Safe to ride with a stent?


Earning My Ears
Jun 2, 2009
We are taking my grandparent for there for visit to Disney World this September, but I am concerned about what rides my grandfather can and can't ride.
He has one stent in his heart, but the doctor says he's healthy now. I would love for him to ride Splash Mountain (one of my favorites) but I don't know if the drop would cause any problems.
Can any one help me with this one? :confused3
Any other input about riding with a stent would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
I would have him ask his doctor if the drop would affect him in any way.

Also, some stents are not save to have around powerful magnets (ie MRI's). Your grandfather should have a card that says if his is safe or not (most implanted now days are safe - if he only has one to two stents). I know that some rides use some sort of magnet to propel the ride forward. I saw it on some sort of extreme ride show my son was watching months ago. I'm not sure if Disney even has any that work that way. I don't think they are anything as powerful as an MRI, but I would double check just to be on the safe side.

Hope that helps some and have a great time on your trip!:goodvibes
DW (54) has had her stent for over 10 years. We were there 4-11 June for her birthday and the only ride she didn't go on multiple times was the Rock-n-Rollercoaster, because it goes upside down. She didn't ride it because of her stent, but she doesn't like the idea of being turned upside down. We rode Expedition Everest five times one morning and she never had a problem. She also rode Splash Mountain a couple of times. Her only problem was getting wet.
I am not a doctor so this is just my opinion.
Years ago I ran a machine shop and I worked on the tooling to make stent's I worked with the engineers and doctors that developed them. At the time I was told unless other conditions were present you could do anything with a stent that you could do before it was put in place. I would still check with the doctor
Thank you for your answers. You have put my mind a little more at ease. They are so excited to go and I wanted them to be able to ride as much as possible. He's told everyone he knows (and doesn't know) that we're taking them. :goodvibes


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