She's Going Coast 2 Coast......That Girl is CRAZY!......BOSTON MARATHON UPDATE 4/27


DIS Veteran
Oct 11, 2008
Hello! Welcome aboard. I hope you enjoy this little trip report! Since I have never written one before let's jump right into Introductions.

Who am I? I am Katie.

I am an accountant by day, for a company that sells Sharks and Ninjas (if you can figure it out I'm impressed) and I moonlight as a swim instructor on the weekends.....well Sundays. I have been teaching swimming for so long and have tried to quit that job so many times I am pretty sure I can no longer count that high.

I got the running bug back in 2011 when my cousin ran the Boston Marathon. Ever since then I have been trying to accomplish the same goal. Seems some strange injury always gets in my way.

My Partner in crime for BOTH these trips in my friend Anne-Marie. She has been a great travel companion and is very supportive of my running "addiction."
AM is a fellow Disney Fanatic. She is a Disboards lurker, but I am hoping this TR may pull her out of the shadows!

Soooo now that the intro's are out of the way Lets get this show on the road!
I decided to embark upon the Coast to Coast challenge back in 2012. I had knee surgery that year and had a very difficult recovery. I was hoping to run the Marathon this year, but found out the prior August I would need surgery, so I put the dream on hold for a year. While visiting Disneyland during the Half Marathon Weekend I decided in 2013 I would be going coast to coast!

My First Half Marathon was Memorial Day Weekend 2013......enter strange inury number 1.....Five days prior to the half I was walking and slipped on a wet spot and fell and hurt my toe. The team captain of the team I was running with told me to get it X-Rayed. They told me it was I ran. Going up the hills hurt quite a bit, and I made the rookie mistake of stopping at Port-O-POttie number 1. That cost me 14 minutes on my time. In Hindsight though, this stop allowed me a very special moment. One month prior the Boston Marathon bombing happened. One of the bombers ended up killing an MIT police officer. This race I was running was to honor fallen officers. This race goes RIGHT by MIT. Outside MIT ALL the police officers were lined up. Because of my stop I pretty much lost the whole gaggle of runners I was running with, and was running solo past all the officers. I managed to say thank you to every single one of them as they gave me a high 5. By the end of the line I was an emotional wreck.

My Friend and I before the Race

Everyone in the country felt something the day of the bombing, but here in Boston we take it personal. This is our town. Our race. You don't mess with Boston. I was very proud of my city and myself the day of this race. I managed to finish in 2:55 with a broken toe and 14 minute bathroom break.

The next race I ran was a local race. It is a race where elite athletes compete for prize money and ammeters like myself can participate as well. It is the Falmouth Road Race on Cape Cod......or the Cape for the local folks. This is my favorite race despite it being 7 miles UP HILL! The whole thing is up hill! This was possibly my first injury free race.

My Dad and I at Mile 6

And a quick video of the course.

After this race it was time to head to LA 2 weeks later. Time to begin my Coast to Coast challenge number 1! Several days before the race I was walking my dog and he darted in front of me and in order to avoid stepping on him, I tripped over him and kicked the top of my foot into a brick sidewalk. So my foot was pretty bruised prior to leaving......injury number 2.

What I was not prepared for was the humidity and heat! My God it was HOT! It was about 86 degrees at start time and HUMID! California is not known for its humidity. After the 5K I was tired. I was not feeling well at all. My sister and I split up at this point since I knew I was not going to have a good race. My focus became finishing. I had to stop a couple times to stretch and once to get some rocks out of my shoes after running through Angel stadium.

You can see how hot I was in this photo.

Needles to say, the elements and myself were against me this day and instead of finishing in 2:45 like i had hoped, I finished 3:32. Ouch.

After this race I thought I was done with running. I felt so badly about myself. I had so many negatives floating around that they were beginning to take over my determination! Scary thought. Once I got home I regrouped. I hated making excuses for myself, so I decided to take a week off to recover, and train even harder for Wine and least that was the plan.....
Once home from Cali I started to get back into the swing of things. I had Monday Sept 8th as my start date for training. Well Murphy's Law should be changed to Katie's Law. My car decided to die this day. So my mom took it to the dealer and we proceeded to text about what I was looking for in a car. It came down to a 14 Corolla or a 13 Rav 4. Once it got down to package options it was decided the Rav 4 was the car to get. Pretty sure this is the first car ever purchased entirely through text heard it here first.

To add insult to injury my back started to hurt this morning. I had to sit through a 2 hour meeting in a plastic folding chair, followed by a 4 hour afternoon meeting, then go sign the paperwork for the car. So i was in pain and in a bad a result I named my car Grumpy :rotfl:. I laugh now. At the time I was not happy haha.

Unfortunately two days later my back was in so much pain I could not even stand up. I was unofficially diagnosed with a back spasm. Meanwhile I was planning on going to Disney for a long weekend at the end of September. I began to get nervous I would have to cancel. In the end I found a chiropractor who was able to get me walking again and I found that the more i moved the less pain I had. I began to believe I had a herniated disc and not a muscle spasm. Thankfully the folks at Southwest are accommodating to disabilities and I was able to pre board so I could get an isle seat so I could stand up periodically throughout the flight to loosen my back.

I made it to Disney and got to meet fellow Disboarder Anne aka annmarieda!

We had a fantastic time in the MK and I really hope we can do it again! Hopefully next PHM!

When I got home I felt well enough to do some additional training. I officially had 4 weeks to get ready to run 13 miles. I had not run in 6 weeks! I started slow but by week 3 I was able to do 9 very slow miles. I felt at that point I would be able to at least FINISH Wine and Dine and get my coveted Coast 2 Coast medal.

When I got to Florida I took it easy. It was a solo trip so I didn't really have anyone to feel obligated to. On the day of the race I ate a 100% protein/carb diet and stayed out of the Parks. I went to DTD and hung at the hotel pool. The night was warm and slightly humid again. I would say about 78 degrees. Not ideal, but not horrible. Once we got started the first mile my legs felt like lead. But once I hit mile 2 I was getting my stride. I ran 4 miles before stopping to use the restroom. The great thing about this race is by the time you're at the half way mark, you're just out of Animal Kingdom! By the time I got to mile 7 or 8 though I was dragging. The lack of training was hitting me hard. I kept at it though and once I got to the Osborne lights I was renewed. I stopped to take a photo and stretch then hit the trails running again.

Mile 10 though I swear is the longest mile on the planet. I was done at that point physically, however mentally I was still in the game. At this point I KNEW I would finish. I got squeezed out by walkers at the Yacht and Beach Club, so when in Rome.....However once we got through the IG into Epcot I had open roads and ran right through the finish! I did it!

I had brought my DL half medal with me in my bag so I could wear all three when I finished. Finishing this race meant so much to me. There was a point where I really thought it wasn't going to happen. I had withdrawn my Boston Marathon application in October due to the back injury. Putting the dream on hold for another year. This race though made me realize that anything is possible when you have a goal and a dream.

Oh and I finished in 3:22! A full 10 minutes better than the Disneyland Half!

Up Next.......continuing the dream.....the 2014 Coast To Coast Challenge!
Wow! Congratulations on your accomplishments and even just FINISHING the races. You are a serious runner for sure. That is awesome that you did so well despite injury #1 and #2.

Despite my longest run of 10 miles I am way to out of shape to run more than a 5K at this point. I'm trying to get back to running at least 20 miles a week... Yeah, trying and doing are two different things. I think I've ran 12 miles this week and I'm not running 8 today!

I am looking forward to hearing all the details and cheering you on after the fact. I loved the Boston Marathon moment that you had without the crowds. What a great thing you did and I'm sure your thanks were appreciated by those officers. :goodvibes
Katie, I'm here (thankfully I was scrollling through Trip Reports to read something since I'm caught up everywhere and I found your TR).

CONGRATS to you. That is an awesome accomplishment and one to be very proud of.

So Grumpy was purchased by text? I love it. I'll have to tell "my Grumpy" that for our next car.

I can't wait to read more.
Wow! Congratulations on your accomplishments and even just FINISHING the races. You are a serious runner for sure. That is awesome that you did so well despite injury #1 and #2.

Despite my longest run of 10 miles I am way to out of shape to run more than a 5K at this point. I'm trying to get back to running at least 20 miles a week... Yeah, trying and doing are two different things. I think I've ran 12 miles this week and I'm not running 8 today!

I am looking forward to hearing all the details and cheering you on after the fact. I loved the Boston Marathon moment that you had without the crowds. What a great thing you did and I'm sure your thanks were appreciated by those officers. :goodvibes

Thank you so much! The injuries always seem to creep up on me in the worst times too! I am very slow going getting this started. Hoping to get the first part of California up this weekend! Thank you for joining in and following along!

Katie, I'm here (thankfully I was scrollling through Trip Reports to read something since I'm caught up everywhere and I found your TR).

CONGRATS to you. That is an awesome accomplishment and one to be very proud of.

So Grumpy was purchased by text? I love it. I'll have to tell "my Grumpy" that for our next car.

I can't wait to read more.

Hi Kathy! Thanks for coming over! I am very slow getting this thing going.

Thank you. I am very proud. It has been a lot of hard work, and still lots to go. I am actually involved in a "challenge" with my boss right now where I do not run for the entire month of April. I had some treatments on my back last week, and he told me I couldn't go a whole month without running. I am never one to back down from a challenge, however it is April 3 and I am going stir crazy!

Haha yes, I texted my mom, told her what I wanted, what I wanted to pay, and we went back and forth lol. Grumpy just hit 11,000 miles this week too :( They grow up so fast!
Hi Katie! Just letting you know that I've very interested in reading about your running adventures.

I hope you are enjoying your weekend! :goodvibes
OMG! Katie, how did I not know you had a TR going??? I am here now... going back to read. :goodvibes
Ok, so all caught up!

You have had quite the journey and I am SO impressed with how you have stuck with it! Injury is never fun.. but you got through it and got your medals. :woohoo::woohoo:

I love the picture of you with all three. I might have to copy you and do that when I get my C2C.

Hopefully we do get to spend time together for the next phm! I still have not booked a room or made "definite" plans. I could go down all by myself...especially knowing that we could meet up. What are your plans?

Last, but not least... I feel so honored to have made it into your report! :hug: Great picture of us, if I do say so. :goodvibes
My Original plan was to do a VERY quick trip to Cali. I was slated to leave the 17th, pick up my bib on the 18th, run my race the 19th, and head home the 20th......well we all know how plans change!

I had been bugging Anne-Marie to come with me to California ever since she made a comment she would love to go. We are both long time fans of the show Boy Meets World, and had agreed that when they started filming we would head out to go see a taping of the Sequel Girl Meets World. About a month or so before I was leaving the Girl Meets World live taping schedules came out. Naturally they were filming on the 21st.....the day AFTER I was leaving. No big deal. I jumped on Jet Blue's website, made a quick changer-roo and presto, I was now coming home on the 22nd.

Anne-Marie was still on the fence, but once we officially got tickets to the show she booked her flights. She would come in on the 18th verses Friday night.

About a month before the race I got the flu :crazy2:......If you haven't picked up on my life patterns by now, well now you have :rotfl2:. I didn't run pretty much at all prior to Tinkerbell.

I spent the entire week before my flight playing single Mom to two teenagers. For the record, I have SOOOO much respect for you single moms out there. I really don't know how you do it. You are all heroes! I have been babysitting for this family for 10 years. The oldest (who doesn't really need a sitter) is off to college in the fall, and the youngest just had his Bar Mitzvah in January. So I didn't have much training time here either. I was exhausted by the time I was done with dinner and helping with homework! I took it as an opportunity to let my body heal.

Once Friday rolled around I was ready to go. I had my bags packed. My shoes and running clothes in my carry on and my sister's apartment keys in my purse. I left work at about 4 and headed to my moms office so she could drive me to the airport. My flight took off on time and I was headed to California!

Once I landed I headed off to baggage claim, got my bag, found Super Shuttle and got my ride to my sisters apartment. Once there I had a mini panic attack. I couldn't get her key to work :confused3! I sat there for a good 10 minutes trying to get the door open, and finally it worked!

I got into her apartment, locked the door behind me, grabbed a DVD and passed out. It had been a very long day at the end of a very long week!

Next update.......I'm Going to Disneyland!
OMG! Katie, how did I not know you had a TR going??? I am here now... going back to read. :goodvibes

Yes! But it is really slow going! Welcome aboard!

Ok, so all caught up!

You have had quite the journey and I am SO impressed with how you have stuck with it! Injury is never fun.. but you got through it and got your medals. :woohoo::woohoo:

I love the picture of you with all three. I might have to copy you and do that when I get my C2C.

Hopefully we do get to spend time together for the next phm! I still have not booked a room or made "definite" plans. I could go down all by myself...especially knowing that we could meet up. What are your plans?

Last, but not least... I feel so honored to have made it into your report! :hug: Great picture of us, if I do say so. :goodvibes

Thank you! Yes it has been a tough year! I am hoping that some day soon I will have an injury free season! Yes! The goal becomes to finish and it seems I can do that at least!

You are more than welcome to steal it! I stole the idea from someone I saw at Disneyland doing it! Sadly I forgot to bring my tinker bell medal to WDW.

Yes I hope so! So far my plans are tentative. I am 99% positive I am going to register in July. We can discuss this further later!

Awww it is a great photo! I had so much fun that night! Definitely one of my favorite Disney moments last year. Only wish we could have hung out longer! Next time!
The next morning I woke up early. 5:30 AM. Jet lag always hits me hard at the start of a trip out west. I figured since I was up so early I would head to the Disneyland Hotel and get my number before heading to the air port to pick up Anne-Marie.

I left Steph's house at about 8 AM and headed south to Orange County. It took me about 45 minutes to get to Disneyland from her apartment and before I knew it I was here:

The packet pick up and Expo was run so well compared to the Disneyland Expo back in August. I was in and out in about 15 minutes. I went over the the Expo and got a couple Tinkerbell Half knick knacks. Unfortunately because it was the last day they were out of the "I Did It" shirts in my size.....well I could squeeze into a medium but I was afraid once I washed it, it would shrink.

I finished up moseying around the DLH and headed to my hotel to check in. I had booked on Hotels dot com a room at the Red Lion Inn. It was about $90 for the night. Normally I would have stayed at Steph's apartment, but I wanted to be close by on race day. I am not a morning person, so the more I can sleep the better (yes even with my jet lag). I was able to check in and got my room keys then headed back to LA to pick up Anne-Marie at the airport. I got to LAX a little early so I headed over to the nearby CVS to buy some gatorade, water and snacks. I had brought some Cliff Bars with me, but I wanted some additional items for the race. AM texted me when she got to baggage claim and I headed back to LAX. I met her at the curb and we were off!

Once we got to Disneyland I needed something to eat. So we headed to the Holly Jolly Bakery and I got one of these:

It was like a little slice of heaven!

Once we were done eating we headed over to Main Street to watch the Parade. I am OBSESSED with the Soundsational parade. It is my favorite Parade in all the Disney's. AM and I loved the music so much we went on a hunt for the CD. Sadly we could not find it.

I love the sweeps!

One of my favorites!

And one of my other favorites!

After the parade we wandered the Kingdom and went on some rides and checked out the scenery.

I am so sorry you got sick right before your headed out west. I think January was a rough month for everyone with the plague.

I bet you were ready to crash once you got to your sisters! Long week... and that travel between coasts is kinda brutal!

Time we spent in the fall was one of my favorites too.. I really had a great trip last fall. You definitely helped me to kick it off right!!

I hope that the phm works out for both of us. We can definitely touch base as July approaches. I am so glad there is time. Marathon weekend registration is soon...very soon. I had thought that we would alternate years... one year donald and the next phm. Course... our first big race takes a special place in our heart and dh is determined to go back for the donald. If it means a trip with him and a trip by myself.. I guess I can get on board with that. Girls trips are so fun. Problem is... most of my girls are pretty occupied next february.

I can't wait to read more of your report!!!
Cont from Prior post

One thing we HAD to do before leaving for the night was go to It's A Small World. It was still decked out for the holidays and we knew it was going to be shut down before we left to be taken down.

They completely make over the ride and add tons of Christmas decorations. It was really quite amazing to see.

I know there are a lot of mixed reviews on this make over, but I really liked it. It was like walking into a Santa's workshop. I would love to see it again. I really don't think the photos do it much justice.

After this we headed back to the hotel. It was about 7:30 pm at this point and I had to get up at 3:00 to be out the door by 3:30. AM headed back with me. Jet lag had caught up with her as well so it really felt like 10:30.

The hotel was simple but very clean. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who was looking for a value hotel. It was walking distance (although we drove back) from the park as well.

I took a few photos of the room

As you can see, no frills but very clean! I also took photo of my bib and accessories that came with my packet.

"Hey Katie, is there anything on the back of that Shirt?" AM asked me. Why yes there is:

Cant have a free shirt without sponsors now can ya?

After I was done photographing random objects, I had this quick snack that I picked up from the hotel gift shop

Once that was gone, I passed out. I think AM may have stayed up a little later than me but went to sleep soon after.

Up Next.....the run
Ah... we posted at the same time!

I love the carpet with the tinkerbell half logo on it! How cool is that

I am in awe of your skills... driving from your sisters apartment then to DLH then on to LAX! :worship: I am not sure I could handle driving in CA traffic.

Just so you know, I am taking notes for August!

Soundsational parade.. check! :thumbsup2 I love parades. I never get to see enough of them. Hopefully, I will be able to squeeze this in when Cynthia (eandesmom) are there in August.

Cinnamon roll at Jolly Holiday.. check! :thumbsup2 That looks amazing. I use to love the ones at the mainstreet bakery in WDW. How do these compare?
I am so sorry you got sick right before your headed out west. I think January was a rough month for everyone with the plague.

I bet you were ready to crash once you got to your sisters! Long week... and that travel between coasts is kinda brutal!

Time we spent in the fall was one of my favorites too.. I really had a great trip last fall. You definitely helped me to kick it off right!!

I hope that the phm works out for both of us. We can definitely touch base as July approaches. I am so glad there is time. Marathon weekend registration is soon...very soon. I had thought that we would alternate years... one year donald and the next phm. Course... our first big race takes a special place in our heart and dh is determined to go back for the donald. If it means a trip with him and a trip by myself.. I guess I can get on board with that. Girls trips are so fun. Problem is... most of my girls are pretty occupied next february.

I can't wait to read more of your report!!!

I was so dead tired! I slept a bit on the plane, but it wasn't very comfortable lol.

I can totally understand wanting to alternate. I would like to run DL again next year and try and do better. I had such a bad run that it still has a bitter taste in my mouth. I feel like I need to run it again for closure lol. A girls trip would be fun! My problem is some of my friends can't commit this far in advance, and most don't like Disney! Can you imagine there are people out there like that?
Ah... we posted at the same time!

I love the carpet with the tinkerbell half logo on it! How cool is that

I am in awe of your skills... driving from your sisters apartment then to DLH then on to LAX! :worship: I am not sure I could handle driving in CA traffic.

Just so you know, I am taking notes for August!

Soundsational parade.. check! :thumbsup2 I love parades. I never get to see enough of them. Hopefully, I will be able to squeeze this in when Cynthia (eandesmom) are there in August.

Cinnamon roll at Jolly Holiday.. check! :thumbsup2 That looks amazing. I use to love the ones at the mainstreet bakery in WDW. How do these compare?

Haha we are on the same wave length tonight!

I loved that carpet! I wish they had them for all the races!

Don't be too in awe of my driving skills (in my sisters car no less. She was in the Dominican Republic for half my trip). I live in Boston, we have the same traffic here. I think there are more cars out there than here, but our roads are narrower.....and have more potholes.

Yes DEFINITELY go to that parade! You will be singing the soundtrack for days!

The cinnamon rolls were slightly better in FL, but I think it is the same concept. I think that transfat law kills some of the taste, but these are way better than the ones now at Gastons. I am not a fan of the maple topping. This has the original topping.
You have a tendency of getting sick or hurt before a race. We may have to lock you in a room somewhere for a month before you go anywhere.

With babysitting, being sick, I'm not surprised you were exhausted.

You roll looked very yummy.

The parade looks like a lot of fun.

I am far from a fan of "It's a Small World", but I have to say that really looks neat with all the Christmas decorations.

Thanks for showing pictures of the hotel you stayed at. We are doing DL next year, hopefully, and have no clue where to even start looking at hotels.
I was so dead tired! I slept a bit on the plane, but it wasn't very comfortable lol.

What? A chair in / position isn't comfy? You sure?:rotfl:

I can totally understand wanting to alternate. I would like to run DL again next year and try and do better. I had such a bad run that it still has a bitter taste in my mouth. I feel like I need to run it again for closure lol.

I would want a redo of that race if I were you too!

A girls trip would be fun! My problem is some of my friends can't commit this far in advance, and most don't like Disney! Can you imagine there are people out there like that?

This is part of my problem too! Most of my friends are like "you are going again?" Family are mostly like "why don't you run this race here and come visit us" :confused3 The ones who do like disney have something going on that is getting in the way... newborns..weddings.. you know those types of unimportant things ;)

Haha we are on the same wave length tonight!


I loved that carpet! I wish they had them for all the races!

They should!!

Don't be too in awe of my driving skills (in my sisters car no less. She was in the Dominican Republic for half my trip). I live in Boston, we have the same traffic here. I think there are more cars out there than here, but our roads are narrower.....and have more potholes.

Well, I am. I believe that the Seattle area traffic is also one of the worst in the nation... but people here are pretty much nice. So while it may be bumper to bumper and slow moving, I know if I need to move over someone will let me in. I have heard horror stories of crazy drivers down in LA. Maybe I am just believing the stereotype. :rolleyes:
Yes DEFINITELY go to that parade! You will be singing the soundtrack for days!

I will definitely put it on my list!

The cinnamon rolls were slightly better in FL, but I think it is the same concept. I think that transfat law kills some of the taste, but these are way better than the ones now at Gastons. I am not a fan of the maple topping. This has the original topping.

I hate the transfat law! That is what killed my favorite FAVORITE disney treat. (tigger tail) I also think that the cupcakes tend to have a bit less flavor cause of it... but as long as that topping is on there it sounds like it is still a great roll!!

Thanks for showing pictures of the hotel you stayed at. We are doing DL next year, hopefully, and have no clue where to even start looking at hotels.

I have to chime in here... I hope you can stay on property cause they seem the most amazing. But if you can't, for a pretty good price, the Anaheim Dessert Inn and Suites is right at the cross walk. Not the swankiest of places... but both Karin and I have found it to be "nice enough". You seriously can't get closer to the parks. It is almost a roll out of bed sort to deal. I would say it is closer than the Contemporary is to MK


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