Shh, do you hear that? It's the winds of change~link to new thread post#3501

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Jeanette – DUH, I didn’t even look at the Universal dates. My kids really want to go again just to go on Despicable Me, older DS went with this friends this summer and said it was a fun ride and well done. I cant believe you lost power again, I hope it stays on for good this time. Ugh on the debit card fiasco, and yes it ALWAYS turns up somewhere stupid :sad2:

I hope I DON'T find it...that will make me :headache: JK....not really :rotfl2:

My girls are EXACTLY like them I can't wait to go on the ride. Bree is JUST like Agnes...even talks like her. Last night after DH took a shower, she sadi "Daddy you smell so good I CAN'T STAND IT I WANT TO EAT YOUR HEAD" :lmao: And she said it just like Agnes would...and my Kate...crazy and tough like Madison, protective and sacastic like Margo...gotta love it :goodvibes
Good morning! Just trying to catch up before you get really chatty and I get too far behind ;)

DetTigsGal  I am happy to hear that schools were released early yesterday and delayed today for the snow. I used to love when that happened when I was in school! I actually used to love driving in the snow&I dont know what is wrong with me :p

DznyCrzy11  Hey, my vote REALLY didnt count seeing as I am in FL :rotfl:

Jeanette  DUH, I didnt even look at the Universal dates. My kids really want to go again just to go on Despicable Me, older DS went with this friends this summer and said it was a fun ride and well done. I cant believe you lost power again, I hope it stays on for good this time. Ugh on the debit card fiasco, and yes it ALWAYS turns up somewhere stupid :sad2:

Miss  so how was that wait in the car last night :laughing: the things we do for our kids! I soooo wish there was an ocean between MIL and I, thankfully 1000+ miles is enough that I dont have to deal with her too often.

Candace - glad the girls have school today, I hope the roads arent too bad. I havent talked to my BFs yet this morning so I am not in the loop to how much MA/NH got. I know they were both trying to get things done yesterday morning before the snow started. Besides not feeding yourself dinner at night, how is the single mom juggling act going?

Dani  woohoo for nailing down dates! I feel like the trip is real once I do that :hyper: It will be interesting to see what you end up booking come January ;)

Jen  I am feeling boring myself as well. I am itching to change, but have nothing to change too. Well at least not until after our next trip :rolleyes1

Janet  I totally agree with you, that other castle is really an amazing site. We were all so impressed on how well they did HP, it really looks awesome, even from a far. :lmao: about the wallet on the roof, you were very lucky it didnt fly off!

Hope everyone is staying warm, dry, and safe! :goodvibes



The worst part is over. The girls nightly extra-curricular activities are only Monday-Wednesday, so tonight, I am hoping to be able to cook dinner and chillax!! Hoping, anyway...:goodvibes

DH will be home late Saturday night, so only a few more days! :yay:

Next weekend is opening weekend for the Velveteen Rabbit, featuring DD8!!! They have been working hard but this next week is the worst!!! Starting Saturday, they will be putting in 24 hours of rehearsal time throughout the week! Yikes!! But, DD8 says "we need it".
Good morning, ladies! :goodvibes :wave2:

Childhood?!...we last used those machines in 2006!!

I liked the was about 5 yrs ago they changed over...

Us too...

Aww, this warms my East Coast heart -- shame they got rid of 'em though. :sad1: My first ballot was cast in one o' those old-style curtain booths. All subsequent votes I've cast here and overseas have been on a paper ballot standing at a desk or mail-in. Just not the same!

It's snowing!!!! The girls are going to be so excited when they wake up!!

School is still on though - no cancellations or anything, thank God!!!

Is it still snowing? Please send it back to us. I know I'll regret saying this but since our winter kinda sucked last year, I'm hoping we get a real winter this year. Cue the blizzards. :scared:

time for a vent So I lost my debit card yesterday :headache: I used it for puppy food, ad pulled it out to buy dinner...GONE!!!

No money is missing....but could this happen at a worse time???? Ugh.

Oh no. :headache: I bet you do find it now that they've deactivated. That's how it works with me. You've got a good back-up plan though. All set. :hug: So. exciting. so. CLOSE. :yay:

I won't book until January, but yes we have our dates nailed down. Super excited!!! Although I am already waffling on BC lol

Ooooooooooooooooooo YEAH! (Say that like the Kool-Aid Man.) We'll all be popcorn:: waiting to see what gets booked in January.

Well, this does not surprise me...
I'm pretty sure you'll end up with all nights at the Poly.
Especially with all the brand new rooms/decor....

Agreed. ::yes::

But, BC seems very right for us this trip and I'm feeling very :cloud9: about it. :p

Agreed on this, too. :thumbsup2 Like that's not obvious, eh? Oh, by the way, you and your popcorn peer pressure. :lmao: (Gussied mine with Old Bay.)

Jen: Where'd my quote for you go?! :confused3 Boring is good. Boring is GOOD! Because padding the vacation fund is excellent. :goodvibes

Miss.. you do need the visit the "other castle" some day...HP is so worth it! Do I need to put you under the imperious curse?? "Imperio!! ...You will go to Universal and visit the WWoHP"!

If I step foot in that store again, it's a definite go for the next trip. :thumbsup2

One time when the kids were younger I stopped for gas, put my wallet on the roof rack ... pumped the gas and then went on my merry way on the expressway ... noticed these people gesticulating to me ... thought they wanted to get in my lane so I waved them on .. then they started mouthing words and pointing to the top of the car ... then the light bulb went off, pulled over, and by some miracle the wallet was intact.

I can just imagine you thinking "What is wrong with all these people?!" :lmao: Lucky YOU! Can't believe it didn't fly off. :eek:

Miss – so how was that wait in the car last night :laughing: the things we do for our kids! I soooo wish there was an ocean between MIL and I, thankfully 1000+ miles is enough that I don’t have to deal with her too often.

:lmao: It was great. I was very productive and changed my clock then programmed the radio presets. (Actually, I went home to flop on the sofa. Don't know what was up with me yesterday... so lethargic. :confused3 Glad I set the phone to go off when it was time to pick her up. :rolleyes1 )


Gotta go let the dense dog in -- she's trying to jump up into the tree to catch squirrels. :confused: Going to attach a cape to her since she obviously thinks she can fly. :rolleyes:
So I'm really curious now .... August dates .... anyone have firm dates yet ... or should I say firm in an RC fashion?!?! :rotfl2:
Good morning, ladies! :goodvibes :wave2:

Aww, this warms my East Coast heart -- shame they got rid of 'em though. :sad1: My first ballot was cast in one o' those old-style curtain booths. All subsequent votes I've cast here and overseas have been on a paper ballot standing at a desk or mail-in. Just not the same!

Is it still snowing? Please send it back to us. I know I'll regret saying this but since our winter kinda sucked last year, I'm hoping we get a real winter this year. Cue the blizzards. :scared:

Oh no. :headache: I bet you do find it now that they've deactivated. That's how it works with me. You've got a good back-up plan though. All set. :hug: So. exciting. so. CLOSE. :yay:

Ooooooooooooooooooo YEAH! (Say that like the Kool-Aid Man.) We'll all be popcorn:: waiting to see what gets booked in January.

Agreed. ::yes::

Agreed on this, too. :thumbsup2 Like that's not obvious, eh? Oh, by the way, you and your popcorn peer pressure. :lmao: (Gussied mine with Old Bay.)

Jen: Where'd my quote for you go?! :confused3 Boring is good. Boring is GOOD! Because padding the vacation fund is excellent. :goodvibes

If I step foot in that store again, it's a definite go for the next trip. :thumbsup2

I can just imagine you thinking "What is wrong with all these people?!" :lmao: Lucky YOU! Can't believe it didn't fly off. :eek:

:lmao: It was great. I was very productive and changed my clock then programmed the radio presets. (Actually, I went home to flop on the sofa. Don't know what was up with me yesterday... so lethargic. :confused3 Glad I set the phone to go off when it was time to pick her up. :rolleyes1 )


Gotta go let the dense dog in -- she's trying to jump up into the tree to catch squirrels. :confused: Going to attach a cape to her since she obviously thinks she can fly. :rolleyes:

The snow has turned to rain, and it's supposed to be 60 degrees this weekend. :rolleyes:

Mmmm...Old Bay!!! I should try that!!! Me and my fancy dinners! :lmao:
:goodvibes Hi ALL! :)

We got a good dumping of snow yesterday!!! Roads where attrocious -- you know it's bad when you work for the GOVT. and they send out a mass email stating you can leave work and begin your commute home at 3 pm instead of normal closing time at 4:30!! We got over 11 inches , a little more than 2 feet!!! I went out to my car to get it ready for the commute, and the snow was past my knees, and to my bottom bumper/ bottom of the doors!!! what a nightmare! but thankfully we got home safe and the roads are still in pretty bad shape, it was a slow and sippery commute this AM, and flurries are expected to continue through the day! it' s not snowing solidly like yesterday was , so it's a full work day today, I'm sure....but the ride to and from work always causes me grief when it's snowed! I'm not the best winter driver! wish me luck today.
PS....ALL I can say is THANK GOD I bought my Subaru!! I love that car!!! :)

Thinking of you all and excited to read all your planning! Pas, it's getting close to your trip now! I'm so excited to hear your review when you get back. Have an amazing time!!

I'd like to know about everyone's August dates too! We are thinking a Poly/BC split from 8/10-8/18.

GG - Firm dates :lmao:

pas - sorry about the debit card issue :headache:

janet - I can't believe your wallet didn't fall off. You got lucky. Too funny :rotfl2:

Dani - when you said vestibule all I could think of was the episode of Friends when Chandler is stuck in an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre :rotfl2: Glad you got your wallet back!

babyberger - How are you feeling today? :hug:

Mousemommy - I'll bet your DD is getting very excited for her play! :yay:

Miss - Old Bay on popcorn. Yum! popcorn::

DetTigsGal - You said the S word. Yuck! I am so not ready for winter. :scared:

So I read on the GF thread that RPC TPV was shut down for the Gasparilla's refurb. It's due to reopen mid-December but if it is delayed we could get walked. DH says he really wants it, but that he really wants it because he knows I really want it. :confused3

An elusive AKV 1 BR CL room popped today as available for 12/30. I can't decide if I should jump on it or keep RPC (where I really want to be :cloud9:) but with the risk of getting walked to somewhere I don't want to be :sad1: I'm just afraid that if I do get bumped I will have very little notice and that anywhere else I like will be booked. :sad2:

Also, if I do get to stay at RPC Sarah said she and her DD might be able to meet me for tea overlooking the lobby so there's another reason to just leave it alone and hope for the best, right?! :goodvibes
Forgot in my last post...

pas - I love the visual of picturing your DDs as the Despicable me girls. I love love love that movie! Those girls are awesome and I'm sure your DDs are too. That comment from Bree.... :lmao:
Nice Candace! Methinks we should do this too this time since it didn't happen in September! :goodvibes

You should!!! It's really wonderful! Reminded us of our trips before kids...:goodvibes

IN OTHER NEWS --- if you are planning on ordering anything from Disney for Christmas, they have an awesome special going on right now for 25% off your whole order (code: DISNEYPAL)
And there is also free shipping on orders over $75 (code: SHIPTODAY)

I just scored all of the stuff on the girls list including Cinderella's castle for a sweeeet price!!!! Deal good through Monday. :yay:

I also seem to have reached my limit for PMs, so I had to go and delete everything because I don't know how to archive....
Mousemommy1 said:

The worst part is over. The girls nightly extra-curricular activities are only Monday-Wednesday, so tonight, I am hoping to be able to cook dinner and chillax!! Hoping, anyway...:goodvibes

DH will be home late Saturday night, so only a few more days! :yay:

Next weekend is opening weekend for the Velveteen Rabbit, featuring DD8!!! They have been working hard but this next week is the worst!!! Starting Saturday, they will be putting in 24 hours of rehearsal time throughout the week! Yikes!! But, DD8 says "we need it".
yay the debut!!!

So zinger number three for me..laptops both crashed thanks to a virus..yipee...dis only on the phone...oh hrh bent her glasses too..insert headache icons here

Sorry in advance for crappy multiquote....

Missoutandabout said:
Good morning, ladies! :goodvibes :wave2:

Aww, this warms my East Coast heart -- shame they got rid of 'em though. :sad1: My first ballot was cast in one o' those old-style curtain booths. All subsequent votes I've cast here and overseas have been on a paper ballot standing at a desk or mail-in. Just not the same!

Is it still snowing? Please send it back to us. I know I'll regret saying this but since our winter kinda sucked last year, I'm hoping we get a real winter this year. Cue the blizzards. :scared:

Oh no. :headache: I bet you do find it now that they've deactivated. That's how it works with me. You've got a good back-up plan though. All set. :hug: So. exciting. so. CLOSE.
The weather this weekend is supposed to be beautiful!!
Grumpy Grandma said:
So I'm really curious now .... August dates .... anyone have firm dates yet ... or should I say firm in an RC fashion?!?!
I'm thinking Aug 5th to 19th

chimo2u said:
Thinking of you all and excited to read all your planning! Pas, it's getting close to your trip now! I'm so excited to hear your review when you get back. Have an amazing time!!

three work days left...woohoo

i_heart_the_mouse said:
I'd like to know about everyone's August dates too! We are thinking a Poly/BC split from 8/10-8/18.

GG - Firm dates

pas - sorry about the debit card issue :headache:

janet - I can't believe your wallet didn't fall off. You got lucky. Too funny :rotfl2:

Dani - when you said vestibule all I could think of was the episode of Friends when Chandler is stuck in an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre :rotfl2: Glad you got your wallet back!

babyberger - How are you feeling today? :hug:

Mousemommy - I'll bet your DD is getting very excited for her play! :yay:

Miss - Old Bay on popcorn. Yum! popcorn::

DetTigsGal - You said the S word. Yuck! I am so not ready for winter. :scared:

So I read on the GF thread that RPC TPV was shut down for the Gasparilla's refurb. It's due to reopen mid-December but if it is delayed we could get walked. DH says he really wants it, but that he really wants it because he knows I really want it. :confused3

An elusive AKV 1 BR CL room popped today as available for 12/30. I can't decide if I should jump on it or keep RPC (where I really want to be :cloud9:) but with the risk of getting walked to somewhere I don't want to be :sad1: I'm just afraid that if I do get bumped I will have very little notice and that anywhere else I like will be booked. :sad2:

Also, if I do get to stay at RPC Sarah said she and her DD might be able to meet me for tea overlooking the lobby so there's another reason to just leave it alone and hope for the best, right?! :goodvibes
definitely give dh a heads someone who was walked from rpc...its better to be prepared

Mousemommy1 said:
Just booked the Sandcastle Club for the girls!! :dance3:

5 glorious hours of Disney adult time with my love!!! :love:
yay Candace!!!!

Mousemommy1 said:
You should!!! It's really wonderful! Reminded us of our trips before kids...:goodvibes

IN OTHER NEWS --- if you are planning on ordering anything from Disney for Christmas, they have an awesome special going on right now for 25% off your whole order (code: DISNEYPAL)
And there is also free shipping on orders over $75 (code: SHIPTODAY)

I just scored all of the stuff on the girls list including Cinderella's castle for a sweeeet price!!!! Deal good through Monday. :yay:

I also seem to have reached my limit for PMs, so I had to go and delete everything because I don't know how to archive....

Shopping as we speak...
Good morning!

Marie – so glad the Subaru got you back and forth to work safe and sound!!!

IHTM – I am slowly recovering, thank you :hug: I know the dr said 4-6week recovery but I expected to be doing more than I am at 2 weeks. I am just antsy not being able to get up and go whenever I want. Oh tough decisions on RPC, what did you decide? I would say leave it if that is where you really want to be and hope for the best!

Jeanette – LMAO about the girls, that was a great visual :rotfl2: We are anxiously waiting for Despicable Me 2, and every time we are at the movies and see the trailer DH lets out the biggest laugh, it is almost embarrassing :blush: he LOVES the minions, LOL!

Candace – yeah on some grown up time in Disney!!! I saw the Disney store sale, but just haven’t actually gone onto the site to see if there is anything the kiddos want. I hope you had an enjoyable full dinner last night ::yes::

Has anyone heard from Sarah? Does she need to leave the hotel tomorrow? Thinking of her always!!!! :grouphug:

I have convinced DH to be my chauffer and errand boy this weekend ;) I really need to get to Target and Bed, Bath, and Beyond and maybe the grocery store. It is an ambitious list so we will see what I can really accomplish.

Wishing everyone a great weekend!! :goodvibes

Good morning all! Just caught up on the thread, while I was at the laundromat this morning. Yup, that's where you have to go when you have been without power for 12 days. :scared1: There have been a few power trucks spotted in town, maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel, fingers crossed.

i heart, don't want to try to influence your decision on whether or not to keep the RPC for 12/30...but tea on NYE afternoon with you would be so much fun, however we will be at WDW, so meeting you anywhere will be wonderful! :goodvibes

pas, I am getting so excited for your Pas Princess trip princess: Less than a week to go!!!

babyberger, let your husband be your chauffeur this weekend. You need to get into tip top shape for your upcoming trip to WDW.

Once we get power back and life settles down, I will start a new list of RC trips for pas to post on our next thread. Sounds like there are a lot of people going in August!

Hope everyone has a great weekend. :)
:guilty: That stinks sis..I think with the juggling DS4 and the 30 lb bag of puppy food...

August???? :cool1:

SO EXCITED!!! HRH and I were picking out our lunch from GF cafe, and she really wants some gingerbread :santa:

Yes, my dear sis will be at her Poly :cloud9:

It already seems to be melting...good with that since hubs took the Suburban to work

It's hard to multitask sis. Especially with the kids.

Morinin' Peeps!

Dani, that is so me too!! Hope everything worked out okay with the debit card and hope you were able to get the wallet before it walked away .....

One time when the kids were younger I stopped for gas, put my wallet on the roof rack ... pumped the gas and then went on my merry way on the expressway ... noticed these people gesticulating to me ... thought they wanted to get in my lane so I waved them on .. then they started mouthing words and pointing to the top of the car ... then the light bulb went off, pulled over, and by some miracle the wallet was intact.

Yes my wallet was still there when I realized. I was still in the parking lot. I had went in my bag to make sure everything was still there because I was so frazzled. Good thing I did!

That is crazy! Luck was definitely on your side!

Dani, what are your dates in August??

Yes, sis....

We are definitely going 7/28 but I'm not sure how long we are going to stay. At least 9 nights for sure.

Dani – woohoo for nailing down dates! I feel like the trip is real once I do that It will be interesting to see what you end up booking come January
Where I book and where we actually end up is an entirely different story! ;)

I hope I DON'T find it...that will make me :headache: JK....not really

My girls are EXACTLY like them I can't wait to go on the ride. Bree is JUST like Agnes...even talks like her. Last night after DH took a shower, she sadi "Daddy you smell so good I CAN'T STAND IT I WANT TO EAT YOUR HEAD" :lmao: And she said it just like Agnes would...and my Kate...crazy and tough like Madison, protective and sacastic like Margo...gotta love it

How adorable sis!

I'd like to know about everyone's August dates too! We are thinking a Poly/BC split from 8/10-8/18.

GG - Firm dates

pas - sorry about the debit card issue

janet - I can't believe your wallet didn't fall off. You got lucky. Too funny

Dani - when you said vestibule all I could think of was the episode of Friends when Chandler is stuck in an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre :rotfl2: Glad you got your wallet back!

babyberger - How are you feeling today?

Mousemommy - I'll bet your DD is getting very excited for her play!

Miss - Old Bay on popcorn. Yum!

DetTigsGal - You said the S word. Yuck! I am so not ready for winter.

So I read on the GF thread that RPC TPV was shut down for the Gasparilla's refurb. It's due to reopen mid-December but if it is delayed we could get walked. DH says he really wants it, but that he really wants it because he knows I really want it. :confused3

An elusive AKV 1 BR CL room popped today as available for 12/30. I can't decide if I should jump on it or keep RPC (where I really want to be :cloud9:) but with the risk of getting walked to somewhere I don't want to be :sad1: I'm just afraid that if I do get bumped I will have very little notice and that anywhere else I like will be booked. :sad2:

Also, if I do get to stay at RPC Sarah said she and her DD might be able to meet me for tea overlooking the lobby so there's another reason to just leave it alone and hope for the best, right?! :goodvibes

We might be lounge mates again! I have to do early August. The end of August is too rainy and yucky for me. :crazy2:

I love that episode of friends! So hilarious.

Just booked the Sandcastle Club for the girls!! :dance3:

5 glorious hours of Disney adult time with my love!!! :love:


Good morning all! Just caught up on the thread, while I was at the laundromat this morning. Yup, that's where you have to go when you have been without power for 12 days. :scared1: There have been a few power trucks spotted in town, maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel, fingers crossed.

i heart, don't want to try to influence your decision on whether or not to keep the RPC for 12/30...but tea on NYE afternoon with you would be so much fun, however we will be at WDW, so meeting you anywhere will be wonderful! :goodvibes

pas, I am getting so excited for your Pas Princess trip princess: Less than a week to go!!!

babyberger, let your husband be your chauffeur this weekend. You need to get into tip top shape for your upcoming trip to WDW.

Once we get power back and life settles down, I will start a new list of RC trips for pas to post on our next thread. Sounds like there are a lot of people going in August!

Hope everyone has a great weekend. :)

Sarah I am happy to hear from you. I hope you are doing well. I would be going nuts if I had to go this long without power!
Hello, RC Family! :wave:

I'm sorry it has been so long since my last visit - internet issues here and we've all been a bit depressed after our sweet Jackie went to heaven.

Hope everyone is doing wel and safel...(Sarah, praying power returns very soon) .

Will go back and catch up when I get back from a weekend trip to Boston to visit with one of my dearest friends.

So...I need help, please! It has been more years than I can remember since a WDW visit with a young child. My DGD, Sophia, will be going for 2 ngts and one day with my DD - they will stay in a LM room because it is Sophia's only request!

They will have just one park day at MK and must keep it pretty laid back for Sophia - she is 4 and easily overwhelmed and extremely shy.

Here's my dilemma: I know M&M are now in Town Sq - what is the best way to see them? What about Princesses? Ariel and Cinderella are her favorites, but she likes them all, of course.

Oh, and what about the new Fantasyland?? Want them to be well prepared (they will be Jan 28th, 2 ngts, at MK the 29th), so they can see everything Sophia would enjoy.

Thanks so very much! Hugs to all - miss you!!:grouphug:
Hello, RC Family! :wave:

I'm sorry it has been so long since my last visit - internet issues here and we've all been a bit depressed after our sweet Jackie went to heaven.

Hope everyone is doing wel and safel...(Sarah, praying power returns very soon) .

Will go back and catch up when I get back from a weekend trip to Boston to visit with one of my dearest friends.

So...I need help, please! It has been more years than I can remember since a WDW visit with a young child. My DGD, Sophia, will be going for 2 ngts and one day with my DD - they will stay in a LM room because it is Sophia's only request!

They will have just one park day at MK and must keep it pretty laid back for Sophia - she is 4 and easily overwhelmed and extremely shy.

Here's my dilemma: I know M&M are now in Town Sq - what is the best way to see them? What about Princesses? Ariel and Cinderella are her favorites, but she likes them all, of course.

Oh, and what about the new Fantasyland?? Want them to be well prepared (they will be Jan 28th, 2 ngts, at MK the 29th), so they can see everything Sophia would enjoy.

Thanks so very much! Hugs to all - miss you!!:grouphug:

I think that the best way to see all of the princesses at MK would be a meal at Cinderella's Royal Table! :goodvibes
That way they all come to her, she'll get a pic with Cinderella, and Ariel is one of the princesses there.
Hello ladies! Happy, happy... HAPPY, HAAAAAPPY (did I say 'happy'?) Friday! :goodvibes

Okay now, who's changed ... and to what? *gives the evil eye* Do we have an "evil eye" smiley? This'll have to do: :magnify:

Our copy of Brave is on the way. :hyper: Going to stash it away for Santa though. :santa: I have a hard time relinquishing my gifts to him for some reason.

Hello, RC Family! :wave:
Here's my dilemma: I know M&M are now in Town Sq - what is the best way to see them? What about Princesses? Ariel and Cinderella are her favorites, but she likes them all, of course.

Hello Christine! So nice to see you around. :wave2: :hug:

I agree with Candace on the meal at the castle. Would be perfect to see all the princesses there! (I think the only guaranteed princesses at Town Square seem to be Cinderella and Belle. Aurora was swapped out with Rapunzel when we were there. Not sure if Ariel is an option. :confused3) One nice thing is about the Town Square Theatre, you can get a Fastpass for a Mickey & Minnie meet-and-greet if you think it would be easier for Sophia. Although, when we were there, the line for M&M went quickly compared to the Princesses.
Thank you, Candace and Miss E!

They do hope for CRT, but we cannot book for a few weeks and no idea if it will be available - if so, then that will be plan A. Of course, they will definitely stop to see M&M - my friend was there last March and said at the time the FP machine was in sort of alley between the Hat Shoppe and Tony's - would that be the same now?

Thank you! :hug:
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