Scrappers: how do you build up your supplies?


Apr 13, 2005
I am a newbie scrapper who is trying to learn what I can on scrapping websites and through message boards and magazines. Alot of times I see articles about how people organize and store their supplies. These scrappers seem to have ALOT of supplies - tons of papers, embellishments, tools, etc. I am wondering how you build such a collection up. How do you know what you are going to need? Do you just buy as you see things you like and hope you'll use it someday?

Also, when you start a specific scrapbook, say a baby book, do you have to go out and buy all the baby themed things, or do you already have it? I am wondering how to go about all of this. I have done one Disney scrapbook, for which I bought a bunch of Disney things, and used them all up. I now want to do a baby book for my son, so I'm thinking I'll buy all those themed things and then they will be gone. So it seems I'll be starting from scratch every time I start a new project.

I know this is probably a confusing post, but I'm confused. :goodvibes
Sometimes I buy things for a specific page or album but most of the time I buy things that just catch my eye when I'm cruising the scrap store. I have 5 albums going right now so I have a lot of stuff. Paper is the same way, I like to buy the big slabs of paper so I have some things on hand but then I also shop for specific paper depending on my pictures. I did this when we my mom and I did heritage albums, I took color photocopies of the pictures with me and searched for coordinating paper.

It's pretty easy to rack up supplies especially things like eyelets where you get a lot in a package but only need one or two at a time.

Of course I may be one of those that likes to shop more than use the stuff. :lmao:
After you get started, I think you will find that that building a collection is not the hard part. Actually scrapping and not shopping is!

Seriously though, I keep an eye out for scrapbook deals at Michaels and JoAnn's (and I would just die if Hobby Lobby ever built in AZ) and then stock up.

I will buy paper in the slabs or color packs when they are 50% off, or Disney themed sheets when they are 5 or 6/$1. Albums at 50%, stickers, punches and embellishments at 40 or 50% off.

And I will use the 40% or 50% (holiday weekend) coupons for things like Sizzix dies, Xyron refills (although those also will go on sale ).

Eventually, you buy more than you use, and tell yourself, "I need this stuff for the Disney trip that is going to be in 5 years, because odds are that this stuff won't be for sale in 5 years."
I felt the same way at the beginning, now, one year on, my house looks like those magazines with stash falling out of every drawer. Somehow it just happens!!! I buy a mixture of generic things (I'm nuts for stripey paper and Doodlebug stuff at the moment) and I've alseo bought specific things like for a wedding album. I've also got a ton of Disney stuff for our holidays but it can really be used anywhere, especially with pics of girls.

One good way is to buy embellies in bulk and then do swaps on here and with any other scrappers you know.
The first thing I though of when I saw your question was "spend too much money". Simple!
Actually, don't be fooled into thinking you need a "stash". You've done very well so far. Most of us have such a stash that we feel guilty and that we NEED to use it up.
It may really be a much better idea to buy for a specific project. You will spend less money and probably be happier with your product at the end. Many of us buy "stuff" because we love it and have no idea when we'll use it. A year or three later when our personal scrapping styles have changed, we are getting rid of the stuff we no longer love and giving it away to make room for new stuff.
Hmmm, my advice is invest in a couple of good tools, some basic colours of cardstock and maybe one slab of paper on sale at Michael's or Joanne's then buy according to what you'll use for your next project.
If my husband ever notices how much "stuff" has accumulated in my scraproom I think he'd do his best to take away my wallet. :rolleyes:

Seriously though, acquiring things seems to work best for me if I just peek through what's on sale at my couple of local shops. I really try to stick with stocking up only when a sale is really good. That helps keep the spending in check. I'm such a sucker for anything metal though, brads, eyelets, frames, charms, that I have to be very careful.

For myself, My stash has really grown since I joined a monthy scrap club. First, I'm getting a box of fun each month which also helps me stick to a budget. Second, the club often has specials where you can find many items and sets for 70% off. At that price, I can really stock up on the things that catch my eye. I don't always have a project in mind when I'm shopping, more just adding materials to inspire me later.

Good luck and welcome to the addiction.
Fortunately, most of my stash is actually inventory, so my DH never knows what's mine and what's for sale! :rotfl2: I actually have very little that I use, I usually buy for the photos I'm working on at the moment or if there is something I fall in love with for photos I have, but aren't working on. I do tend to keep a standard stock of brads, eyelets, fibers, etc. If I start to have too much lying around that is mine, I try to figure out a way to teach a class with it or swap it to cut back on my stash.

Also, I DON'T buy papers in mass quantities, blocks, or stacks. I find that I don't use it all, so I'd rather focus my scrap dollars on things I know I will use, even if they are a bit more per sheet.
ok, my first thought was "I sell my old stuff on ebay & buy new stuff".....Really what I do is use the Michaels/JoAnn's/Hobby Lobby sales to purchase the bulk of my extras. I'm a CM consultant, only as a hobbyist and I use the discount to buy my CM supplies, and I really only spend maybe $50 at the LSS every coupld of months...but I do have quite a collection of stuff...If I know I'm going to be working on a certain "theme" I'll look for that stuff several months in advance...for example...after I finish my WDW trip albums, I'm going to start dd's kindergarten I've started looking for some of that stuff...

I have however been known to buy the paper/sticker/embellishment BEFORE the event even happened! like I'm sure dd will ride her scooter this summer so I already have a page inmind with the embelishments bought :smooth:
It happens. Its called being obsessed. My husband teases all the time that there needs to be some type of AA group for scrappers. I never thought when I started that I would want or need a whole room for scrapping. Three years later I'm busting at the seams. I probably shop for scrap stuff more then I scrap.
E-BAY is a great place to pickup supplies! I buy everything from there now! :thumbsup2
Hi. It doesn't help when our dollar store is a 5 minute walk. My DH loves to take me to any scrapbooking store. That must only mean
--- Hes planning a fishing trip.---
Right now I am trying to cut down on my scrapbooking buys :lmao: . A clean sweep is in store for my new Disney/Tinkerbell themed scrapbooking room.I dream :cloud9: at night of all the ideas :idea: for my sooooon to be NEW ROOM.
I wish I had known about kit clubs when I first started scrapping because I"d probably have alot less junk now. The kit clubs give me exactly what I need to create pages without having a ton of excess supplies that I'll never use again. My favorite is the Scrap Room -- a great value with tons of goodies.
bubbasmom99 said:
I wish I had known about kit clubs when I first started scrapping because I"d probably have alot less junk now. The kit clubs give me exactly what I need to create pages without having a ton of excess supplies that I'll never use again. My favorite is the Scrap Room -- a great value with tons of goodies.

do you have a link for that site?
I agree with everyone else. You just kind of...start to accumulate it and then all the sudden you think, "Where on earth did all of this COME from??" :rotfl: I too make sure to use the 40-50% off coupons. I always use those on more expensive things that I don't want to buy full price. Alphabet sets, stamp sets, etc. Last year I joined Scrapgoods ( and that has really cut down on my spending. Every month I get my "pizza box" Stuffed full of stuff. Each month you learn a new technique and get everything you need to accomplish it. I :love: it!!
Great information, everyone! Thanks so much for sharing the way that you do things!

Does anyone have any links to any of the "scrapbook clubs"? I would LOVE to get a box in the mail each month! :banana:
I'm like everyone else....wait on sales, use the coupons and go from there.
Yesterday i went to Michael's b/c I'm making an album for our Italian Exchange student we haven't seen in 18 yrs. He's coming for a visit in April. For the first time ever, I'm making an 8 x 8 album. The 8 x 8 and 8.5 x 11 paper was on sale at Michael's so I HAD to go in and see what was there. As I walked by the 12 x 12 rack I kept hearing this little voice saying "turn here" so OF COURSE I had to turn down that aisle and see all the 12 x 12 paper. I went by saying to myself "It's not on sale I'm not going to buy it" etc...and then I saw this paper....Oh my was PERFECT....sage green and tan w/little palm trees...I'm a freak about palm trees, beachy stuff...anything travel related. I looked at it and said "NO!" and walked away...but then I heard this other little voice saying "Oh buy me please!! You'll never find me anywhere else and you HAVE to have me for your cruise album." "Cruise album? What cruise album...I just finished my cruise album?" "For the next cruise you're going to do. You ARE a travel agent and of course you'll take another one before too long." So I sat and pondered and finally agreed w/that little voice and bought the paper. It was only .59 a sheet so I splurged but someday I'll have that paper when I want it!! :lmao:
We won't talk about the 3 rolls of ribbon I bought!! :rolleyes:

Ok, I know I'm being really silly but that's how it usually goes when I'm buying stuff. I'll pick it up, put it down. Walk around for a while and then make a final decision. I try to buy only what I know I will use for whatever album i'm in the middle of but sometimes I just can't say no! One can never have too much solid colored cardstock so I always stock up when it's on sale.

Someday you too will be like the rest of us here and acknowledge the fact that you too....are a Scrapahololic!! :rotfl2:

If I could start all over, I would be one of those people that only has the basics - tape runner, scissors, 12" trimmer, personnal trimmer. Then I would sort my pictures and go and buy paper for each set of pictures. Right now I have so much stuff that I can't find something. I forget I have it, and when I'm looking for something it takes so long to go through things.

But, if you want something, start at Hobby Lobby when they have their paper on sale for 6/1.00 Build from there.
I try for sales at Michaels, Joannes and Hobby Lobby -- they all have stickers, paper, general supplies on sale just about every week. Michael's too will have a coupon for 40% off one item (that's not already on sale) in their weekly flier (Joanne's does this a lot as well), so I try to pick something up with a coupon pretty much every week. Sign up for Hobby Lobby's newsletter on-line if you have one in your area.

I buy in advance for my books especially for upcoming vacations. I know I will always use Disney stuff, pets, holidays, etc. and try to buy things as I see them, especially if the price is right (and I looove clearence areas!). The 39 cent swap that someone hosts on this board every few months is a good way to share some things you may have too much of (duplicates, same color of brads or eyelets, etc.)and a chance to get some things you may not have already.

I have 2 big problems lately: 1) I love shopping and try to avoid it when I can simply because I have soo much paper that I end up buying duplicates of things and 2) old scrapbook items (decorative scissors, frames, etc.)that I don't use because I don't like how they work or they seem out of style. I really need to find a charity or school that would like the overages that I've built up.

Good luck to you -- don't feel like you have to buy everything at once and keep an eye on these boards for swaps that may appeal to you.
I too am a shopper & not a scrapper.

I've been finding a use though for alot of stuff I bought that now seems a bit out of date (to us scrappers anyway). I use it on cards. The receipient doesn't really know that it's out of date; & they are thrilled to have received a handmade card.


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