Singing on the Pirates Ride??

OP, I hope we end up in the same boat as you someday! That sounds like fun!

Every once in awhile one of the guys in my group with shout to the Blue Bayou tables "Toss me a dinner roll!" or something like it and the diners will usually laugh and some will feign tossing an item.

People do get picky on this ride though. When my DS was 2 or 3 he briefly and unexpectedly had a fear of the dark phase and brought a flashing sword on the boat and kept turning it on during the non-lit parts of the ride (not the actual scenes, just the pitch black parts) to make him feel better. We got yelled at, but the other boat riders didn't appreciate his crying at the dark during the next pitch black part much better so they decided the light was better ... :confused3 We also only tend to go on this ride when there's little to no line so its not like one couldn't just go again easily.

Can't please everybody.

Now see, this I would have a problem with. Simply because bright flashing lights on dark rides can (and have) induce migraines in seconds. Now, I probably wouldn't say anything to you about it but my ride would be ruined because I'd be sitting there with my face buried in DBF's shoulder/arm/chest until the ride was over. I'm not saying don't do that ever, I'm just saying that the flashing lights would bug me a lot more than people singing does. :) Perhaps a small idea would in order here? Maybe instead of flashing lights he can use a cell phone for a light? the light from a cell phone is much less intrusive and migraine inducing than bright and/or flashing lights. :) And please don't take offense, just weighing in on why that might not be the idea. :)

Wow, do you have a problem with kids singing Its a Small World too? Or how about You Can Fly on Peter Pan?

My opinion: As long as you are not being obnoxious and overly loud, I don't care if you sing a bit.
If you ask us to sing with you we just may. I sing the song with my kids too because it helps with any possible anxiety. I don't sing loud enough for others to hear because I don't think I'm all that great of a singer. For those that think riding a ride is like watching a movie and the quiet level should be the same.....really? It's a RIDE not a movie! If you really require that level of quietness to enjoy the ride, I'm sorry.

I think its ruder for grown adults to scream in the stretching room on HM than for singing on a ride. But no one is up in arms over that EVERY.SINGLE.VISIT!

ITA with both of those statements. :) And really, it's OK for kids to sing but not adults? DL is my happy place too, singing makes me happy, why would I not sing?????
I think its ruder for grown adults to scream in the stretching room on HM than for singing on a ride. But no one is up in arms over that EVERY.SINGLE.VISIT!

I absolutely am. This actually infuriates me, as opposed to just being irritated about people singing on Pirates (which has just turned in to feeling a little sad after reading this thread with so many saying they don't like it and the singers essentially saying they don't particularly care).

I feel like HM has been created in such a way that while you experience minor shocks and surprises, it's still a magical Disney experience.

Screaming is jarring. For people who have PTSD issues, it's enough to set your nerves so on edge that it's hard to calm down and enjoy the rest of the ride. My first time on HM, I had no idea this was a "thing" people did and was completely unprepared when a grown man screamed in my ear and my husband's ear while he was holding our 1 y/o son.

As someone who has experienced trauma and who's brain is wired to react in dangerous situation, it took every fiber of my being to restrain myself from physically reacting. I'm a VERY calm person and that works well in a crisis without batting an eye. But that screaming, it really, really upsets me and I wish there were repercussions for people who did it.
Wow, do you have a problem with kids singing Its a Small World too? Or how about You Can Fly on Peter Pan?
I think its ruder for grown adults to scream in the stretching room on HM than for singing on a ride. But no one is up in arms over that EVERY.SINGLE.VISIT!

I don't go on It's a Small World anymore, to be honest, because the whole thing is irritating to me (nobody in my family goes anymore, we all find it cold and annoying). On Peter Pan I've only ever heard anyone say, "You can fly, you can fly..." never singing much more than that. Maybe I've just been lucky.

I agree, by the way, that the ruder of the two IS the screaming adults in the stretching room on HM.
I'd way rather someone sing to POTC loudly than scream in the stretching room in HM. That one is just..ugh. I'm up in arms about it too. I ALMOST said something but didn't want to make other people uncomfortable. My kids this next trip are going to be nervous again. Last time it was Jack's overlay and they ended up loving it but.. the whole new theme is going to scare them all over again. I don't even know if I can take my 2 year old because she's oversensitive to loud noises :(
I want to know just when it became "the thing" to scream on HM. I mean come on people. I just don't get screaming for the sake of screaming. HM is bad, Tower of Terror is worse. Its not just one scream and done, it is scream, after scream, after scream.

Okay, sorry, but screaming on a ride designed to make one scream is not something that a person should be doing :lmao::lmao::lmao:
I will agree to the movie theater conduct. Use the same manners, and there is no reason that this will annoy anyone. One thing that also drives me crazy that was never mentioned; people texting on dark rides Grrr!!! Please dont do this people...

Okay, sorry, but screaming on a ride designed to make one scream is not something that a person should be doing :lmao::lmao::lmao:

If you don't know the type of screaming that some of us are referring to, I'm entirely jealous.

Screaming because you're on a thrill ride is different than screaming because you're being a jerk.
If you don't know the type of screaming that some of us are referring to, I'm entirely jealous.

Screaming because you're on a thrill ride is different than screaming because you're being a jerk.

Oh I am pretty sure that I have heard what you may think is "being a jerk" the difference is that I view it as someone having fun in the park in their own way, not bad behviour that does not conform with how I think they should behave. It may not be how I would conduct myself, but I do not view it as someone being a "bad guest". Unless of course they are starting a fist fight, or yelling at children.

But that is just my opinion, and I am pretty comfortable with that.
I scream on ToT but it honestly scares me every single time I ride'd think after numerous rides I'd be "used" to it but nope, scares the beejebers out of me every time so yup, I scream. And I'm definitely NOT a teenager! lol I actually do a combination laugh scream thing, I'm cracking up as we go up and down but I'm also scared and screaming. lol

Ok first off, hopefully we aren't annoying at all, yes we sing but we don't do it endlessly nor do we do it overly loudly. I'm sure the people in front of us can hear us, probably the people behind us but people do that to us on rides and I never complain about it. Maybe singers are just more tolerant of other singers.

Second....OMG!!!!! What the heck were they thinking?? I would have said something, even with a family on the boat I would have said something. That's just disgusting! I would have told a CM as well, that definitely crosses the line of acceptable behavior IMO.


Walt never expressed that the park was just for kids, it was so families can enjoy the experience togther. If we did not have children my wife and I would still go as much as we could/can afford. I have noticed over the years many disrespectful parents which seems to rub off on their children.
It is for EVERYONE to enjoy..I love to see the expressions of the younger children and having fun, that is part of my disney experience.

I have to admit that I am nostalgic for all the trips in my youth to DL when NO one ever deliberately screamed bloody murder just to be annoying, sang (at all) or talked loudly on any attractions, yelled at those dining at the Blue Bayou, took flash photos on dark rides or had any light up devices whether toys or cell phones. You could hear the sounds of the attraction and really be immersed in the experience.

My favorite thing as a child (and probably still is) is the beginning bayou scene of pirates and the blue bayou. Drifting slowly through the swamp with the fireflies, the rocker on the old man's shack the quiet clink of silverware at the restaurant and then going toward the darker area and hearing the narrative of the pirate skull. I was really please when they finally re-did the soundtrack several years ago so you could clearly hear the narrative.

Manners have gone out the window as they have at movie theaters and other public places. I realize it's only going to get worse as more types of conduct are considered acceptable in public but it does diminish the experience sometimes a little, sometimes a lot for many of us.
Oh I am pretty sure that I have heard what you may think is "being a jerk" the difference is that I view it as someone having fun in the park in their own way, not bad behviour that does not conform with how I think they should behave. It may not be how I would conduct myself, but I do not view it as someone being a "bad guest". Unless of course they are starting a fist fight, or yelling at children.

But that is just my opinion, and I am pretty comfortable with that.

The teenagers in the group I referred to screamed loudly and laughed when all the kids started to cry and high fived each other. :confused3

Sorry, I don't care how much fun you think you deserve, that's just rude.

I'm also comfortable with my opinion :goodvibes
The teenagers in the group I referred to screamed loudly and laughed when all the kids started to cry and high fived each other. :confused3

Sorry, I don't care how much fun you think you deserve, that's just rude.

I'm also comfortable with my opinion :goodvibes

Agreed making children cry is rude, like I said before, fist fights and yelling at children, not cool.

But that would be the extreme, being a little over excurberant, even if someone is louder for a moment longer then they need to be hey, who am I to judge other's? :goodvibes
Agreed making children cry is rude, like I said before, fist fights and yelling at children, not cool.

But that would be the extreme, being a little over excurberant, even if someone is louder for a moment longer then they need to be hey, who am I to judge other's? :goodvibes

My opinion is tainted because of the experience I'm describing :lmao: I'm not up in arms at everyone who has a good time, Promise ;) I'm only 29. I can't afford to be that grumpy yet. :laughing:
Agreed making children cry is rude, like I said before, fist fights and yelling at children, not cool.

But that would be the extreme, being a little over excurberant, even if someone is louder for a moment longer then they need to be hey, who am I to judge other's? :goodvibes

You apparently haven't been on any disney roller coasters with a group of teenage cheerleader girls who deliberately screamed bloody murder (if you'd seen them it was very obviously to get attention) through the entire ride and only paused to take a breath for the next scream, then laughed their heads off afterwards. Until that experience I didn't think screaming on a roller coaster would be that big of a deal, much less break your eardrums. Teenage girl screams are pretty high in the decibel range.
Okay, sorry, but screaming on a ride designed to make one scream is not something that a person should be doing :lmao::lmao::lmao:

I am pretty sure that NO RIDE was designed to have people SCREAMING like what I am talking about. Screaming because you are genereally scared. Is not the same as a group of teenagers going "1, 2, 3 SCREAM, SCREAM, SCREAM" They are not screaming because they are scared, they are screaming just for the sake of screaming.

I scream on ToT but it honestly scares me every single time I ride'd think after numerous rides I'd be "used" to it but nope, scares the beejebers out of me every time so yup, I scream. And I'm definitely NOT a teenager! lol I actually do a combination laugh scream thing, I'm cracking up as we go up and down but I'm also scared and screaming. lol
I have done this myself. I am pretty sure you are not trying to scream as loud as you can, just for the sake of screaming.

If you don't know the type of screaming that some of us are referring to, I'm entirely jealous.

Screaming because you're on a thrill ride is different than screaming because you're being a jerk.
Well having been to the parks more then once, I have heard the type of screaming that you describe. However I guess I am just not that uptight about certian things. Sorry, I just do not let it bother me.:confused3
I have to agree to the screaming as rude, especially when people to do it intentially because they know they can scare the kids and they don't have to deal with screaming crying kids. Little good telling them they are being inconsiderate, because they don't care.
I hate the annoying kind of screaming. Particularly, because I have small children. You know they are doing it for pure annoyance- well, I do anyway. They think it's hilarious (usually teens) to scream at the top of their lungs.

I do not go for singers either, but they are lower down on my radar of tolerance. The number one peeve would have to be the screamers. 2nd would be flash photography, with the singers coming in very close behind.

A PP stated how times have changed- specifically Disneyland compared to their youth. I agree with that. It's just the gradual demise of society- everyone is more rude and loud compared to 50 yrs ago when the park first opened.


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