Secrets of the third attraction revealed


DIS Veteran
Apr 27, 2000
...well not all the secrets. This from a recent B. Gault interview sheds some light on that third attraction that was mentioned as awaiting approval.
We think we’ll get a green light within a month for a new blockbuster attraction. It will be on the state-of-the-art level of our Spiderman ride. It’ll be a thrill ride based on new technology and a completely different type of experience than Spider-Man. It’ll be based on a movie you’ve seen before. There may be a sequel to that film franchise come out the year we open the ride
OK, let the movie guessing game begin!!!!!

He made Jimmy Neutron sound more cosmetic (new film and décor, same ride system) and Shrek a major event
Our Shrek will be like our Terminator 2 3-D ride on steroids. It'll be shot in what we call "Ogrevision" and will have live special effects such as mists and smoke and seats that move and do other tricks to the audience. “Our Shrek will be like our Teminator 2 3-D on steroids
Be still my heart.

If Universal could get their hands on the rights for the Matrix and build an attraction for it... OMG, that would kick a**.
:cool: :cool: AAAHHHH, Matrix :cool: :cool:

Can't wait for Matrix Reloaded to come (5/15/03)

A Matrix thrill ride!!!! Be still my heart!!! ;)
Originally posted by Barry Hom
I wonder if it will be a Mummy or Scorpion King ride. :confused:

Not sure if there are any upcoming sequals to those movies coming out. I could not find any on upcoming movies.

here is a short list....some are Universal some are not there are some other sequals but they just don't make sense.

X-Men II
Jurassic Park IV (may not be made)
Lord of the Rings
Harry Potter
My guess is a Mummy/Scorpion King coaster in the Kong building.

I find the fact that there are reports of an Egyptian-themed resort hotel interesting in this regard.

Also there's fare more likely to be a Mummy/Scorpion King sequel than an Apollo XIII sequel. (Apollo XIII was the other rumored theme for a new coaster.)

No inside info, just dumb guesses.
Wait, who said what themepark this would be in? Harry Potter in the Lost Continent? There is a huge demand for him and it would be easy to market. I could really see a Potter ride there. Any family with a kid less then 10 would make their parents take them just for that ride. I don't know, but this has a big potential.
Yeah US is already getting two new attractions...this one will be at IOA or at least that makes sense. Lord of the Rings would also fit into the Lost Continent.
Since it's already been reported that Universal has licensed Harry Potter for the theme parks I'd say that's the most likely attraction.
Originally posted by Lewisc
Since it's already been reported that Universal has licensed Harry Potter for the theme parks I'd say that's the most likely attraction.

When did this happen, anyone have copy of this?
I can't find a link, it was in the NY newspaper around the time the movie came out, based on Earl's comment it may have been printed before the deal was finalized, but the point of the article was that Disney had lost to Universal for the rights.
I'm a little surprised no one has mentioned The Fast and The Furious. Even though the movie was really bad it was one of Universal's biggest movies last summer. The sequel starts filming in September and will be in Miami, and will be released next June in theaters.
Originally posted by Barry Hom
Hmmm...a Fast and the Furious can be like Test Track on Acid! :)
My brother did that once...He said that it was like moving in slow motion...He also said when he looked at his jeans, they were moving by themselves. ;-)
i could really see an outta control drag race between two cars. just imagine what type of ride universal creative could produce. i picture something similar to dueling dragons but on land and inside a building.
<<something similar to dueling dragons but on land and inside a building.>>

Something similar to dueling dragons... but on land? and inside a building? ... like dragons...

but on land...

and inside a building..

Im having some real trouble sharing your vision :)

By the way, kellymonoghan, how was your dinner at Hard Rock Cafe tonight?


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