Sara's 2011 dwindling weight and debt WISH journal : Comments welcome!!


Aug 16, 2009
What better place than on the DIS is there to have a journal?!! :cloud9:

My journey this year, 2011, is to not only loose some unwanted weight, but also unwanted debt! :thumbsup2

Where to start??? First with they weight. Growing up I was never over weight, but once I had my first baby I gained a lot and ever since, 9 years ago and two more babies later, I'm still having a hard time getting motivated enough to get serious and get rid of it for good! :headache:

But that has all changed! :goodvibes
I'm am SO motivated and have been on a pretty good streak this last week with getting up early in the morning and getting at least 20 minutes of exercise in. Now, this is just a start I didn't want to push myself too hard too fast because I know that is calling for disaster.

Next I need to work on my eating habits. But like a said, one thing at a time!! :laughing:

And then there is the debt. :rolleyes1
It's not a massive amount, but it is to our one income budget.
But I'm SO thankful to have found Dave Ramsey and all of his common sense help. :worship:
If you haven't heard of him yet you should check him out!!

So here are my stats:
(I'm doing this to keep accountability! And I know that here at the DIS would be a great place to do this!!) :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Weight: 175 (not a for sure, but pretty close!)
I'm 5'6

Work out: Mon.= 20 min. Denise Austin DVD
Tues.= 22 min. Run/Walk on treadmill
Wed.= off
Thur.= 20 min. other half of DVD
(I suppose from now on I'll do my stat check in on Monday? Along with a weigh in?)

Debt: (as of April 7th)
'02 Honda Odeyssey
2 Credit cards
2 Student loans

(not exactly sure on the total amount right at this moment, but I will update once I do- which will be tomorrow- pay day, bill day! :surfweb: )

I'm really looking forward to reading others WISH journals and also getting feed back on mine, hopefully!! ;)

Oh and did I mention that this all has a connection to Disney!!
One I'd like to be a bit more in shape and look better for our next trip........
which will be once we pay off our debts!! :cool1:

So the more support the better to getting this done on my family on our way to a debt free healthy Walt Disney World trip!!

It's Friday!! :cool1:

Got on the treadmill again today!
Think I'll do the DVD again tomorrow. I know if I don't change it up every once in awhile I will get bored.:sad2:

Did a quick weigh in and I think I might have actually lost a couple lb's this week! :thumbsup2

Hopefully I'll have some time tonight to look through some of the other journals on here to get some extra inspiration!! :worship:

Trying to find some that I can post comments to.

Happy Weekend all!! :tinker:
Hi Sara,

Welcome to the WISH journals and congrats on your dedication to getting the weight and budget under control at the same time!!

I think you will find lots of great support here. I know I did when I was first starting out. Also it is a fabulous way to keep accountable and stay motivated. I find I'm much more "on plan" when I have to report to myself (and the nebulous cyber world) every day.

Best of luck. I'll look forward to following along with you.
Hi Sara,

Welcome to the WISH journals and congrats on your dedication to getting the weight and budget under control at the same time!!

I think you will find lots of great support here. I know I did when I was first starting out. Also it is a fabulous way to keep accountable and stay motivated. I find I'm much more "on plan" when I have to report to myself (and the nebulous cyber world) every day.

Best of luck. I'll look forward to following along with you.


These are the reasons I decided to do this journal.

Today I had a hard time getting up- so no exercise- yet anyway.

And when I weighed in I got two different results!! :scared1:
The non electrical gave me a few pound loss while the electric on gave me a couple pound gain!? :confused:

I'm not too worried about it. Hopefully I will be able to see results in the way my clothes fit eventually. I know that matters more! :banana:

Happy Monday!



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