Shutdown or Lockdown in your area?

MA is basically in shut down mode already. Most everything is closed except for the grocery stores, pharmacies, takeout food. I agree with Baker. I know that will get some flames but I (and most of the people I know) are only going out when necessary. I take a walk every day and go to the grocery store and takeout. I can work from home. If someone needs an order from the government to do what most are already doing then they probably aren't going to follow that either. We really need to take a deep breath and be rational through this. Panic and fear are not going to help anyone. I promised myself I would stop reading these threads. Must stop now!
I’m in Illinois. I’m an essential worker, out I’ll go. DH farms, out he will go.
DS is home from college, he will stay inside and have online classes.
We got all DD stuff home from dorm yesterday before lockdown. She will stay in place in her area.
Lucky for me, Kroger is behind my building so I can hit it early AM. If I’m not at work, I will be home.
I have Netflix on phone and four books to read.
There is a State of Emergency where we are. Our Governor is not calling for shelter-in-place at this time but he explains that some of what we are doing here is similar to what other Shelter-in-Place or Stay-at-Home States are doing. There are also the same exceptions here like pharmacies, grocery stores, banks, etc. The National Guard has also been activated. Our local grocery store is also open from 6-7:30 for seniors so that works pretty well for us.
  • Restaurants and bars are limited to take-out and delivery
  • Schools are suspended for three weeks, through April 6
  • Hospitals are required to restrict visitors and cancel non-essential elective procedures
  • Nursing homes and assisted living facilities are required to restrict visitors
  • The RMV is extending renewal timelines for some credentials
  • The Open Meeting Law is partially suspended, allowing remote government meetings
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MA is basically in shut down mode already. Most everything is closed except for the grocery stores, pharmacies, takeout food. I agree with Baker. I know that will get some flames but I (and most of the people I know) are only going out when necessary. I take a walk every day and go to the grocery store and takeout. I can work from home. If someone needs an order from the government to do what most are already doing then they probably aren't going to follow that either. We really need to take a deep breath and be rational through this. Panic and fear are not going to help anyone. I promised myself I would stop reading these threads. Must stop now!

But that is NOT the case. People ARE still out and about. I have friends on FB that live in places like Waltham, Brookline and Boston. They are seeing lots of people gathering in parks, kids playing in groups, etc..

I went today to drop my car off at the mechanic and could not believe the amount of cars and people out and about. CVS parking lot was jammed as was Walmart, BJ’s, etc. I also drove by at least three groups of teenagers hanging out...and not social distancing by any means. So it’s not working.

And to clarify, I spoke to my mechanic on the phone and literally dropped the car off after they closed and deposited my key in Dropbox. No human contact. He will call when car is ready and leave the key in the car. I will pay him by credit card over the phone.

We really need for our leaders to get their stuff together.
could not believe the amount of cars and people out and about. CVS parking lot was jammed as was Walmart, BJ’s, etc. I also drove by at least three groups of teenagers hanging out...and not social distancing by any means. So it’s not working.

Exactly the point I have been making for days. Even with a stay-at-home order there are TOO MANY people out and about. No one wants it but I feel like there needs to be less things open, less reasons for people to leave the house. The newspaper had a photo of a local Target that looked like it was Black Friday with the number of people rushing in at opening and filling the isle of TP, cleaning products & food.
Exactly the point I have been making for days. Even with a stay-at-home order there are TOO MANY people out and about. No one wants it but I feel like there needs to be less things open, less reasons for people to leave the house. The newspaper had a photo of a local Target that looked like it was Black Friday with the number of people rushing in at opening and filling the isle of TP, cleaning products & food.
the crux of the matter at hand
We can't stay on lockdown with no end in sight. People will start going stir crazy. Or say we do last a while, then measures are loosened but we see spread again. Back to square one? Lockdowns are fine for now while we figure out what to do and make a plan but it is not sustainable nor a solution. We need to start thinking about what measures can make the most difference and be sustainable.

C'mon USA, we are crafty and can figure out how to cheaply produce and process tests. We need more tests. We need to test everyone with symptoms and everyone who has been in contact with a positive case. We need public temperature screens in high traffic areas and test those with 100F or greater. If only 1% of our tests come back positive, that means we're doing it right.

After we get our numbers back down with the current shutdowns, on to Track and Trace. Mandatory quarantine only for those who are sick or have been exposed and everybody else gets to go about their business. Singapore does this via phone apps mostly and has so far been successful. I understand freedom is a cornerstone to our society. But as it stands now, most of us have already lost our freedom for the foreseeable future. It's not too bad for a few weeks. A couple months? Seasons? Will we get caught in a cycle of rinse, lather, repeat with shutdown, open, shutdown until a vaccine or herd immunity is achieved in 2021 or 2022? Maybe it's better to temporarily give up some rights and allow ourselves to be tracked/traced for Covid19 now because that feels like more freedom to me than currently being in isolation with so much uncertainty. Duration, long term efficacy, income... pfft. Who knows.

I might be crazy for even considering this, but how are we to reopen society without just ending up locked down again if we don't put more effective measures in place? Maybe I drank too much wine. Goodnight! :)
We can't stay on lockdown with no end in sight. People will start going stir crazy. Or say we do last a while, then measures are loosened but we see spread again. Back to square one?
There WILL be a second spike in cases once restrictions are lifted, to me that is a given. When some of the restrictions are lifted people still need to practice social distancing and keep up with cleaning practices (hands, surfaces, etc). If we go back to the tighter restrictions will depend how much of a spike is seen.

I see restrictions lifted in reverse order of how they were put in place. With a larger space between. Open up stores. 7 - 10 days later, allow restaurants to reopen to guest with social distancing in mind, etc. Entertainment venue, sports, and Theme Parks will be the last thing to reopen.
Almost everything here is closed and people seem to be following recommendations EXCEPT for Dillard's they are open and people are still shopping.crazy!
You will always have those people who will defy any order or any common sense restrictions because they don't think it applies to them. Any gatherings over the limit that has been set do need to be broken up. In my area I am happy to see most people are listening to the best practices and not going out in groups, even to CVS or other stores. My CVS is not crowded , people appear to be staying home except for groceries and necessities (driveways are full of cars, not empty), and even the grocery stores are not mobbed. People seem to back to just doing their weekly shopping. The roads seem spookily quiet alot of times. We usually have alot of traffic going by our house but we have noticed how quiet it is now. Our neighbors are walking and playing with their kids in the back yards. I do agree that that lockdown restrictions cannot last for a long period of time. They will slowly lift the restrictions over time.
Just saw an article in the newspaper about people flocking to the beaches in the county south of us.

What part of STAY HOME do people not understand.
Just saw an article in the newspaper about people flocking to the beaches in the county south of us.

What part of STAY HOME do people not understand.
Maybe they need to take a look at what happens once cases hit community wide. different countries.

Currently it's mostly just small pockets in the US. The big problems arise when whole communities get hit. The data looks to me like the more people who are sick, the sicker they become in general. Is it possible repeated exposures are playing a role? I don't know and I certainly don't want to find out firsthand.
Just saw an article in the newspaper about people flocking to the beaches in the county south of us.

What part of STAY HOME do people not understand.
Some exercise, sun and salt water is probably great for the immune system but packed beaches will include drinking excessively, getting sunburn and hanging all over each other. Not so good for the immune system or community.
Check out a Oregon TV station online and read the headlines about spring visitors to the coast.

The two Yuma Casinos close down tonight. the sign says for the virus, but the actual reason, the casino being in the middle of nowhere, no one is gambling there to generate enough even for operating budget. Was there today as we had free play to use. The casino looked like 2:00 in the morning, most of the plates, as I feared, where from California, with LA suburb car dealership plate frames The social distancing was about 15 feet or more and attendants were constantly cleaning machines. Plus they had large event hand washing plastic sink tubs at each door. If not for the Californians traveling hours (car grills covered with insects) to gamble, may have very well been the safest place in Arizona. If we are to install fear, then grocery store chains need to have those big plastic sinks in front of their doors rather than empty purrel cleaning sheet containers.
Just saw an article in the newspaper about people flocking to the beaches in the county south of us.

What part of STAY HOME do people not understand.
How about the whole state of Oregon going to the beaches today....and wife just read...oregon gorge.....but hey, with the largest bookstore, I am sure they have been reading All in a Summer Day, Ray Bradbury...and that is the truth for winter logged Oregonians. Aint no closet big enough.
How about the whole state of Oregon going to the beaches today....and wife just read...oregon gorge.....but hey, with the largest bookstore, I am sure they have been reading All in a Summer Day, Ray Bradbury...and that is the truth for winter logged Oregonians. Aint no closet big enough.
At least around here it’s been sunny and warm. People have been crowding into the beaches at Point Reyes National Seashore and Stinson Beach until the National Park Service closed them down. This was from Stinson Beach in Marin County from yesterday:

920x920.jpg of March 22, 2020, in addition to park visitor centers, the following areas and/or roads are closed until further notice:
  • the Limantour Beach access road
  • Drakes Beach
  • Drakes Estero
  • Mt. Vision Road
Limited access will be allowed to:
  • Palomarin Trailhead area beyond Commonweal entrance
  • Pierce Point Road
  • Lighthouse parking lot
  • Chimney Rock parking lot


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