School Of Disney RP

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Catherine was happily chatting with the other girls.

OOC: Where is this school located? and Is this a boarding school?

OOC: The school is located somewhere in Florida that is very hard to find by the naked eye. And no, it's not a boarding school.

Miss AK: Miss Karmichael said to the class, "So, now let me tell all of you about me. I've been teaching at this school for about 3 years now, and I love cute things! That's right Mary Jane, *tee-hee* you are hard to resist cause you're species is on my list of cutest things. That and puppies, babies, One Direction, any baby animal, etc. Also, Cinderella is my sister's cousin's aunt's cousin's sister's sister's cousin's brother's grandmother's sister's cousin's mother's sister's cousin's grandmother's sister's cousin!"
Avalon Alori: Ava blinked slowly as she payed well attention to Miss AK's relation to Cinderella. Then she flitted over closer to Catherine and Mary Jane, too shy to speak up and talk to them. Her long blonde hair hung a bit in her face as she tried to think of what she could say to the girls.
Celine: Celine walked through the open classroom door and walked to the back corner of the room. No one noticed when she flew in, which surprised her. Someone always noticed her wings. Too often for her liking, really. She sat at an empty desk , rested her feet on a chair beside her, and twirled her thin, blonde hair, hoping someone would talk to her.
Avalon Alori: Ava watched Celine come in. "Another fairy!" she thought. Avaflitted towards Celine's desk. "H-hi," she stammered, trying to gather herself. She twirled her blone hair. "I'm Avalon."
Melanie: Melanie wasn't to miss something; when Celine flew in she saw out of the corner of her eye but ignored it, still sitting shyly at her desk.
But as the conversations went on, Melanie was a bit keen to maybe add in. "Er-I'm not much into cheer leading, just you know. But I think we should discuss something...maybe...academic? It is school...although I suppose this is the first day..." Melanie said this rather tentatively, blushing , hunching her shoulders in a shy way and looking down, as everyone was staring at her. She was a very good student and wanted to learn.
Avalon Alori: Ava's short attention span went to Melanie as she waited for Celine's reply. "She's right," Ava called, and again, so she could be heard, more like shouted.
Celine: After an awkward pause, Celine looked up and brightened, seeing another fairy. Then it darkened, just a little, because she realized she might not be the center of attention here. "Hi," she said cautiously, "I'm Celine."
Avalon Alori: Ava glanced back at Celine. "Who are you related to? I'm related to Rani, a water fairy."
Celine: "That's awesome," Celine said, looking down at her feet. "I'm related to Cinderella's fairy godmother, actually. I can do a little magic."
Avalon Alori: Avalon brightened up as Celine spoke to her. "Wow! I can do simple magic with water, as long as I have fairy dust. Not on my own, though," she added wistfully.
Marci: "Alrighty then, we'll talk about something academic," she said, thinking of something academic to talk about. "Oh I know! Miss Karmichael, can I ask something?" she said to the teacher.

Miss AK: "Of course you can! This is school, isn't it?" she replied.

Marci: "Maybe we could have a partner project researching Disney characters. It could be fun, we could even choose our partners!" she said. This was also another way for Marci to make friends.

Miss AK: "That's a great idea!" she said. "We can start today! Ok class, pick your partners."
Melanie: Melanie had taken out a book, but the conversation had sparked her interest.
"Really? It's so interesting how everyone here is so...special. It makes me curious." she wasn't sure whether they had heard her quiet voice, but she hoped so.
Celine: Celine turned her attention to Miss Karmichael, with a subtly relieved expression on her face caused by Ava's jealousy of her magic. Maybe she would finally stand out and be somehow unique at her new school, even though she wasn't the only fairy again. "Ava, do you want to be partners? I mean, if you don't, I totally understand. But if you want to, it's cool, too."
Avalon Alori: Ava's sapphire eyes brightened, and her wings flittered. "Of course!" she exclaimed.

(OOC I am going to be offline starting now, Once Upon a Time)
Celine: "Great, thanks!" Celine looked around the room, eager to meet more people, but glad that she had already made a friend within her first five minutes of class. "Oh, Miss Karmichael, I'm sorry I was late today--you see, I was flying, and it started to rain, and wings don't work real well wet, so I was trying to conjure up an umbrella, but I accidentally transformed a nearby squirrel into a rock, and I never remembered the umbrella spell, so I had to walk."
Marci: "So, who's going to be the lucky person to be my partner?!" she bolted. "I'm free to be partners with!"
Inner Thought-"Melanie seemed like a nice girl. Plus, for a partner activity it would proably be wise to pick someone who would not goof off and work hard."
Catherine walked up to Melanie.
"Would you like to be my partner Melanie?"
Marci: It seemed like no one was paying attention to her anymore. "Why should I have to go up to someone? They should be coming up to me!" she thought. Marci relized that she had been talking to some people already, and she might want to be with one of them. "Ooh Mary Janeeee! Would you like to be my partner? It would be totes cool to do a report with a kitten. You also seem pretty smart and nice."
Avalon Alori: Ava laughed, which sounded like bells, as she listened to Celine's tale. "My wings get awfull heavy and drag me down in the rain. I had an umbrella, though a leaf umbrella isn't much help," she added.
Celine: Celine laughs in response. "My wings are totally dysfunctional in the rain. I guess it runs in the family. So, what character are we supposed to be researching, anyways?" A clap of thunder from outside shakes the classroom.
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