Sigma 'Fast Prime' Fan Club

That second Lu at the Park is great - love how you captured her hair in motion and her facial expression. Priceless!
Ugh, I knew it was a mistake to open this thread. After looking at so many incredible pictures from everyone here I suddenly have the urge to part with more of my hard earned $.

Justin Miller, sir, that caretaker picture is insane. Did you really capture that with 1/8 shutter? How in the world...:worship:
Justin Miller, sir, that caretaker picture is insane. Did you really capture that with 1/8 shutter? How in the world...:worship:

Thank you for the kind words. That darned caretaker has gotten so dark that it really requires turning up the sensitivity! Most of the really great shots I've seen of him were from full-frame camera shooters with F1.4 or faster lenses shooting at ISO25600 in RAW and with lots of processing work.

For me, ISO6400 is about as far as my camera can go reasonably cleanly - ISO12800 gets pretty noisy and hard to clean. Even with a fast lens wide open, you can see the shutter speeds you get on that guy - 1/8 was all I could manage - I could have possibly gone a little faster if I'd shot in RAW, underexpose it, and bring it up in post-processing - but I was fairly lazy and just wanted to shoot it in JPEG so I didn't have to spend time working on it later. That's why the slower shutter speed.

I can give credit to one of the biggest advantages of in-body stabilized cameras - having stabilized fast standard primes! Without stabilization, I wouldn't have had a chance - all I had to do was account for the vehicle forward motion, and let the stabilization handle any small hand vibration or movement during the snap!


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