September Scrapbooking Challenge

Another update on page 1 :) ...

Welcome poohbearlovinmama!

Happy Birthday, Stitchisourhero!

By the way, I have done about 18 pages so far this month ... I'm not on the same pace as last month!
I have completed 7 pages so far. I have DD's girl scout book up-to-date and finished our trip to the Dominican Repbulic. I think I have all the kids books and family book complete up to the beginning of March. I am hoping to start and complete of march 2005 WDW trip this month. Big goal, but I want to get it done.
I have completed 13 pages so far. Slow start but hopefully I will kick it into high gear
:rotfl: :rotfl: I am still at 0
this is sooo not like me!
But Matthew starts preschool today -
I have to upload 200 pictures from the weekend...
I should get scrapping tonight or tomorrow- ;)
You can add 15 more for me.

I have a question too...I did a 6x6 album this week for an autograph book...decorating both pages that all I need to do is put the pictures in when we get back. Can this count and if so how do I count the 6x6 pages?

It might not be much but I just did five pages today. I took a break from swap stuff and sat down and scrapped. I am taking a class tomorrow, so that is a guaranteed two more! :cool1:
I just updated the list of scrappers & the totals on page one. Some of you are rolling along nicely.

Scraphappy92, it is my understanding that the challenge is for completed pages - photos, journaling, embellishments, etc. When you return & put the photos where you want them, then (also my understanding) you can count the pages in the monthly challenge.

If I recall correctly, last month the question came up about circle journal pages in the monthly challenge. You create each page & complete it, so it counts regardless of page size.

I am sure if anyone has any corrections to my "understandings," they will let us know.
I did 5 more pages yesterday! Two pages for a Pumpkin Patch Trip, two pages for Halloween last year and 1 page for my Daughters birthday! :)
Well.... I'm officially in with 4 completed 12 x 12 pages. But I'm trying to finish my project for my Mom by Friday, so probably won't have any pages in the near future. Oh well... slow and steady.......P
As I anticipated a big fat 0. No way will I get anything done this month. Too much going on.

OK, I'm on the boards. Been working on a quick and dirty year in review album for th huuby since Sat. It's just 4x6, but it's wallpapered, accented and and journaled and has at 2 -4 pics per page, so I think it counts. (I know, size is not supposed to matter, but I wanted to let you know I ddi put some effort into it) ANyway, put me down for 25. Yeah fo rme! I don't think I'm going to get the one for my parents done. Me and the scanner have been at odds!
WOW - some of you are really doing great and the month isn't even half over yet. I am still at 0, but I will be going to a 12 hour crop on Saturday so hope to have a good total to post on the weekend.
AUGH - I am still at 0
but most of the snow plowing contracts are typed, printed and waiting to be approved and mailed! :cool1:
AAACK not SNOW .. I really need to move away from it !

Ok so I have 375 pics from our July 2005 that I trying to weed through to bring to a crop on Sat night.. I think I will do my book as events and not day by day (so Char Meal pages, MK pages ) what do you ladies think (it was hard with a digital and regular to keep track of the days !!)
good lord you would have thought it was by the amount of pictures !!!
pattyT said:
AUGH - I am still at 0 but most of the snow plowing contracts are typed, printed and waiting to be approved and mailed! :cool1:

Patty, you could take a picture of the contracts, envelopes, etc. & scrap them as part of your daily life!!

Let's get through hurricane season before we think of snow!!


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