they are), but those are the times you’re laughing at it b/c you have known a parent like that.
I think one of the issues I had with the original version was the complete lack of frustration Roseanne seemed to have with her struggles as a parent. It was if she couldn’t care less, whch seemed very out of character given her situation. The family seemed so “real” in many ways, but the way they reacted to their problem kids never seemed at all realistic to me.
I’m curious by what you mean? She always seemed perpetually stressed out by her kids to me. She was hard nosed about it though. Never let them see you sweat kind of thing.

A couple where I thought the reaction was genuine:

The girls going out with Rosanne for a mother/daughter spa day. Of course they were just after something and insincere. Rosanne was crushed and Dan was beyond angry. That episode always makes me uncomfortable because I did something like that to my stepmom as a teen and still feel guilty about it decades later. Their reactions were spot on, that’s exactly how my parents reacted.

Walking that fine line with the bad boy boyfriend. Forbidding it and then giving in because she didn’t want to push her kid away.

Dan shutting down on any of them when he felt they were doing wrong.

DJ not wanting to kiss the African American girl and Rosanne getting straight up pissed about it.
See I bought it as she was just a lazy parent at times. So, that was kinda my point. Most ppl probably don’t identify with being a lazy parent (even if they are), but those are the times you’re laughing at it b/c you have known a parent like that.
There’s that too. I think if we’re all being honest with ourselves we’ve had at least lazy parent moments.
RE: The ‘laugh track’. I haven’t watched it yet, but I thought the show was filmed before a live audience? I know Fuller House is, and the audience goes over the top NUTS in that one. I think it has a lot to do with the audience being super excited for a show they loved from back in the day being back with the same cast, and witnessing it live, they go extra crazy especially when there’s an in-joke from the original series or an old guest star shows up. Maybe they “enhance” the audience reaction with an added track recording, but I highly doubt it.
Like a PP said, it was filmed before a live audience. They may have added laughter though.

I though it was funny. Roseanne and Jackie were really good together.
RE: The ‘laugh track’. I haven’t watched it yet, but I thought the show was filmed before a live audience? I know Fuller House is, and the audience goes over the top NUTS in that one. I think it has a lot to do with the audience being super excited for a show they loved from back in the day being back with the same cast, and witnessing it live, they go extra crazy especially when there’s an in-joke from the original series or an old guest star shows up. Maybe they “enhance” the audience reaction with an added track recording, but I highly doubt it.
They did announce that it was filmed before a live audience yet you could definitely tell it was a laugh track.
Slightly OT, but I had a nutter harassing me on twitter (before I blocked them) because I said I didn't watch. :scared::scared::scared:
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