Should we be worried all these people have lightsabers? May '13 TR *NEW 8/19*

NYC Newlywed

Still basking in the post-Disneymoon glow
Mar 20, 2013
“Uh, uh, Minnie? I hear someone’s celebrating an anniversary!”

Yes, yes, we were greeted by the Mouse himself upon arriving in our hotel room - which was also personally decorated by Tiana, but I’m getting a bit ahead of myself. Hi, I’m Ashley. :wave2: Forever Disney lover, DIS noob, New Yorker by address only, princess extraordinaire (that’s how it works right? I married my prince, so now I’m a princess by default? Or at least a duchess like Kate...)

I kid.

I also happen to be the luckiest girl in the world, because after a perfect wedding in June ‘12 and the most magical Disneymoon in December ‘12, I was able to go back to the World in May ‘13 to celebrate my very first anniversary with my Prince Charming. :love: So much better than paper, am I right?

Here we are, just two crazy lovebirds:


I’ll keep the intros short. As I already said, I’m Ashley. I’m 23 and I live in NYC, but I seem to have left my heart back home in IL. Planning our Christmas 2012 trip ignited something...well, slightly crazy and obsessive in me, and I haven’t been able to get enough Disney World since.

The husband is 24 and is not nearly as obsessed as I am. He is, however, the nicest, most relaxed and naturally happy guy I’ve ever met, and would never tell me no. Yeah, I’m pretty lucky. :cloud9:

A few months before said anniversary was to commence, the stars aligned and my dream since returning to NY on December 28th came true; we were heading back to sunny, sunny Florida! Our real, true anniversary is actually on June 2nd, but since I knew that the first Star Wars Weekend :darth: would collide with the end of the Flower and Garden festival, moving our trip up by a couple weeks was a no-brainer.

In the two months between when we booked our trip and when the **magic** started, I obsessed, read, planned, worked and re-worked our ADRs, and basically just ate and slept Disney. Even though each day felt like a year, the day of reckoning FINALLY arrived. And here is where our story starts...
May 16th Part 1: Cupcake #1, Old Friends, and Big Surprises

Because I cant really grasp the concept of spending any less time in Disney than humanly possible, and also because flights in the wee early morning are lots cheaper, we left good ole Manhattan at the god-forsaken hour of 4am. I slept all of 45 minutes due to excitement and obsessing, but who really cares - DISNEY, HERE WE COME!

Our flight was uneventful and we landed at MCO around 9-something in the morning. We hopped in the Magical Express line and managed to grab front row seats - oh yes. The obligatory were-here-and-look-I-can-prove-it-its-the-Disney-sign shot:


We finally arrived at Port Orleans-Riverside, I think before the clock even struck ten, and our room was already ready. Score. Even though wed stayed in the Royal Rooms during our Disneymoon and I knew they were all the same, I practically ran all the way there, I was so excited. After some squealing and cell phone shots, I checked our voicemail and teared up as Mickeys voice filled the room. I love those little touches that Disney does.

Best resort ever?




Soon after that, though, our bodies realized that we had been up for about 8 hours now and hadnt been fed. We strolled over to the food court for some sustenance, where we were met by a special guest! Our wonderful, dear, darling friend Kofi was and is participating in the college program and getting to hang with him was another huge motivator for our trip. Plus, he officiated our wedding, and it somehow felt right to include him in the anniversary celebrations.

So we all got our food (first Disney cupcake, yes!) and caught up. Kofi told us about his job (he worked on Spaceship Earth, the lucky jerk) and we caught him up on the haps in New York (please forget I said haps).

Then he told us the best thing of all: He could get us into Epcot. For free. SCORE. I knew we kept him around for a reason.

This day we had pretty much planned on taking it easy, hanging around the resort and Downtown Disney. But why do that when you can go to Epcot?! So off we went!
Oh, wow! I think I'm the first person subbing in!! yay!

Can't wait to hear more about your trip! :surfweb:
Sounds great so far. Looking forward to hearing about your trip. My family and I were at Disney for the last Star Wars Weekend.
Oh, wow! I think I'm the first person subbing in!! yay!

Can't wait to hear more about your trip! :surfweb:

Sounds great so far. Looking forward to hearing about your trip. My family and I were at Disney for the last Star Wars Weekend.

Yay!! :welcome: I'm often a lurker on trip reports, so I'm glad you said hi!

I'd love to hear about your experience. We didn't do a ton of SWW stuff, but the atmosphere was awesome.
May 16th Part 2: Spaceships, Rum, and...Spock?

When we last left off, PJ, Kofi, and I were headed for a surprise first day at Epcot. I was beyond excited to be going to a park, and as a bonus I felt super spontaneous doing it, which I am usually not.

As excited as I was to be at POR, stepping through those turnstiles really makes you feel it. I was finally back in Disney and all was right with the world.

Last year, I got to see my favorite band in the whole world twice in two weeks. I’d seen them a bunch of times before, but this was extra special. I remember walking into the second show thinking, “Is this real? Am I really back here again?” I felt the exact same way being back at Disney after a mere 5 months. I really am a lucky lady.

So we entered Epcot and immediately made a quick pitstop at the photo shop so I could get our PhotoPass+ card. Then we headed to, where else? Spaceship Earth.

Kofi took one look at the line and said “That’s too long; let’s go in the back way.” AND THEN WE WENT THROUGH THE BACK WAY! I felt so cool and VIP, and also slightly illicit. In case he wasn’t supposed to do that, don’t tell. :ssst:

I honestly couldn’t believe this. A couple hours into our trip, I thought we’d be lounging by the pool or taking the handy-dandy boats to Downtown Disney, but instead here we were, getting off our first ride. We laughed at our silly videos and then skipped merrily off to see what was going on in Epcot that day.

I had been reading about the F&G displays forever and couldn’t wait to see them all. As my apparent luck on this day would have it, the first one we ran into (after the entrance) was the Lion King display. You guys, we seriously love the Lion King. It’s our thing. Our wedding song was Can You Feel the Love Tonight. I was so excited.


After geeking out over what most of you have probably seen year after year, we wandered some more, taking in the F&G wonder. :flower3: Then the boys decided they wanted to ride Mission: Space. I remember from one of my way back trips that this ride was not for me - I can’t handle the claustrophobic-ness of it. So I had a rest in the play area while they did that.

After their voyage into the solar system, we kept walking, buying a couple of alcoholic Dole Whips along the way.

Do you like how I just said that all casually? Because I was NOT casual about it. Dole Whips + Rum...I practically ran to that booth. The verdict: man was it good, but also, man was it strong. Just sayin’.



We chatted about what we wanted to do with the rest of our day and decided pretty easily on Downtown Disney. So we meandered out of the International Gateway and checked out the Epcot resorts first.


Then we hopped on a bus from the Beach Club. Kofi had told us that he really enjoyed the Irish counter service place (I can’t remember the name now) but I really wanted to eat at a TS restaurant since we were on the Dining Plan, so we headed straight to Raglan Road. MAN ALIVE, did I like that place. I got the Serious Steak, and it was seriously fantastic. Yum. And those potatoes... I couldn’t even tell you what the boys got, because I was so focused on that meal. (Actually, according to my pictures, PJ got some sort of plate of all meat. He wasn’t as impressed) I, on the other hand, ate so much I couldn’t even handle dessert, which trust me, that never happens.

We got our checks and sped off because we had a plan in mind; and off we were to see.... Star Trek. I know, I know. But the boys wanted to see it and, well, why not? So we watched Star Trek at Disney. It had just come out that day anyway, and that’s always fun because the crowd gets more into it.

After the movie, I was so tired. We had been awake for like 18 hours at this point after not much more than a nap the night before. Plus travelling. And walking around Epcot. I was a goner. But who am I to be tired when there is shopping to be had? So we hit the stores first. PJ wanted this pin vest, but I think it’s silly.


He’s too adorable though.

I wish I had more pictures from this night, but I really didn’t take any. I think Downtown Disney is in its element at night; I love the atmosphere. I was just too tired to care, though.

After the shopping/vest modeling, we decided it was high time to head home, since we had an early and very full day planned.
That sounds like an exhausting but great day. I love Dole Whip but did not like it with rum. My favorite part of F&G is the butterfly garden, sooo pretty.

SWW was great! We got Peter Mayhew and Billy Dee Williams autographs.
May 17th Part 1: Modeling, Mickey, and Math

We woke up early the next day - our first full Disney day! - and got ready. Then we headed off for our first Disney breakfast at the Riverside Mill. And alas, what else could we get but Mickey waffles? They were actually a bit sub-par this time, which was disappointing. You can’t win ‘em all.

With our bellies somewhat full and the promise of great food ahead, we set off for...


Even though we had just been here yesterday, this was the plan and I was stickin’ to it. :rolleyes1

We started off with a mini-PhotoPass photoshoot. The photographer was SO nice and even offered up our very first magic shots. We did the one where Mickey and co. are “soarin’” over us and one where we’re holding Tinkerbell. I’ll only show you the Tink one though, because we look insane in the other.


After the pictures, we walked briskly back to Test Track to get Fastpasses. We didn’t get to ride it at all during our December trip, so I was determined. After those, I decided that we should pass the time by meeting my best friend, Mickey Mouse. And, you know, some other characters too. (Kidding, I love them all; just Mickey most).

And so we arrived at the character spot. The wait was actually already kind of long, but it’s air conditioned so I wasn’t mad.

I was however, getting more and more nervous. It’s not like I hobnob with celebrities all the time, but I have met a few in my day. I swear that I get the most star-struck over Disney characters though. So as I stood in line, I tried to think of things to say. I must not have come up with anything good though, because I mostly just smiled a lot.

We finally got into the room where the characters are. I love watching the kids ahead of us with them, it’s so cute and I can’t wait to bring our kids to Disney one day. was our turn.

Of course, I insisted on getting my own picture with Mickey by myself first.


Then the group shot. I love these pictures, even if my hair is crazy.


Then onto Minnie and Pluto.



There really isn’t anything to report from these meets; I tried to chat but I actually felt really rushed and the PhotoPass photographers were kind of disappointing. They just took a few standard posed shots; nothing from our interactions or anything.

Once we were finished, we still had some time left before our Fastpass time, so I decided to take PJ on one of the few things he’d actually requested for this trip.

This was actually a big deal, because I do basically all of our trip planning. He is not a planner at all, and is very go-with-the-flow, so he happily leaves it all to me. However, we were watching a Disney travel show before the trip and they showed Sum of All Thrills and how you can design your own ride. That really piqued his interest, so Sum of All Thrills it is.


I actually really loved doing this. I mostly let him design it, but I had some input as well. We did a couple loops and a corkscrew - fun stuff. It was really cool how the simulators worked too; but they were a bit claustrophobic. Luckily it goes really fast.

And after that, it was finally time for Test Track!
That sounds like an exhausting but great day. I love Dole Whip but did not like it with rum. My favorite part of F&G is the butterfly garden, sooo pretty.

SWW was great! We got Peter Mayhew and Billy Dee Williams autographs.

I know! They were strong, right? We didn't do the butterfly garden, ugh I knew there was something we forgot! I definitely learned one thing; never again will we do a trip this short. We just need longer.

That is very cool! We didn't do any of that because I am way too impatient for lines. Did you dress up?
The lines were crazy long. We got in line for Billy Dee at 12 am but were able to walk right in to see Peter Mayhew. We did not dress up. We did have our SW shirt on. Short trips are nice if you can go often. I am hoping to go back the beginning of Nov. My favorite time down there is Christmas.
Following along ... great start!

It's funny how one spends months and months planning a WDW trip but then it is the things that you don't plan (like your bonus trip to EPCOT) that you most remember

Congrats on your first anniversary by the way! I guess in the past people would use paper tickets to an event or trip to get away with "paper" being the traditional first anniversary gift, but now that everything is done electronically not sure if that still applies. Maybe we need to change it to being the e-paper/ticket anniversary ;)
The lines were crazy long. We got in line for Billy Dee at 12 am but were able to walk right in to see Peter Mayhew. We did not dress up. We did have our SW shirt on. Short trips are nice if you can go often. I am hoping to go back the beginning of Nov. My favorite time down there is Christmas.

Wow, that's dedication! I'm so jealous; our last trip was the week of Christmas and I can't imagine a better time. I'm hoping to go back in 2014 :( If I survive that long, which is questionable. Will you be able to make Food and Wine? That looks amazing :)

Following along. :goodvibes

Hey! Thanks!

Following along ... great start!

It's funny how one spends months and months planning a WDW trip but then it is the things that you don't plan (like your bonus trip to EPCOT) that you most remember

Congrats on your first anniversary by the way! I guess in the past people would use paper tickets to an event or trip to get away with "paper" being the traditional first anniversary gift, but now that everything is done electronically not sure if that still applies. Maybe we need to change it to being the e-paper/ticket anniversary ;)

Yeah letting go of the plan is the hard part. I get a little testy if we leave the hotel later in the morning than I wanted to :guilty:

Thanks! It was the fastest year; actually it's been 14 months now and I still can't believe it's over. I'm pretty sure I can relate every anniversary to equaling a Disney trip! I just don't think I'll want to go in June every year...can we celebrate a honeymoon anniversary? :goodvibes

Thanks for joining in!
Last year we decided to not do gifts and go to Disney for Christmas. My son and I sold a bunch of things on ebay and we were able to up grade to annual passes this year. So we have done Christmas, F&G, SWW, and are hoping to go that 1st week in Nov. and catch the last Halloween party, 1st Christmas party, Osbourne lights and end of F&W. Don't know if it can happen yet but I am hoping. The AP discounts on the rooms have really helped as well as TiW. Even if we don't go it has been a great year. Hoping you get to go back soon and looking forward to more reports.
May 17th Part 2: Fast Cars, Sombreros, and Green Stuff I Think They Call Plants

Hi everybody! My apologies for the time gap between reports. I had my birthday last week (yayyy! party:) and have also been planning an upcoming trip to Albuquerque (also yayyy!). But I’m back to the grind this week :coffee: and will hopefully be getting out a few reports before I leave.

Last time, the DH and I were finally....finally!...on our way to experience the new Test Track. I hadn’t ridden this since one of my childhood trips (well, to be fair, in high school) and PJ never had. I was pumped! We waited for a bit in the FastPass line, and then went to the room where you design your car. I mostly let PJ take the lead on the car design because, let’s face it, I don’t really care. I just wanted it to be pretty (it actually wasn’t, but c’est la vie).

After designing our car, we got on the ride. Man, that thing was jerkier than I remember! Our car got best in one of the categories and did pretty well overall. I was so excited to get our first ride photo with our PhotoPass+.


And this is what I got. :furious: I was so mad! Our one chance to ride Test Track, and PJ had to cover my face with his monster hands. It wasn’t his fault, so mostly I was play-mad. But I was also still a little bummed since I knew we wouldn’t have time to ride it again. Le sigh. PJ posed in one of the cars and then we left.


After that disappointment, I needed a pick-me-up, and in our world that means food. So we meandered over to World Showcase to get started on those Flower & Garden booths I’d been so excited about. First we had a mini-photoshoot though.


We stopped at the Florida one first and I got the watermelon salad. This thing was SO. GOOD. I ate it so fast I didn’t even have time to take a picture. This actually became a theme of the trip, so don’t expect a whole lotta food porn from now on.

After Florida, we wandered through the World Showcase, stopping by the China, Italy, and America booths. After each one we stopped to sit while we ate and people watched. It was such a relaxing Epcot afternoon, I can’t even tell you.

While walking through World Showcase, we did have one destination in mind. PJ wanted to meet his favorite...


Donald in a sombrero! We didn’t get a lot of interaction here either and I was kind of bummed about that. But how fun is his outfit?


We also checked out the topiaries. I know these are supposed to be the same every year, but since I'd never been I thought they were the coolest things. I loved the Dwarfs and the Pooh ones.


How gorgeous are those flowers? That was one of my favorite parts of F&G; just being around all the greenery and gorgeous nature. You don't get that a lot in NYC, unless you really seek it out. Agh I want to be back there right now.

After all the walking and sun and gorging on amazing food, I was getting pretty tired. Luckily I had planned on that, and knew we would be heading back to POR for the afternoon. So we stumbled, bleary-eyed, out to the buses and went back to our amazing Royal Room. We snuggled up and had a little nap. Then, to wake us up after nap time, we hopped in the quiet pool near our building and swam around a little. It was so relaxing. I love this whole back-to-the-hotel-in-the-afternoons thing. After our swim we both took quick showers (I think?) and then hopped a bus back to Epcot, nice and refreshed.

Coming up: One of my favorite nights of the whole trip.
Thanks for reading guys! :wave2:


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