Running Renaissance: Road to Paris 2024

Nov 13-Dec3 Recap (34 Days until WDW Marathon)
I swear I’ve been running training miles and not just races! Granted, my training wasn’t perfect. It’s been so long I don’t really remember the particulars of all of the runs, but here’s a snapshot of my running log.

The first week started off well. I was still feeling a bit out of it after my DNS, and swapped my Wednesday rest day with Monday but otherwise things were progressing nicely. Then Sunday hit. I don’t remember why we were at Walmart that morning, but I do remember this overwhelming sense of nausea taking over my body. My husband found me hunched over one of the aisle displays trying to stop the world from spinning. I never quite got over it that day and I’m not totally sure what caused it but I honestly think it may have just been nerves about the upcoming 16 miler. Since I could barely stand, I didn’t go out for the run. I was majorly bummed about this because I know I’m only hurting myself by missing. I tried to figure out a way to squeeze the run in on Monday, but it’s just too long of a run to find the time on a weekday. I’m thinking in the future, I might want to push my schedule up a day so that if something does come up on Saturday, I still have a second chance on Sunday.

After feeling defeated about missing another long run, the week started with a strength workout on Tuesday. I made up on the Monday run on Wednesday once again and then Thursday was the Turkey Trot, so no tempo that week. I managed the remaining easy runs and then the long run hit again. I don’t remember the exact reason, I think I was just exhausted from the holiday travel, but I didn’t make it out the door that day. At this point, I was questioning why I ever decided to sign up for a marathon. Clearly, I didn’t have the dedication to pull it off.

Last week, once again, I started the week on a low note. I was actually so tired on Monday that my boss tried sending me home from work to get some rest. I skipped my easy run and opted for a nap instead. Tuesday I had the Donut Prediction Mile in the evening but I really wanted to get in some miles, so I squeezed in nearly all of the 7 easy miles I had skipped the day before. Scheduling wise, it helped that I didn’t have to be at work until 9. I was feeling pretty good on Wednesday, and really needed to run some of those donuts off, so I went out for a few easy miles hoping that might offset some of my missed mileage. Come Thursday, I really did not want to run. Like at all. I had to resort to the treadmill. The Incredibles were ready to go on my DVR and I hoped they’d be the motivation I needed to make it through my tempo workout. Unfortunately, I only made it to 2 miles before I realized it just wasn’t in the cards that day. Looking back, I think I just psyched myself out. Friday I went for 6 miles around my office. It wasn’t the most exciting, and it was hilly, but it’s one place I feel safe running in the dark and it’s nice to have some different scenery.

The weekend runs were a much needed happy ending to my rough patch. Saturday included a warm up followed by the Ugly Christmas Sweater 5K detailed above. As mentioned, the main goal of that race was just not to sabotage my long run on Sunday. Due to my rocky training thus far and to help myself mentally, I decided to slow down my paces. My training plan was designed for a sub 3:40 finish time but really I’d be happy if I finished under 4:10. With that in mind, I changed my long run pace from 9:00mm to 9:30mm, matching up with a 3:50 finish. That pacing strategy worked wonders. I had the confidence going in I could nail those paces and aside from miles 7, 10, and 13 when I took walking breaks while I fueled, I kept that pace pretty well. I managed to finish the last mile with a 9:36 pace! After pretty much swearing off any more marathons just a couple of days before, my tune had changed and I was starting to think maybe I could do this.

Speaking of fueling, Sunday was my first time. Overall things went well. I opted to try some dried fruits and a picky bar. I have some texture aversions to things like Gu so I searched for some whole foods I could eat. The picky bar was waaaaay too sweet for my liking. The apricots and apples were fine, but still a bit sweet. I’m thinking to sprinkle some salt on them for next time. That might help with any lost electrolytes too. No GI issues, so that’s a win. I don’t think I really need to fuel for 16 miles, but I wanted to try some things out before race day. I don’t have too many more chances before January.

Aside from running, we’ve slowly been putting up our Christmas decorations. Santa Bucky is not impressed.


This week’s schedule: I’m going to play this week’s paces by ear and slow down if needed. Otherwise, I plan to stick with the original pacing.
M – Easy 5
Tu – 2x3mi (8:08)
Th – Tempo 9 (8:18)
F – Easy 5
Sa - Easy 8
Su – Long 10
I just binge read your race recaps. Congrats on that amazing 22+ 5k time!!! :worship:
Also congrats to Bucky for first place doggy division and cutest santa.

For the record, if I ran a race with donuts like the ones you described I would need at least an hour. UGH!
And no matter how hard I try my boss never tells me to go home if I look too tired...I may need to try to look more tired.
Loving your training spreadsheet and well done on that long run!! It's nice to do one like that and feel strong and ready. I've never heard of a picky bar before, but I also have trouble with fuel that is too sweet and like you I can't with the texture of gus and gels. Blech.

Santa Bucky is adorable!
That spreadsheet is beautiful. I love the colors you use!

Santa Bucky is a very good dog. 10/10. Would pet.

I just binge read your race recaps. Congrats on that amazing 22+ 5k time!!! :worship:
Also congrats to Bucky for first place doggy division and cutest santa.

For the record, if I ran a race with donuts like the ones you described I would need at least an hour. UGH!
And no matter how hard I try my boss never tells me to go home if I look too tired...I may need to try to look more tired.
Thanks! Since I basically followed the Netflix release strategy of everything at once, it takes more willpower than I have to not binge.

I think that might be my fastest 5k time ever. I was super nervous going in about it. I told my mom on my way out the door my goal was sub 23 but also added the caveat I wasn't sure it would happen. Yesterday I decided to email the high school cross country coach to see if he has any records of my high school times. I wasn't very speedy for a xc runner so if 22:40 isn't my lifetime pr, it's very close.

Loving your training spreadsheet and well done on that long run!! It's nice to do one like that and feel strong and ready. I've never heard of a picky bar before, but I also have trouble with fuel that is too sweet and like you I can't with the texture of gus and gels. Blech.

Santa Bucky is adorable!
Thanks! I definitely need that mental win. Even without it, I know I'm in my best running shape but I'd still like to not be miserable and trudging out 26+ miles come race day.

Picky bars are kind of similar to larabars in that they use dates as a main ingredient and no grains. I used to have a massive sweet tooth and sometimes I still forget that I don't until I take a bite of something so it may have been my error in buying the cookie dough flavor... I also think had I not been running the sweetness wouldn't have been quite as noticeable.

That spreadsheet is beautiful. I love the colors you use!

Santa Bucky is a very good dog. 10/10. Would pet.
Thanks! It's my first year tracking my running and it's been going pretty well. As you can see, just broke 1000 miles a couple of weeks ago. Since I've never tracked before, I'm not sure what my previous record was but I'm guessing half of that and maybe even less.
1) That donut race sounds awesome and terrible all at once. I imagine with Krispy Kreme donuts it would have been much easier. I haven't tried a beer race yet, but I want to!
2) Love your ugly sweater outfits! So cute. Plus OMG you are so fast.
3) Totally love your spreadsheet and might have stolen it for myself.
1) That donut race sounds awesome and terrible all at once. I imagine with Krispy Kreme donuts it would have been much easier. I haven't tried a beer race yet, but I want to!
2) Love your ugly sweater outfits! So cute. Plus OMG you are so fast.
3) Totally love your spreadsheet and might have stolen it for myself.

1. I think that accurately describes it. I still don't regret it. It was a fun event to spectate but absolutely miserable to participate...similar to my first marathon :/
2. Thanks! My speed has been a roller coaster of a journey. I started adult running in 2010 with ~30 min 5Ks, I managed to improve down to 24-25 min 5Ks but then lost the touch and spiked back up to 30 minutes. The consistency in my training definitely paid off this year. Plus, I spent the majority of this summer focused on speed instead of endurance.
3. Here's a link if you want to properly copy it:
It tracks my HR and weight as well as running. When I started it, I thought I might see some correlation between the three, but I haven't so far. I do really enjoy the graphs though.

That Ugly Christmas Sweater 5k sounds so festive, I love it! But what I love even more? Your outfit. I need that skirt.
That Ugly Christmas Sweater 5k sounds so festive, I love it! But what I love even more? Your outfit. I need that skirt.
:oops: Thanks. I made it myself a few years ago. When I'm not spending my free time running, I like to sew. Nothing too complicated with snaps, zippers, or precise fits but a skirt with an elastic waistband I can manage.
Dec 4-10 Recap (27 Days until WDW Marathon)
Ahhh! Less than a month to go! I got the email my Magic Bands were on their way on Tuesday which made things seem much more real. Then on Thursday some super sleuths found the event guide and on Friday my Magic Bands arrived. It’s hard to believe it’s almost time!

The big hub bub on the event guide was the change in corrals. In years past, the corrals went from A-P and this year’s guide only shows A-H. My first thought was “Hey, I’ll probably be in the B corral. That’s one better than I hoped!” Then I realized that my improved POT likely doesn’t mean anything since my old POT would probably put me in the same corral now, so that’s a bit disappointing, but oh well. The training I did to get that POT has definitely helped. Plus, maybe they’ll do more than two waves per corral, and that would spread the crowd out even more than separate corrals. There’s a lot of people fussing over it being more dangerous with fewer corrals, but if there’s the same number or more waves, I’ve got to think that would spread things out better. The only big difference I see is that there will be less fireworks.

The other change people noticed in the guide was a slight change to the course. This year the course passes under the railroad and straight onto Main Street. In years past it’s come through a backstage area to turn onto Main Street. I’ve run one other runDisney race and being a total n00b, I really had no idea where I was and then it was just “BAM! You’re on Main Street with hundreds of screaming fans!” I’m curious how this new course will play out, but I do like the idea of entering the Magic Kingdom the same way I have since I was a small child and all of that nostalgia kicking in.

Finally, is it too soon to start stalking the weather? I know it’s still really far out so it likely isn’t that accurate. At this point, I’m not stressing about it, because who knows but I would like to start figuring out what to pack. I also have a bit of internal conflict as far as preferred temperature. Personally, if it didn’t get above 50 during the race, I’d be stoked. Anything in that 25-45 would be ideal. On the other hand, my husband really wants to go to a water park and there’s no way we do that if it doesn’t break 70…so maybe it can be above average warm on Friday and then cool back down by Sunday for me.

Monday – Easy 5
After my long run on Sunday, my quads were soooooooooooooore. Thankfully, I wasn’t waddling around like a penguin, but I was moving a bit slow. Due to the soreness, I knew it was important I got my easy miles in. Important to get my legs moving and to run on tired legs. Plus it was in the 60s, which is just insane for December, and I wanted to enjoy the warm temps while I could.

Husband was kind enough to let the dog out to take care of her business while I changed into my running attire. She quickly realized I was dressed for running and just sat by the window instead of doing her duties. Silly pup.

The run went pretty well, my legs were sore but nothing inhibiting my running. We did have to stop several times so Bucky could leave her scent for the neighborhood dogs.

Tuesday – 2x3mi (8:08)
In a massive turn of events, it was half the temperature on Tuesday (30) when I got home and it was WINDY, like 20+ MPH winds and crazy gusts. I had debated going to the indoor track but I didn’t get out of work until after 5 and I really didn’t feel like battling through the walkers at that time so I headed home to hit the treadmill.

The treadmill is always a mental struggle for me. I enjoy running partly because I enjoy being outside. With the added boost of my long run confidence, I was able to push through but it was a tough workout.

Wednesday was a scheduled rest day but something exciting did happen. I bought a new fitbit. I’d been debating it for a while and with the encouragement of my husband, it was difficult to keep resisting. I was in all day meetings which made it a great time to multi task in doing my due diligence of researching other options. Ultimately, my findings were that both Garmin and Fitibt would provide the key features I was after and each had slightly different extra features. Fitbit could store music meaning I could run completely without my phone and still listen to music (Goodbye waist pack :D!). Garmin could track my cadence which might be something I care about in the future, but I really just don’t right now. There were others, but that’s all I can remember right now.

Since I’m a big fan of my weekly step competitions on fitbit, I decided to stick with it. I found a local store that let me order online and then pick it up later that day and I was eager to start testing it out. My first impression was that it’s massive. It looks like I’m part robot on my tiny wrist.


Thursday – Tempo 9 (8:18)
The weather was unseasonably warm on Wednesday. By that, I mean it was 30s, sunny, and little wind. I was really hoping that would stick around for Thursday, but no such luck. I had planned to still hit the trail but the thought of running in a WC below 15 just wasn’t jiving with me, so I elected to stay indoors. Luckily, I still had The Incredibles on DVR from my bailed run the week before. This time I was not bailing!

I started with a one mile warm up and then planned to gradually make my way from an 8:46 (3:50 marathon) up to an 8:18 pace (3:38 marathon). The first mile of tempo at 8:46 felt easy. Not like an easy run easy, but like a pace I could hang onto for a while. With that, I bumped up the treadmill a notch and still felt good. This progressed for the next few miles until I reached my desired pace. It was getting pretty difficult at this point but I kept telling myself to keep going. It seemed like I was pouring buckets of sweat. My basement is a little warmer than I would like for working out, but hopefully that will help me acclimate to WDW weather next month. Finally, at some point, I glanced at my HR and realized it was in the 180s. Yowza!

At this point, I was pretty much done and decided to slow it down. I was not going to quit, but there was no way I was going to be able to hang on at that speed. I slowed it down to my recovery pace and slowly made it back to an easy run pace to complete my 10 miles. While I wish the workout would have gone better, I’m proud of myself for sticking with it and completing the mileage.

Going forward, I’m going to change all my pacing to match the 3:50 marathon. I’m determined to stay on the training horse, I just need it to slow down a bit and I’m okay with that if it means successfully completing my marathon. Obviously I’d be better off had I not missed as many training runs as I did. Someone please remind me of this next time I want to skip!

Friday – Easy 5
Friday was my first run using the built in GPS in my new fitbit. I was eager to give it a try and stoked that I didn’t have to carry my phone. Bucky and I set out for 5 easy miles around the neighborhood.

The watch worked well. I had it set to buzz every half mile to tell me my stats (pace, hr, distance) then I could glance throughout the workout to see the stats as well. I still need to figure out which ones I want easy access and which I’m willing to fumble around to view. There’s only an option to view 3 at a time, which I think is plenty, I just quickly realized that I really don’t care about my steps or even all that much about elapsed time mid-run.

Saturday - Easy 8
We had some strong winds on Saturday and I delayed my run a bit hoping they would die down.
The temperature when I first started out wasn’t too bad, but it got cold in a hurry once the sun set. It was mid 20s with 20 mph winds. Brrrrrrr. My pace definitely picked up a tick as I tried to make it home to grab my jacket. I made it home around 5, put on my jacket, my headlamp, and took Bucky for the final 3. The jacket was definitely a big improvement but my face was still really cold. I have no idea what to do to prevent that from happening, unless I go full ski mask. Anyone else have this problem?

Sunday – Long 10
The most exciting thing to happen on Sunday wasn’t my long run. We finally finished decorating for Christmas! Our tree has been up for a few weeks, but it requires a ladder to hang the ornaments so I kept postponing it. Anyway, the ornaments went up which meant it was time to setup the train. Or in our case this year, the monorail! We picked this up at a yard sale this summer on the cheap and I think it’s a great addition.


Once Christmas was ready, I headed out on my long run. I wasn’t going to chance the temp plummeting again and running after sunset. It was still quite windy out but at least the temperature was near 40 so it felt a great deal warmer. I ran this run by effort instead of pace. I still had my watch telling me my pace, but I focused on the effort. I’d been in a rut a few weeks ago and I’d really been enjoying my running the last few outings so I didn’t want to ruin that mojo. Just wanted to enjoy the run. Aside from the wind nearly blowing me off the road, it was a good run.

This week’s schedule: This week is the big one. It's peak mileage and the end of the 16 milers. My strength and tempo runs will still be on the schedule and they’re always tough, but hopefully with the pace adjustments, they'll be a bit easier.
M – Easy 7
Tu – 3x2mi (8:36)
Th – Tempo 10 (8:46)
F – Easy 6
Sa - Easy 6
Su – Long 16
I’m curious how this new course will play out, but I do like the idea of entering the Magic Kingdom the same way I have since I was a small child and all of that nostalgia kicking in.

I'm excited about this change. Something about running up main street just slightly different has me giddy about it.

The treadmill is always a mental struggle for me. I enjoy running partly because I enjoy being outside. With the added boost of my long run confidence, I was able to push through but it was a tough workout.

I'd never be able to do a M Tempo on a treadmill so kudos to you!

I bought a new fitbit.


Garmin could track my cadence which might be something I care about in the future, but I really just don’t right now.

Fun to know, but there are much better features out there of importance. I wouldn't worry too much about not having it.

At this point, I was pretty much done and decided to slow it down. I was not going to quit, but there was no way I was going to be able to hang on at that speed. I slowed it down to my recovery pace and slowly made it back to an easy run pace to complete my 10 miles. While I wish the workout would have gone better, I’m proud of myself for sticking with it and completing the mileage.

Well done on sticking through the tough one. The tough ones are were you build that mental fortitude. Just remember this when it comes to race day. If you have to slow down, then slow down, but try your best not to start walking unless you absolutely have to/want to. I just shift down a pace level and you're still moving quick but it's a tad easier/sustainable.

but my face was still really cold. I have no idea what to do to prevent that from happening, unless I go full ski mask. Anyone else have this problem?

Grow facial hair... Yea, maybe not an option. That's about all I got between bare face and ski mask (balaclava).
Great running week! And re: cold face, I haven't found a great option. I ski with a balaclava but I feel like the moisture build up from general breathing might be kind of annoying on a run.

But what I really wanted to chime in on is that monorail... how cool!!!
Fantastic training week. I love the shot of Bucky waiting for you by the window. And, ugh, the wind. It's been bad here and sooooo cold even when the temps aren't that bad.

LIVING for that monorail around you tree!! That is just too much awesome...especially with Bucky in the background.
I'd never be able to do a M Tempo on a treadmill so kudos to you!
Aww, thanks. There's lots of workouts you do I don't think I'd ever be able to handle. Some days the treadmill is just the lesser of two evils.

Grow facial hair..
I've been trying for 30+ years and no luck! Maybe that's for the best... At my old job I was literally the only one without a beard and I very nearly bought a costume beard to blend in.

Great running week! And re: cold face, I haven't found a great option. I ski with a balaclava but I feel like the moisture build up from general breathing might be kind of annoying on a run.

But what I really wanted to chime in on is that monorail... how cool!!!
A few years ago I tried running with a torn off tshirt sleeve over my face. The moisture build up froze over and it really wasn't much help at all. I have a few other things around the house I might try...

Thanks! We got the monorail a few months ago and for a while it was just setup in our basement. My husband got tired of it somehow so we agreed it could replace the Christmas train.

Fantastic training week. I love the shot of Bucky waiting for you by the window. And, ugh, the wind. It's been bad here and sooooo cold even when the temps aren't that bad.

LIVING for that monorail around you tree!! That is just too much awesome...especially with Bucky in the background.
I'm about over this winter training. Only a few weeks to go! If it's not the wind, it's dark.

Thanks! Bucky is such a pouty puppy paws. I've tried telling her Santa is watching but she doesn't seem to care...
Dec 11-18 Recap (19 Days until WDW Marathon)
I’ve officially made it to the taper! Just in time for a nasty cold front to move in too. We’ve had really mild weather so far so I guess I can’t complain too much but I’m still not pleased. This weekend it’s going to dip down into the 20s and Christmas Eve the low is -4. I’ll never be a fan of negative temperature. I’m generally okay below freezing, but once it doesn’t get above 0, count me out.

This was an exciting week for marathon news. The waivers, corrals, and runner tracking were all released on the rD site. I’ve ran one other rD race and I didn’t do nearly as much stalking for that one. I’m not sure what’s changed, but I was basically on the edge of my seat all day waiting for the corral info.

To make matters worse, waivers were found a few hours before corrals were posted so I knew my bib number but that really meant very little without the corral info. I was very shocked at my bib number. I thought there was no way it could be that low (<1000). Because I’m impatient, I started scouring the internet for any clues at what corrals may be. I found that back in 2013 the corrals went A-H and my bib would have scored me a spot in A. Going into this, I had no expectation of being in A, but the very thought that was possible filled me with excitement.

Ultimately, when the corrals were finally released, I learned I was placed in B. There’s only about 100 runners between my bib and an A bib so I was pretty close to the cutoff. At any rate, I’m happy about the placement and with all the stress people put in POT, I’m glad that mine was accepted and placed me appropriately. I really have no business being in Corral A as I definitely don’t plan to run a sub 3:40 marathon. My A goal is to enjoy the race and I think I can comfortably do that in 4 hours. If Disney loads the course with characters from my childhood, all time goals are on the chopping block but I remember some serious hurting during PHM when I ran because my body wasn’t used to all the starting and stopping so I am going to try to keep it to a minimum.

Weather watch continues! I’m actually surprised to see such a change in the forecast in the last week. Mostly because I feel like it’s all just a big guessing game right now. The low is still pretty much the same but the high went up 10 degrees. I really hope it adjusts back down. In fact, after running this past week, I’ve decided my ideal temperature is right around 40, so maybe someone could make that happen for me :).

As it stands, I’m really more concerned about the weather this weekend and how cold it may be in Wisconsin. I really don’t want to have to find a nearby gym for some treadmill time, not to mention, one that is open on Christmas.


Monday – Easy 7
Even though I bought a headlamp and will run in the dark sometimes, I still don’t feel totally comfortable so for Monday’s easy run, I took to the treadmill. The good thing about this time of year is that there are lots of Christmas specials I can record to watch.

Before my run, I forced Bucky through a photo shoot so we could send her picture out with Christmas cards. She was a bit pouty about the whole thing, and gave me the side-eye, but we did get her to smile finally.

bucky elf 3.jpg bucky elf 2.jpg

Tuesday – 3x2mi (8:36)
To break up the monotony of the treadmill, I thought I would run this speed workout on the track. I was literally on my way from work to the gym, when I remembered that running on the track takes some time to adjust due to the number of tight turns required on the 1/8 mi route. Since I hadn’t been on it lately, and we’re getting so close to the big day, I didn’t want to chance it and went home instead.

Unfortunately, my husband had already claimed the treadmill for the evening so I decided to postpone my run until Wednesday morning.

Wednesday – 3x2mi (8:36) Take II
My alarm went off on Wednesday and it wasn’t quite as difficult to get out of bed as I imagined it would be. I dug up my winter gear and headed outside in the dark. There’s a two mile loop near my house that I ran a lot this summer and it isn’t too hilly so I thought that’d be a good place to do these intervals.

I glanced at my fitibt when I started the first interval and I was right at 8:36 pace so I told myself to just hang onto this and all would be golden. The issue I have with intervals is that I tend to lose focus. My pace ended up being closer to 9mm. I’ve tried to tell myself to focus, but next thing I know I’m daydreaming about corral placement (Yes, this actually happened, it was before the big corral announcement later that day.) I genuinely don’t think it’s a fitness issue as I’m able to keep the pacing just fine on a treadmill. I’m going to do my best to get through this training, but I may need to rethink how I approach my speed training in the future.

The other bummer about this run is that I only completed 2 of the 3 intervals. I am not a morning runner and my body was not quite ready for the activity. At some point during the first interval, I realized I was going to need to find a bathroom. I managed to make it through the second interval and a bit of a cool down before I had to get home. Once that situation was taken care of, I really needed to get showered and to work.

Thursday – Tempo 10 (8:46)
There was about a 20% chance I completed this run when I left work on Thursday. I am just so over December running. It really isn’t the cold or even the wind (although that does really suck somedays). It’s the lack of daylight. I’m typically driving to work as the sun is rising and driving home as it sets so there’s no daylight left on either end. I have run my neighborhood or around work a few times in the twilight/dark and that is okay but overall, I don’t feel very safe running in the dark. Some of that has to do with being a lone female runner but also, especially during any time of tempo/speed work, I’m afraid of tripping on uneven sidewalks. I have a headlamp but I’m also just really clumsy and barely avoid tripping in the daylight. All that is to say, I’ve been running on the treadmill a lot and it’s not exactly fun.

As you can see, I wasn’t exactly very motivated. I tried to keep telling myself that I was only hurting myself if I didn’t go but all I really wanted to do was relax on the couch. Bucky started crying and I had to get up to let her out. That’s when I realized I had a tad more energy than I thought so I better get downstairs and on that treadmill to at least knock out a few miles. Up until the halfway point there was still only about a 50% chance I completed the workout. As each half mile passed, I kept telling myself, “one more half mile.” Eventually, I got close enough, that I realized I might as well just finish the darn thing. Even though you weren’t there physically in my basement cheering me on, this journal update also kept me motivated to keep going. Thank you internet strangers!

Friday – Easy 6
I ran the first half of Friday’s run with Bucky then dropped her off and picked up my headlamp. I spent the portion of the run without her focusing on running the tangents. Granted, it was just tangents of the sidewalk and not the road, so it didn’t make that big of a difference but I thought it was a good mental practice.

Saturday - Easy 6
For as much as I complain about not liking to run in the dark, I brought it upon myself on Saturday. My schedule was totally flexible yet I still postponed my running until about 4. It’s just my preferred time of day to run. The good news is that the days are going to start getting longer in just a couple of days.

Sunday Monday – Long 16
Sunday I planned to run in the afternoon and I kept watching the weather to check for the rain. During the morning checks, the rain wasn’t going to show up until 6pm so I planned to go running around 2 which would give me plenty of time to run in the daylight. Then when I checked the weather at 1, it was going to start raining at 2. I know I could run in the rain, mental strength and all, but I really just didn’t feel like it. I know it could rain on race day, and that would suck, but running in the rain a few weeks before really doesn’t do anything for me. I know that I could mentally get through it if I had to.

Anyway, I checked my work schedule and realized I’d be able to take off early and get my run in on Monday when the weather was more favorable, so that’s what I decided to do. I’m glad I did, because the weather was beautiful and it was great to get to enjoy one last nice day outside. It was in the high 40s and no noticeable wind. When I started the run, I was a little worried because my calves felt sore from the get go. Luckily, that went away pretty quick and I was actually able to make pretty good time. My goal was 9:30mm but quite a few ticked off around 9mm. My final two miles were right below 10mm but I still felt really strong and like I could go on for a few miles. Of course I didn’t, but I was happy to feel that way. The main reason for the slowdown was because it was dark and someone forgot her headlamp so I had to slow down to avoid slipping or tripping on the trail.

I'm really happy and kind of surprised about my last long run. I thoroughly enjoyed it. My training hasn't been ideal and I've missed more runs that I should have. I had pretty much swore off any more marathons a few weeks ago due to my lack of long runs but now I'm reconsidering and thinking a late fall marathon may be in my future. Of course, race day will be the true test.

Total Miles: 50.8
Total Time: 8:19:23

This week’s schedule: Holiday travel starts Friday. We’ll be traveling to Milwaukee after work and then up to Green Bay on Saturday then back to MKE. I’ll have to squeeze these runs in around the travel. Hopefully the weather cooperates, otherwise I might be searching for a few day passes to a local gym. The good news is we get the following week off work so I’m feeling good about getting all of those runs in and, with any luck, some relaxation before the marathon.
Note that I swapped the Thursday and Friday runs due to pushing my long run out and needed an easy day between the two harder workouts.
Tu – Easy 5
W – 4x1.5mi (8:36)
Th – Easy 5
Fr – Tempo 10 (8:46)
Sa - Easy 8
Su – Long 10

The following week’s schedule: I’m not sure when I’ll have time to update my journal, so I’m proactively posting the second week in case I get caught up in holiday festivities.
M – Easy 7
Tu –6x1mi (8:36)
Th – Tempo 10 (8:46)
Fr – Easy 6
Sa - Easy 6
Su – Easy 8
Dec 19-29 Recap (8 Days until WDW Marathon)
As I expected, holiday travel got in the way of a timely update. In fact, I've fallen way behind on most of the runDisney threads. I hope everyone had a magical Christmas! I wanted to get one last update in before the race and oh my polar bears! How did we make it to 8 days until the big day?!?!? When I started this journal, there were 279 days to go and it seemed so far away. Now it feels like those 9 months have just flown by. Race day jitters haven't quite set in yet, but I think that's only because I have too many other things to take care of beforehand. Once all that is settled, I'm sure the nerves will pick up.

My taper has been a bit more taper-y than planned. My last update included the last of the 16 milers which went great. I wasn't even sore the next day and I was feeling really prepared for the marathon. The rest of the week went pretty well until Friday. More details below, but basically, my body told me I needed a break and so I've missed quite a few runs. It's the sort of ache I would run through if I didn't have a big race coming up so soon, but I really want to be 100%, or as close as I can be, come race day.

Weather watch is getting serious now! We're heading ~4 hrs south today to see my family for Christmas and heading straight for WDW a few days later....which means I should be packing right now instead of writing this up. Since my last update, the high has stayed about the same but Saturday's low has dropped 10 degrees. Sorry guys, probably my fault since I also mentioned that my ideal temperature is right around 40. Looking at the hourly has me a bit worried; I would typically wear pants for 40s but would definitely want to be in shorts for 60s. My plan is just to pack to find room for it.

My closet has needed some grooming for a while, so I took advantage of the day off work to fill a garbage bag full of clothes/shoes that I don't wear. This turned out to be really good timing since it made it easy to just set aside some clothes to wear to the corrals on Sunday. I managed to find a long sleeve, zippered hoodie, pajama pants, stocking hat, and gloves that were about to be donated so I think I'm set.

Tuesday – Easy 5
Easy run after my 16 miler felt great. As I mentioned, I wasn't sore from the miles the day before and it felt good to shake it all out. Plus, I had to enjoy a few more miles outside before Old Man Winter arrived.

Wednesday – 4x1.5mi (8:36)
I don't remember the specifics of Wednesday, but something wasn't clicking right. I was really disappointed when I decided to call it in. I really wanted to finish the rest of my training plan strong. With all of the missed training runs before, I really wanted to hit the rest of the miles to get me to 85% completed mileage. In the end, I made it through a mile warm up and only half of an interval before I slowed it down to a walk.

Thursday – Easy 5
After work on Thursday, I had to attend a going away party for a coworker. I knew running afterward was unlikely, so I snuck out of the office half an hour early to get some miles in. It was starting to rain when I started but the radar looked clear. The sprinkles didn't last long and most of the run was dry.
The run itself was uneventful but nice. I ran near the party location to give myself some new scenery. I was a little worried I would be really late to the party, but I wasn't even the last one! Most of my coworkers know I'm a runner, but I don't think it really clicked for most of them until I showed up sweaty and in my running clothes. It's always fun to hear someone's reaction to an "easy 5 miles."

Friday – Tempo 10 (8:46)
The plan was to head to MKE Friday afternoon so I set out just before lunch to get this run in. Unfortunately, I only made it about a half mile before the arch in my left foot starting experiencing a really sharp pain. As I said, I really wanted to get as many miles as were smart in, so I decided to keep going. First, I was thinking I'd do at least 5 miles with the pain. I kept trudging along and was hoping that once I was done with the warm up, the pain would magically go away. The first mile went by and it was time to pick up the speed. Unfortunately, going faster only made it worse, so I turned around and headed home filled with disappointment.

Saturday - Easy 8
Saturday, I woke up in a cold Milwaukee. The temperature was somewhere in the teens plus wind chill and I really wasn't sure how to dress. I loaded on the layers and hoped that whole arch pain thing had just magically repaired itself.
Bucky and I set off and like the day before, I could feel the pain again in the first half mile. I really wanted it to work itself out so I decided to keep going, but only made it a quarter mile further before I knew I had to turn around. It became painful enough, that I had to stop and walk most of the way back. The good news is, I had overdressed, so I wasn't cold walking.
The other good news, is that I got to visit Lambeau for the first time. Unfortunately, the home team isn't all that good this year. It was a pretty frustrating game to watch because it definitely was a winnable game, they just didn't get it done.


Sunday – Long 10
Monday - Easy 7
Tuesday - 6x1 (8:36)
Thursday - Tempo 10 (8:46)
After the last two painful runs, I decided the best course of action was to rest a few days so these 4 runs were all skipped. I could still feel the pain a little when I walked through Tuesday so I definitely think it was the right decision it's just so frustrating when I want to get the miles in but can't.
Christmas also happened somewhere in there and I got some new running socks :D I also got a ukelele, which I'm so so excited about. I've never in my life played a string instrument, and I haven't played any instrument at all since I quit 6th grade band so it's definitely going to be a learning process but it'll be fun to learn....I hope.


I also got this awesome ornament that looks like Bucky. I'm always so jealous of all the dog merch out there and how none of it looks anything like my dog (#designerdogproblems) so husband had this custom made for me.


Friday - Easy 6
This was my first run back and I was really nervous if my foot would still be a bother. It snowed from sun up to sun down and since I wasn't sure how far I'd actually make it, I decided to hit the treadmill. I knew I wanted to make it at least 3 miles, but they were going by easy so I manged to go the whole 6. It certainly helped that I had Toy Story 2 on the DVR to watch.

Total Miles: 20.6
Total Time: 3:44:07

Rest of the schedule: Here's what's on tap for the remaining few days. My goal is to complete as many of these as possible, but I'm going to take it easy if needed. Tuesday we fly to WDW so that run might flex to Wednesday. I'll have to check what time we have to be at the airport and if I'd rather run in negative degrees or above freezing....
Sa– Easy 6
Su –Easy 8
M - Easy 5
T - Easy 5
Th - Easy 6
F - Easy 5
Sa - Easy 3
Su - RACE DAY!!!

Finally, best of luck to everyone Marathon Weekend! We've all been dedicating a lot of time and energy so I'm excited to see how it all pans out.
Hang in there! Almost time to toe the line! Happy to see the pain subsided on the last run. Be prepared for a cold start and a warm finish!


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