Run, Write, Run (comments welcome!)

Congratulations on the 10-mile race! I echo the sentiment that you got some really great photos! Sounds like you had a good experience with it, too.
Congrats! Great photos too!
Thank you! :)
Your photos are awesome! Congrats!!
Thanks! I'm still slow but at least I know how to get good photopass pics. :D
I really like your "I Did It" picture :) Congratulations on your 10 miler!
Thank you! It was my first 10 mile race so I guess I PRed after all!
Congratulations! Love all of your pics!
Thank you! :)
Congrats!! What a great recap 🤠
Thanks! I'm sure I forgot stuff. After a race it's like my brain goes blank!
Congratulations on the 10-mile race! I echo the sentiment that you got some really great photos! Sounds like you had a good experience with it, too.
Thank you! I was worried I might suffer from not training as much, but it was a lot of fun. Goes to show what a good base can do for fitness!
It was so great to meet you pre-race! This was a terrific recap.
Thanks, and same to you! Looking forward to marathon weekend for more shenanigans!
Congrats!🎊🎉 Definitely agree with all above on how great your photos are!
Thanks so much! I'm so glad I've figured out how to get good pics. :)
Great race! Congrats! 🎉

You got some fantastic photos. That jump shot is perfection!

I missed the jammitors too. They weren't out for the 10k either and I really wanted my son to see them since he plays drums.
Ugh, so I hurt my knee last week. I was a ******* and slipped on my dog’s bone and banged my right knee on the tile floor. It hurt so bad and I immediately iced it and took some pain relievers. It stopped hurting pretty quickly and I was able to walk without any problems. I have no problem extending my knee and it’s not swollen. But five days later, it still hurts to put weight on one particular spot (like kneeling), including running. I’ve been walking and today I tried a short run and my knee still hurt but not enough to stop me. :P I’m not sure what to do other than rest (ugh) and keep icing it. I’m also not sure how long to give it before going to a doctor. A few weeks? I don’t think I tore anything. I was worried about shattering a bone but if I did, wouldn’t it hurt, like, all the time? :P
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Sorry about your knee! Non running injuries are so much more annoying than running ones.

Psst, janji is having a 25% off sale for their birthday with code BDAY25. Maybe some new shorts will make you feel better 😊
It's been a while, figured I'd update on how much non-running I've been doing. :P

My knee got better after about two weeks, then my mom fell and hit her head so I had to go stay with her for a few days. At the same time, my husband was sick with Covid and at home watching our toddler, trying not to get him sick. Then I got sick. I never tested positive for Covid but am pretty sure I had a minor case. Thankfully it didn't linger and I managed 29 miles over the month, as well as 26 miles walking. I'm trying to get the 30 mile monthly Garmin walking badge to get my steps and movement up while I'm not running, and so far this month I'm on track. I've also been doing some more exercise videos for strength training and low-impact cardio.

I wanted to increase my running mileage and try to get the 50 mile monthly Garmin badge again for June, but came down with strep throat last Friday. It was bad, like the sickest I've felt in years, and I have stats to prove it! :D This is my stress summary from the day I got sick. For context, the only thing I did that day was go to urgent care in the morning. I spent the rest of the day on the couch/in bed. Also, my resting heart rate (usually 60ish) shot up to 69 that day and Saturday.

Thankfully, my medicine kicked in fast and am currently only feeling slightly congested. I was able to start walking the dog again on Saturday and did another workout video yesterday, and hope to get a run in tomorrow for Global Running Day. I've both really looking forward to running again and also dreading it because HOT. :P
Wow, you've had a heck of a time. I hope you are on the mend and things improve from here. Hope your mother is doing better, too!


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