Single due to Disney.....

As someone who has dated seriously a string of non-Disney-loving men, I can say that it's just not that important really. What's important is that he's ok with you still going without him. If you find someone who trusts and respects you enough to let you go to Disney without being spiteful or irritated that you're spending that time without them, that's what you're looking for. You don't have to go to Disney with your SO; they don't have to love it. But you do have to find someone who lets you be you and doesn't stifle your desires with their own.

My ex did NOT want me traveling by myself to WDW. I went anyway. My BF now wants me to travel wherever I want; his vacation time will be taken up visiting a sick relative, which he does not expect me to come to (but has mentioned, and I would go with him there as well if he wanted me to). It's just about respect of the other person, not their love or dislike of WDW. At least, that's my take on it.
I was with someone that hated Disney...seriously who hates Disney! I mean I get that some people are not in to it, but most people at least have some fun. I am now with someone that I love, that likes Disney. He doesn't love like I do, but enjoys going. I guess what I am saying is don't look for a guy that loves Disney. Look of for someone that loves you enough to love seeing you happy. A relationship is always give and take. Sometimes I go to things that I do not enjoy doing but seeing my boyfriend happy makes me happy. Best wishes!
I started dating a guy who was nerdy--he loved collecting 80's cartoon action figures--and he loved wrestling. I HATED wrestling. But, because I loved him, I watched a few pay-per-views and went to a wrestling show with him and his guys. He saw that despite the fact that I didn't like wrestling, I still went to spend time together with him, doing things he likes. So, even though he doesn't like most country music, he surprises me with tickets to artists I like, to spend time together with me, enjoying things I like. When I got the Disney Visa to save up points for my first Disney trip as an adult, he was like, "I guess I'll go with you, I'm not crazy about Disney, but it seems like a decent time". We saved for 5 years, and when we finally went, (a year after we got married) he LOVED our first trip. Granted, he has a dislike for characters, (they weird him out because he can't get over the fact that they are just people inside the suits, lol) and isn't crazy about watching parades or wishes (he gets super uneasy around big crowds), but he will do them maybe once a trip, because he knows it's important to me. I respect that, and will not book character meals, and will try to be on the wrong end of the park for most of the parades to avoid the crowds. It's all about give and take, and compromises. He's learned to love Disney, and get's excited to book our next trip. He's nowhere near the level of love that I have for it, but he still enjoys his time there, and loves that I love it.

Find someone that is willing to do things that you love, and you be wiling to do the things that he loves, because you love each other, and want to see each other happy. It's a good foundation to a happy, healthy relationship. :-)
You didn't know he was stoned all the time???? So a major pot head who doesn't like kids and let's you treat him to a week of deluxe accommodations at Disney? Ummm, with all due respect, maybe it's time to take some time for yourself instead of looking for a mate. Do some self-reflection about what's really important in your life. If this is the type of person you're choosing, his issues go WAY beyond a dislike of Disney!!!!
That's not respectful in any way. She asked a question and you've decided to attack her personally, which is not really in the spirit of these boards IMO. I think self reflection could help you as well.
When you go on a public message board and post your sob story you are going to receive various types of responses. You are going to get people who are going to 'put you in your place' because they do not like 'I am the victim' posts, you are going to have those that will interject with logic and then you will have those who will cater to your ego and try to make you feel better.

At the end of the day, Disney had nothing to do with the demise of her relationship and I bet pookie10 realizes that now and she knows she is for the better now. That is the most important thing.
Where do people get this idea that general rules of social interaction and civility don't apply online? You are using the exact same justification people who send threats to women online use. In a forum for Disney fans. You see nothing wrong with that?
Where do people get this idea that general rules of social interaction and civility don't apply online? You are using the exact same justification people who send threats to women online use. In a forum for Disney fans. You see nothing wrong with that?
That was complete nonsense. Are you a lawyer?

Go ahead and read what you want into it, because it is more fun that way and it gives you something to debate. :)
Sorry, but there's no way to put a good spin on, "I know we go to Disney every year, but this year mommy wants to go with her new freeloading boyfriend rather than take you kids." Maybe OP can come back and explain it better so we understand what really happened.

I signed up just specifically to call you out on this. I mean, seriously, just who do you think you are? I bet the view is mighty nice perched up on that high-horse of yours. Honestly, people like you just make me so angry. OP owes you no explanations--OP owes you *nothing*.

Oh, and it's not that I'm reacting because you've condemned something that I've personally done (I have no children), it's just that you're a small, small person, and someone needed to say it.

Good day.
I will second the suggestion of nerd dating.

Also they often make bank. ;)


I dated musicians, actors, and athletes - the hot, extroverted guys, life of the party, etc. They were all complete toolbags.

I met my husband playing World of Warcraft. We were long distance for two years, after which he quit his job, packed up everything he owned, left his friends, family, and everything he had ever known, and moved 14 hours South to live with me. We were engaged a few months later and married last year. He is quiet, highly intelligent, and loves video games, sci fi, and all things geeky. He loves me more than life itself and has proven that he will stick by me until the day I die. He's my other half.

He's also a software programmer. His salary, er...isn't bad. Lol.

No one will ever love you and be utterly devoted to you the way a nerdy guy will :lovestruc:thumbsup2

I dated musicians, actors, and athletes - the hot, extroverted guys, life of the party, etc. They were all complete toolbags.

I met my husband playing World of Warcraft. We were long distance for two years, after which he quit his job, packed up everything he owned, left his friends, family, and everything he had ever known, and moved 14 hours South to live with me. We were engaged a few months later and married last year. He is quiet, highly intelligent, and loves video games, sci fi, and all things geeky. He loves me more than life itself and has proven that he will stick by me until the day I die. He's my other half.

He's also a software programmer. His salary, er...isn't bad. Lol.

No one will ever love you and be utterly devoted to you the way a nerdy guy will :lovestruc:thumbsup2

I, too, have found this to be 100% the case.
This nerdy guy can vouch for that! Unfortunately, a lot of us nice (and nerdy) guys finish way last.

I didn't leave them home for some guy. Our family trip is coming up in the fall. They are 8 and 13. neither wanted to go, although im sure if they would have it would have been fun for them. This was my first time ever going anywhere without them. As a full time working and full time in school adult im entitled
I think we get so excited about new relationships that it is difficult to step back and analyze them critically. Everyone wants romance, but once we start thinking that someone is "the one," we have to look at the difficult things. Money, debt, parenting, background, interests, compatability, etc. These things happen. I don't see where you did anything wrong. Maybe going slower and taking more time together first. You could find a guy who is a total disney freak but it won't work out unless you are really working out in the important areas. Just get back in it!
It is better you found out sooner rather than later what type of person he really is. Where do you find guys who like Disney? These message boards for one, but there are a lot of places. I have dated girls I have met through Disney related groups on . I have also met girls in the single riders line at Disneyland. I usually dont go out of my way to talk to people in line but sometimes the ice gets broken one way or the other and you end up having a great time. Is love of Disney something you should really be looking for in a potential partner or spouse? Probably not exactly, but you should have some common interests and values. If Disney is a huge part of your life or interest, if you do things adult Disney related you are bound to run into someone who shares your interest.
By the way, my husband isn't an enormous Disney fan, but he does LIKE Disney, and more than anything, he loves to see me happy. We go to Disney World once a year. He always has fun and he loves to see that smile on my face!! He was never into Disney really before we met, but he gladly and willingly accepts that Disney is a love of mine, so he loves it, too :lovestruc find someone who loves you for YOU, and he won't necessarily have to be a Disney fanatic :thumbsup2
I think vacations are always a test for a relationship, whether it's a Disney vacation or not. I met my husband when we were on vacation and since we lived across the country from each other we only saw each other on vacations during the first 7 months. Still, it wasn't until we made our first trip together (leaving from the same city) that I was confident that we were a good fit. Normally when I traveled with friends, I always assumed the role of coordinator/point person. I didn't notice until we were returning home that he had assumed that role (totally shocking this control freak ).

My husband would never describe himself as a Disney fan (even though he owns a first generation Nightmare Before Christmas snow globe and knows every word to every song), but now that Disney has absorbed Star Wars and Marvel, he is more than willing to visit the House of Mouse.

I am sorry that your ex failed the vacation test and wish you well on your romance quest.
My DH hated Disney while we were dating and would make fun of me for liking it so much. Then after we had kids, he seems more obsessed with it then me. LOL. My point is, don't give up on a person right away. I'm not saying get back with your ex, but don't let a future prospect's lack of liking Disney deter you of having hope for a relationship.
The notion that dating someone for 5 months is too soon to go on a week long trip is laughable. Folks are we stuck int he 1960s or something? This is 2015! I've traveled with people after dating for much less than 5 months. Back in 2009, after dating a girl for 3 months, we went to Disney World for a week. She had never even considered Disney World before I brought it up but she was willing to give it a chance after I explained how adults could have fun too. Anyways, she came back home and said it was the best trip of her life. It didn't end up working out between us but the trip was very fun.

Also, why are we judging a single mom for wanting to go on an adults trip? Seriously? It's not always all about the kids folks.
Today is the one week mark of my girlfriend of 5 years telling me we were through. Looking back on it, we really never had much in common and my neurotic Disney obsession can be too much for anyone. My family has had the DVC since 1986. They go down every year. I visit just about every two. We are currently planning our family trip my parents, siblings, spouses, and children for October. So its pretty deeply ingrained in me. My girlfriend was getting irritated about it everytime it came up because the breakup had been on her mind for some time apparently. The one big thing she told me when she broke the news was to be true to myself next time and find someone with the same passion that I have for Disney and everything else that I love. There is someone out there. I just have to find her. Being in Massachusetts vs closer to the mouse it may be more of a challenge but she's out there some where. This is the second time this has happened to me responsible in some part to Disney. I won't settle again for anything less. No Disney, No Deal.

So sorry for your breakup. But I agree. I have passed up men because I love Disney and won't live without it and go every chance I get! I'd rather be single and happy doing what I love than criticized for it!
Enjoy your Disney vacation with your family and who knows?? Maybe pixie dust will be sent your way and a special someone will find you! pixiedust:
To reply to the OP. I won't be nasty or snarky as much as I'd like to be. I see a lot of redflags in all her posts that concern me.
Being a mom and adult comes with a lot of responsibilities. They don't just go away because you feel "entitled" to something whether it be a childless vacation or anything else. A break from responsibilities yes, of course. A much needed alone time- necessary. I think a lot of us are concerned about your willingness to pay for and include a man who has issues joining you on long vacation minus your children . IMOP- kids come first - always! Until they are on their own.
Just be glad you are free of someone who is not a good fit for you or your children. Findng the right person for you takes time.
Nothing about Disney is childish...that's why we love it so much. We are free to be happy there doing what we love.
So go have your vacation ..enjoy time love will find you.


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