Sharon's Journal -150 here I come!

Thank you very much Sunny. You are right, I should think about how I would treat a friend in this situation. ::yes::

Cam - Thanks for your concern as well. I will try to focus a little more on my veggies and nutrients. You are right, they will help keep me going!

Yesterday was a tough one. I was very emotional all day. Then we had a wake to go to last night. (A dear friends aunt whom he was very close to.) It was just tough to go back to a funeral home, ya know? And then on top of all that, DH had a talk with his brother & mother about the store. Bottom line - NOTHING got resolved. BIL won't come to work at the store until MIL turns it over to the two sons. There is another BIL that they are worried will want to jump in when the store starts making more money. MIL is in no shape to make that kind of decision right now, so we are at an impass. :rolleyes2 I am frustrated, aggravated and tired. I understand my BIL's concerns, but that doesn't help us right now! We need help NOW! We will continue to do our best, but there is no light at the end of this tunnel. :( DH and I are at the point that whatever will be, will be. We almost don't care.

Sorry for all that, but I had to get it out. I am doing laundry while I DIS. We are in desparate need of underwear! :crazy: And Bobby had to wear the same pants from yesterday (they have uniforms). Somehow I didn't wash all his last week. :confused3 I will head to the store for 9:00 am, pick up the kids from school at 2; take Bobby for a haircut, drop them off at MIL's house, go back to the store, get DD to dance for 6:00 and try to squeeze Robots in with Bobby before picking DD up from dance at 8:30. WHEW! No wonder I'm tired! :rolleyes2

I feel :sunny: er today than yesterday, so that is good. I am doing my best to take care of myself and not sweat the small stuff. I will survive all this! Thank goodness I can come here and talk to all my WISH friends! :hyper2:

Have a great weekend everyone. I hate to say it, but they are calling for the white stuff here on Sunday. Enough already!! :eek:

TTFN- Sharon :hug:
sharon--you sound so busy!!!! hopefully you get time to relax this weekend..
hope things work out with the store--im sure that is so stressful
have a great weekend--just think, today is FRIDAY!
Hi Sharon,

I hope you get a chance to breathe this wekend. I know that you are taking the best care of yourself possible right now. Remember, we're mostly moms, so it is 2nd nature to worry, and nag.

I hoep things workout soon with your in-laws. You could use the break.

Take care,
Hi all. I'm back from my crazy weekend. Didn't get to do everything I had wanted to, but did get a bunch of stuff done. The laundry is in decent shape, the dishes clean, food shopping done. There is a bunch of stuff I need to pick up for DD's Easter basket. DS' is pretty much done. Don't know when I'll squeeze in a trip to the mall, but I'll figure it out.

The stress at the in-laws is getting to a bunch of us. There were a few comments made yesterday that REALLY bothered me. I didn't dare say anything to DH because that poor guy is still really hurting. He is just so depressed whenever he thinks of his mother home all alone. :guilty: But Dh's family has all ways been all about themselves. Apparently they don't feel I am doing my fair share with the upcoming Easter holiday. They seem to think my working at the store on Fridays and Saturdays is a bunch of Cr*p...... Seeming as I don't get a dime for it, I'd be happy to walk away. But my DH desparately wants me there. And bottom line, his mother now owns the entire store. What I am doing is for HER benefit as well. You'd think some of the brothers/sisters would appreciate it.... :confused3 oh well.......... as a result of all this cr*p, I have a queasy stomach today. :sad2:

I am tired. i wish the sun would shine to let me feel more spring like. It is cool and drizzly today. Tomorrow is supposed to be :sunny: . If it is, I will try to get out for a walk at lunch time. That should help with my attitude on a lot of things. :blush:

My weight is still holding steady. Considering how poorly I ate last week, that is amazing! And TOM is due any day now. I thought it would have arrived already, but I have never been regular, so it is hard to gauge sometimes. I am going to really try to focus on better eating this week. I know I said I'd wait till April 1st, but I feel as if I am developing some really bad habits that I'd like to try to nip in the bud. So I am going to try to get some fruit and dairy in this week. That will be my goal for this week. I'll expand a little more next week if I can. :teeth: And maybe I can squeeze a trip to Curves in on Thursday morning?! :rolleyes: I'm gonna try!

Thanks for letting me vent. I needed to get that junk out, but I don't want to hurt my DH any more than he already is. And I don't want to talk bad about my in-laws to anyone who knows them , because they really are good people. Sometimes I just get frustrated, ya know?!

Have a wonderful week! Onward and Downward you big bunch of Losers!!!! :rotfl:

TTFN- Sharon

I am sending some great big :grouphug: your way today! You are an amazing woman, Sharon! Please don't let your in-laws make you feel any differently! Not only are you supporting your DH during this time of change, you are working extra hours at the store, taking care of your family, working a full time job, and coming here to encourage us. You are an amazing woman, Sharon! :grouphug:

I hope that the :sunny: comes out in full force where you live tomorrow. This has been a long winter and I think some :sunny: and warm weather will help all of us feel better. :grouphug:

Please be sure and take good care of you. You are doing so much for so many and I don't want you to get burned out, okay? :grouphug:

Have a wonderful day! :flower:
Thank you SO much Tracy! Your post really made me :) !

I am feeling MUCH better today. I let all those icky feelings from the weekend just slide and I am feeling much :sunny: er because of it.

Food yesterday was really GOOD! I am proud of that! :teeth: I will continue to work towards a slow return to my routine. Today has also been quite good so far, although I don't think I've gotten enough water in. Hmmmmm, I'll have to work on that over the next couple of hours. :rolleyes:

This terrible time has brought my DH and I so much closer. We talk about so much that before we just sort of let slide. (Ya know, the bury your head in the sand and maybe the problems will go away routine?! :confused3 ) Not that it had anything to do with us as a couple, but more of where we want to be 5 yrs from now (or 10 or 15......) We are giving a lot more thought to our future and what will make us happy or at least content. And we have come to appreciate each other more. So at least there has been something positive in our loss.

I have a plan to finish getting ready for the holiday this weekend, so at least I am not sweating how I will get it all done. I am a little nervous about how little time I have to do everything, but a plan does help! I'll go to the mall tomorrow night to finish picking up a few gift cards for DD's basket. And a gift card to Build A Bear for DS' basket. I skipped the decorating for this year, but I do need to get in the attic and dig out the kids' Easter baskets! :rolleyes: We have decided to have Easter dinner at a SIL's house. I am bringing a potatoe dish. I will need to make about 12 - 15 pounds of potatoes (there are 28 of us), but that is all I was asked to bring, so thats not too bad. :teeth: i'll peel the potatoes Sat night and store them in water in the fridge until Sunday morning. I have to work at the store Friday and Saturday. And we always color eggs Friday afternoon/early evening. Although I am babysitting a friends daughter then, so I may have to move that schedule up a little. No doubt about it, I am busy, but with a plan, I feel okay! :goodvibes

Have a great day. It is a BEAUTIFUL spring like day here today!!! :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:

TTFN- Sharon
Hi sharon,

it is amazing what the :sunny: can do for us. I am so glad you are feeling better today. Tracy is right, don't let your in-laws make you feel like you aren't the special person that your are. Do you think that they are feeling guilty that they aren't pitching in at the store when you are? they may be directing their guilt towards you. If you quit the store, then they don't need to feel guilty about not doing their share? I don't think they are aware of it, but it is something to consider.

You've got a lot to do before the holiday, but you are a woman with a plan. You can get it all done. I'm sending some :wizard: jusr in case.

Take care, and congrats on the healthy eating.
Hi Sharon,

Sounds like you have a great plan. I never thought of peeling and soaking potatoes the night before. That's a great tip!

Kudo's on the food being OP. I knew you would get it together :cheer2:

The sun was w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l today! Lot's more melting. Now I can't wait for the street cleaners to clean up all the sand. What a mess!

Hi Sharon,

I want to WISH you and your family a Happy Easter! :flower: You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Take care! :grouphug:
i think the sun has a lot to do with how we feel--i know i feel much better when its sunny out
hope you had a GREAT day!!
Hi All!

It has been a very busy weekend as usual for me. I am content to be back at work, just to have a feeling of normalcy. This week looks to be just as hectic as the last few, no break in sight. I am very tired and fighting a headache from all the stress and rushing. I went to bed at 9 pm last night to try to beat this thing. I slept well, but the headache was right back this morning. UGGGHHHH!

My weight is still holding steady at 179.5. I am happy about that. I have nipped some of those bad eating habits I was developing during the stress, so that is a good thing! :rolleyes: I would love to say I would be getting back to my exercise, but I just don't have the time. And it would cause more stress to pretend that I was going to try. For now I will keep working on my food choices and try to improve there. I know I need the exercise, but I recognize that it would be impossible to fit into my routine just now. Maybe in another month things will settle down enough for me to try and get back to it then.

Easter was nice. We had a traditional Slovak breakfast with my mother and grandmother. Then we went to my SIL's house for dinner. We normally have holidays at my MIL's house, so the change in venue helped keep it a bit lighter/happier. We enjoyed ourselves and had a lovely time with all of our family.

That's it for me today. It is raining like crazy here today. It is supposed to warm up by midweek. Here's hoping!! :Pinkbounc

TTFN- Sharon :flower:
Hi Sharon,

Stopping by to say hi, let you know I'm thinking about you, and to see how you are doing. I hope that you have a wonderful day today! :sunny: :grouphug:
Hi Sharon,

I'm glad that you had a good Easter. Initial holidays can be tough, changing the venue ws a smart idea.

I think you are on the right track. You are focusing on what you can manage right now. It would put added pressure and guilt on you to commit to exercise right now. The last thing you need.

I hope you can get a few minutes of "ME" time this week.

Take care,
Thanks Jen, Tracy and Beth for stopping by. It is always nice to come here and see encouragement from others! :teeth:

This week has been a tough one. I have had a terrible headache :headache: all week. I ended up leaving work early yesterday to just come home and lay down (well, I did laundry too because I'm so far behind. :rolleyes: ) I still have the headache and no matter what I take, I can't shake it. I had this problem 5 yrs ago. Bobby didn't sleep through the night for the first 2 1/2 yrs. So for 2 1/2 yrs, I got no more than 3 or 4 hours of sleep at a time. Led to very bad headaches. I had a prescription to stop the headaches (which took a few weeks to work) and another for the pain. Unfortunately, I don't have a GP right now because of an insurance change. And I literally don't have the time for a round of doctor visits to get the medications. I hope the headache passes soon, otherwise I guess I'll have to make the time (= more stress! :guilty: )

Today I am doing another load of laundry, working at the store, taking DD to the orthodontist, doing my mothers taxes (and hopefully ours!!!) as well as getting the kids to their activities. Tomorrow has me working at the store for the morning and then heading up to Springfield Mass. for DD's dance competition. At least we will get some time together, because I really haven't been spending quality time with the kids for the last month. :guilty: We finish up there at about noon time on Sunday. Then it is home to go help at my inlaws with the thank you notes from the funeral.

As you can see, I am still quite busy. The good news is, I have no time for snacking, so I've dropped another .5 lb. :rotfl: With this headache, I have had no appetite this week. I am eating, but very small portions. Food has been decent, but not great. I'm gonna keep working at it! I would like to lose 5 lbs for the month of April. That is very ambitious for me, especially with no exercise, but I am really hoping I can make this goal!!! :cheer2:

Have a great weekend everyone. We are suppossed to get heavy rain tomorrow, with flooding likely (not just possible :sad2: ) And I have to drive 1 1/2 hours in that! Yuck!!!! We'll just take it slow!

TTFN- Sharon :flower:
Hi Sharon!!!

Happy Friday!!! Hope you have a great day! :sunny:
Hi Sharon,

So sorry to hear you are struggling with a mega headache. I hope it goes away sooooooon! At least you are reaping a little benefit with it! Congrats on the .5 loss.

I hope you have a great "pain free" weekend!

:hug: Sharon,

I'm sorry to hear about your headache. I hope you start feeling better soon. :hug:

Please be careful driving this weekend. We are in for some wild weather too!

Take good care of you! :hug:


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