Serious about security article

I disagree with this article completley. I don't feel we can be too secure at all, all one has to do is look at pictures of the twin towers to be reminded of how lax we were and how we should NEVER be that lax again. I have flown twice 4 times since that date and I have yet to feel like my liberties have been taken away, more to the point, the fact that I can fly at all gives proof that my liberties are still intact.
Gail, I will agree security was lax in some areas. But they have gone overboard now. I don't feel any safer now than before 9/11. In fact I think there are some that the power to "bother" people has gone to their heads.

I have flown many, many times since 9/11 and it is a shame to say that security is not the same in all the airports. It needs to be uniform from airport to airport.

Just because of the tragedy doesn't mean that we blindly have to follow when the government comes up with new ways of handling security. I have said it before that they should ask frequent flyers where they see breeches and fix them.

I also still feel if you have a very well organized group they could still get around airport security. I think though as flyers we will no longer sit passively by while this happens.
From the reports I've read from the UK, it seemed to me that getting on an internal flight is the US was just like you'd board a coach (bus). You do need tighter security checks for planes, for obvious reasons.
Security tightened up here back the the 70's (?) after a few hi-jackings occured.
We take it VERY seriously, I've seen documentaries made in UK airports were a U.S citizen joked about having a gun in his violin case (he was from Chicago.) Unfortunately the local British Booby didn't see the funny side and he was lucky to get away with just a warning.

You cant guarantee security, but I'm all in favour of increased checks even if it means a longer wait. Lest we forget Sept 11.

Having said that after UK security checks even in years past, any other airport seems to me like they aren't interested, be it Europe, or U.S. Let's hope they are taking it more seriously now.
You cant go over board with security.
My point is that security needs to be the same from airport to airport. Not different procedures at different airports. Sensitivity of the detectors needs to be at certain levels across the board.

To stop women with underwire bras when other get through with pocket knives, etc. is crazy. If you read frequent flyer boards they can predict who will get stopped and searched. Usually they are right. At one airport you have to take your shoes off, the next with the same clothes you sail right through.

To put up "roadblocks" in name only does nothing to enhance security. It deters people from flying.

Here in PIT they had very very long lines after Thanksgiving. Do you think that made people feel safer? Some yes, and I am sure other people decided to drive instead of fly the next time or not take a vacation.

Moderation is the key. Make US security like other parts of the world but carefully think before you implement.

I also believe the next attack won't be on a plane. So lets look long and hard in many areas to see how we can keep better control on things.

But I don't want to live in a police state in the name of safety. The US stands for freedom,not living in fear because of one incident.
I must respectfully disagree with you assessment of a police state. We still have the freedom of air travel, however, the rules have changed. You have the choice of flying and enduring the new security measure or, you can choose not to fly.

As to the woman with the underwire bra, when she went through the checkpoint and the alarm went off, there was no way to discern what she had on under her clothing without a check. She had the choice to wait for a female guard and miss her plane or allow the male to pat her down . She had a choice, not the best one in the world, but a choice none the less.
In a true police state you have no choices what so ever.

Yes, it is random, we have all been warned that we will be subject to random checks. Again, if you don't want to risk the random checks, you don't have to fly.
I do, however, totally agree that airports should be more consistant, however, this is all new and I believe some time should be allowed to "get all the ducks in a row" and I also agree that some people are on power trips. If they do their job, then fine let them power trip all they want. Who knows, they may thwart something someday. ;)

No one can say with any conviction where the next attack will happen, if it will happen, who will do it, and how. I am not in a state of panic, but, in my usual cautious state. I also refuse to allow people with a cavalier attitute to bully security into giving in because of some misguided perception that our civil liberties are being trod upon. That one I will fight.

We heard all this civil liberties tripe when many states enacted the seat belt laws and the child restraint laws. The fact is those laws save lives, I truly believe the same applies for airport security. JMHO
Gail, just wanted to let you know that I worked long and hard to make sure that there were laws in place about car seats and seat belts. This is not the same thing.

We will just have to agree to disagree. I also did not say that we are in a police state. I have lived in a foreign country so I truly appreciate the freedoms that I have here.

I also didn't say anything about civil liberties. But we do have a right as citizens to voice our opinions and they are allowed to be heard. That is what we elect our officials for, to speak for us. There hasn't been enough time for them to hear what the citizens have to say. Yes something needed to be put in place but now that they have lets step back and really look and what works and what doesn't.

I am not afraid of random checks, I have a problem with how them do them once they target the person. Yes it does need to be random but what gets searched needs to be consistent.

I have to fly, I like to fly. Do I feel differently about flying, NO!!!!!! I will be taking my 2 kids and myself on a plane on Wednesday to Disney World. Did I hesitate about flying to Disney, not for a moment. I am a single widowed mother of 3, if I felt that I was truly in danger I wouldn't be flying.
I only use the seat belt and child restraint as a comparison of what the CLU uses.
No, you did not say anything about civial liberties, however, I was responding to the article you cited and others like it. Nothing I said in my posts was in anyway directed to your or your opinions, which I value as much as my own.
I do totally agree that all this needs to be more consistant, however, not a lot in this country is consistant except being inconsistant.
I truly hope that you and yours have a wonderful time at WDW.
clueless guy talking....

'couldn't she have just pulled her bra off through her sleeve like they do on tv?'


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