Sad News about Rich Hyams

Sorry for your loss. Richyams posts always made me smile (especially the pigs feet recipes ) He will be missed.
I was so sad whenI heard of Rich's passing. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. He will be missed.
sorry for your loss, Lisa. Our prayers will be with you and your DD
I am so going to miss Rich!!!!

You always knew where you where with Rich, and I loved his sense of humor. His posts were funny, and straight to the point. Because of this, I PMd Rich for job advice, while I was unemployed in IT (information technology).

Rich's advice helped me to get my confidence back, and because of his and other's support, I have started my own company and am doing now better than ever.

I wish I could express to you how grateful me and my family are to Rich.

Even though we never met except via PM thru this forum, Rich touched our lives in a big way.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help,

I'm crying now.... Goldi
<font face="times" size="+0">This is very shocking news! Lisa, I'm very sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family.</font>
Thank you for letting us know, Lisa -

We'll be holding you, your daughter, and all of Rich's family in our hearts - countless times over the years Rich's posts brought a smile (and a laugh) to my day !- and his love and knowledge of DVC and the enjoyment he shared of your times together at WDW influenced us greatly in becoming owners. . . such a great loss :(

My heart goes out to you. Rich will be sorely missed on these boards. I didn't always agree with what he said, but I love the way he said it.

Lisa, I always respected Rich for having such strong opinions. His loss will be felt and my prayers are with you and your daughter during this very hard time.
I'm so sorry to hear about Rich!! He was sooo funny, I always looked forward to reading his posts. My prayers are with you & your family.
To Lisa and family: What an unimaginable loss you have had to endure! While I certainly didn't "know" Rich, there was no mistaking his personality through his posts. He was opinionated, funny, witty, honest, straightforward (etc, etc.) but somehow it was still so apparent how much he loved you and your daughter through some of his posts. I certainly disagreed with some of his opinions (particularly the religious ones:D ), but he ALWAYS made good points and made me stop and think. One has to admire that in a person. He truly was a unique individual. God bless you and yours during this difficult time. May your memories of him always continue to comfort you and bring you peace.
Sorry for your loss. Richyams posts always made me giggle. I have even read many of them aloud to my DH. He will be sorely missed.
To Lisa and family.....

I am so sorry for your loss. Richyams will definitely be missed here on the DIS. His humor and wit always made me laugh so hard. His strong opinions were also quite refreshing at times.

Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family right now.

Like so many others have posted, I am sitting here just shocked at this news. My deepest sympathies to you and your daughter. I loved Rich's posts and will miss him so much.
Lisa and Family, I am so very very sorry for your loss. Even though I lurked here a lot more than I post, he really made me smile. He will be deeply missed :(
Thanks so much for letting us know. I put my memories of rich in another thread, before I read this one. I hope he brought as much joy to you and his family as he did to us here. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
To Lisa & Family,
We are so sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Maria, Tony & Family
May you and your family take some comfort during this difficult time from the knowledge that Rich has touched so many with his humor, advice, and opinions.
Lisa and family:

I was very saddened to hear the news about Rich. I wish there was something I could do to help! His posts always made my day-I started reading them when my husband told me how great his sense of humor and wit were-and how he had a special way of sharing his opinion that kept everyone interested!

Even though we only knew him from the boards, we will miss him. We felt like we knew him!

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Please know that the Disney family is always here for you.
I just started reading/posting here over the last couple of weeks, but I am truly sorry for your loss.

I am so very sorry to hear this.:( I didn't frequent this board that often, but whenever I did I always enjoyed reading Rich's posts. I too was wondering where he's been. My deepest sympathy to you, your daughter, and family. I always enjoyed reading how he loved bringing his family to WDW and staying in the Grand Villas. He will be missed greatly by his DIS family also.


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