Seven Dwarfs Loading - Bizarre Things

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As the mom of 2 kids close together in age with the possibility of having another at some point, I'm curious about this.

Let's say there are 2 parents and 3 kids under 7. Can 2 kids under 7 sit together in a car, 1 parent sits with the 3rd child and the other parent sits with the stranger? I've seen people on this thread talk about older kids sitting with younger kids, but what about 2 kids under 7?
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If I had 3 kids under 7 do rope drop with one kid and get 4 fast passes for later. With the fast passes, I would send a parent in with a kid and the other would be doing something else with the other two. Then - the same thing with the second kid and parent.
This thread has certainly been an eye opener for me. I have always been of the mind set that kids are kids. Yours or mine, they will all get treated the same. I had no idea that I would need to be so cautious and worried about helping a little one. This has really been upsetting. I wish all the bad people could go away so we wouldn't have to worry about things like this.
I do wish there was a little less pressure on the CM's to get a specific (high) number of riders through each hour.

We rode Primeval Whirl in May and it's just my husband and me, but we're both bigger - though DH is bigger than I am. Usually when we ride Primeval Whirl, it's just the two of us in a car, and we each sit comfortably on one half. We never ask for this arrangement, it's just how the CM's have always assigned us. It's nice to have the little bit of extra room on a ride that throws you around so much, plus with each of us having our own lap bar, I'm able to pull my down further. On rides like BTMRR where we both share one lap bar, it stops where it's comfortable for DH, which leaves me with way too much room.

This time when we rode PW, the man in line in front of us was a single rider, and the CM directed him into a car and then waved us on with no real direction. We started to get into the car behind the single rider and the CM snapped that we couldn't ride in that car, we were supposed to be in the same car with this guy we didn't know - which was now nearing the end of the conveyor belt, so no real time to think or discuss. We got into the car as instructed, but the stranger was already in his seat with his lap bar down (and even if he weren't, one of us wasn't about to cram into that half of the car with him) so both DH and I had to sit on the same side of the car, and we didn't really fit - which meant DH was half on top of me and I was pinned against the side of the car.

It was the most painful, uncomfortable ride I've ever been on, and honestly the CMs should've seen that this arrangement wasn't good before we ever left the station. Nevermind combining parties, but overfilling cars just to stay on top of their numbers can lead to real issues. I actually hurt my shoulder against the side of the car because of the position I was riding in, and we mentioned it to another CM as we exited the ride, who actually let us ride again immediately in our own car - which, while INCREDIBLY appreciated (it's one of our favorite rides), had to throw off their riders per hour quota, in which case I wish we'd just been assigned this way from the get-go and it never would've been a problem at all. Mine wasn't a serious injury at all, it was just sore, and we only mentioned it to the CM to try to make them more aware of how they were loading the cars - but it could've been worse for someone else.

I've had to share a car on PW many times. I think if a ride is designed to hold 4, then if it is busy they should fill them. It makes the wait time much less for everyone.
We've frequently ridden RnRC single rider. I have often been placed with a tween child, and I will say, hold on! And off we go. My DH asked to wait for the next seat once when they were going to place him with a skimpily dressed teen girl , partly because of the ride photo.
I am seriously cracking up here. What do people think is going to happen on a roller coaster?

A child was sexually assaulted on a full airplane while sitting in their seat. This actual ride caught fire a few years ago. Things happen that aren't good. I understand that you need you take risks in life - but taking a risk like that to ride a roller coaster in a certain configuration that you like seems like a really poor choice to me. To me, a good parent would trade off, ride later, or tell the kid they can't ride that ride on that day.

The 3 kids under 7 - I would lie to the youngest one and tell them they weren't tall enough and then buy them an ice cream. Or hope to get lucky with grabbing an extra fast pass and riding staggered. Or ride something else.

I have adult kids, and I wouldn't leave a kid I didn't know if there were some sort of problem on a ride. BUT - my first priority would be getting me and my family off safely. So I am sitting in a car with some strange kid. My husband and daughter are in the car ahead of us. Fire!!! I get out and make sure that they are out and that I think we can get out. Then... the stranger to me child will be considered.

I would NEVER let a young child of mine ride a roller coaster without me or my husband (or my mom, sister, etc) in the seat. Now - last helicopter out of Saigon....I would push my kids on even if there wasn't room for me. Seven Dwarves Mine Train - no.
I've had to share a car on PW many times. I think if a ride is designed to hold 4, then if it is busy they should fill them. It makes the wait time much less for everyone.

A ride may be designed to hold up to 4 people, but that doesn't mean that in every situation it can hold every three or four specific people comfortably, which is the specific situation I described. The 3 of us could not comfortably fit in that car. DH and I could probably have ridden with two small children or slim adults (that we know) just fine, but the way it worked out in the situation we described, there was no comfortable way for us and the adult male we didn't know to fit in the car all together, in which case I don't think it should've been forced.
To those asking about the family of 5 and seating arrangements.

We are a family of 4. My kids are now just 7 and almost 11, but on several (4?) past trips going back to the year it opened, they have allowed us to ride such that the 2 kids sit together in the front row of the car, and the 2 parents sit together in the back row of the car. (Actually - they are often willing to place us in 2 different cars but I asked to be in the same one for photos). This only works on 7DMT because of the individual restraint seating. We have to have an adult with our youngest because she was under 7 on Splash, Barnstormer, Thunder...

For those families of 5 on 7DMT, I would probably put the oldest and middle child together in the front of the car, the youngest and 1 parent in the back of the car, and the other parent alone in the leading or trailing car.

The reactions these people have given the poor OP are so disappointing.
This thread has certainly been an eye opener for me. I have always been of the mind set that kids are kids. Yours or mine, they will all get treated the same. I had no idea that I would need to be so cautious and worried about helping a little one. This has really been upsetting. I wish all the bad people could go away so we wouldn't have to worry about things like this.

Please keep your current mindset. The situations the OP described are so out of the ordinary I am astonished they all happened to the same family. Keep being nice to people, smile and chat with strangers, and yes, be part of the "village" that watches out for all kids. Life is way too short to change your approach to life because of a smattering of crazies.
Last year riding 7DMT my wife and I rode separately. She likes the front where it's less rough where I like to get tossed around a little bit more. The CM's grabbed two single riders to fill in the spots in our cars. She got the large troll-like gentleman barking like a dog in the Grumpy t-shirt and I got the young 20's perky brunette with dimples and a tendency to hold on to anything close by as the train made a sharp turn.

Don't tell me there's no such thing as pixie dust:thumbsup2
A child was sexually assaulted on a full airplane while sitting in their seat. This actual ride caught fire a few years ago. Things happen that aren't good. I understand that you need you take risks in life - but taking a risk like that to ride a roller coaster in a certain configuration that you like seems like a really poor choice to me. To me, a good parent would trade off, ride later, or tell the kid they can't ride that ride on that day.

The 3 kids under 7 - I would lie to the youngest one and tell them they weren't tall enough and then buy them an ice cream. Or hope to get lucky with grabbing an extra fast pass and riding staggered. Or ride something else.

I have adult kids, and I wouldn't leave a kid I didn't know if there were some sort of problem on a ride. BUT - my first priority would be getting me and my family off safely. So I am sitting in a car with some strange kid. My husband and daughter are in the car ahead of us. Fire!!! I get out and make sure that they are out and that I think we can get out. Then... the stranger to me child will be considered.

I would NEVER let a young child of mine ride a roller coaster without me or my husband (or my mom, sister, etc) in the seat. Now - last helicopter out of Saigon....I would push my kids on even if there wasn't room for me. Seven Dwarves Mine Train - no.
You do realize there is a world of difference between and airplane ride that can last hours and people can freely get out of their seat. And a ride whose length is measured in seconds where people are strapped in and cannot release themselves? My kids are more likely to be hurt or abused at school than anywhere in Disney.
So take that chance with your kid so that they can ride a roller coaster. I choose to not.

And the abuser was sitting in the seat next to the child. And I realize that the roller coaster ride is shorter in duration than probably all flights. But thanks for reminding me.
not on 7DMT--but a funny twist on sitting with strangers

I was solo going on haunted mansion with a group of 3 probably mid to late teens

the one asked if I was riding alone I said yes--they asked if one of there group could ride with me since she was never on the ride before

that was fine with me--so were all in ou doon buggies and there was a part that she didnt expect and screamed and grabbed onto my arm!!!

at first she was rather embarrassed but then we both started laughing --it was so funny
You do realize there is a world of difference between and airplane ride that can last hours and people can freely get out of their seat. And a ride whose length is measured in seconds where people are strapped in and cannot release themselves? My kids are more likely to be hurt or abused at school than anywhere in Disney.

Statistically, worry about friends, neighbors, and family. A roller coaster that lasts 2 minutes and has photography?
So take that chance with your kid so that they can ride a roller coaster. I choose to not.

And the abuser was sitting in the seat next to the child. And I realize that the roller coaster ride is shorter in duration than probably all flights. But thanks for reminding me.
And are monitored by cameras. And there are undercover security all around. Etc etc

A very different environment than a plane. They are simply not analogous
To those asking about the family of 5 and seating arrangements.

We are a family of 4. My kids are now just 7 and almost 11, but on several (4?) past trips going back to the year it opened, they have allowed us to ride such that the 2 kids sit together in the front row of the car, and the 2 parents sit together in the back row of the car. (Actually - they are often willing to place us in 2 different cars but I asked to be in the same one for photos). This only works on 7DMT because of the individual restraint seating. We have to have an adult with our youngest because she was under 7 on Splash, Barnstormer, Thunder...

For those families of 5 on 7DMT, I would probably put the oldest and middle child together in the front of the car, the youngest and 1 parent in the back of the car, and the other parent alone in the leading or trailing car.

The reactions these people have given the poor OP are so disappointing.

This is a good plan for families of 5 where the kids are spaced out enough in age. Unfortunately, it doesn't work when your kids are virtually all the same age. My three kids are two years apart exactly, and two of them are twins. Disney makes all kids under 14 ride with someone over 14. We have years ahead of us of one of our kids riding with a stranger. I don't love the idea, but I also don't love the idea of staggering rides as someone suggested earlier. We all want to be together as much as possible. So will put one of our kids with a stranger. I had no idea this bothered people. (Not referring to the person I quoted, talking about others in this thread.)
This is a good plan for families of 5 where the kids are spaced out enough in age. Unfortunately, it doesn't work when your kids are virtually all the same age. My three kids are two years apart exactly, and two of them are twins. Disney makes all kids under 14 ride with someone over 14. We have years ahead of us of one of our kids riding with a stranger. I don't love the idea, but I also don't love the idea of staggering rides as someone suggested earlier. We all want to be together as much as possible. So will put one of our kids with a stranger. I had no idea this bothered people. (Not referring to the person I quoted, talking about others in this thread.)

Actually, it's children under 7 must ride with someone 14 or older. Two 7 year olds can ride together. Children 7 and older can board the ride alone. With some rides, such as 7DMT, they can be paired with another single rider.
Actually, it's children under 7 must ride with someone 14 or older. Two 7 year olds can ride together. Children 7 and older can board the ride alone. With some rides, such as 7DMT, they can be paired with another single rider.

Oh, thank you! Glad I was wrong. It will still be a few years before they are all 7 or over though, so we may have to pair the oldest kiddo with a stranger or try to convince grandparents to tag along.
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