Round 4-Pen Pal Letter Swap-May-CLOSED-please post on June thread

I go shopping once a week for groceries on Saturday. If there is a sale I might go another day. I also LOVE garage sales. Usually hit at least one or two per weekend. No allergies here. Oh and sorry for the delay, crazy week. Really anxious for tomorrow morning and seeing what I have to save for next year LOL
I go shopping once a week for groceries on Saturday. If there is a sale I might go another day. I also LOVE garage sales. Usually hit at least one or two per weekend. No allergies here. Oh and sorry for the delay, crazy week. Really anxious for tomorrow morning and seeing what I have to save for next year LOL

Isn't it always nice when you have something fun to look forward to.

Sending you a pm Dania.

Liz, do you go shopping daily when you are at home? I have never been to where you it a big city? How are the prices of items compared to the U.S.?

Edmonton has about 800,000 or so. (give or take a few). It has prety much the same stores as I'm used to at home (Oregon). I go to Safeway, Costco, Home Depot, etc.
Because it's just me I kind of shop for food a few times a week. Just to catch up on a few things. Admittedly I dont' really have to plan ahead. It's more expensive though. Bananas are up to .79 a pound. When fruits or veggies are about a $1.00 a lb I'm thrilled! Everything is heavily taxed. I'm in awe here in Oregon by how inexpensive things are. I've been in Edmonton for 12 years so I'm getting used to the high price of things.

Edmonton has about 800,000 or so. (give or take a few). It has prety much the same stores as I'm used to at home (Oregon). I go to Safeway, Costco, Home Depot, etc.
Because it's just me I kind of shop for food a few times a week. Just to catch up on a few things. Admittedly I dont' really have to plan ahead. It's more expensive though. Bananas are up to .79 a pound. When fruits or veggies are about a $1.00 a lb I'm thrilled! Everything is heavily taxed. I'm in awe here in Oregon by how inexpensive things are. I've been in Edmonton for 12 years so I'm getting used to the high price of things.


We have the deal with the high prices as well. My brocolli for a medium sized one the last time was $2.16, a single bell pepper was $1.56, and my head of cabbage was three something. Everything is pricey here :(.
Yea I have actually been buying my veggies/fruits at the farmers market. It has saved me a lot of money!
Beautiful day here in Boston today. Enjoyed it spending time with family bbq'ing and the boys playing ball. Unfortunately the Red Sox are not doing their part to keep us smiling. :hug:
Checking in!!

How is the weather where everyone is at? We are going from below freezing last week to 83 degrees tomorrow! Welcome to Pennsylvania!
Checking in :) The weather here in VA was beautiful today. In the mid 60's. Tomorrow it is supposed to hit the 80's.
Checking in! We're already into the 90s. UGH.

No food allergies. Just grass/pollen allergies. I'm not much of a fish eater though. Or seafood. Other than that, bring it on! As far as shopping, we have no decent stores here, so we drive 45 mins on weekends dh is off to do our grocery shopping. i really wish there was a good store closer to us. Weeks where I'm forced to shop in town mean more of the processed foods and less of the nice fresh produce or good meats.
Checking in!

Our weather here in California still has a mind of it's own. It was really nice today for the 5k I did, somewhere in the 60's with some breeze, and tomorrow it's supposed to rain again. Boo!
Checking in! We're already into the 90s. UGH.

No food allergies. Just grass/pollen allergies. I'm not much of a fish eater though. Or seafood. Other than that, bring it on! As far as shopping, we have no decent stores here, so we drive 45 mins on weekends dh is off to do our grocery shopping. i really wish there was a good store closer to us. Weeks where I'm forced to shop in town mean more of the processed foods and less of the nice fresh produce or good meats.

The weather here is weird, sunny, then overcast......

Erin, about to pm you.


Yanna, and clhcpaca, do both of you have any food allergies?
No food allergies for me.

I'm only allergic to grass and pollen.... My poor nose and eyes become so itchy. :(
HI everyone.

I was home sick for Friday and did not have access to the internet. My internet access is at work, so access only on Monday through Wednesday and Fridays.:thumbsup2

It's only me and I usually go grocery shopping once a week. I really like wondering up and down the aisles "window shopping".:rotfl2: Don't really use coupons as they are usually for stuff I don't use and no stores in town ever double the coupons.

No food allergies---though as someone else said it would be nice to be allergic to chocolate:laughing:. I am allergic to pine/evergreen and very sweet flowery scents. I received some Yankee Candle tarts once in these type of scents and could not even be in the same room and I had put them in zip-loc baggies:confused:

Weather here is crazy......very warm one day and chilly the next. Plus, we're having a cool wind out in the country.

Oh by the way--this is my official checkin for the week:woohoo: Working on my questions.

Checking in too! Hello from cloudy Oregon. Mid to upper 40's and intermittant rain. When I to back to Edmonton on Wednesday it'll be chillier and I see they are expecting some show on Thursday. Yuck, I've had enough snow!:eek:


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