Saying Hello in EPCOT! =0)

Hello. I am a friend of Chet who has been harranged into joining this forum Ive been working since half seven this morning and am flipping flipped and going to bed soon but I did a tabata work out last night that I will put on the log thingy tomorrow. Also hello Nicky I am also a girl Chet thought you might like to know that.
Thats a nice one idea. I just was wondering how could get my 5 year old son excited about WS. he is an active thrill-chaser & was not at all interested in anything I read to him about WS. But he loves only, Trying out new languages and phrases!
This is awesome. I have a very curious 3yo that will love this. She'll be 4yo the next time we go.
Thanks for all the great ideas and info. I'm going to do this with my two kids, including studying the different countries. I'm also making them passports.
I made this song up to teach my grandson how to say hello, how are you, I am fine, thank you and goodbye in all the languages of Epcot. He is six. In 3 months of seeing him once or twice a week, he learned the whole song. When we went to Epcot he had fun saying hello and goodbye to people in their own language.
I've posted the song here before, but originally I excluded Arabic, because I thought it would be too hard. Well, my grandson asked me to write a song for Arabic too! Isn't that great? I am so proud of him.
So here is the updated song. Sing it to the beat of the bones song. You know, the foot bones connected to the ankle bone, the ankle bones connected to the... I really hope you all give it a try!

Hello in French is Bonjour
Goodbye in French is Au revoir
How are you is Como allez vous
Singing in French how smart are you?
Thank you in French is Merci
Can you sing this song for me?
I am fine is Tre Bien
Now let’s sing this song again!

Konnichi wa is how you say
Hello in Japanese today
Sayoonara means goodbye
Why don’t you give it a try?
How are you sing tra la la
And say O genki desu ka
Genki desu is I am fine
And domo is thank you one more time

Hi in Norwegian is Hei
That is too easy to try
Hvordan står det til? (voor-dahn stor de’ teel)
Really means how do you feel!
Ha det bra (haa de’ braa) means goodbye
And Takk means thank you – no lie
Jeg har det bra means I am fine
Sing this song just one more time

Hey hey hey now did you know
Hello in Italian is Buon pomeriggio
Goodbye in Italian is Addio
What else Italian do we know?
Thank you in Italian is Grazie.
Please keep singing just for me
How are you in Italian is como sta?
One more line then ta da
I am fine is Sto bene
Thanks for singing just for me

Hello in Chinese is Nee How
Good that you can say that now
How are you is nin hao
So I guess you know that now
I am fine is xie xie nin
You can say that once again
Thank you is said xie xie (she she)
That is what to say to me
Say goodbye then zei jian
There you go then
now you’re done

Guten Tag means hello
You speak German know you know
How are you is vee gates
Speak some more now I can’t wait
Say I am fine Mir geht es gut
Speak some more now if you would
Say thank you as danke shane
Then you say Aufwiedersehen

Hello in Spanish is Hola
How are you is como esta
I am fine is estoy bien
You can say that to a friend
Gracias is thank you
What more than that can you do?
Adios is goodbye
Let’s give it just one more try

Hello in Arabic is Salam (like salami)
If East asia is where you’re from
Say How are you K-fa Ha-luke
Now you sound just like a kook!
I am fine is Anna beak hi ear
I think I made that pretty clear
Then say thank you shoek ron
Now say goodbye and then we’re done
Ma a salama I am the bomba!
swanc02...WOW!! That's cool!!! Thanks!

Erich is 17 now so I doubt I can get him to sing the song!!! ;) I long for the days of a 6 year old.


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