Show me: your low-light *FLASHLESS* pictures


Disneyland is... a source of joy and inspiration t
Apr 30, 2006
So, if you guys aren't tired of my 'show me' threads yet, here's another one...

Show me some pictures where the lighting conditions were dim/dark, but you did not use a flash. I'm talking about the type where you either bumped up the ISO, slowed down the shutter speed, used a really good lens, etc.

As always, tips are welcome :teeth: (i.e. sharing your settings).

Oh yeah, they don't have to be Disney...

Here are a few of mine... these are from Crystal Cave in Sequoia. The first one was taken at 1600, the second two at 800. I tried both using both settings during the 1/2 mile tour, but unfortunately most of my 1600's had a lot of noise.



Legoland fireworks
iso 100, 4 seconds, f/16.0

I just posted this one in another thread:

I put the camera on the ledge that you see when you first walk in. There were no people because we were on the "Hidden Treasures" tour and World Showcase wasn't open yet.
1s f/10.0 at 24.0mm iso800


1/160s f/3.5 at 50.0mm iso1600


1/3s f/6.3 at 45.0mm iso1600


1/30s f/1.8 at 50.0mm iso1600


1/10s f/2.8 at 20.0mm iso1600


1/250s f/5.6 at 135.0mm iso1600


1/250s f/5.6 at 135.0mm iso1600

Mystic Seaport:

1/10s f/5.6 at 85.0mm iso800

Ellis Island:

1/6s f/5.6 at 48.0mm iso1600
TwoOldPoohs, those are some awesome shots.

Any NR on the 1600ISO shots?
The voyage of the little mermaid with Canon 50mm 1.8 set at f2.8, ISO 800, 1/125 sec

Inside of Its a Small World also shot with the Canon 50mm 1.8 set at f2.0, ISO 1600, 1/160 sec.

The tree of life just after sunset shot with the Canon 17-40 f4 set at f4.0, ISO 3200, 1/30 sec, noise ninja used in post processing.
Anewman said:
TwoOldPoohs, those are some awesome shots.

Any NR on the 1600ISO shots?

Thank you!
I don't think so. They were taken some time ago and I don't remember for certain. But I rarely use NR software because I haven't been able to figure out the right settings. I've tried both Noiseware and NeatImage, and I always seem to lose too much detail. :confused3
Very cool photos, everyone! You guys have a great eye (and great equipment!). Thanks for including your settings!
took this one of DD with my Nikkor 50mm @ 1/125 f/2, I forget the ISO, I'll look it up later when I get on the other computer. Took it at 7pm with just the natural light from the window & sliding glass door.

Copied from another thread of mine on the photography board (Canon camera)

- I bought the Canon 28-135 IS and am very happy with it.
- Interestingly enough, I didn't have a tripod with me last month - so I experimented with the ISO setting - 1600 - for fireworks. You can still capture better-than-rudimentary images without a tripod (should you not want to carry one around) - each of these pictures were all "handheld, no flash" (available light):


ISO = 100
Notes: This was was "lucky" in that the number of exploding fireworks provided sufficient light for the lense to close before hand-held-shake (blur) set in. I rather like the silhouette castle - but it wasn't deliberate.


ISO = 100
Notes: The picture is a little blurry from hand-shake, but it will enlarge just like this to 16 X 20


ISO = 1600
Notes: This picture has a crisper image (no blur-shake), but may appear grainy if enlarged (depending on how large)

Adventurers Club

ISO = 1600
Notes: Usually human movement in low light (without a flash) results in "targeted blur" - that is, the non-moving parts are lit correctly, but the moving parts are blurred - like my Chernabog (see SpectroMagic Thread on this board). Not so with ISO - 1600. I don't think I could have gotten this picture any other way without a flash - and I don't like flashing into performer's eyes, as it can be unsafe for them.

Girl posing for Silouhette

ISO = 400

With a crop for the face

ISO = 400
Notes: I was going for soft light here; image could have been lighter - less yellow, sharper edges - with ISO = 1600)

Grand Floridian at Sunset

ISO = 400

Looks like Mouse bait

ISO = 400

In summary:
- experimenting with ISO was fun and paid off for me. I suggest you take the same picture with ISO 100, 800 and 1600 and compare results. With a few iterations, you'll be able to predict what you will like in a given photo circumstance.
- experimenting with digital is FREE - because you delete the experiments that don't work. I know you already know that, but I have to keep reminding myself in my first year of digital - it's almost like an internal pep talk = "It's OK to take more than one picture. You're allowed to delete the ones that don't work." Old habits die hard...
- If, when you review a picture, the subject is dark, you have at least two options - use the flight to temporarily brighten it - or increase the ISO to give the camera's computer chip the option simulate fast film.
- In order to set the ISO, you need you need to be in the programming zone on the dial - I just used "P" - the first option "above" the auto-zone (green square). This will also prevent the camera from automatically discharging the flash on your behalf.
- Little booklet that comes with camera is accurate and portable
- As with any other new skills (brain-groove), it will be more fun to experiment when not under duress.
- Here is a link to as simple - yet complete - an explanation as an amatuer is likely to digest:

Understanding ISO
One of Daannzzz pics reminded me of this one I took at Legoland

Anyone know how to prevent the blue/green reflection spots?

1/20s f/4.0 at 40.0mm iso400

American Pav from bridge near Mexico Canon S2-Is - one of my first attempts at low light

Fireworks from Big Thunder Mtn area - Fireworks mode

Great Movie favorite movie!


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