Secrets Of Fort Wilderness


Oct 3, 2010
First off, please bear with me, I new to these forums and an extreme novice about WDW. I've done a bit of searching and some lurking on the forums. I know the members here must really get tired of the same questions but I was wondering if you could all share your tips/hints/secrets about Fort Wilderness and WDW. Those things you have learned along the way that make things easier/funnier/better. Things that you can't necessarily find easily on the forums.....

Welcome! :cheer2:

My hint is that people who stay at the Fort tend to spend lots of time at the Fort. I mean, at a Value Resort you might spend a couple days in the parks and maybe a full day or a couple evenings around the pool.

But at the Fort there are day time activities for kids and adults alike, nature to observe, looping, bikes, campfires, fireworks on the beach, two pools, etc. so I find myself spending more days at the Fort and less in the parks.

Post again - but please don't say "convince me" :rotfl2:. Or even better, "let's share a campsite/carriage ride" :lmao:. LOTS of history there we don't need to go over again.

Bama ED
I totally agree with Bama Ed. My first (and only) trip to The Fort was last year and the first thing I learned was "Schedule Fort time". We left Fort Worth on a Saturday morning, made it to WDW Sunday afternoon, stayed at The Fort 5 nights, then drove 2 days back home. We tried to do all the parks, rope drop to after supper. Not a good idea. Our next trip to The Fort will (hopefully) be next year and for at least 10 days so we can enjoy looping, biking, kayaking, sitting on the Trails End porch people watching, exploring areas TCD has introduced us to (old railroad tracks). :thumbsup2
You'll get lots of Fort advice so my tip is a WDW tip - - costs about $25 but I love his "Least Crowded Parks Guide" - he will show you how to not be "them" and get in and out of the parks riding the rides you want in as quick a time as possible with little waiting - which in the end means, more time at the Fort. I have used this for all my recent trips and won't go without using it. You could also pick up a Birmbaums WDW Guide or Passporter at your library or Borders. If you have AAA I think they sell discounted Birmbaums guides.

If you don't have a golfcart - consider renting one. It's so much fun! DH loves looping around in the cart.
One of our favorite things about staying at the Fort is coming back to the campsite mid-afternoon to walk the pups and just relax. Staying at the Fort is the best of both worlds - you're right there at the parks and you're part of that park insanity but then you come back to the Fort to relax and it's like being in a whole different place.

Our favorite Fort activities include walking the dogs around the loop with our morning coffee and just sitting around the campsite and enjoying a frosty beverage. It is remarkably relaxing.:goodvibes We also love (and I highly recommend) enjoying a frosty beverage on the porch of Crockett's Tavern.

A tip - Take the boat to the Magic Kingdom and drive to the other parks.:thumbsup2
Post again - but please don't say "convince me" :rotfl2:. Or even better, "let's share a campsite/carriage ride" :lmao:. LOTS of history there we don't need to go over again.

Bama ED

I don't need to be convinced of staying there. And I really don't want to know what the "Share a campsite/carriage ride" is .... so we won't go there at all!

We've been to WDW once. Stayed at All-Star. Then we got our travel trailer and love using it. From what I've read about the Fort, it sounds really great. (not that All-Star wasn't good). Frankly, I like hearing about things other's have learned and since everyone learns different things... or finds something in a park that most people don't see...

We've done the commando style mission vacation there once and had a blast. This time is for pure relaxation, enjoyment and more exploration. I guess I am looking for ideas and tips.
The absolute most fun/special thing we did at The Fort was relax at the beach after a long day and watch the fireworks followed by the boat parade. This is the first time I've tried posting from my new fangled phone so I hope it turns out OK.
when you fall in love with the fort like we have, you will most likely start hunting craigslist or ebay for a golfcart;)

they are fun for looping and harassing other fiends that you find around...then when you find Donnie, you can be introduced to the "Mayor" and have to offer him some beer because his magical 12 pack will have disappeared:lmao:

most of the secret(s) to fw is staying there and enjoying the people there...

it is my goal to try to get enough money together to spend the summer there...however, i teach yougins for a living, so i do this instead:rotfl2:
.then when you find Donnie, you can be introduced to the "Mayor" and have to offer him some beer because his magical 12 pack will have disappeared:lmao:

No Donnie will find you. :rotfl: I checked in at 1a.m. last year guess who found me.:confused3 But we had fun looping untill about 3 a.m.
No Donnie will find you. :rotfl: I checked in at 1a.m. last year guess who found me.:confused3 But we had fun looping untill about 3 a.m.

Wait just a minute mister. IIRC I was sitting at the 4 way stop drunker than 40 bags (not in the drivers seat) trying to figure out which illegal area to go next. I was drunk thanks to seabee pouring me 1 cup rum and 1/8 cup diet coke not once but twice. Thanks Nicole. I'm still hungover a year later.
To the O.P.....

We can't tell you many secrets because the biggest secret of the Fort is discovering stuff for yourself. You are going to be amazed at all the hidden treasures that are at the Fort.

My only tip is, get yourself full of and over the parks on this trip. Every other trip you make to the Fort from here on out will be spent at the Fort with minimal time spent at parks. Yes, the Fort is that addictive. Places to see, people to meet. Enough to keep you satisfied for at least 30+ years. (That's how long I've been at it.)
I think bama ed nailed it. The secret of the Fort is to spend time at the Fort. It's an oasis in the 'World, and having fun there means slowing down and exploring it -- by bike, golf cart, canoe, or foot.

Have a great time!
If you like fishing make sure you bring your gear. You can fish in all the little canals that run through the park. But it's all catch and release so there will be no fish fry I'm afraid.
I think, what many of the other posters hit on is spot on. Make sure to take time to enjoy the Fort! It is a special place, I was looking at some of the old photos from when it first open and we were there. My dad's company did a lot of the ground work on the grounds and he knew right were he wanted us to stay, we could have stayed anywhere, but he feel in love with the Fort, which I guess has been passed to me, as I have always loved staying there and making memories now with my family and getting the chance to remember the times I went with my parents and brothers and sisters.

Looking back at those old photos, sure, things have changed, things have came and gone, but there was still and is still something special about Fort Wilderness, so take the time to enjoy the peace and quite, the trails, the pool, and of course, the looping, but most of all, make sure to make memories with your family while there, then you will find the true secret of Fort Wilderness.
Wait just a minute mister. IIRC I was sitting at the 4 way stop drunker than 40 bags (not in the drivers seat) trying to figure out which illegal area to go next. I was drunk thanks to seabee pouring me 1 cup rum and 1/8 cup diet coke not once but twice. Thanks Nicole. I'm still hungover a year later.

I fail to see the difference. :confused3 So you found me at a 4 way stop. :thumbsup2
One other thing about the fort (especially if you have kids) is the campfire, sing along, movie. We love to go roast a couple hot dogs and marshmellows, spread out a blanket and watch a disney movie. You won't find any resort more relaxing than the fort. Its a perfect break from the parks. Plus, Fort Fiends are the best.
I also have to agree with all the other posters just chill out and enjoy the fort we also have been going since our daughter was 4 and now she is 20 the wife and I spend part of the winter at the fort, next year we will be there from 1/22/11 to 3/6/11 and the most fun we have is at night sitting on the porch and people watching. Have fun and enjoy your time there it is a adventure in its self. K.:goodvibes


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