Secrets & Little Known Facts about rides

Awesome thread! I want to keep reading, but I can't keep my eyes open! Will have to read more later.
I am really enjoying all the secrets everyone is sharing. Hope i will be able to contribute some after I get through reading all of them. Thank you to everyone!
Hey does anyone have any regarding the resorts?!?!

The Contemporary Resort was (originally) entirely prefab! The structure was built, and then the rooms were slid into the holes left in the structure! I would assume even after the refurb a few years ago, it would still be the case as well. But I have been wrong in the past...not often though :P (jk) There's a book called The Art of Disney Animation in which later editions talk about Disney World and DisneyLand and the construction of the two parks and resorts. You should definitely look for a copy if you can!!!
I cannot believe that after all these years of being part of this site, I have never seen this thread before. Now I think I am to old to get through it all. I'll have to take it a little at a time.

Some of these are hilarious, to the point of silly. The one that hit me first was the monorail station at Epcot being built backwards. I couldn't believe that someone would actually believe that. .

A Cast Member noted that the EPCOT station design doesn't allow for expansion stating that it was built backwards from the original design specs, ( I always wondered why the trains run "english style" on the left! ). I tried to confirm this "backwards" statement with another monorail driver, he didn't dismiss that backwards statement outright he just said that with lack of repair parts further expansion was too expensive. Interesting but sad for the monorail fans out there!

I knew i read this somewhere and thats why i posted it. Not sure if it's true, but its written here. # 16
A Cast Member noted that the EPCOT station design doesn't allow for expansion stating that it was built backwards from the original design specs, ( I always wondered why the trains run "english style" on the left! ). I tried to confirm this "backwards" statement with another monorail driver, he didn't dismiss that backwards statement outright he just said that with lack of repair parts further expansion was too expensive. Interesting but sad for the monorail fans out there!

I knew i read this somewhere and thats why i posted it. Not sure if it's true, but its written here. # 16

Sorry, I came across a little pompous there, I didn't intend too. Honestly, there are so many stories out there, urban legions, true stories, bits and pieces that sometimes get intermingled that it is impossible to sort the good from the bad.

Logically, with the number of engineers and imagineers in attendance during the building of EPCOT to think that someone wouldn't have noticed a mistake of that caliber is just hard to understand. One of the things that I read somewhere is that it indeed was designed for expansion but expansion has never arrived, therefore it does seem a little "awkward" in its design.

My personal opinion is that it was originally designed to run in a counter clockwise direction, thus the incredibly long exit ramps on the disembarking side which were probably considered necessary for park closing guests movement instead of a few walking forever to get to ground level, but when all is said and done I think they opted for the current clockwise configuration for the "show" value. Either way it works and if they wanted to run the trains the other way absolutely nothing is stopping them. The trains are capable of going in either direction.
Another comment that I would like to make that happened near the beginning of this thread is the statement concerning PoTC and Walt's decision to not have it in WDW.

Do I need to point out that Walt Disney was dead when WDW opened. Not only dead but gone for 5 years. The fact of the matter was that Walt had little input in the MK portion of the resort, he was concentrating on his pet project of EPCOT. In one book I read, he stated that he wasn't interested in that part of the project. He had already done that and was placing his attention to something new. It might have been said at some point, by Walt, that PoTC should not be in Florida because of its proximity to the real Caribbean, but he certainly didn't make a final decision about it.

I know it seems like a small point but for some reason it causes the hair on the back of my neck to stand up when I see references to what Walt decided in the WDW construction. If he had been all that directly influential then EPCOT would have been built as he intended.

Another statement that I have heard is that the Apartment in Cinderella's castle was built for Walt. Can anyone tell me why they would have built an apartment for someone that was dead? Kind of creepy, don't you think?
The Contemporary Resort was (originally) entirely prefab! The structure was built, and then the rooms were slid into the holes left in the structure! I would assume even after the refurb a few years ago, it would still be the case as well. But I have been wrong in the past...not often though :P (jk) There's a book called The Art of Disney Animation in which later editions talk about Disney World and DisneyLand and the construction of the two parks and resorts. You should definitely look for a copy if you can!!!

Yup - in order to meet the aggressive construction schedule, they designed it such that the rooms could be built elsewhere at the same time as the structure, and then just slide them into place.

One of the urban legends is that the rooms are removable as well, so they can be swapped out to refurbish them, but because the building settled they are stuck. It is false, however - it is completely impractical and would be enormously expensive compared to just doing an in-place refurb in the first place. They'd have to rip off all the external finishing work just to attempt to remove a room.

As for the EPCOT Monorail - I think Goofyernmost may have the best explanation for the "additional platform" legend. I've heard many people claim that it was another platform for the legendary DTD/EPCOT line, but a simple inspection shows that that alone is impossible - it is too close to the existing beams and boarding ramp such that there is no clearance for another monorail train. But as a "holding pen" for people leaving, that would make more sense.
Whoa! Just finished all 56 pages. Can't believe I made it. I don't have any secrets to share. But I'm enjoying the thread. I wonder how many secrets I'll remember....

Another statement that I have heard is that the Apartment in Cinderella's castle was built for Walt. Can anyone tell me why they would have built an apartment for someone that was dead? Kind of creepy, don't you think?


And that Walt stayed in the apartment above the Firehouse in Magic Kingdom? I have seen that on an official Disney Parks bluray.
Keep in mind that I haven't been to the parks in three years... (that will soon change!) :cool1:

In Epcot there was a talking trash can (last heard at Elecrtic Umbrella restaurant) and a talking water fountain. These were motion activated. No one was "working" them. The water fountain was by the restrooms on the outside of the innoventions building towards the Land. It was towards WS I guess opposite of Club Cool. It would gurgle & say things like "Help I'm drowning!" I don't remember what the trash can said.

Also I read somewhere that the castle could fit inside Space Mountain, but SM was "submerged" into the ground so it wouldn't appear taller. (Sorry! Don't know what the appropriate term would be!)

Speaking of SM, does anyone remember the old song they played while exiting? It was back when it was Ryca One. Something along the lines of "Here's to the future and you". Don't suppose itunes would have it? I'd love to hear it again!
As for the EPCOT Monorail - I think Goofyernmost may have the best explanation for the "additional platform" legend. I've heard many people claim that it was another platform for the legendary DTD/EPCOT line, but a simple inspection shows that that alone is impossible - it is too close to the existing beams and boarding ramp such that there is no clearance for another monorail train. But as a "holding pen" for people leaving, that would make more sense.

Honestly, If they intended for that big/long exit ramp to be used as the entrance, there is no reason it couldn't have been had the station been build "backwards" or not. it's like like either the current Gen Monorails or the old MKIV's were enter one way/exit the other. It also wouldn't be the first time they'd flipped the orientation of a Monorail station to facilitate crowd control. (the MK station I believe used to have all entry up the center ramp w/ the outer ramps the exits. This was changed to the current outer entrance and common central exit.).

As for the large platform /exit ramp built into the EPCOT Center Monorail station, I believe it was built that way to be used as the EPCOT Preview center prior to the park's opening. When they were still building the park you cold ride the EPCOT Center train from the TTC, you'd stop at the EPCOT station where you could see artwork and exhibits featuring what was coming in the new park, and then reboard the monorail to loop thru the park and see it's construction..

Now, if they had some idea or "future plans" in store, I couldn't say.

You know, now that I think about it too, I'm wondering if another reason for the larger platform was to allow it to double as the Parking Lot Tram queue shade structure. If they had reversed the station and built it off the other beam, it would've put the Parking lot tram stop off the side of the EPCOT Center entrance, vs. now where it's pretty much on-center for the park entrance.
Love this thread! Didn't read all the pages, but hopefully will later. I have a WDW Trivia book with lots of fun facts set up as questions with multiple choice answers. The answer section elaborates on the answers, giving lots of fun facts. One of my favorites is about the money that is thrown into the the fountains on Disney property. It actually goes to DisneyHand, and goes to serve needy families in the Orlando area.

There are 300,000 man made leaves on the Swiss Family Treehouse

Lady & The Tramp's paw prints can be found enclosed in a heart in the sidewalk in front of Tony's Town Square Restaurant.

One of the flag poles on Cinderella Castl has an artificial flag that is actually a transmitting antenna for coordinating the Main Street parades.
Another statement that I have heard is that the Apartment in Cinderella's castle was built for Walt. Can anyone tell me why they would have built an apartment for someone that was dead? Kind of creepy, don't you think?

The info that I always read was that it was provided as an option for use by "members of the Disney family" but it was never finished for that use.
(Re: Contemporary Resort)

Yup - in order to meet the aggressive construction schedule, they designed it such that the rooms could be built elsewhere at the same time as the structure, and then just slide them into place.

One of the urban legends is that the rooms are removable as well, so they can be swapped out to refurbish them, but because the building settled they are stuck. It is false, however - it is completely impractical and would be enormously expensive compared to just doing an in-place refurb in the first place. They'd have to rip off all the external finishing work just to attempt to remove a room.


Many don't realize that the original rooms at the Poly are the same construction situation as those at the CR.

Built at the same time and the same way.
Hi gang,
As you walk down Main Street, stop in front of the bakery and notice the awesome smell of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. Think again! When the bakery was being designed imagineers wanted to put a fan in front of the cooling racks of freshly baked cookies to blow the aroma out onto main street. The bakers stopped the installation of the fan, claiming that the cool air from the fans would crack the hot cookies. So the imagineers put a pump down in the service tunnel, in that pump they put an artificial cookie smelling liquid, and that is what you smell as you stand in front of the bakery.


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