ScoJo's Running Down a Dream Journal (comments welcome)


There will be days when I don't know if I can run
Jul 26, 2005
I know that most of you just post your entries directly on the boards, but I have set up a blog to keep track of my quest to get healthier and complete the Disney Half Marathon....did I mention that I'm not a runner?

So here is the link:
Running Down a Dream

Come see why this couch potato has decided to do the unthinkable and actually complete a half marathon!

Let me know if this is not the norm and I could post all of my entries on this thread if's just easier to upload to a blog.


UPDATE: Here is the entry from my blog....

Hello and welcome to Running Down A Dream, my online journal chronicaling my quest to do something that less than 1% of the population has ever a marathon.

Why do such a crazy thing? A lot of factors figured in the decision, but here are the two main ones:

1. The desire to get in shape and live a more healthier lifestyle

I am currently heavier than I have ever been in my life. I weigh 220 pounds. For a 6' tall non-buff frame, that is somewhere around 40 pounds too heavy depending on what chart or publication you read. I'm not obsessed with hitting a certain weight though, I'm more concerned with just looking better. I'd rather look in the mirror and be satisfied, or notice that my clothes are fitting better than worry if I am 190 or 195 pounds. I feel that if I start exercising regularly and begin watching what I eat, the pounds should start coming off. I will do weekly weigh ins anyway just to monitor the results of my newfound habits.

2. The desire to make a change, do something different and accomplish a goal

Call it a mini mid-life crisis, but I've reached the point in my life where I feel the need to accomplish something. I need a purpose. I need something to work toward every day that will not only satisfy this desire, but also help me complete my first goal of being healthier. It will also allow me to show my daughter how to set your mind on achieving something and how to work towards and hopefully accomplish what you had originally set out to do.

Ok, all of that is fine, but why a marathon? What about a 5K, or a bike race? Goal setting is one thing, but did you really have to go after the equivalent of climbing Mt. Everest? You've never ran a mile in your life!

Well, one of the sites that I browse daily is DISboards a Disney Community forum. I was reading some posts regarding the Walt Disney World marathon that had recently concluded and realized that most of the people posting about running the race were not "marathoners", but ordinary average people just like me. So I began wondering....If these people can do it, why can't I? I read a lot more on those boards about the race itself and how people trained for it. It was there that I found the excellent recommendation of a book called Marathoning for Mortals. I decided to go to the bookstore and see what it was all about.

Talk about hitting the jackpot. This book is exactly what I needed to convince me to take on such a task. Without doing a full on review, it is a guide that breaks down how a "mortal" human being can complete a marathon both physically and emotionally. It is a quick read and really got me pumped up about seeing this dream to realization. But I know that I can't just go from 34 year old couch potato to long distance marathoner in 20 weeks. I'd need to take some baby steps first.

So the first goal I have set is to complete the Walt Disney World Half Marathon on January 7, 2007. That would give me nearly one year to train. I realize that running the entire distance is an impossibility given my lifetime avoidance of anything more than a brisk walk. I've decided to utilize the walk/run method outlined in the book. It basically means that you walk for a certain peroid of time and then run for a certain peroid. For example, a 3/1 ratio would mean that you briskly walk for 3 minutes followed by a 1 minute run, then back to the 3 minute walk, etc. The kicker is that you have to maintain a 15 minute per mile pace, or you get "swept" from the course. I figure I can modify my ratios to beat that pace fairly easily. During some 4 mile walks (no running at all) that I went on in January, I was already under the 15 minute pace. Another nice thing about this half marathon is that the course is pretty much flat, perfect for beginning runners.

Naturally, you have to hit some smaller milestones to achieve any goal. I figured since the Half Marathon is just over 13 miles, why not attempt a 10k this summer (over 6 miles)? So my first "milestone" goal is to enter and finish the Peachtree Road Race here in Atlanta on July 4th. If I'm successful, I may look at attempting to run/walk the Disney Half as opposed to walk/run. I'll see how I feel in July and figure out which program I want to use for training.

My second "milestone" goal is to compete in a 5k or 2 along the way. I'll start looking for these races once I am at least one month into my training and can make a respectable showing.

Once I've crossed the finish line in the WDW Half, I plan to take a couple weeks off and then assess the possibilities of completing a full marathon.

So there you have it. It's a pretty crazy thing to do, but in the end I believe that I will not only be a more fit and healthier person but will also accomplish something that I never thought I'd be able to do.

So what will be in this journal? Anything from my thoughts about making it to the start line to how much I weigh on a certain date....from what obstacles get in my way to how I overcome them.....from how long I've done certain exercises to what I ate for dinner before doing them. I hope it will be an all encompassing look at a couch potatoes transformation into a healthier human being. Maybe I can even inspire you to lead a healthier lifestyle, or set out on your own journey to achieve something that you never thought you could.

I welcome all comments and would love to cross-connect with other journals with people who may be doing the same type of thing. Strength in numbers. The more motivation the better!

Thanks for listening and watch for daily updates while I start my program.

Take Care.
I loved your first entry. :wave: Sounds like you are EXACTLY like me. You can check out my dh's journal here . There are some pics of our first couple of races. I will DEFINITELY be following your quest so keep posting. Isn't it weird how the Disney 1/2 '07 dream just kinda pops up out of nowhere?!? My family still can't believe I'm doing it. I started out at 237lbs and could only run for 30 secs. After 6 months I'm down to 191lbs and am run/walking 5ks like a mad woman! So there's plently of hope for you. I'm sure you are in much better shape than I was when I started. I'm actually training for my first 10k April 22nd up near Atlanta. It's called the Cheerios Challenge, I think it is Covington, GA. Is that near you? I'm pretty sure they have a 5k if you want to check it out. I'm really proud of you for taking that step to be a positive example for your dd.

:woohoo: You can do it! :woohoo:

See you at the 1/2!!! :thumbsup2

ps I tried to comment on your blog site, but I'd have to register and all that phooey, so is it okay if I just comment here?
:cool2: Way to go Scott. Just read your blog and it sooo reminds me of myself. BTW...I've started journaling here too and I'm pretty much beginning the journey where you are. I've never been a runner yet it has called the marathon has called to me....and Dena (RunningLilo) is one of my computer running buddies. Hi Dena! :wave:

Feel free to check out my "But I'm Not A Runner" journal here. Also, I highly recommend stopping by the WISH Event forum/running walking thread. So many great people prepping for the Half and Full marathons in 07. Stop in and say "Hi". They are all my inspiration and keep me going these days as I'm training alone in the real world. But in the cyber world I have dozens of running partners! Sooo cool!
Entry for Wednesday, March 1st:

Well, things are off and running! (sorry, had to say it!) Here are updates for the first two days:

Monday, February 27th
Completed a 32 minute 3/1 session with relative ease. I warmed up with a brisk 5 minute walk and finished with a 5 minute cool down with some stretching. All in all I covered 3.2 miles (that includes the warmup and cooldown walks) in just over 43 minutes. That is a 13:26 per mile pace. Note that the 3/1 is walk/run. Food wise I had my last fast food splurge for lunch by eating a Single w/cheese, fries and a coke from Wendy's. Dinner was spaghetti. It felt really good to get out there and get my program under way. Couldn't have asked for a more successful start!

Tuesday, February 28th
Tuesday brought my first trip to my subdivision's fitness center. A 30 minute cross-training session was on tap. I ended up riding a stationary bike (or Life Cycle if you will..) for the full 30 minutes. I fluctuated between the level 3 and 4 settings and was suprised to see my heart rate consistently staying in the 160-165 range. I really didn't think I was working out that hard. According to the data on the LifeCycle, my 30 minute session resulted in approximately 250 calories burned while covering a distance of 10.8 miles. I had reservations about going to the fitness center and really struggling or looking like a fool, I was happy with my results and actually look forward to going there again on Friday. It was also nice to see so many treadmills (like 10 of them!) in the event that the weather doesn't cooperate with my Monday, Thursday or Saturday runs. My meals were better today. I had leftover spaghetti and a diet coke for lunch and some pork chops, cheese tortilini and bread for dinner.

Today is a rest day for cross training and marathon training. I want to try and get in a workout on the weight bench (chest and arms) and do some crunches to begin working on my midsection.

I also plan on getting one of those heart monitor/stopwatch wrist watches to use for my running. I'd like to see what my heart rate is during my walks & runs. I also need something more convenient than the stopwatch that I carry in my hand to track the time. First look thru some websites and I think I'm gonna go with the Polar F6. I also need to get some shoes and a long sleeve running shirt for those cool nights as winter winds down.
Dena: thanks for the kind words! Love the Xmas pic on your dh's blog site LOL! Congrats on the weight loss and good luck in the 10k, I know you'll do great! Covington is actually pretty far from where I'm at (over 1 hour) but thanks for the info...let me know if you see other things in the ATL area.

Amy: Love your journal, it's so inspiring!! You've accomplished so much in such a short time period and your determination is something I strive to have. Thanks for posting!
Update for Wednesday/Thursday:

Wednesday March 1
Today was a scheduled off day, so I took it easy. It's kind of funny that I almost felt a little guilty about not working out in some way.

Thursday March 2
Back to training. Today was a scheduled 32 min 3/1. I normally have been running at night but today I switched to the mid-afternoon since I was home due to my daughter's basketball game that evening (I'm the assistant coach). I did a brisk 5 minute warmup walk, the 32 3/1 and a short cooldown in a total time of 41:30. That is a 13 minute per mile pace. I was surprised to see how fast I had started. I run in my neighborhood and knew that a certain house was the 1.6 mile point that I had turned around at on Monday. I decided that I'd just use the house again and cover the exact same distance. I reached the house about a minute and a half quicker than I had on Monday. It was nice to feel that I had already made an advancement in my training!

Tonight is a scheduled 30 minute cross-training session at the fitness center. I'm either going to do the LifeCycle again or try out an elliptical. Saturday will bring my first distance, not time, run. The plan calls for 2 miles at a 3/1 pace. I think I'm going to go to a local school track that way I can track splits and get a better idea of my pacing on a flat course.

I'm also excited about receiving the Polar F6 Heart Rate Monitor that I purchased on should be here either today or tomorrow. I'll detail a review once I receive it.
Scott! :thumbsup2 Awesome job on your run the other day. That's an amazing increase. You really are doing great! And your cross-training sounds like it's right on target.

Which running plan are you using? It sounds very similar to the one I'm currently doing which is Galloway's 5K plan. Do you have any upcoming races scheduled?
Hey Scott! It is so cool to see you here! Your plan and progress thus far is So inspiring! I started posting here on the WISH board in January and have been exercising and dieting, but have yet to commit to the 1/2 marathon. I have been toying with the idea. Reading your goals I see so much in common. I really want to be healthier and I want to get into a more healthy lifestyle before Dh and I have kids. We are planning to start trying next year some time, so it's now or never so to speak.

I see you are doing the Peachtree Road Race. I am going to try to convince Dh to train w/ me and maybe we will see you there. I want to commit to the 1/2 but I am afraid.

I know you can do it! :cheer2: Keep up the good work! You are inspiring this couch potato! :sunny:

I'm gonna go check out your trip report in a bit! I never got around to doing one for our trip, but we had a blast! And I think DH got a touch of the Disney bug :wizard: :sunny:

Have a great day!
Amy -- thanks for the encouragement....wait till you read the new update below! I think I've been underperforming a little...time to step up the pace! Also, I am using the 1/2 marathon walk/run plan in the back of Marathoning for Mortals. I modified it a little so that it will end right before my 10k in July. After that, I'm going to try the run/walk plan in preparation for the Disney Half if my body will allow me ;)

Foxfiregrrl -- Fancy seeing you here! Glad to see you all had a good time in Sept, nice to see the DH got some Disney magic! Going back this September?? Crazy that I'm anxiously awaiting the Sunday paper on the 19th to get the registration forms for the Peachtree. I never, never thought I'd be doing something like this. You guys need to start training!

On to the update from this past weekend.......

Friday, March 3
After a long day at work, I was able to hit the fitness center before picking up my daughter at my parents house. I jumped on a LifeCycle again and this time programmed it for a random level 5 workout. I made it through the 30 minutes pretty easily. I only covered about 9.5 miles this time, I wonder if it was due to the 'hills' or a differently calibrated Cycle? Anyway, I was happy to have completed the session anyway.

Saturday, March 4
Was my first scheduled 'distance' run as opposed to 'timed' run. I planned on running at a local track so that I could get times for each mile completed as well as run on a flat course (my Mon/Thurs course through the neighborhood is very hilly). The mailman brought my new Polar F6 in the morning to get things off to a great start. I love gadgets, especially the ones that I can actually benefit from! I got it all set up with the correct time, my weight & height, etc and tested it out. I was pleased to see everything working properly and how comfortable the chest strap was. This made me even more excited for the day's run!

I got to the track in the late afternoon. Turns out that it isn't a normal oval shaped track like you normally see, but a nicely laid out 1 mile loop surrounded by trees and a river. So I began my 5 minute warmup and then started into my 3:1 walk/run routine. I decided that Saturday is going to be my 'go for it' day where I walk/run as fast as I can like I was in a real 5k or 10k. So my first mile (including the very brist warmup walk) clocked in at exactly 13:00. I felt really good so I began extending my runs past the 1 minute mark and mile 2 came in at 11:08!!! I was so pumped at coming in so fast that I decided to run another mile (was only supposed to do 2)....I was a little slower this time (11:40) but still felt fresh enough to go for one more mile. I finshed mile 4 with a strong stride and a final lap time of 11:10! I was so happy! I had just completed 4 miles, felt pretty good and finished them all in record times for me! I really wonder what I could have done with that first mile if I would have started after my warmup walk (note to self for next week!)

I was anxious to check the Polar and analyze my heart rate for the run. Turns out that my max heart rate was 192 and my average heart rate was 160. I think the average is pretty good but I'm worried that the 192 was too high. The unit comes with a calibration called "OwnZone" that I think I'll try out to get a better understanding of my heart rate and what my optimal zone may be. My total workout time was 46:58, covering 4.0 miles. It says that I burned 762 calories, but I find it hard to believe. Maybe I can do some research and see if this is accurate.

Sunday March 5
Sunday is a rest day for me, but is also the day that I will check my weight. I was anticipating being a little sore, but it turns out that I felt pretty good. Nice to know that I can step up the pace a little from now on. Of course, I'll still listen to my body and slow it down a little if needed. Now about that weight issue....I weighed in at 220 last Sunday. This Sunday the scale showed a total of 217...I lost 3 pounds! Could I ask for a more successful week?
:cool1: Wow Scott!! My goodness....that is awesome! You must be so psyched! I love MFM and plan to use him definitely for my marathon training. I feel like I'm starting sooooo slow. The Galloway plan for the 5K really starts you from couch to 5K. However, I had been active so I skipped ahead 4 weeks and I still feel ready for more challenge but I'm trying really hard to force myself to follow the plan LOL. I can't imagine how 4 miles will feel. This week I finally get to do 3 Miles :teeth: . I also want to try to run a flatter course. My neighborhood is all hills...which I keep telling myself is a good thing. But like you, not sure how my pace will be on a better "track". Sounds like the hills have really helped you!

Anyway, fantastic job! I'm so happy for you!
Update for Mon/Tues/Wed...

Monday March 6
Well, the first full week has passed and it was back to a 32 minute 3/1. My calves were feeling it a little on the hills but I managed to complete 2.5 miles in 33:19 for a pace of 13:20 per mile. Heart rate was similar to Saturday with a max of 191 and a 163 average. I guess the hills slow me down pretty substantially. On the flat course I was averaging 11:45 per mile which means the hills are slowing me down by 1 minute and 35 seconds per mile....that seems pretty excessive. I don't want to stop training with the hills, though, as it will better prepare me for any races that I may enter in the near future including the Peachtree with the fabeled "heart attack hill" around the 3 mile mark.

Tuesday March 7
Back to the LifeCycle for a 30 minute session. It was almost identical to last Tuesday as 10.8 miles were covered. I got to 'calibrate' my heart monitor against the machine's heart monitor and they were no more than 1 beat off at any given time. Nice to know that both are working properly! My heart rate was lower than last Tuesday with a max of 153 and an average of 145.

Wednesday March 8
Off!! Time to catch up with American Idol, Apprentice, Amazing Race, etc...but of course with no late night snacking allowed.

So I'm ready again today for another 32 minute 3/1 and am actually looking forward to this Saturday where I can again verify my flat course pace. I am very happy to still be motivated about training 5 days a week and even more pleased to see that I can accomplish this and still have time for my family. I would always use the excuse of 'I just don't have the time to exercise' so it's really nice to not be able to say that anymore!

It's only a week, but I really do feel better already. I'm drinking more water through the day and I don't feel the need to veg out on junk food...I'm opting for apples/bananas instead. I'm just hoping this stays the same and that I can look back a few months from now a more fitter and healthier person!
Hey Scott!! How did your run go this weekend :). Just checking in to see how you are doing.
Amy, thanks for checking in!! Here is the update:

Update for the past week.....setbacks and accomplishments.....

Thursday March 9th
Completed another 32 minute 3 walk/1 run session. Results were almost identical to Monday's run: 33:12 total time, 2.5 miles, 13:17 avg mile, max heart rate 189, average heart rate 162. It is interesting to see my heart rate go down ever so slowly with each session as my body becomes used to actually exercising again. I felt pretty good during the run and am actually looking forward to expanding the length of time in a few weeks.

Friday March 10th
Jumped on the LifeCycle again for some stationary bike action. I did 9.5 miles in 30 minutes. Heart rate maxed at 159 and averaged 146. I'm hoping that this range for my heart is's so much lower than when I run but I guess that is due to the resistance my body creates while jogging.

Saturday March 11th - 1st major setback
I was sooo looking forward to my 4 mile 3/1 since my results were so good last week. I had an appointment in the morning at the dermatologist to look at removing what appeared to be a wart on my finger. I found out that it wasn't a wart, it was something called "(insert complicated medical name here)" that would have to be cut off, not frozen. Good news is that it is probably not cancerous and that the procedure was actually not painful! I hate needles but stomached my way through getting my finger numbed. I dreaded the actual cutting off, but didn't even know when she did it (thanks numbing medicine!!). Bad news is that I was not allowed to exercise for 24-48 hours. I was told to not get sweaty or do any jogging, lifting, working out, etc. I was so bummed out! Had I known about this, I would have scheduled through the week on a Tuesday so that I didn't miss any training time.

I remembered in the MFM book that if you miss a session, not to go back and make it up on a different day for it will throw off your whole weekly routine. So, I reluctantly cancelled my run for the day and looked forward to Monday where I could actually get some exercise in again. I'd just have to wait until next Saturday to get my distance run in.

Funny how in two weeks I was actually upset about NOT exercising! My how things change...

Sunday March 12th - Setback #2
Sunday means weigh in day and I was looking forward to seeing my progress after my 1st week's 3 pound loss. Unfourtunately, I gained a pound! Scale came up with 218 every time I stepped on it. I accepted this and made a mental note to do a better job with eating during the upcoming week. I'm not overly worried about weight, but I do expect to lose some during this process!

Monday March 13th - Back on track!

Felt really good during the 32 min 3/1. My time showed it too as I ended with the following results: 32:33 total, 2.5 miles, 13:01 avg mile, 188 max HR, 159 avg HR. I almost broke the 13 minute per mile barrier!! This was very motivating, especially after having to miss a run on Saturday. I still wonder about the multiple hills that I run up and down during my workout. I wonder how they compare to the famed "cardiac hill" in the Peachtree Road Race. I also want to look at some different routes (maybe a little flatter) to get a better idea of my pacing. Overall, it was great to be back in the swing of things!

Tuesday March 14th
Fitness Center today. I decided to give the LifeCycles a break and try out an elliptical machine. I had never been on one before and thought that the workout would be very intense, maybe even enough to prevent me from completing 30 minutes. About 5 minutes into the workout, I had already worked up a good sweat and was feeling a little "burn" but was having fun on the machine. I closely monitored my heart rate since I saw that it was in the 170's very early on and tried to keep it in the 160 range.

I completed the 30 minutes pretty easily and felt that the elliptical gave me a much better workout than the stationary bikes had done in the past. I did 30 minutes, 3.06 miles (wow 10 minute miles!), max 182 HR, avg 166 HR. More intense, but much more fun and I plan on using the elliptical for my crosstraining for the forseeable future.

Also, I was able to get some elevation statistics on both my weekly course and how it compares to Cardiac Hill. Turns out that I go through pretty substantial changes in my run. I start off at 956 ft (above sea level), go down to 891 and back up to 957 in the first half mile. I go up to 998 and down to 879 in the next half mile (yes, that's 120 feet!). I then go back up to 928 in the next 1/4 mile before turning around. So the course back looks like this: 928 to 879 at mile 1.5, 879 to 998 at mile 2.0 and 998 to 891 to 956 at the 2.5 mark. I basically run up four hills (not counting running down since that is easier) one being 120 feet in 1/2 mile and another being 100 feet in 1/2 mile. Cardiac Hill goes from 811 feet to 925 feet in 3/4 mile. I think my workout may be more intense than Cardiac Hill!! If not, it is really close and should properly prepare me for the Peachtree. I'm pleased with this, but also want to continue to look for alternate ways to complete my run without so much elevation change. Maybe do this course on Mondays and an easier one on Thursdays or vice versa.

So overall it was a good week. I'm hoping to get my distance run in on this Saturday. I'm motivated about doing 10 minute miles on the elliptical so I want to push myself and see how quickly I can cover the 4 mile flat course. I also want to actually lose some weight this week. I'm drinking more water through the day and watching my portions at each meal. I even skipped a family "ice cream" night!! (if you know anything about me, I am a total ice cream junkie!)

Next update on Thursday or Friday....take care.
:cool1: Way to go Scott. Your workouts sound amazing! Small set-backs (and I can relate), but it didn't seem to affect your performance!

How did you get all the elevation information for your hills, etc? I run what seems to be a very very hilly course here in my neighborhood. I am running a 5K in April that has a .25 mile up-hill finish. I'd love to compare elevation, etc.

And let me just say that 10 mpm on an elliptical is awesome! The elliptical machine is THE BEST cardio machine IMHO. That is a great cross-training activity...I think it will bump your speed and endurance rapidly! I remember going to the gym and struggling to do 20 minutes on the thing...haven't tried an elliptical since I've been seriously working out with kickboxing and running. I'd love to see if it still seems so gosh darn difficult :).

And Scott....have you considered running the FULL marathon? You could definitely do will be running 10 mpm miles in no time and you have plenty of time to train for it. I don't start my full marathon training until August :teeth: . Just a thought! :banana:
Hey Scott! :wave: Just stopped by to catch up on your journal. You are doing Great!

"Funny how in two weeks I was actually upset about NOT exercising! My how things change..." I totally agree about this! I have had a couple of times when I have been really disappointed to not be exercising! I would never have felt that way in the past! :sunny:

I think that the eliptical is the Best machine! :yay: It is a good workout, but not a stress on the joints. Dh and I are hoping to buy a used one once we get our house. :woohoo: If I had access to one now I might not have taken up running :rolleyes1 , good thing I don't ;)

Keep up the good work! :cheer2: Run hard this weekend!
AmyBeth68 said:
How did you get all the elevation information for your hills, etc? I run what seems to be a very very hilly course here in my neighborhood. I am running a 5K in April that has a .25 mile up-hill finish. I'd love to compare elevation, etc.

And Scott....have you considered running the FULL marathon? You could definitely do will be running 10 mpm miles in no time and you have plenty of time to train for it. I don't start my full marathon training until August :teeth: . Just a thought! :banana:

Amy - thanks so much for being so positive! You are definitely a motivator for me. As far as the elevation, I downloaded Google Earth (it's free!). When you zoom in on where you live, the mouse will show what the elevation is. I tested it against known elevation landmarks (mountains and "cardiac hill") and it seemed to be pretty accurate. If you need more help with it, let me know. Now, about that full marathon....hmmmm....I just don't see it as realistic right now but you never know what will happen. I think I'll wait a couple months and re-assess where I'm at. My initial goal was the half in 2007 and the full in 2008, but who knows, maybe we'll be able to swap full marathon training stories this summer. ;) I'll keep ya' posted. :)
Foxfire & AmyBeth, thanks so much for the support!! On to the next update....

Thursday March 16
I decided for accuracy purposes to make this a 2.6 mile 3/1 instead of a 32 min 3/1. For the 32 minutes, I go from my house for 16 minutes and then turn around and head back for the final 16. The only problem is that I don't get to an exact tenth of a mile point so I have a margin of error when determining how far I made it during the 32 minutes. So I did the run but it was not in stellar time. I felt a little sluggish for the first time and my pace was not as fast as normal. I finished with: 2.6 miles in 34:51, avg mile of 13:24, 188/157 max/avg heart rates. While I was happy with an 'off' day being a 13:24 mile average, I was certainly looking forward to having a better workout next time.

Friday March 17 - Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I scheduled a major interior painting project for this weekend, so I'd have to work in my workouts (lol) around applying coats of trim and paint to our greatroom/living room/upstairs hall. I decided to leave work a little early and get my Friday workout in before I got started. So I loaded up the MP3 player and jumped on the elliptical again. Did I mention how much I love this workout? Did I just say that I loved a workout? Anywho, I covered 3.1 miles in my 30 minute session for a 9:41 average mile. That was better than my previous elliptical workout. Heart rate went down too, with a 176 max and 162 average. I'm assuming that the more in shape I become, the lower my heart rate will be so I'm happy with the slow and steady declines.

I do have to mention that my "diet" took a downturn today as I had Chik-Fil-A for lunch and ended up eating half a pizza for dinner while slugging down a couple of stoudt beers as I got started with the painting project. I figure I'll be ok for a while as long as I keep these kind of days to an absolute minimum.

Saturday March 18
After missing out on last week's run (finger is better by the way, still scabbed but healing) I was anxious to hit the park again. I woke early and painted for 6-7 hours and decided to take a break and go run. The first two miles I did a strict 3/1 walk/run ratio. My interval times were 11:45 for mile #1 and 11:32 for mile #2. In trying to find a way to get a quicker pace I decided that mile 3 would be 1/4 mile run, 1/4 walk, 1/4 run and 1/4 walk. Well, that didn't work so well since my time for that mile was 12:07. For my last mile I decided to run for a minimum of 1:30 each time while walking only 2:30 in between. That turned out my best lap of the day at 11:30. Overall I did 4 miles in 46:54 for a 11:44 average mile. 186/162 Max/avg heart rates.

I'm happy with 11:44, but I need to improve. I think I've hit this block of "comfortably running" instead of really pushing myself. It's to the point where I don't think my run is that much faster than my quick walk. I feel like I'm barely chugging along while running. So, I've made it a point to work on my strides for the upcoming week. I may hit the treadmill instead of my normal course for the 32 3/1 to get a better idea of how I can pace myself. Anyone know if you can program treadmills to do a 3/1 for you or do you have to manually do it each time??

Oh yeah I almost forgot, I picked up the Sunday paper early so I could get the entry form for the Peachtree Road Race. Everyone says that you have to mail your entry right away or you may not get in. Never in my life would I have expected to be looking forward to a 10k road race, but I have to say that I really am! I was excited as I filled out the form and have a definite preference for which shirt I'd like to see picked (#4 if anyone cares). I even saw that they do a Jr. Peachtree for ages 7-12. It's a 3k non-competitive run grouped by ages, each finisher gets a t-shirt. I decided I'd ask my daughter if she'd like to do it...what a great way to teach goal setting/physical fitness and be able to help each other along!

Sunday March 19
Asked DD if she'd like to run in the Jr. Peachtree and she seemed really interested! I told her that we could train together and she thought that would be a fun idea. The application comes out this Tursday in the paper so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we are both able to get entered into the races.

As I got set to go out and mail off my application, I remembered that today is a weigh in day. After stepping on the scale three different times to confirm what I saw, I am happy to report a three pound loss! I'm at 215 now. That's a 5 pound loss in three weeks. And it's true, I am starting to feel better each day.

It's only been three weeks but it's amazing the difference in my attitude towards becoming healthier and accomplishing my goal. I now look forward to exercising and am already looking for ways to improve my avg mile performance. I think before I eat. No longer do I just cram down some food because I think it tastes good. I think to myself "how will this impact my run tonight" and "I could probably just drink some water and be happy tomorrow that I made a good choice today".

I've got family coming in to town in two weeks and I've already decided that I'll just get up early in the morning to complete my exercises so that I can enjoy the events that we have planned together. It sure would be easy to say that I'd just cancel exercising those days, but I am committed. I am committed to run through Main Street USA, committed that I'll look and feel better in shorts and t-shirts this summer and committed to sticking to my training plans.

With all that said, I feel good! On to the next week of activities!!
Scott, I think I am gonna start a blog on Google. Keep up the great work. From one guy to another, Good Luck!
Wow Scott....super week of exercising and :cheer2: CONGRATS on the weight loss. I'm really happy for sounds like you are feeling great and continue to be inspired with your training!

And thanks for the info on Google Earth. I'll have to check it out!! Yikes...I drove the 5K course yesterday and it ends really hard. I'm a bit nervous about that and wonder if I should try to find places to run that end on an uphill?

And how cool that your daughter is going to run the race!! I love it! You know that your commitment to exercising is such a positive influence on her...that is one of the things that keeps me motivated and inspired. My kids watch me exercise and set this major goal. I feel totally accountable to them! You are doing the same thing and should be so proud of yourself!! Wait until she sees her Daddy finish the race!!! :woohoo:
Hey Scott!

You are doing GREAT! :thumbsup2 And I love that you and your daughter are going to train together for the run.

*Funny story* - My kids (DD7 & DS4) were doing cardio kickboxing with me yesterday at home. It was HYSTERICAL. They made it a few minutes before they left the room to find something more fun to do. But as soon as I was done and I walked into the kitchen, DS asked me, "How was your workout, mom?" I said, "It was good, how was yours?" He said, "It was REALLY hard, mom!!!"

Keep up the great work & the AWESOME attitude! You're drive is inspiring!


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